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19. Knowing the truth

How can we be sure that this divine boy from the village of Doddamallur is Prema Sai Baba? Logical proof is useless and cannot help. Logic, reason and intellect cannot understand God. Logic cannot prove or disprove that this boy is a divine incarnation.

Only the spiritual heart of the devotees can feel the presence of God. How can you prove that Krishna was the incarnation of the god, Vishnu? How can you prove that the Buddha attained enlightenment? How can you prove that Jesus Christ was the Messiah? It is impossible to understand it logically; it is only possible to feel it.

During the life of the Buddha those who wanted to logically understand his spiritual state could not understand and realize his greatness. Those who at the time of Jesus Christ wanted to receive logical evidence he was the Messiah could not accept and recognize him. Only those who have been able to open their spiritual heart can recognize the divine incarnation. So it was in antiquity and so it is now.

In ancient Jerusalem, the Jews worshiped the One God, but only a part of them recognized the incarnation of the Messiah. When studying ancient Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavatam, we read stories of how sometimes people worshiped God, but denied the divinity of Krishna, who was right in front of them.

I tell all the stories about the events as a direct witness and participant. The authenticity of my stories is obvious, but I fully understand that miracles cannot be proof of the divine origin of this child.

Supernatural abilities can manifest within many yogis and people with paranormal abilities. If someone demonstrates clairvoyance, levitation and materialization, and can also heal the sick with the power of their energy, this does not mean this person is the incarnation of God.

What then can be proof of the divinity of this or that candidate for Prema Sai Baba? The real evidence is the vibration of divine love, the grace and experience of the Holy Spirit.

Even now, in the presence of the boy Prema Sai Baba people experience divine states, spiritual bliss, and a state of universal divine love. From the age of five, tens of thousands of devotees around the world felt Prema Sai Baba was the incarnation of God.

During Sathya Sai Baba’s lifetime, he said that not all devotees would be able to recognize and accept his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. That is exactly what is happening. The fact is that not everyone more devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba was able to accept Sathya Sai Baba, the same is already happening with Prema Sai Baba.

20. Manifestations of God

In the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba, most of the people are Indian and Russian-speaking devotees from different countries. From the very beginning, the history of Prema Sai Baba has also been closely connected with Russia. More and more devotees from Russia came to visit Prema Sai Baba after he turned three years old.

Living permanently in the home of Prema Sai Baba, I have observed the flow of people who also have come from many other countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America.

Presently, there is intense discussion about how to understand who is Prema Sai Baba? I think those who’ve already learned it should be careful in preaching the truth, because those around them may not accept the truth at the moment. Everything should happen naturally and gradually as everyone progresses at their own pace.

For those people who strongly deny Prema Sai Baba, I can only advise them to be more careful, because out of ignorance one can start to deny God. If they still do not feel an inner spiritual connection with Prema Sai Baba, then one must continue to live a righteous and honest life and engage in meditation and prayer.

For some, God is associated with the form of a divine teacher of humanity, such as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba. For others, God is an impersonal consciousness; in which case, it is appropriate to use such names of God as Brahman, Atman, Tao, Absolute, Jehovah, Spirit.

There are many religious people who perceive God through forms of the Mother Goddess, such as the Mother of God or the Christian wisdom goddess, Sophia.

There are many goddesses that people revere as a form of God, such as: Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kali, Durga, Shakti. In Hinduism, there are at least two great traditions where God is associated with the Mother Goddess. These traditions are called Shaktism and Sri Vidya.

In fact, God is beyond duality. We humans may well perceive God in more understandable forms and manifestations. Some see him as Father God or Mother Goddess.

For others, God may appear in form and name or out of form and name. There are common approaches to perceiving God as the supreme personality or as an impersonal cosmic principle. All options are equally true.

We must learn to respect each other and accept that different people may have different views and opinions about God and the truth. Sathya Sai Baba repeatedly said not all of his devotees would be able to recognize and accept his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. That is what we are seeing now.

For some, the theme of Prema Sai Baba opens easily and simply, but for others it is very difficult. Confusion in predictions and interpretations, attachment to the form of Sathya Sai Baba, the many candidates – all this and more does not allow one to easily accept the new reality of Prema Sai.

Some devotees come into contact with great spiritual and intellectual difficulties that make it difficult to understand the current situation with the arrival of Prema Sai Baba.

21. Materialization before construction of a new house

Jaya Lakshmi Amma (born 1952) lives in the South Indian city of Bangalore and plays an important role in the development of the Prema Sai Baba tradition. Since 2006, Sathya Sai Baba has manifested through her on a subtle plane. Jaya Lakshmi Amma repeats all the time that she does not perform any miracles, and that they only happen because Sathya Sai Baba is constantly present next to her on the subtle plane.

Materialization occurs in the following way – something miraculously appears in the hands of Jaya Lakshmi Amma, for example, a ring, a medallion or a Lingam.

Jayalakshmi Amma always stresses she doesn't know how or when this will happen. Objects simply spontaneously appear in her hands because on the subtle plane next to her there is always an invisible Sathya Sai Baba, who performs these amazing miracles.

Miracles that happen near Amma include healing from diseases, the materialization of various objects of power, and the transformation of people's destinies.

An important element of her mission is the regular performance of the traditional ritual of worship on the sacred sandals (Paduka), which Sathya Sai Baba presented to her in 2010, a year before his passing.

Sathya Sai Baba materialized in front of her house and handed over the sacred sandals (Paduka). Since then, Jaya Lakshmi Amma has traveled all over India, performing the traditional ritual of worship. Sometimes, she personally performs the ceremony, and sometimes she invites brahmins, traditional Hindu clerics.

Sometimes, these ceremonies take place in large halls, where several hundred to several thousand participants can be present and other times worship rituals take place in the homes of the devotees. These events are usually attended by a limited number of people. Those who regularly attend these ceremonies notice significant changes and improvements in the circumstances of their lives.

In 2018, the devotees decided to build a new home for Prema Sai Baba's family. Before the start of construction, Sathya Sai Baba physically materialized at four in the morning in the city of Bangalore in the house of Jaya Lakshmi Amma. When Sathya Sai Baba appeared, he materialized many different golden and silver amulets. Among these special charms were astrological amulets with precious stones as symbols of various Vedic gods and goddesses.

Having materialized many special objects of power, Sathya Sai Baba requested that all of them be buried in the center of the foundation of Prema Sai Baba's family home. Thus, many mystical objects, which were materialized by Sathya Sai Baba himself, were buried in the basement of Prema Sai Baba's house, while it was under construction.

Sathya Sai Baba often appears physically at Jaya Lakshmi Amma's home. He gives spiritual instructions to this unique holy woman and shares a lot of important information about Prema Sai Baba (about his own next incarnation).

In many traditions, including the Vedic and Christian ones, special mystical objects are sometimes placed at the base of the house, which protect all household members. What is unique in this story is that on the subtle plane Sathya Sai Baba leads and blesses his own next incarnation. It is amazing.

It is impossible to understand this rationally. God, as Absolute Consciousness, is simultaneously present in different forms, supporting himself in different manifestations. It sounds very strange, but in fact it looks like it. That is why, appearing in the form of Sathya Sai Baba in the house of Jaya Lakshmi Amma, he gives her instructions on how to develop the tradition of Prema Sai Baba.

While Prema Sai Baba is a child, some important decisions on the development of the tradition are made by Jaya Lakshmi Amma, or rather, through her, Sathya Sai Baba himself gives precise orders for the formation of the tradition. The next story happened when Prema Sai Baba was nine years old.

In his house there are four Lingams materialized by Sathya Sai Baba through Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Jaya Lakshmi Amma gave these four Lingams to Prema Sai Baba's parents in different years in order to bless their family. All Lingams were materialized at different times. Some of them were manifested during the Shivaratri festival.

Once, my wife, Svetlana, and I asked the parents of the divine boy to show us again the wonderful Lingams that we had seen many times already. To our surprise, there were no Lingams on the home altar. All attempts to find them failed.

Even after two weeks of searching the whole house, they were not found. It became clear there were simply no Lingams, and there were even suspicions that one of the visitors took them as a keepsake.

The boy Prema Sai Baba silently watched the long search. Finally, two weeks later, Prema Sai Baba told us to look at the altar. To everyone's surprise, four Lingams appeared there.

The entire altar room had been reviewed many times by many people and every time the Lingams were not there. It became very clear that Prema Sai Baba again materialized them right in the most prominent place.

22. Prema Sai’s first pilgrimages

We know that Sathya Sai Baba went on pilgrimages several times. The main place of his travels was the holy city of Badrinath, in the upper part of the Himalayas. This ancient city is located at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level.

Sathya Sai Baba traveled a lot every year to various major cities in India, and he was abroad only once on a two-week trip to East Africa. It is difficult to say what the life and mission of Prema Sai Baba will look like. We have many guesses, but who can predict Sai?

One of the famous predictions says he will travel a lot, including on different continents. From a very early age, Prema Sai Baba has already made pilgrimage and tourist trips in India and abroad.

Now, Prema Sai Baba is 11 years old (2023), and he has already been abroad three times: in Thailand and Sri Lanka (beginning of 2020), as well as in Dubai (autumn 2022). In 2020, he was issued a Russian visa, but the trip was postponed due to the pandemic. The trip to the south of Sri Lanka was especially significant because it was organized jointly by devotees from Russia and Ukraine.

In India, Prema Sai Baba visited the sacred mountain, Arunachala, in 2021, which is one of the most important places of power of Lord Shiva. We will talk about this trip in more detail a little later. Another important pilgrimage was a trip to the ancient city of Rameshwaram.

This place is located in the very south of India and is associated with the legends of Rama Avatar. The trip to Rameshwaram in April 2022 was wonderful and I was fortunate to join Prema Sai Baba on this pilgrimage.

Prema Sai Baba spent about a week in Rameshwaram with his family and several Russian devotees. He visited the main temple of the god, Shiva, where there is an ancient Lingam installed according to legend by Rama Avatar.

Prema Sai Baba bathed inside the temple in twenty-one wells of holy water. Among the places of power, he honored with his presence in Rameshwaram was the ancient temple of the sage, Agastya, which is located on the very spot where the ashram of the sage, Agastya, was in ancient times.

Prema Sai Baba visited the stone footprints of Rama Avatar, located on the top of a picturesque hill, overlooking the surrounding fields and jungle. We also visited Dattatreya Tirtha together, the sacred pond where the sage, Datta, bathed in past ages. The boy Prema Sai Baba also bathed in this pond.

23. My trip to Nepal, miracles with Shaligram

In 2021, my wife, Svetlana, and I once again visited Jaya Lakshmi Amma. On that day, Sathya Sai Baba, through Jaya Lakshmi Amma, materialized a small stone called Shaligram (a symbol of the god Vishnu) for Svetlana.

A year later, in March 2022, we went on a trip to Nepal. This journey was blessed by Prema Sai Baba. We felt his invisible presence literally at every stage of our journey. Many interesting adventures, miracles and meetings happened to us in Nepal.

Since we were flying to Nepal for the first time, we did not know how to get a visa on arrival and were a little worried. The miracles of the manifestation of divine grace began right at the Airport.

As soon as we got off the plane, a man, an airport worker, approached us and asked if we needed a visa on arrival. We answered in the affirmative. He escorted us to the computer desk, helped us fill out the questionnaires, printed them out himself, and quietly disappeared from view. We didn't even get to thank him. We noticed that all other passengers applied for visas on their own.

The second time we unexpectedly saw the same employee at the exit from the Airport. He asked if we had forgotten our luggage. At that moment, my wife and I had in our hands a small suitcase for hand luggage. We really did forget our luggage. How could this stranger know about this? All this was a manifestation of Sai's love, care, and blessings.

Throughout our journey through Nepal, we were constantly accompanied by the love and miracles of Sai. Someone always appeared at the right time and solved the issues that arose during the trip in the best possible way.

One day we went to the mountains by bus. Ten minutes before the final stop, the driver stopped the bus and said we should get off, as we had to go a little in the other direction to get to our hotel.

The bus stopped in the middle of the road and the driver opened the front door. A huge Nepalese man appeared right in front of the bus and helped us unload our suitcases. The stranger then asked where we should go.

There was a sports field nearby but there were no buildings around, so the unexpected appearance of the stranger was especially eerie. I was very surprised about why he was there and how he suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

We were very tired from many hours of travel on mountain roads and did not really analyze what was happening. We thought the man just wanted to make money. We raised our hand to flag down a passing car, but no one stopped.

The Nepalese stranger instead stopped a passing car for us. He was being genuinely kind, but we were naturally suspicious of him. When we asked how much we owed him for help, he smiled and said the amount we should pay the driver. The stranger refused to take money for helping us unload our things, find a taxi, and show us the right way to the hotel.

While we were packing our luggage into the taxi, the stranger disappeared as if he had never been there. The open space was an empty straight highway and he would not have gone far so quickly.

In the mountain hotel we had a beautiful view from the window, of the mountains and the lake. One morning Svetlana held in her hands the sacred Shaligram materialized by Sathya Sai Baba through Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Suddenly, the sacred stone disappeared right in her hands (dematerialized). It was clear that for some reason, Sathya Sai Baba had taken away the wonderful Shaligram.

Svetlana immediately called Jaya Lakshmi Amma on the phone. As soon as Svetlana told her about the dematerialization of Shaligram Jaya Lakshmi Amma entered into meditation to seek advice from Sathya Sai Baba on a subtle plane.

Jaya Lakshmi Amma almost immediately announced that God would return the Shaligram to Svetlana and there was no need to worry. After a couple of hours, we went to the top of the mountain, where the ancient temple of the god Shiva is located.

On the way we stopped for a cup of tea in a mountain roadside cafe. Suddenly, the same Shaligram jumped out (materialized) right from Svetlana's navel.

Svetlana was very happy to have the sacred artifact back, which was now doubly valuable. We immediately called Jaya Lakshmi Amma, who said that all this time she’d been praying to Sathya Sai Baba that he miraculously returns the Shaligram.

It is difficult to say why Sathya Sai Baba took away the Shaligram for a while, and then returned it again in such an unusual way. In such situations, there can be many reasons. During the whole story with the disappearance and further appearance of the Shaligram, the boy Prema Sai Baba closely followed the situation.

Naturally, Svetlana called him both after the dematerialization and after the materialization of the sacred stone. He seemed to be idly watching the unfolding events constantly giving hints that he knew exactly how the story would end.

There were some great meetings in Kathmandu. We met Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, who was staying at our hotel. A group of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims introduced us to a high lama from the Nyingma school, from whom we received initiation.

Several times we visited the abbot of the Goraknath temple, whose temple is located on the top of the mountain of the Pashupatinath temple complex.

Another interesting situation showing the care of Sai Baba happened to us at the airport already on the flight from Nepal. In the morning, after leaving the hotel, we did not have breakfast, because it was still too early. Arriving at the airport, we realized it was impossible to eat, because the check-in area was being renovated.

We went into the waiting hall and were offered to relax in the business lounge, but we refused and decided to go through passport control and look for some kind of snack in the landing area. After passing through passport control and checking in our luggage, we realized we would remain hungry because the waiting room was also being renovated.

My wife Svetlana said she would try to negotiate with the officers to go to the business hall area in order to buy something there. Turning to the officer, she realized all requests were useless, and sadly went back to the waiting room.

After walking ten meters, she met a senior officer who strangely asked her if she was hungry. She answered in the affirmative. After that, the senior officer helped her back through the control zone. Then Svetlana went to the business hall where she was not asked for money for entry. Inside the business lounge, she bought food and water.

After that, Svetlana returned to the passport control zone, and the officer who originally did not want to let her out for food was very surprised that she already had a stamp in her passport, although he was the one who put the stamp there before. This is how the blessings and grace of Sai Baba work. He helps his devotees literally at every step.

And that's not all. On the fully loaded plane, the row on which we were sitting was magically empty and we had a great sleep on the flight. Happy and satisfied we returned to Doddamallur to Prema Sai.

Возрастное ограничение:
Дата выхода на Литрес:
16 ноября 2023
Дата написания:
160 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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