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15. Who and how Prema Sai Baba was found

Two Himalayan saints, Mata Bijaya Devi (born 1970) and Mata Tomba Devi (born 1969), live in the state of Manipur in northern India. Manipur is a beautiful region in the foothills of the Himalayas. In a serene place on the mountainside, there is a small ashram, which is a place of power revered by the locals.

Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi have been devotees of Sathya Sai Baba for many years. The locals revere them as saints and come to them for spiritual guidance and blessings. Since birth, these two women have shown spiritual powers and supernatural abilities. Already in 2012, Mata Bijaya Devi predicted that Prema Sai Baba had already incarnated and would soon begin his worldwide activities.

Sometimes the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters Mata Bijaya Devi and she begins to broadcast spiritual messages and perform all kinds of miracles. Such unusual experiences occur almost every day. This is a unique opportunity for the devotees to speak with Sathya Sai Baba, who at times like this is on the subtle plane within Mata Bijaya Devi.

Such experiences are very ambiguous. Imagine that the subtle body of God inhabits someone. How can this be understood? One of the important questions in this situation is, how many subtle bodies does God have?

At first glance, this is a very strange question, but it is extremely important. Sometimes some people experience such mystical experiences and begin to claim they are special because the subtle body of God is inside them. This is understandable, since God Himself moved into them.

God is the source and essence of the soul of every person. This means it is impossible to say that God has indwelled someone, since God is always inside every person. Considering this difficult situation, some prefer to interpret this as the awakening of the subtle body of God within.

In order not to get confused, let's conditionally assume that the subtle body of God is infused into the contactee. The question again arises, how many subtle bodies does God have? The question is very strange, because no one can know this. We can assume that God has several billion thin ones, or maybe an infinite number of them, who knows?

Understanding that God has essentially an infinite number of subtle bodies, we can assume God can use many forms for his manifestation. There is no exclusivity in the fact that the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters someone for a short time to perform this or that spiritual task.

Once, I and about a hundred other devotees had a unique experience where two holy women, Mata Bijaya Devi from the Himalayas and Jaya Lakshmi Amma from Bangalore, were present at Prema Sai Baba's house at the same time.

With these two saints, there are frequent mystical experiences of the manifestation of the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba in them. Imagine Jaya Lakshmi Amma standing right in front of the house and Mata Bijaya Devi in the living room. On this day, it happened.

Both saints arrived at Prema Sai Baba's house on the same day, right after his birthday in 2018, when Prema Sai was six years old. Jaya Lakshmi Amma stood right in front of the house, and the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba inside Jaya Lakshmi Amma answered the questions of the devotees.

At the same time, Mata Bijaya Devi was standing in the center of the living room, and another subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba was talking about how to chant God. Sathya Sai Baba had entered both of them at the same time.

It was a truly amazing experience for everyone present showing that God can simultaneously enter any number of contactees in a subtle body, if there is a spiritual need for it. When such experiences of the manifestation of the subtle body of God occur, the contactee himself or herself does not remember anything.

In other words, when the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters Mata Bijaya Devi or Jaya Lakshmi Amma, for a while, they do not remember anything about what happened.

During such experiences, the personal consciousness of a person is turned off, completely giving place to the universal consciousness of Sai. After the subtle body leaves the contactee, the people around tell Mata Bijaya Devi and Jaya Lakshmi Amma about what happened and what the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba said and did.

Let's go back to the story of how the boy Prema Sai Baba was discovered. All information about the place and time of the birth of the divine boy was received through Mata Bijaya Devi, which constantly included the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba.

At the very beginning of 2015, through Mata Bijaya Devi, information was received from Sathya Sai Baba that a group of five men from Manipur had to urgently leave for the south of India, in the state of Karnataka, in order to find the divine boy.

Sathya Sai Baba, being in the subtle body of Mata Bijaya Devi, indicated the names of five men who were supposed to go from the Himalayan mountains (Manipur state) to the very south. The task of this group was to find and finally identify the right child.

One of the sources of information was naturally the great book we have already spoken about, Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai. This book indicated the place and time of Prema Sai Baba's birth. The group members learned about the materials of this book a little later and so it took about two and a half months to complete the search.

To begin with, five young people had to find out which of the locals belonged to a certain "gotra" (clan). It was possible to find fourteen local families that belonged to the required clan. Thus, the circle of searches gradually narrowed.

Also, Sathya Sai Baba, in the subtle body, said it was necessary to sing a special bhajan (chant) dedicated to the god, Krishna, for the child and to also say the secret mantra of the god, Shiva.

Sathya Sai Baba, through Mata Bijaya Devi, said that when five young people sing the special Krishna bhajan for the child and repeat the Shiva mantra several times, the child will react in a special way. And so, it happened.

Five devotees from Manipur carefully checked the reaction of each applicant to the chanted bhajana and the recited mantra, but only one child responded as predicted.

On the feet of the divine boy, the mystical signs of the god, Vishnu, were also found, these were the image of a shell (Shanka) and a sacred disk (Chakra). On one foot there was an image of a shell, and on the other, a disk. These symbols appeared for several days, just long enough to identify the child.

When an Avatar is born, such signs miraculously appear on the feet so that others can be sure of the divinity of the child. Despite the fact that all three Sai Avatars are considered the incarnation of the god, Shiva, and goddess, Shakti, the signs of the god, Vishnu, still appeared on the feet as is the ancient Vedic tradition. After the discovery of the boy, these signs also miraculously disappeared.

Five devotees from the state of Manipur examined several children on April 11, 2015. However, the boy Prema Sai Baba was not among them. On that day, Teja Mani, Prema Sai Baba's mother, took her son to the nearby ancient Bewur, where her parents live.

The next day, the child was brought back to the village of Doddamallur, and only then could he be identified. The boy Prema Sai Baba was the last one to be checked.

It happened on April 12, 2015. At that time, the boy was two and a half years old. After that, in May of the same year, the holy family came for the first time to the Himalayas to the state of Manipur.

It was then that Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi first saw the boy already in their ashram. They didn't physically travel with the five students to south India; instead, they directed the searches by phone.

Interestingly, the boy Prema Sai Baba was discovered on April 12th. This date is the International Cosmonautics Day. On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft made a historical flight around the planet Earth for the first time in the history of human civilization.

An important mystical detail of the flight of the Russian cosmonaut was that this journey lasted 108 minutes, which is a sacred number for the Vedic tradition. Truly, everything in this world is not accidental. Everything is interconnected.

16. Wonderful games of Little Krishna

After my first visit to Prema Sai Baba, I began to frequently visit the holy family's house. At that time, I lived for a long time in the city of Mysore, in the ashram of Ganapati Satchidananda Swamiji. It was an hour and a half drive to the village of Doddamallur, and I could go there quite regularly, usually once a week.

When Prema Sai Baba was four years old, my wife and I began to stay for a long time at the house of Ramanna, who in the 1980s was the personal driver of Sathya Sai Baba. Ramanna has lived in the village of Doddamallur since 2010 calmly awaiting the next incarnation of Sai, knowing very well that Prema Sai Baba would incarnate there. As soon as Prema Sai Baba was discovered by a group from Manipur State in 2015, the happy Ramanna was among the first to start visiting the divine boy regularly.

Ramanna's house consisted of two floors. He lived on the first floor, and my wife and I settled on the second. It was very convenient as Prema Sai Baba's house was ten minutes away and we could communicate with him daily. This is how we lived in Doddamallur during the period when Prema Sai was four to six years old (2016-2018).

It is hard to imagine how the holy family lived when Prema Sai was discovered in 2015. Their house was right behind the ancient temple of Aprameya Swami, as Sathya Sai Baba had predicted. The house was extremely small and poor. There was one room where the parents, two children and a grandmother could barely fit. When Prema Sai Baba was six years old, devotees from Bangalore built a spacious and comfortable new home for the holy family on the outskirts of the village next to the jungle. After that, Prema Sai’s parents invited my wife and me to move to the new house, where we were given a separate room.

One of the first miracles I experienced in association with the divine boy was connected with the practice of the Gayatri mantra. For many years I have been practicing this amazing ancient mantra, repeating it several thousand times a day. Even during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba, many miracles happened to me as a result of the practice of the Gayatri Mantra. I talk about this in detail in my books.

When I started visiting Prema Sai Baba regularly, I decided to chant the Gayatri Mantra as much as possible in his divine presence. Sitting on the floor in his house, I practiced the mantra, and the divine child, who was six at the time, played nearby.

Suddenly, Prema Sai Baba looked at me and gestured that I should stop chanting the Gayatri Mantra. In simple English words, he explained that he knew I was practicing the Gayatri mantra and asked me to stop it for today.

I was surprised that the divine boy knew that in my mind I was repeating the Gayatri mantra. That day I stopped practicing this mantra. Naturally, the next day I continued my practice. I realized that it was a great blessing. Lord Sai constantly knows what and how we practice.

17. Miracles in the ancient city of Mysore

I have made many videos of Prema Sai Baba and posted them on various platforms on the internet. Gradually, devotees from different countries began to come to Doddamallur to see the Prema Sai Baba. Sometimes people came for only a couple of hours, and sometimes they stayed in the village for several weeks in order to get to know Prema Sai Baba better.

I continued to regularly hold Kriya Yoga meditation workshops in different parts of India, trying to organize the program so that participants could definitely meet the divine boy.

In 2018, when Prema Sai Baba was six years old, we brought him twice to the city of Mysore, the ancient capital of the state of Karnataka. Mysore is a beautiful city, in the center of which is a magnificent palace, where the family of the local Maharaja, the King of Mysore, still lives. On the outskirts of the city is the sacred mountain Chamundi, the main place of worship of the goddess, Durga.

The village of Doddamallur is quite close to Mysore, just over an hour away by car. The significance of these visits by Prema Sai Baba was a profound experience for all involved.

Various interesting programs were organized in Mysore, and I had to walk a lot every day. The boy was often tired, and sometimes one of the men had to carry him on his shoulders.

By that time, quite a lot of Russian devotees had already come to see him, and some had the honor of carrying the boy Prema Sai Baba on their shoulders.

Ivan from Moscow who is seriously engaged in Kriya yoga meditation, got the opportunity to carry the divine boy on his shoulders. Ivan realized that this was an important and unique moment.

He decided to mentally ask Prema Sai for a blessing to achieve Khechari Mudra. This is a complex yoga technique, the essence of which is that you need to put your tongue into the nasopharynx. This unusual position of the tongue helps in the practice of meditation, as it can activate important points in the central part of the brain. As soon as Ivan mentally asked Prema Sai Baba to achieve Khechari Mudra, he immediately made significant progress in this practice.

Nikolai, a musician from Moscow, carried Prema Sai Baba on his shoulders, too. During this time, Nikolai reflected on the many sins he had committed in this life. At that moment, Prema Sai Baba leaned towards Nikolai's ear, saying in English, "I know".

In Mysore, I was also lucky enough to carry Prema Sai Baba on my shoulders. I did so understanding the uniqueness of the moment. I decided to mentally ask for blessings to publish some of my new books on meditation and self-development. The next day I received an offer to publish some of my books with a major publishing house.

The divine boy loves art, in particular painting. A devotee from Russia gave some watercolors to Prema Sai Baba. This story also happened in Mysore, in one of the best hotels called, The Village.

The woman placed white paper, brushes, paints and a glass in front of Prema Sai Baba and went to get a bottle of water to pour into the glass. She told the divine boy she would now bring water and pour it into a glass. Prema Sai Baba replied that it was not necessary.

At that moment, water materialized in the glass. This miracle was seen by all present in the room – about ten people. Prema Sai Baba laughed merrily and everyone was both astonished and happy.

On the same day, another woman from Russia, who was sitting nearby, received a medallion with the image of Goddess Lakshmi as a gift from Prema Sai. I carefully examined the medallion and realized that the medallion was quite old. Where could the boy Prema Sai Baba get such an old locket? It's hard for me to say, but I can only assume he teleported the medallion from the depths of time.

Once we were sitting together in a restaurant with Prema Sai Baba, eating rice with delicious Indian sauces. His parents and brother were supposed to arrive five minutes later, so we were alone. Suddenly, the divine boy looked at me, took some rice in his hand, and carefully threw it at me.

When the rice touched me, it felt as if several stones had fallen on my head. He then turned his gaze to an empty corner and tossed some rice in that direction. Prema Sai Baba looked into an empty corner, but he saw something there. I realized it was some kind of mysterious blessing.

The day before the 2018 Mahashivaratri festival we celebrated in Mysore, Prema Sai Baba revealed the mantra. This happened through the experience of a mystical dream. This mantra is called the Prema Sai Gayatri Mantra.

Om Sampoorna Avataraya Vidmahe

Sainathaya Dhimahi

Tanno Prema Prachodayat

The first line of this mantra means we know that he is a complete divine incarnation. The second line translates as we meditate on Lord Sai. The third line says that we ask Prema Sai to enlighten our intellect so that we can see the highest truth.

18. Ability to understand all languages

Sathya Sai Baba most often spoke in his native language Telugu. At school, he studied basic English and Hindi. Despite his modest formal education throughout his life, Sathya Sai Baba demonstrated the ability to fluently understand and even speak any language. How can this be?

The New Testament describes a story when, after a mystical experience of the Holy Spirit, the disciples of Jesus Christ spoke in all languages. The inhabitants and guests of Jerusalem could not believe the Apostles were able not only to understand all languages, but also to speak freely.

Of course, Sathya Sai Baba showed the ability to speak any language extremely rarely, which happened only in his room during interviews and personal meetings. I personally witnessed such miracles several times during the time when I was his translator.

There were cases when I made mistakes while translating during personal meetings between Sathya Sai Baba and Russian-speaking devotees. In such situations, Sathya Sai always clearly understood the inaccuracy or simple misunderstanding.

In such situations, he told me that I was mistaken and repeated the phrase again. Sometimes, Sathya Sai Baba would correct me in a completely unusual way by saying the necessary phrase in Russian with perfect pronunciation and grammar.

Similar cases of Sathya Sai being able to speak in different languages have been told to me by Italians as well as Hindus from different parts of India who testified that he spoke to them in their native dialects.

Naturally, this is not about the fact that Sathya Sai is a linguistic genius and has learned many languages, but rather his ability being a manifestation of supernatural power.

The question arises: if Sathya Sai Baba could speak any language, then why did he need interpreters during meetings with foreigners? Sathya Sai Baba used translators during his meetings with Russians, Greeks, Japanese, Italians, Chinese, Spaniards and devotees from various countries, but why, because he could already speak any language?

I think there were so many miracles around Sathya Sai there was no point in showing the ability to speak any language. If he spoke to every person in his native language, it would cause such shock and surprise that people would not be able to concentrate on the essence of his message. In my opinion, that is why Sathya Sai Baba showed this ability only occasionally.

Similar manifestations of abilities are shown by Prema Sai Baba. My wife Svetlana knows English at a basic level, and so she speaks with Prema Sai Baba partly in English, and sometimes just in Russian.

Svetlana is sure Prema Sai Baba knows all languages and understands her perfectly. The divine child accurately reacts to her words and questions spoken in Russian, indicating he clearly understands everything.

Several people from Russia repeatedly checked how accurately the boy understands the Russian language. He always answers quite clearly in English to questions spoken in Russian. In order to answer the question correctly, you need to understand the content of the question itself. Naturally, Prema Sai Baba always answers accurately and correctly.

One day he answered my wife in pure Russian. I was there and heard it too. Svetlana happily said, "Bhagavan, you speak Russian." Prema Sai Baba laughed and said, "Maybe only once, maybe only once." All those present were happy.

Even now, Prema Sai Baba is showing the ability to heal people at a distance with the help of mystical dreams. One person from Russia was very sick. He saw my first videos posted on the Internet about Prema Sai Baba. The man was very glad that God had reincarnated on Earth again.

One night, the man experienced a mystical dream. In the dream he saw Prema Sai Baba blessing him. In the morning the man woke up completely healthy. The next night, Prema Sai Baba again came to this man in a dream and said that in gratitude he should buy him a gift – a book in English with beautiful illustrations, Russian Fairy Tales.

The next day the man bought the book. Since he did not know how to send a gift to distant India, he wrote to me. We agreed I would hand over the book the next time I went to India. Having received the book as a gift, Prema Sai Baba was very happy. It is interesting that at the age of six and seven the divine boy asked for Russian fairy tale books with beautiful pictures from several Russians.

Another interesting story happened when my friend Sainath, a Hindu from Puttaparthi, decided to invite the divine boy to visit Puttaparthi. Prema Sai Baba calmly replied to this suggestion, saying, "Why should I go there when I am not there, I am here now." He was six years old at the time.

The significance of this story is great. By this we see the divine boy indirectly indicated his identity with his past incarnation as Sathya Sai Baba. In addition, we see an important principle of the three Sai Avatars: do not come to your ashram that you founded in a previous birth.

In accordance with this principle, Sathya Sai Baba never went to Shirdi, the area where he lived as Shirdi Sai Baba in his previous birth. Prema Sai Baba refuses to go to Puttaparthi and Shirdi, the places where he lived in past incarnations.

The reason for such strange behavior is quite understandable, for not all Shirdi Sai devotees recognized Sathya Sai. In the same way, not all Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai devotees accept the current incarnation of God as Prema Sai Baba. In order not to create difficulties for people who do not accept him, he does not visit the ashrams founded by him in previous incarnations.

At present, Prema Sai Baba does not go to his previous ashrams. Obviously, we cannot guarantee that Prema Sai Baba will never visit Shirdi and Puttaparthi. Everything can change; everything is in his hands.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
16 ноября 2023
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160 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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