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Griffin is coming

The younger pupil emerged from the cave, opening the door and the canopy, it was colder and more uncomfortable outside than the warm hearth, but she had to go to the spring and get some water. The girl straightened the hood on her head, removed the braid under her fur coat, and took the leather buckets and went to the stream. She looked around, it seemed to her that in the distance, on the shore, someone was there, and looked closely, and saw on the pole next to the figures of people, a banner of signs. Griffin’s banner, the girl’s hands opened up by themselves, and the buckets hit the stones deafly, and she promptly opened the door of the aisle, and ran along the corridor, but did not make a sound – Mary’s lessons affected, and ran into the upper room, gave a bow to her elder, touching the palm the right hand of the floor finally said softly:

“The griffin is here.” -What are you, Uta, – spoke quietly, but threateningly Mara, – Did Uryok Pryakh hear a lot for the night? Tomorrow again you will go around the island traps, – and yet she got up from the seat.

– Come on, show.

And the two of them passed through the corridor of the monastery, and went outside, toward the bright sun from the dim light of the upper room. Uta showed her hand where she saw the banner, Mara turned there, and saw what was expected.

– They went girl, let’s see who Lada brought here.

And they went over stones, somewhere covered with low grass, and small tongues of the earth, where the grass grew thicker. Mara, in her excitement, took off her hood, her legs buckled in her lap, she was afraid not to hold out and scream, but Uta distracted her, and she didn’t want to show her horror, and was afraid to see what she had to do. They approached five young boys, one of whom was holding an improvised banner in his hands, while he himself was without a jacket in the wind.

– Hello to you, young sailors, -He looked at clothes and daggers, and said differently:

– Will you be healthy, the youths of the chosen army, that you will seek on a hidden island?

“We came from Arpad, and Gun’s name is us,” the young man pointed to himself, and put the flag on the ground, and put on his jacket, “This is Arius,” he pointed to the boy on the right, “this is Sirac,” showed one more, “but it is Knut and Tal, and he pointed to the latter, and they also bowed to the waist belt.

“My name is Mara,” and the witch noticed how the youngsters started, “and Uta,” said the younger one who blushed under the looks of the guys.

“What are you trying to do for the cause, or are you from the business, good fellows,” she began to say in High syllable.

– And you let go with us the Maiden – the light of the glorious Elisha, so that she healed her brother Ulla, the brave warrior, and the whole squad of mighty Alatyr is asked for – the island’s island is wonderful. And this, – and he pointed to the gifts, and to the wonderful tooth indrik – gifts to you from the Seven and Arpad and our entire squad glorious. And a letter from Arpad, – and I gave a letter from a leather bag.

“What are you saying?” Mara was at once taken aback and switched to ordinary speech.

– Not recognizes anyone, our daredevil, as if Geese-swans had already taken him to the Kingdom of Heaven.

– It is clear that you will transfer the boat to the hut, and wait there, – and she indicated where to go, the good is that the dwelling was not far, in fifty steps.

The youths bowed, and putting the prison in the boat, taking the boat on its shoulders carried it to the hut. We got there, put the ship upside down to dry out of the sea water, and went into the house to warm up. The windows, covered with fish-tanned leather, let in a little light, but more than oil lamps, but Gong took one out, lit it, and put a bronze mirror behind the stove, so the house became light. Gun and Arius put bags of food on the benches, and began to get a cheb, dried fish, and Sirac set up blackened glossy bowls, Tal poured kvass from a flask on wooden buckets. When everything was ready, the five brave men sat around the table, removing the hoods of their jackets. Everyone finally ate, bread and fish after hard work – good food. Gong stood up and proclaimed:

– Ghans and Manns gathered here to save Ull, who helped us more than once, and saved someone from death. Good luck! For our luck!


Mara, meanwhile, with Uta returned to the monastery, and sat in a chair in extreme excitement. In total, the seven witches were sitting next to each other, and one of them was Mara, and they were twirling woolen threads. They looked at each other, and were afraid to start a conversation first, only the majority of threads began to turn out uneven. Shana sat next to the eldest and sighed loudly, and Irma suddenly began to cough, sometimes giving Mara expressive glances, and finally she said:

– I gotta go. And then look, now Pieces will send a novice, Elya could feel something.

She saw Ella very rarely, several times a year. Strains were not allowed to see ordinary people. “You still have to go, even though you sit all day.”

Then a novice, Lyubava, came running from Pryakhs, and screamed from the doorway:

– Elicia is angry, Mara, demands you to her. I have never seen her like this, she is always smiling, but she smiles beautifully, and then her lips are in a string, she holds her braid, speaks deafly, unfamiliarly.

All the Seven looked at each other, Irma grinned, but did not say a word.

“As you said,” said Shana.

“We have to go, just call,” the witch sneered, “and you stay here, warm up, Lyubava.

She passed through the upper room, walked to the secret door, opened it, went out and walked through a tunnel in the mountain, rising higher. In her hand she had a torch that illuminated the path in the pitch darkness of the cave, and the reflections of stalactites hanging from above reflected the light of the torch, making the path beautiful and unique. The mountain crystals glowed with colored lights. Despite the summer, the mountain kept the winter cold, so she walked in a fur coat. So she approached the door, covered with bronze, the door hidden between the stalactites glittering in the light of fire, so that reflections from them flashed the eyes of the seeker, white, red and golden lights, and he simply would never have seen this secret door. She passed between them, and knocked three times, and she was opened. Near the door stood a novice, and in chairs with high backs sat three and one, Pryha and Elicia. All were dressed in strict knitted linen dark gray dresses, the elderly wore kerchiefs covering their hair, and only the temporal rings on the temples were visible, Ale was bare-headed, on her forehead was gold tick, on the temples four gold temporal rings with each glittered On the side, on the neck of the necklace, and on the shoulder over the dress a gold bracelet in the form of a double helix, she also wore earrings. Her longest blond hair did not darken at all from the age, and were tied into one braid with complex weaving. She looked with strict eyes at Mara.

– Hello to you, Dyes and Elisha to you, – and she bowed to them in a belt.

– I came to you with a request from Arpad ataman Buyan – the island. The trouble with Ull, Elysia’s brother, fell ill, he does not recognize anyone. So he asks the chieftain to come to the island of Ella to cure his brother, the embassy sent, five youths. Here is a letter from Arpad, – and the witch gave Ella a letter.

Mara looked at Elicia and did not recognize that she was the face of an angry girl, but then jumped up, eyebrows with a house, her face turned pale, approached her, but rather ran up and took the letter without reading. She looked into the letter, her face turned gray, even the freckles were gone, her mouth twisted, she was about to cry, but she restrained herself, breathed out only:

– After two days on the third I will be ready, let him wait for the squad. Thank you for coming right away, Mara. How I felt that everything was amiss. And I have to get ready.

“Wait,” one of Straight said to her, “I have to ask, I will guess.”

Mary’s face tightened, now the sorceress will take the bones, with special, sacred letters on the faces, and there will be a Snake, or a Snake- Inquiries, because the future and the past are none other than him, for he himself and Time is. The sorceress withdrew, took out a carved oak casket, and took out of it plates of bone with signs carved on them, put the bones in a tall vessel, and began to shake it, addressing the gods, Ilios and Leto, as well as Kronos the Serpent, or Scarapea, that would reveal the secret.

– Come on, – Spinne turned to Ale, – you will become a guess, it’s time. Shake the bones, turn the mind to the gods, ask what you think, and ask for the answer, and thinking take out the three bones with your right hand, not looking into the jar. Get down, “Pryha finished dumbly.

Ella paled a little, thought about something, so that her eyes also became lifeless. Then she took a wooden vessel, shook it several times, stood for a while, pondering thoughtfully went through a second concentrating and finally, took out three bones with signs, and in spite of them, gave Pryam. Those surrounding the message of the deity, watched for a long time, muttered something, finally, spoke the word:

Brother mind lost
And the heart became icy
What would become the same again
The heart needs to be near only the native

– You must not go to the maiden, but you need to, have finished Unnamed.

“I will go, Light Elicia, forgive me for the bad news,” Mara bowed to her.

“While not dead, everything can be fixed,” Elicia said quietly.

Mara turned, the novice opened the door for her, and filed a flaming torch, and the witch went the opposite way. I went into my room, extinguished the torch, oil lamps were burning in the chambers, mirrors reflected the fire and lit everything in a yellowish light, took off the fur coat, but it still became chilly and uncomfortable. What has Ella become? Little was a laugh, and here just flint became, the will of it and erase the rock into dust. And the Spices are looking at not seeing enough. Itself would have swum, but it can not leave the island. I will go to sleep, the morning of the evening is wiser. The novices looked at her with all their eyes, but they did not say a word. She walked past them and went to bed. So Lada did not show anything to her on the night, it wasn’t she who knew Ulla to save. So two days passed, the novices walked around the island, collected fish from traps, Mara ordered to give a part of the prey to the breeders. The last day passed, the witch could not sleep at night, and tossing and turning and taking shelter in a fur blanket, she could not sleep. Only she washed herself, as there was a knock on the chambers from the secret side, and one of the girls rushed to open, and Ella herself entered, with a novice who was dragging a box knitted from a hook.

“Mara, send an assistant to Pryhahs until I return, they are old,” she sighed, “I need help.

Mara raised her eyes to Gemini, and more beautiful in Ice lay, to the Mother. Circles lay under the girl’s eyes, all pale stood before her, only her eyes burn with ice fire.

– Okay, we’ll do everything.

“Lead ashore, I gathered,” Ella said in a tired voice.

But all her jewelery was on it, in order not to drop the situation, and to make an impression of the youngsters, I dressed well, put on a long fur jacket and had soft fur boots on their feet.

Mara got dressed, and called with her two pupils:

– Uta, and Vila, collect food box for youngsters, get dressed faster and go with me.

Girls-pupils only stared at Elicia, no one said a single word, they only made frightening eyes, and fussed, collecting food for the road. But the dogs, the descendants of those old ones, rushed over to meet El, poked her black noses in her palms, all got up on their hind legs, resting their front coats in her fur coat, trying to lick the girl’s face, and were not going to calm themselves, she stroked each one, something whispered in both of their ears, and they calmed down, lay down next to her, only often raised their muzzles to Ale – did she leave? Finally everything was ready, and a whole procession came out of the upper room, in front of the dog, Mara and Elicia followed them, and the pupils with the boxes followed them. They walked to a hut, on the stony ground of the island, with growing grass here and there. A hut appeared, smoke rose above the roof, one of the guys was on the street, and seeing a female procession instantly flew into the hut, and dressing on the move, all five youths came out holding their luggage in their hands, and they were rushed at them, barking dogs, but Ella just shouted: “Stand!” as shaggy guards returned from halfway to the girl, immediately recognized by the hostess.

Ella came up first, who did not notice how they were in a hurry, and the others almost ran after her, and the novices were flushed, carrying the whole load.

“Hello, good fellows,” and she bowed to them.

– Hello the beautiful maiden, – only he could speak Gong, bowing, and the other breeders bowed with him.

“I am Elissia, the one you are waiting for, Leah, the novice Pryakh, will float with me,” she said.

“This is for all of you, on the road,” said Mara, and she gestured to the novices to put a box nearby.

“Thank you, madam,” Gong bowed, “then the hearth of a novice will not extinguish?” We would like to go on the road right now, otherwise the wind will rise.

“The weather will be fine,” Ella said loudly, “the sea will be quiet,” she turned and sat on the bench next to the house, and the novices went to put out the stove, and the youths put their things in the boat. Finally everything was ready, and the soldiers dragged the boat into the sea, and Elicia went to say goodbye to Mare.

“I’ll be back soon, thanks for helping me,” and walking awkwardly, she hugged and kissed Mar on the cheek, she answered, and straightened the girl’s lost hair.

“You’re always glad,” replied Mara,

“It’s gonna be different, then it will come,” having raised the lifeless eyes that had become momentarily said in a strange voice to Ale, “I’ll be back soon.”

She turned, and raising the floor of her fur coat and dress, walked along with Leah across the salt water, and being knee-deep in the water, climbed into the boat.Gun and Arius jumped into the water, raised a cloud of spray and began to push the ship into the stern, and soon the boat swayed in the calm water, and the young men climbed aboard, and sat on their seats, and began to row. Ella and Leah sat down on the benches in the middle of the boat, and the witch began to check things in the box, while she threw off the hood of her fur coat, and Gong was able to look at her better. She was very tall, a little shorter than Guna, and a head lower than her brother, her hair was very blond and unusually long, and she wouldn’t get mixed up, put into a braid. The face is beautiful, but unusual for the Ghans and Mans, such more often met with magicians on Kamekornosaya, eyes deep set, eyebrows very bright, chin slightly slanted, lips beautiful, large. Now she was very serious, checking the luggage, and Leah looked warily at the hostess, and breathed a sigh of relief when the witch pulled out the edge of her coarse shirt and nodded in satisfaction, and smiled. A smile painted her unusually, even though her mouth was large. Then they bandaged the box again, putting it in place, and suddenly Ella turned to Guna.

“I hope I liked it,” Elicia smiled mischievously, and the foreman started.

“Of course, a very beautiful girl, you are Elishia’s light,” Gong put it in a rather flowery manner, and as gracefully as possible, as he then thought, and nodded his head.

Ella nodded in turn and her eyes laughed, but she kept her lips quivering and asked:

“What happened to my brother?” She asked in a deaf voice.

This happened after a test labyrinth, no one passed him except him, he went last, his eyes were blindfolded…


Ull was looking at tricky fences taller than a man, so that the subjects could not see the path in the Maze. He looked at his tired comrades, none of them could not pass, and they were pulled out of the Sacred ways with the help of stairs.

– Well, let me go, I will try for you, – and laughed to support friends who were sitting with frowning faces. He took soft steps on the rocky soil of the island, slowly moving to an alluring and frightening puzzle. Here he was separated five steps, four, three, two, and – he found himself inside fences, with rounded walls above his height, and the gray sky of Buyan – the Island was visible, and on the one hand he was reassured, on the other, it was difficult for him to concentrate. freed from the small, and to understand the main thing, he tried to enter into a special state, and plunge into the world of feelings from the feeling of thoughts, and little by little he was able to do this, broke away from the pressure of his mind, and trusted his inner feelings. took a small step to the left, closing his eyes, took two steps to the right, what the Voices whispered to him, and so he moved, almost in dance, trusting the inner music that sounded in his body, moving him forward and on and on, went and went as if moving in oil, in something viscous and viscous, without haste and without delay. He seemed to soar towards the sky, but he did not see the pattern of the Labyrinth explicitly. His feelings acquired an unprecedented lightness, he did not feel the weight of his body, but rather became like a butterfly, or a leaf of a tree, driven only by the wind, and he, drawn by this wind, moved towards the exit, so desired by many, and became inaccessible to everyone else, except him, Ulla, possessed, he walked and walked, and left the Labyrinth. His friends saw him coming out after a couple of hours, walking with a strange, as if floating step, his steps spread along the ground, while he himself was like not a person, but rather a moth flying on a fire.

Friends rushed to their tall friend, Ull was half a head taller than everyone else, his curls developed with the wind, he himself didn’t notice anyone around, turned to his friends, who ran to him, not recognizing anyone else. Gun tried to slap him on the shoulder, as a sign of admiration, everyone smiled and rejoiced that one of them passed the test, and Ull, as in a fight, as in a fight, declined, taking a step aside, and looked at Guna, not recognizing him. The guy looked at his friend in horror, and tried to grab his shoulders, and the giant dodged here too.

“What happened to you,” Gong shouted in awe, “Arpad, come here!” Pal, Gnur! Help!

“Who are you?” Ull finally opened his mouth, “what are you doing here?” By what right are you talking to me?

Ull completely lost his mind, spoke to everyone only in an imperative tone, like a lord, and when the older warriors ran up they tried to twist him, scattered them all, and only then the network managed to connect him and carry him to the mountain monastery. Seven approached him, looked, and gave an answer:

– Send messengers to Mare for Elicia, she will remove ice from his heart and melt her heart.


“That’s how it was, Light Elicia, there is no fault in your brother’s illness,” Gong finished.“Thank you for having quickly gathered me, and for you that you are taking me to Buyan-Island,” she said, wiping away tears, “I hope, I will admonish my brother, I will remove the ice from his heart.” He overstrained himself, this place cannot be passed by thinking, but one can pass only by feeling, and no one has dealt with it, has not taught it to the mind.

“Sign up, I’m taking the pies to the walkway,” and she opened the birch bark box and Leah began handing out the pies, and the winders took turns, ate two, and two paddled.

– Thank you, beautiful maiden, by eating a fish-cake Gong, and making a slight bow.

The path continued further, the boat quickly approached Buyan, when seagulls suddenly flew, and everyone tried to approach, fly up to Ella, nobody could see this before, birds made the most inconceivable turns, trying to touch her, but not to hit, no. She managed to stroke one on the fly, said something, and the pack turned around and flew away. It remained not far from the Buyan, where from nowhere they saw two playing killer whales in the water, Arius and Gnur rushed to the prison. The youths were not frightened, but stunned, near their small boat, two huge beasts, however, which do not harm them.

“Stop, I order you!” Shouted while rising in Ale’s boat, “don’t you dare!”

She approached the board, and in an instant, beside her, rubbing each other’s heads, but not leaning on the boat, on the surface, as if smiling with her toothed jaws, two orcas, made their piercing squeak, and they calmed down only when Ale touched each of the giants, stroked each on a wet nose, one suddenly dived, raising splashes, and after a couple of seconds he threw a hefty fish into the boat, and the other killer whale did the same in a minute, then both went up to the boat again, squeaked goodbye, and swam away wag in the water with huge tails. Tal entangled the fishes with a net so that they would not fight at the bottom of the boat, and the whole gang looked at Elya with furious eyes, not knowing whether they could swim by swimming away to everyone, or bow to her legs, only Gun mumbled:

“No wonder, madam, that you lived with Pryahs, and Mara does not oppose you in anything.”

“I didn’t call them from the depth, they sailed to me, I just love them, and they all love me,” Ale told them quietly, don’t be alarmed on the island, lemmings will come there, I’ll hide from them all in grief.

Then they sailed silently, only Arius yoked, and began to row more slowly, and Gong replaced him. Alicia came up to him, ran her hand to her shoulder, then stroked the sore spot with two hands, and Arius stopped curl and looked at the girl in surprise, and only said:

– Thank you, madam.

Alicia walked along the side, looked at everyone, and added in a low voice:

– You, Sirac, your back hurts, you, Tal, do not heal from last winter, you, Gnur, cannot cure your forearm. On the shore, I will help you all.

Vatazhniks simply could not say anything, after all he had seen, but everyone was certain that his sister would help his brother, that’s for sure. But that the witch was locked up, even if she was kind and beautiful, was also true. They also cheerfully worked with oars, raising spray, and the ship flew through the waves, and soon they were already at the shore, and they saw their mountain. Going to the shore, the youths jumped out of the boat, holding onto its sides, and in their arms dragged the boat to the shore, and when it was already shallow, Elicia and Leah jumped out of the boat, and went knee-deep in the water with the boys. The warriors and three other youths already ran towards them, waving their arms in greeting. With all of them was Arpad, chief of squad, only he came ashore with Kate on a chariot. Finally, the breeders dragged the boat, took out the cargo of the vedunya and their belongings, two bails, carefully laid everything on the ground, where no splash from the waves of the sea, which easily hit the coast of Buyan Island, did not reach. The girls went ashore on their own, and removed the hoods to be recognized, and so there were enough fears. Arpad looked into all eyes at the guest, believing and not believing that they were here.

“Thank you for what you did, what you promised,” said Arpad to Guns, “I am glad that you returned on time and everyone is safe and sound. Arpad approached the girls, bowed, and said:

– Thank you light Elisia, dedicated and knowing that honored us, and the island of Buyan with her presence. Choose any house on the island and live in peace, as you like, – he faltered at these words, coughed and said with difficulty, – and you will want to stay forever, and bowed to her in a belt.

Elyssia and Leah bowed in return, Elyssia barely hid a smile, her lips involuntarily stretched out in an indescribable burst of laughter, and her novice Leah managed to cough, not laugh, at that moment.

“I would like to take a couple of cells in grief so as not to cause inconvenience to anyone,” Ella added.

Arpad tried not to look intently at the Virgin, only threw cautious glances, but did not pay attention, he was unable to, because it was the famous witch from Alatyr, a recluse, a pupil of Pryakhs, Nameless themselves! He noticed that she was very beautiful, her hair was very blond, even her eyebrows, her lips were full, her mouth was big, her chin was slightly sloping back, such a snub-nosed one, and her smile painted her unusually, and her face more closely resembles their neighbors living to the south. Kame. Her eyes were tired, circles under her eyes, as if she hadn’t slept for two days, and no wonder, because she learned about the illness of her brother, she was not herself. Her jewels are rich, taken from the guns and manns, and the temporal rings, as is customary, and a gold bracelet on her forearm with spirals, and a ring with a seal, a dagger at the waist in rich sheaths. The chieftain thought that it would be necessary to talk in private with Gun, to learn better about the witch from Alatyr, in order not to spoil everything, not to make mistakes and not to quarrel with the witches.

“Katey,” he turned to the retainer, “take the dear guests to Gore, and arrange for their apartments,” he turned around and didn’t believe his eyes; his horses harnessed to the wagon approached Ella, sniffed her gently, she laughed, then one rested its head on her shoulder, and the other she stroked, launched her palm into the mane and played the horse’s mane. Leah handed her a handful of crackers, and Ella began to feed the horses, and they gently took the dried bread from her palm, and then grudging merrily fun, and were completely horse-drawn, fanning themselves with tails from mosquitoes, which by evening had already begun to fly, would also meet new guests closer.

Vatazhniki carried Eli’s box to Rocks, and the witches approached the cart, into which Katey first got up, and he pulled the reins so that the horses would stand still. Alicia and Leah stepped off the ground and got into the chariot, the driver sent the horses first, and then went on a light trot. Ella enthusiastically indulged in unfamiliar sensations – a slight shaking, a little jumping of the chariot when the wheels hit the boulders, she looked at the picture of the island, he was much more beautiful than Alatyr, the trees that she didn’t see there either grew only in the form of firewood at home. Of course she liked her here, but she was anxious and unfamiliar, and now she was going to visit her brother, and that was also scary. What about him? How did it happen and can she help him? From these thoughts she could hardly breathe, and felt that her hands were beginning to shake. Finally, they arrived, Katey landed Leah, and the warriors approached them.

– Gur and Pal, spend Leah in the chambers, and make sure that the young men carry there the belongings of the witnesses.

“Katey,” said Ale, in a trembling voice, “now I will take a birch bark box and take me to Ull.

“Yes, of course,” he answered, trying not to look into her eyes. It is unpleasant to look at someone else’s pain. He carefully sent the horses forward, and the team slowly carried them to the gatehouse, where they kept Ulle behind the fence. Soon they arrived, the girl hurriedly jumped off the chariot, trying not to run through the force, but to walk slowly, with impressive steps, taking three steps, returned to the chariot and took the box, supporting it with both hands. The guards saw Kate, and realized who he brought, greeted the guests, and without losing a second, let her into the house. Ale almost ran up the stairs, going into a basement made of boulders. She walked along the creaking floor, made of halves of logs, the room was lit with several torches and a pair of oil lamps with bronze mirrors. A warrior opened the door in front of her, and she entered a room lit by lamps, but they stood behind a thick wooden grid that a strongman would not break. Elya saw her brother sitting on a stool facing the wall, she saw that he had grown a lot, but her hair wasn’t sheared, but now his reddish curls were tangled and untidy, and the girl remembered how she combed them with a frequent comb. Elicia didn’t immediately begin the rite, she only left several unlit lamps on the factory for tomorrow, she needed to rest, she didn’t sleep for two days. Strands taught that such rituals can not every person, and certainly not tired. The main thing is that he is alive, and she managed to help him. Alicia turned around, and taking the box with her, walked out so that the door did not creak. The guards stood at the house, and Katey talked with them, and as soon as the door opened, he immediately ran up to the girl.

“Well, did it all work out?” The warrior asked in a childish way.

– The morning is wiser than the evening. In the morning, as the roosters sing, take me here, I’ll be ready. Only I am one, and no one else. Do you understand the light of Katey?

“How not to understand,” said the warrior, but he thought it was a magic thing, and no one should climb there.

The warrior prepared the chariot, Ela got up on the landing, and slowly the driver carried the witch into her chambers. Soon they were there, and Leah, taking a lamp, led the teacher into their chambers in Gore, walked along the corridor, and saw an oak door, the novice opened it, and they went inside. There were two stove benches cleaned up with wise furs, the upper room was warmed, the hearth was burning, the darkness was dispersed by four lamps. Elya felt how tired she got to the bed with difficulty, threw off her boots, unwound her legs, took off her jacket, sat down on the couch, putting the box next to it.

– Leah, wake up early tomorrow.

– Eat first, Ale, you two have not eaten a single piece of bread.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
13 июня 2019
521 стр. 2 иллюстрации
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