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Читать книгу: «The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;», страница 34


Dutch Rolls

Into one pound of flour rub three ounces of butter; with a spoonful of yest, mixed up with warm milk, make it into light paste; set it before the fire to rise. When risen nearly half as big again, make it into rolls about the length of four inches, and the breadth of two fingers; set them again to rise before the fire, till risen very well; put them into the oven for a quarter of an hour.

French Rolls. No. 1

Seven pounds of flour, four eggs leaving out two yolks – the whites of the eggs should be beaten to a snow – three quarters of a pint of ale yest. Beat the eggs and yest together, adding warm milk; put it so beat into the flour, in which must be well rubbed four ounces of butter; wet the whole into a soft paste. Keep beating it in the bowl with your hand for a quarter of an hour at least; let it stand by the fire half an hour, then make it into rolls, and put them into pans or dishes, first well floured, or, what is still better, iron moulds, which are made on purpose to bake rolls in. Let them stand by the fire another half hour, and put them, bottom upwards, on tin plates, in the middle of a hot oven for three quarters of an hour or more: take them out, and rasp them.

French Rolls. No. 2

Take two or three spoonfuls of good yest, as much warm water, two or three lumps of loaf-sugar, and the yolk of an egg. Mix all together; let it stand to rise. Meanwhile take a quartern of the finest flour, and rub in about an ounce of butter. Then take a quart of new milk, and put into it a pint of boiling water, so as to make it rather warmer than new milk from the cow. Mix together the milk and yest, and strain through a sieve into the flour, and, when you have made it into a light paste, flour a piece of clean linen cloth well, lay it upon a thick double flannel, put your paste into the cloth, wrap it up close, and put it in an earthen pan before the fire till it rises. Make it up into ten rolls, and put them into a quick oven for a quarter of an hour.

French Rolls. No. 3

To half a peck of the best flour put six eggs, leaving out two whites, a little salt, a pint of good ale yest, and as much new milk, a little warmed, as will make it a thin light paste. Stir it about with your hand, or with a large wooden spoon, but by no means knead it. Set it in a pan before the fire for about an hour, or till it rises; then make it up into little rolls, and bake it in a quick oven.

Milton Rolls

Take one pound of fine rye flour, a little salt, the yolk of one egg, a small cupful of yest, and some warm new milk, with a bit of butter in it. Mix all together; let it stand one hour to rise; and bake your rolls half an hour in a quick oven.


Take out the stomachs of fowls before you dress them; wash and cleanse them thoroughly; then string them, and hang them up to dry. When wanted for use, soak them in water, and boil them in milk; this makes the best and sweetest whey.

Another way

Take the curd out of a calf’s maw; wash and pick it clean from the hair and stones that are sometimes in it, and season it well with salt. Wipe the maw, and salt it well, within and without, and put in the curd. Let it lie in salt for three or four days, and then hang it up.


Take flour, water, or milk, yest, and brown sugar; work it just the same as for bread. Make it up into a long loaf, and bake it. Then let it be one day old before you cut it in slices: make your oven extremely hot, and dry them in it for about two minutes, watching them all the time.

Another way

Put five pounds of fine flour in a large basin; add to it eight eggs unbeat, yolks and whites; dissolve half a pound of sugar over the fire, in a choppin (or a Scotch quart) of new milk; add all this to the flour with half a mutchkin, (one English pint) of new yest; mix it well, and set it before a good fire covered with a cloth. Let it stand half an hour, then work it up with a little more flour, and let it stand half an hour longer. Then take it out of the basin, and make it up on a board into small round or square biscuits, place them upon sheets of white iron, and set them before the fire, covered with a cloth, till they rise, which will be in half an hour. Put them into the oven, just when the bread is taken out; shut the oven till the biscuits turn brown on the top; then take them out, and cut them through.

Rusks, and Tops and Bottoms

Well mix two pounds of sugar, dried and sifted, with twelve pounds of flour, also well dried and sifted. Beat up eighteen eggs, leaving out eight whites, very light, with half a pint of new yest, and put it into the flour. Melt two pounds of butter in three pints of new milk, and wet the paste with it to your liking. Make it up in little cakes; lay them one on another; when baked, separate them, and return them to the oven to harden.

Sally Lunn

To two pounds of fine flour put about two table-spoonfuls of fresh yest, mixed with a pint of new milk made warm. Add the yolks of three eggs, well beat up. Rub into the flour about a quarter of a pound of butter, with salt to your taste; put it to the fire to rise, as you do bread. Make it into a cake, and put it on a tin over a chaffing-dish of slow coals, or on a hot hearth, till you see it rise; then put it into a quick oven, and, when the upper side is well baked, turn it. When done, rasp it all over and butter it; the top will take a pound of butter.


A piece of runnet, the size of half-a-crown, put into a table-spoonful of boiling water over-night, and strained into a quart of new milk, lukewarm, an hour before it is eaten.


Two table-spoonfuls of ground rice, half a pint of milk or cream, and the rind of a lemon, pared very thin, sugar, and a bay-leaf, to be stewed together for ten minutes; take out the peel, and let it stand till cold; then add the yolks of four eggs, which have been well beaten, with sifted sugar; the four whites to be beaten separately to a fine froth, and added to the above, which must be gently stirred all together, put into a tin mould, and baked in a quick oven for twenty minutes.

Another way

Make a raised pie of any size you think proper. Take some milk, a bay-leaf, a little cinnamon, sugar, and coriander seeds; boil it till it is quite thick. Melt a piece of butter in another stewpan, with a handful of flour well stirred in; let it boil some time; strain the milk through, and put all together, adding four or five eggs, beaten up for a long time; these are to be added at the last, and then baked.

Soufflé of Apples and Rice

Prepare some rice of a strong solid substance; dress it up all round a dish, the same height as a raised crust, that is, about three inches high. Have some marmalade of apple ready made; mix with it six yolks of eggs, and a small piece of butter; warm it on the stove in order to do the eggs; then have eight whites of eggs well whipped, as for biscuits; mix them lightly with the apples, and put the whole into the middle of the rice. Set it in a moderately hot oven, and, when the soufflé is raised sufficiently, send it up quickly to table, as it would soon fall and spoil.

Strawberries, to preserve for eating with Cream

Take the largest scarlet strawberries you can get, full red, but not too ripe, and their weight in double-refined sugar. Take more strawberries of the same sort; put them in a pot, and set them in water over the fire to draw out the juice. To every pound of strawberries allow full half a pint of this juice, adding to it nearly a quarter of a pound more sugar. Dip all the sugar in water; set it on the fire; and, when it is thoroughly melted, take it off, and stir it till it is almost cold. Then put in the strawberries, and boil them over a quick fire; skim them; and, when they look clear, they are done enough. If you think the syrup too thin, take out the fruit, and boil it more; but you must stir it till it is cold before you put the strawberries in again.

Strawberries, to preserve in Currant Jelly

Boil all the ordinary strawberries you can spare in the water in which you mean to put the sugar to make the syrup for the strawberries. Take three quarters of a pound of the finest scarlet or pine strawberries; add to them one pound and a quarter of sugar, which dip in the above-mentioned strawberry liquor; then boil the strawberries quick, and skim them clear once. When cold, remove them out of the pan into a China bowl. If you touch them while hot, you break or bruise them. Keep them closely covered with white paper till the currants are ripe, every now and then looking at them to see if they ferment or want heating up again. Do it if required, and put on fresh papers. When the currants are ripe, boil up the strawberries; skim them well; let them stand till almost cold, and then take them out of the syrup very carefully. Lay them on a lawn sieve, with a dish under them to catch the syrup; then strain the syrup through another lawn sieve, to clear it of all the bits and seeds; add to this syrup full half a pint of red and white currant juice, in equal quantities of each; then boil it quick about ten minutes, skimming it well. When it jellies, which you may know by trying it in a spoon, add the strawberries to it, and let them just simmer without boiling. Put them carefully into the pots, but, for fear of the strawberries settling at the bottom, put in a little of the jelly first and let it set; then put in the strawberries and jelly; watch them a little till they are cold, and, as the strawberries rise above the syrup, with a tea-spoon gently force them down again under it. In a few days put on brandy papers – they will turn out in a firm jelly.

Strawberries, to preserve in Gooseberry Jelly

Take a quart of the sharpest white gooseberries and a quart of water; let them come up to a boil, and then strain them through a lawn sieve. To a pint of the liquor put one pound of double-refined sugar; let it boil till it jellies; skim it very well, and take it off; when cool, put in the strawberries whole and picked. Set them on the fire; let them come to a boil; take them off till cold; repeat this three or four times till they are clear; then take the strawberries out carefully, that they may not bruise or break, and boil the jelly till it is stiff. Put a little first in the bottom of your pots or glasses; when set, put in the rest, first mixed with the strawberries, but not till nearly cold.

Strawberry Jam – very good

To one pound of scarlet strawberries, which are by far the best for the purpose, put a pound of powdered sugar. Take another half pound of strawberries, and squeeze all their juice through a cloth, taking care that none of the seeds come through to the jam. Then boil the strawberries, juice, and sugar, over a quick fire; skim it very clean; set it by in a clean China bowl, covering it close with writing paper; when the currants are ripe, add to the strawberries full half a pint of red currant juice, and half a pound more of pounded sugar: boil it all together for about ten or twelve minutes over a quick fire, and skim it very well.

Another way

Gather the strawberries very ripe; bruise them fine; put to them a little juice of strawberries; beat and sift their weight in sugar, and strew it over them. Put the pulp into a preserving-pan; set it on a clear fire, and boil it three quarters of an hour, stirring it all the time. Put it into pots, and keep it in a dry place, with brandy paper over it.

Sugar, to clarify

Break into pieces two pounds of double-refined sugar; put it into a stewpan, with a pint of cold spring water; when dissolved, set it over a moderate fire; beat about half the white of an egg; put it to the sugar, before it gets warm, and stir it well together. When it boils, take off the scum; keep it boiling till no scum rises and it is perfectly clear. Run it through a clean napkin; put it in a bottle well corked, and it will keep for months.


Take a quart of cream with a slice or two of lemon-peel, to be laid to soak in the cream. Take half a pint of sack and six spoonfuls of white wine, dividing it equally into your syllabub. Set your cream over the fire, and make it something more than lukewarm; sweeten both sack and cream, and put the cream into a spouted pot, pouring it rather high from the pot into the vessel in which you intend to put it. Let it be made about eight or nine hours before you want it for use.

Another way

Mix a quart of cream, not too thick, with a pint of white wine, and the juice of two lemons; sweeten it to your taste; put it in a broad earthen pan; then whisk it up. As the froth rises, take it off with a spoon, and put it in your glasses, but do not make it long before you want them.

Everlasting Syllabub – very excellent

Take a quart and half a pint of cream, one pint of Rhenish wine, half a pint of sack, the juice of three lemons, about a pound of double-refined sugar, beaten fine and sifted before you put it into the cream. Grate off the rinds of the three lemons used, put it with the juice into the wine, and that to the cream. Then beat all together with a whisk just half an hour; take it up with a spoon, and fill your glasses. It will keep good nine or ten days, and is best three or four days old.

Solid Syllabub

Half a pint of white wine, a wine-glass of brandy, the peel of a lemon grated and the juice, half a pound of powdered loaf-sugar, and a pint of cream. Stir these ingredients well together; then dissolve one ounce of isinglass in half a pint of water; strain it; and when cool add it to the syllabub, stirring it well all the time; then put it in a mould. It is better made the day before you want it.

Whipt Syllabub

Boil a quart of cream with a bit of cinnamon; let it cool; take out the cinnamon, and sweeten to your taste. Put in half a pint of white wine, or sack, and a piece of lemon-peel. Whip it with a whisk to a froth; take it off with a spoon as it rises; lay it on the bottom of a sieve; put wine sweetened in the bottom of your glasses, and lay on the syllabub as high as you can.


Two pounds of moist sugar, an ounce of candied orange-peel, the same of citron, the juice of three lemons, the rind of two grated, and two ounces and a half of butter. Keep stirring these on the fire until they attain the desired consistency. Pour it on paper oiled to prevent its sticking.

Trifle. No. 1

Take as many macaroons as the bottom of your dish will hold; peel off the wafers, and dip the cakes in Madeira or mountain wine. Make a very thick custard, with pounded apricot or peach kernels boiled in it; but if you have none, you may put some bitter almonds; pour the custard hot upon the maccaroons. When the custard is cold, or just before the trifle is sent to table, lay on it as much whipped syllabub as the dish can hold. The syllabub must be done with very good cream and wine, and put on a sieve to drain before you lay it on the custard. If you like it, put here and there on the whipped cream bunches of preserved barberries, or pieces of raspberry jam.

Trifle. No. 2

Take a quart of sweet cream; boil it with a blade of mace and a little lemon-peel; sweeten it with sugar; keep stirring it till it is almost cold to prevent it from creaming at top; then put it into the dish you intend to serve it in, with a spoonful or less of runnet. Let it stand till it becomes like cheese. You may perfume it, or add orange-flower water.

Trifle. No. 3

Cover the bottom of your dish with maccaroons and ratafia cakes; just wet them all through with mountain wine or raisin wine; then make a boiled custard, not too thick, and when cold pour it over them. Lay a whipped syllabub over that. You may garnish with currant jelly.

Trotter Jelly

Boil four sheep’s trotters in a quart of water till reduced to a pint, and strain it through a fine sieve.

Veal and Ham Patés

Chop six ounces of ready dressed lean veal and three ounces of ham very small; put it into a stewpan, with an ounce of butter rolled in flour, half a gill of cream, the same quantity of veal stock, a little lemon-peel, cayenne pepper and salt, to which add, if you like, a spoonful of essence of ham and some lemon-juice.

Venison Pasty

Bone a neck and breast of venison, and season them well with salt and pepper; put them into a pan, with part of a neck of mutton sliced and laid over them, and a glass of red wine. Cover the whole with a coarse paste, and bake it an hour or two; but finish baking in a puff paste, adding a little more seasoning and the gravy from the meat. Let the crust be half an inch thick at the bottom, and the top crust thicker. If the pasty is to be eaten hot, pour a rich gravy into it when it comes from the oven; but, if cold, there is no occasion for that. The breast and shoulder make a very good pasty. It may be done in raised crust. A middle-sized pasty will take three hours’ baking.


Take a sufficient quantity of puff-paste, cut it to the shape of the dish, and make it as for an apple pie, only without a top. When baked, put it on a sheet of writing paper, near the fire, to drain the butter, till dinner time. Then take two fowls, which have been previously boiled; cut them up as for a fricassee, but leave out the back. Prepare a sauce, the white sauce as directed for boiled fowls. Wash a table-spoonful of mushrooms in three or four cold waters; cut them in half, and add them also; then thoroughly heat up the sauce, and have the chicken also ready heated in a little boiling water, in which put a little soup jelly. Strain the liquor from the chicken; pour a little of the sauce in the bottom of the paste, then lay the wings, &c. in the paste; pour the rest of the sauce over them, and serve it up hot. The paste should be well filled to the top, and if there is not sauce enough more must be added.


Take a pint of cream, melt in it half a pound of butter, and set it to cool. When cold, stir into it one pound of well dried and sifted flour by degrees, that it may be quite smooth and not lumpy, also six eggs well beaten, and one spoonful of ale yest. Beat all these well together; set it before the fire, cover it, and let it stand to rise one hour, before you bake. Some order it to be stirred a little while to keep it from being hard at top. Sprinkle over a little powdered cinnamon and sugar, when done.

Sugar Wafers

Take some double-refined sugar, sifted; wet it with the juice of lemon pretty thin, and then scald it over the fire till it candies on the top. Then put it on paper, and rub it about thin; when almost cold, pin up the paper across, and put the wafers in a stove to dry. Wet the outside of the paper to take them off. You may make them red with clear gilliflowers boiled in water, yellow with saffron in water, and green with the juice of spinach. Put sugar in, and scald it as though white, and, with a pin, mark your white ones before you pin them up.

Walnuts, to preserve

Take fine large walnuts at the time proper for pickling; prick, with a large bodkin, seven or eight holes in each to let out the water; keep them in water till they change colour or no longer look green; then put them over a fire in cold water to boil, till they feel just soft, but not too soft. Spread them on a coarse cloth to cool, and take away the water; stick in each walnut three or four cloves, three or four splinters of cinnamon, and the same of candied orange; then put them in pots or glasses. Boil a syrup, but not thick, which, when cold, pour over the walnuts, and let it stand a day or two; then pour the syrup off; add some more sugar; boil it up once more, and pour it again over the walnuts. When cold, tie them up.

White Walnuts

Take nuts that are neither too large nor too small; peel them to the white, taking off all the green with care, and throw them into pump water as you peel them; let them soak one night. Boil them quick in fair water, throwing in a handful or two of alum in powder, according to the quantity, that they may be very white. When boiled, put them in fresh water, and take them out again in a minute; lay them on a dry cloth to dry, and lard them with preserved citron; then put them in the syrup you have made for the purpose, while they were larding, and let them soak two or three days before you boil them quite; the syrup must be very clear. One hundred walnuts make about three pounds of sweetmeats.

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