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Читать книгу: «The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;», страница 33


Ratafia Pudding

A quarter of a pound of sweet and a quarter of an ounce of bitter almonds, butter and loaf sugar of each a quarter of a pound; beat them together in a marble mortar. Add a pint of cream, four eggs, leaving out two whites, and a wine glassful of sherry. Garnish the dish with puff paste, and bake half an hour.

Rice Pudding

Take a quarter of a pound of rice, a pint and a half of new milk, five eggs, with the whites of two. Set the rice and the milk over the fire till it is just ready to boil; then pour it into a basin, and stir into it an ounce of butter till it is quite melted. When cold, the eggs to be well beaten and stirred in, and the whole sweetened to the taste: in general, a quarter of a pound of sugar is allowed to the above proportions. Add about a table-spoonful of ratafia, and a little salt: a little cream improves it much. Put it into a nice paste, and an hour is sufficient to bake it.

The rice and milk, while over the fire, must be kept stirred all the time.


Boil five ounces of rice in a pint and a half of milk; when nearly cold, stir in two ounces of butter, two eggs, three ounces of sugar, spice or lemon, as you like. Bake it an hour.

Plain Rice Pudding

Take a quarter of a pound of whole rice, wash and pick it clean; put it into a saucepan, with a quart of new milk, a stick of cinnamon, and lemon-peel shred fine. Boil it gently till the rice is tender and thick, and stir it often to keep it from burning. Take out the cinnamon and lemon-peel; put the rice into an earthen pan to cool; beat up the yolks of four eggs and the whites of two. Stir them into the rice; sweeten it to the palate with moist sugar; put in some lemon or Seville orange-peel shred very fine, a few bitter almonds, and a little grated nutmeg and ginger. Mix all well together; lay a puff paste round the dish, pour in the pudding, and bake it.

Another way

Pour a quart of new milk, scalding hot, upon three ounces of whole rice. Let it stand covered for an hour or two. Scald the milk again, and pour it on as before, letting it stand all night. Next day, when you are ready to make the pudding, set the rice and milk over the fire, give it a boil up, sweeten it with a little sugar, put into it a very little pounded cinnamon, stir it well together; butter the dish in which it is to be baked, pour it in, and put it into the oven. This pudding is not long in baking.

Ground Rice Pudding

Boil three ounces of rice in a pint of milk, stirring it all well together the whole time of boiling. Pour it into a pan, and stir in six ounces of butter, six ounces of sugar, eight eggs, but half of the whites only, and twenty almonds pounded, half of them bitter. Put paste at the bottom of the dish.

Rice Hunting Pudding

To a pound of suet, half a pound of currants, a pound of jar raisins stoned, five eggs, leaving out two whites, half a pound of ground rice, a little spice, and as much milk as will make it a thick batter. Boil it two hours and a half.

Kitchen Rice Pudding

Half a pound of rice in two quarts of boiling water, a pint and a half of milk, and a quarter of a pound of beef or mutton suet, shred fine into it. Bake an hour and a half.

Rice Plum Pudding

Half a pound of rice boiled in milk till tender, but the milk must not run thin about it; then take half a pound of raisins, and the like quantity of currants, and suet, chopped fine, four eggs, leaving out half the whites, one table-spoonful of sugar, two of brandy, some lemon-peel, and spice. Mix these well together, and take two table-spoonfuls of flour to make it up. It must boil five or six hours in a tin or basin.

Small Rice Puddings

Set three ounces of flour of rice over the fire in three quarters of a pint of milk; stir it constantly; when stiff, take it off, pour it into an earthen pan, and stir in three ounces of butter, and a large tea-cupful of cream; sweeten it to your taste with lump sugar. When cold, beat five eggs and two whites; grate the peel of half a lemon; cut three ounces of blanched almonds small, and a few bitter ones with them. Beat all well together; boil it half an hour in small basins, and serve with wine sauce.

Swedish Rice Pudding

Wash one pound of rice six or eight times in warm water; put it into a stewpan upon a slow fire till it bursts; strain it through a sieve; add to the rice one pound of sugar, previously well clarified, and the juice of six or eight oranges, and of six lemons, and simmer it on the fire for half an hour. Cover the bottom and the edges of a dish with paste, taking care that the flour of which the paste is made be first thoroughly dried. Put in your rice, and decorate with candied orange-peel.

Rice White Pot

Boil one pound of rice, previously well washed in two quarts of new milk, till it is much reduced, quite tender, and thick; beat it in a mortar, with a quarter of a pound of almonds blanched, putting it to them by degrees as you beat them. Boil two quarts of cream with two or three blades of mace; mix it light with nine eggs – only five whites – well beat, and a little rose-water; sweeten it to your taste. Cut some candied orange and citron very thin, and lay it in. Bake it in a slow oven.

Sago Pudding

Boil a quarter of a pound of sago in a pint of new milk, till it is very thick; stir in a large piece of butter; add sugar and nutmeg to your palate, and four eggs. Boil it an hour. Wine sauce.

Spoonful Pudding

A table-spoonful of flour, a spoonful of cream or milk, some currants, an egg, a little sugar and brandy, or raisin wine. Make them round and about the size of an egg, and tie them up in separate pudding-cloths.

Plain Suet Pudding, baked

Four spoonfuls of flour, four spoonfuls of suet shred very fine, three eggs, mixed with a little salt, and a tea-cupful of milk. Bake in a small pie-dish, and turn it out for table.

Suet Pudding, boiled

Shred a pound of beef suet very fine; mix it with a pound of flour, a little salt and ginger, six eggs, and as much milk as will make it into a stiff batter. Put it in a cloth, and boil it two hours. When done, turn it into a dish, with plain melted butter.

Tansy Pudding

Beat sixteen eggs very well in a wooden bowl, leaving out six whites, with a little orange-flower water and brandy; then add to them by degrees half a pound of fine sifted sugar; grate in a nutmeg, and a quarter of a pound of Naples biscuit; add a pint of the juice of spinach, and four spoonfuls of the juice of tansy; then put to it a pint of cream. Stir it all well together, and put it in a skillet, with a piece of butter melted; keep it stirring till it becomes pretty thick; then put it in a dish, and bake it half an hour. When it comes out of the oven, stick it with blanched almonds cut very thin, and mix in some citron cut in the same manner. Serve it with sack and sugar, and squeeze a Seville orange over it. Turn it out in the dish in which you serve it bottom upwards.

Another way

Take five ounces of grated bread, a pint of milk, five eggs, a little nutmeg, the juice of tansy and spinach, to your taste, a quarter of a pound of butter, some sugar, and a little brandy; put it in a saucepan, and keep it stirring on a gentle fire till thick. Then put it in a dish and bake it; when baked, turn it out, and dust sugar on it.

Tapioca Pudding

Take a small tea-cupful of tapioca, and rather more than half that quantity of whole rice; let it soak all night in water, just enough to cover it; then add a quart of milk: let it simmer over a slow fire, stirring it every five minutes till it looks clear. Let it stand till quite cold; then add three eggs, well beaten with sugar, and grated lemon-peel, and bake it. It is equally good cold or hot.

Neat’s Tongue Pudding

Boil a neat’s tongue very tender; when cold, peel and shred it very fine, after grating as much as will cover your hand. Add to it some beef suet and marrow. Take some oranges and citron, finely cut, some cloves, nutmeg, and mace, not forgetting salt to your taste, twenty-four eggs, half the whites only, some sack, a little rose-water, and as much boiled cream as will make the whole of proper thickness. Then put in two pounds of currants, if your tongue be large.

Quatre Fruits

Take picked strawberries, black currants, raspberries, and the little black cherries, one pound of each, and two quarts of brandy. Infuse the whole together, and sweeten to taste. When it has stood a sufficient time, filter through a jelly-bag till the liquor is quite clear.

Quinces, to preserve

Put a third part of the clearest and largest quinces into cold water over the fire, and coddle till tender, but not so as to be broken. Pare and cut them into quarters, taking out the core and the hard part, and then weigh them. The kernels must be taken out of the core, and tied up in a piece of muslin or gauze. The remaining two-thirds of the quinces must be grated, and the juice well squeezed out; and to a pound of the coddled quinces put a pint of juice; pound some cochineal, tie it up in muslin, and put it to the quinces and juice. They must be together all night; next day, put a pound of lump sugar to every pound of coddled quinces; let the sugar be broken into small lumps, and, with the quince juice, cochineal, and kernels, be boiled together until the quinces are clear and red, quite to the middle of each quarter. Take out the quarters, and boil the syrup for half an hour: put the quarters in, and let them boil gently for near an hour: then put them in a jar, boil the syrup till it is a thick jelly, and put it boiling hot over them.

Quinces, to preserve whole

Pare the quinces very thin, put them into a well-tinned saucepan; fill it with hard water, lay the parings over the fruit, and keep them down; cover close that the steam may not escape, and set them over a slow fire to stew till tender and of a fine red colour. Take them carefully out, and weigh them to two pounds of quinces. Take two pounds and a half of double-refined sugar; put it into a preserving-pan, with one quart of water. Set it over a clear charcoal fire to boil; skim it clean, and, when it looks clear, put in the quinces. Boil them twelve minutes; take them off, and set them by for four hours to cool. Set them on the fire again, and let them boil three minutes; take them off, and let them stand two days; then boil them again ten minutes with the juice of two lemons, and set them by till cold. Put them into jars; pour on the syrup, cover them with brandy paper, tie them close with leather or bladder, and set them in a dry cool place.

Ramaquins. No. 1

Take two ounces of Cheshire cheese grated, two ounces of white bread grated, two ounces of butter, half a pint of cream, and a little white pepper; boil all together; let it stand till cold; then take two yolks of eggs, beat the whole together, and put it into paper coffins. Twenty minutes will bake them.

Ramaquins. No. 2

Take very nearly half a pound of Parmesan cheese, two ounces of mild Gloucester, four yolks of eggs, about six ounces of the best butter, and a good tea-cupful of cream. Beat the cheese first in a mortar; add by degrees the other ingredients, and in some measure be regulated by your taste, whether the proportion of any of them should be increased or diminished. A little while bakes them; the oven must not be too hot. They are baked in little paper cases, and served as hot as possible.

Ramaquins. No. 3

Put to a little water just warm a little salt; stir in a quarter of a pound of butter; it must not boil. When well mixed, let it stand till cold: then stir in three eggs, one at a time, beating it well till it is quite smooth; then add three more eggs, beating it well, and half a pound of Parmesan cheese. Beat it well again, adding two yolks of eggs and a quarter of a pound of cold butter, and again beat it. Just before it is going into the oven, beat six eggs to a froth, and beat the whole together. Bake in paper moulds and in a quick oven. Serve as hot as possible.

Ramaquins. No. 4

Take a quarter of a pound of Cheshire cheese, two eggs, and two ounces of butter; beat them fine in a mortar, and make them up in cakes that will cover a piece of bread of the size of a crown-piece. Lay them on a dish, not touching one another; set them on a chaffing-dish of coals, and hold a salamander over them till they are quite brown. Serve up hot.

Raspberries, to preserve

Take the juice of red and white raspberries; if you have no white raspberries, put half codling jelly; put a pint and a half of juice to two pounds of sugar; let it boil, and skim it. Then put in three quarters of a pound of large red raspberries; boil them very fast till they jelly and are very clear; do not take them off the fire, that would make them hard, and a quarter of an hour will do them. After they begin to boil fast, put the raspberries in pots or glasses; then strain the jelly from the seeds, and put it to them. When they begin to cool, stir them, that they may not lie at the top of the glasses; and, when cold, lay upon them papers wetted with brandy and dried with a cloth.

Another way

Put three quarters of a pound of moist sugar to every quart of fruit, and let them boil gently till they jelly.

Raspberries, to preserve in Currant Jelly

Strip the currants from the stalks; weigh one pound of sugar to one pound of fruit, and to every eight pounds of currants put one pound of raspberries, for which you are not to allow any sugar. Wet the sugar, and let it boil till it is almost sugar again; then throw in the fruit, and, with a very smart fire, let it boil up all over. Take it off, and strain it through a lawn sieve. You must not let it boil too much, for fear of the currants breaking, and the seeds coming through into the jelly. When it boils up in the middle, and the syrup diffuses itself generally, it is sufficiently done; then take it off instantly. This makes a very elegant, clear currant jelly, and may be kept and used as such. Take some whole fine large raspberries; stalk them; put some of the jelly, made as above directed, in your preserving-pan; sprinkle in the raspberries, not too many at a time, for fear of bruising them. About ten minutes will do them. Take them off, and put them in pots or glasses. If you choose to do more, you must put in the pan a fresh supply of jelly. Let the jelly nearly boil up before you put in the raspberries.

Raspberry Jam. No. 1. —Very good

Take to each pound of raspberries half a pint of juice of red and white currants, an equal quantity of each, in the whole half a pint, and a pound of double-refined sugar. Stew or bake the currants in a pot, to get out the juice. Let the sugar be finely beaten; then take half the raspberries and squeeze through a coarse cloth, to keep back the seeds; bruise the rest with the back of a wooden spoon; the half that is bruised must be of the best raspberries. Mix the raspberries, juice, and sugar, together: set it over a good fire, and let it boil as fast as possible, till you see it will jelly, which you may try in a spoon.

Raspberry Jam. No. 2

Weigh equal quantities of sugar and of fruit; put the fruit into a preserving-pan: boil it very quickly; break it; and stir it constantly. When the juice is almost wasted, add the sugar, and simmer it half an hour. Use a silver spoon.

Raspberry Jam. No. 3

To six quarts of raspberries put three pounds of refined sugar finely pounded; strain half the raspberries from the seed; then boil the juice and the other half together. As it jellies, put it into pots. The sugar should first be boiled separately, before the raspberries are added.

Raspberry Paste

Break three parts of your raspberries red and white; strain them through linen; break the other part, and put into the juice; boil it till it jellies, and then let it stand till cold. To every pint put a pound of sugar, and make it scalding hot: add some codling jelly before you put in the seeds.

Apple Tart with Rice Crust

Pare and quarter six russet apples; stew them till soft; sweeten with lump-sugar; grate some lemon-peel; boil a tea-cupful of rice in milk till it becomes thick: sweeten it well with loaf-sugar. Add a little cream, cinnamon, and nutmeg; lay the apple in the dish; cover it with rice; beat the whites of two eggs to a strong froth; lay it on the top; dust a little sugar over it, and brown it in the oven.

Another way

Pare and core as many apples as your dish will conveniently bake; stew them with sugar, a bit of lemon-peel, and a little cinnamon. Prepare your rice as for a rice pudding. Fill your dish three parts full of apples, and cover it with the rice.


Take two pounds of flour; divide it; put one half into a deep pan; rub two ounces of butter into the flour; the whites of two eggs whisked to a high froth; add one table-spoonful of yest, four table-spoonfuls of cream, the yolk of one egg, a pint of milk, rather more than new milk warm. Mix the above together into a lather; beat it for ten minutes; then cover it, and set it before the fire for two hours to rise. Mix in the other half of the flour, and set it before the fire for a quarter of an hour. These rolls must be baked in earthenware cups, rubbed with a little butter, and not more than half filled with dough; they must be baked a quarter of an hour in a very hot oven.

Another way

Take one quart of fine flour; wet it with warm milk, and six table-spoonfuls of small beer yest, a quarter of a pound of butter, and a little salt. Do not make the dough too stiff at first, but let it rise awhile; then work in the flour to the proper consistency. Set it to rise some time longer, then form your rolls of any size you please; bake them in a warmish oven; twenty minutes will bake the small and half an hour the large ones.

Excellent Rolls

Take three pounds of the finest flour, and mix up the yolks of three eggs with the yest. Wet the flour with milk, first melting in the milk one ounce of butter, and add a little salt to the flour.

Little Rolls

One pound of flour, two or three spoonfuls of yest, the yolks of two eggs, the white of one, a little salt, moistened with milk. This dough must be made softer than for bread, and beaten well with a spoon till it is quite light; let it stand some hours before it is baked; some persons make it over-night. The Dutch oven, which must first be made warm, will bake the rolls, which must be turned to prevent their catching.

Breakfast Rolls

Rub exceedingly fine two ounces of good butter in a pound and three quarters of fine flour. Mix a table-spoonful of yest in half a pint of warm milk; set a light sponge in the flour till it rises for an hour; beat up one or two eggs in half a spoonful of fine sugar, and intermix it with the sponge, adding to it a little less than half a pint of warm milk with a tea-spoonful of salt. Mix all up to a light dough, and keep it warm, to rise again for another hour. Then break it in pieces, and roll them to the thickness of your finger of the proper length; lay them on tin plates, and set them in a warm stove for an hour more. Then touch them over with a little milk, and bake them in a slow oven with care. To take off the bitterness from the yest, mix one pint of it in two gallons of water, and let it stand for twenty-four hours; then throw off the water, and the yest is fit for use; if not, repeat it.

Another way

With two pounds of flour mix about half a pound of butter, till it is like crumbled bread; add two whole eggs, three spoonfuls of good yest, and a little salt. Make it up into little rolls; set them before the fire for a short time to rise, but, if the yest is very good, this will not be necessary.

Brentford Rolls

Take two pounds of fine flour; put to it a little salt, and two spoonfuls of fine sugar sifted; rub in a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, the yolks of two eggs, two spoonfuls of yest, and about a pint of milk. Work the whole into a dough, and set it to the fire to rise. Make twelve rolls of it; lay them on buttered tins, let them stand to the fire to rise till they are very light, then bake them about half an hour.

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