Цитаты из аудиокниги «Пир стервятников», страница 37

You'll find truth in your looking glass, not on the tongues of men.

No man is as accursed as the kinslayer.

“A lot of brave men have worn the white cloak. Most have been forgotten.”

“Most deserve to be forgotten. The heroes will always be remembered. The best.”

“The best and the worst.” So one of us is like to live in song. “And a few who were a bit of both.”

Crows will fight over a dead man's flesh and kill each other for his eyes.

Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.

And now I must tell her that Theon is dead, and drive yet another dagger through her heart. There were two knives buried there already. On the blades were writ the words Rodrik and Maron, and many a time they twisted cruelly in the night.

Friend or foe, the crows care not.

The looters come with the carrion crows after every battle.

When the lion falls the lesser beasts move on: the jackals and the vultures and the feral dogs.

Дубового до Южного. Из замшелых каменных доков вдоль берега выплывали ладьи, которые перекрывали Мандер и преследовали

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Возрастное ограничение:
Дата выхода на Литрес:
02 июня 2016
Дата перевода:
Дата написания:
27 ч. 40 мин. 30 сек.
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