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Rivals in business. Partners in love?

As the creative genius behind Georgia’s most fabled cosmetics dynasty, Shane Adams has a legacy to live up to. The freewheeling Atlanta bachelor also knows how to romance a woman, wining and dining the city’s most eligible beauties. Only Gabrielle Burton seems immune to his legendary charms. Yet Shane has never been able to forget his stunning rival, whose sweet desire is like a lingering perfume.…

The hunky Adams Cosmetics VP has always held Gabby spellbound. But the workaholic perfumer never thought she could attract the sexy playboy’s attention. Until she undergoes a major makeover. Suddenly she’s on everyone’s A-list…including Shane’s. As intrigue swirls around the company, is the sensual scent of passion leading Gabby and Shane to love?

Gabrielle was breathless and just a tad bit giddy as they danced.

Shane guided her easily around the dance floor to the mid-tempo jazz tune. He bent down to rest his head lightly against the side of her face, and she could feel his breath against her cheek.

A slow song came on and Shane slowed the tempo. Shane closed the gap between them until they were chest-to-chest and hip-to-hip. When he ground his hips against hers, Gabrielle thought she might faint. Her cheeks became warm, and she could feel liquid heat, unlike she’d ever felt before, pooling in the lower half of her body. There was no mistaking that Shane Adams knew exactly what turned her on.

And when his hands reached out to caress her face, Gabrielle couldn’t help but look up into his hazel eyes. She understood what she saw there: lust, plain and simple. But she never expected him to act on it. So she was surprised when Shane leaned down to brush his lips gently across hers. It was the softest of kisses, but it sent a shiver running up her spine all the same. She didn’t—couldn’t—stop him when he deepened the kiss.


is the author of ten books and numerous short stories. A graduate of Hyde Park Career Academy, she earned a bachelor of arts degree in English from Northwestern University.

Her books have garnered four-star ratings from RT Book Reviews, Rawsistaz Reviewers, Romance in Color and numerous book clubs. A member of Romance Writers of America, St. John is an avid reader of all genres. She enjoys the arts, cooking, traveling, basketball and adventure sports, but her true passion remains writing.

St. John lives in sunny Orlando, the City Beautiful.

Lost Without
Yahrah St. John

Dear Reader,

Lost Without You continues the Adams saga introduced previously in Need You Now, but will focus on Shane Adams and Gabrielle Burton. When I originally conceived the book, it started out as a makeover story: Gabrielle as the prudish chemist and Shane as the gorgeous bachelor. It quickly evolved into more, with the epic rivalry between Adams Cosmetics and Jax Cosmetics as the backdrop.

Since fragrance played a big role, I realized a great conflict would be to have the fragrance stolen and have Gabrielle appear to be the culprit.

Remember the spoiler alert I gave you about Andrew Jackson of Jax Cosmetics? He is back in a major way as the villain of Lost Without You. So you can only imagine what will happen when his estranged son, real-estate mogul Jasper Jackson, falls in love with sexy spokesmodel, Courtney Adams. Stay tuned for the final chapter of the An Adams Affair trilogy, Formula for Passion, coming September 2012.

Visit my website at for the latest updates or contact me via email at

Warm regards,

Yahrah St. John

I couldn’t have reached my goal of publishing

my 10th book without the love and support of all my family, friends and readers. Thank you for continuing to allow me to do what I love, and that’s bringing you stories of love, passion, drama and intrigue. I hope to bring you more great books in the future as

I challenge myself to reach new heights as an author.

Dedicated to my Dad, Austin Mitchell, for believing

I could reach my goal of seeing my 10th book in print.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Chapter 1

“Thanks to Hypnotic and the backing of Graham International, Adams Cosmetics is back in the black!” Kayla Graham announced during a midweek board meeting in early March at the Adams Cosmetics corporate office in Atlanta. “The holiday sales numbers are in and the outlook is promising. We are beating our competition, Jax Cosmetics, in every division from cosmetics to skin care to fragrance.”

“Was there ever any doubt?” Shane asked.

Kayla smiled at her brother’s confidence. “Of course not, we—” she pointed to the other family members present: her husband, Ethan Graham, and younger sister Courtney “—know how talented you are.”

Shane had graduated at the top of his class at the Fashion Institute of Technology with a bachelor of science degree in cosmetics and fragrance marketing. He’d then gone to perfumery school in Paris before apprenticing at the Fragonard perfumery in Grasse, France.

Kayla knew her brother was well trained to bring Adams Cosmetics into the twenty-first century, but he needed help. He’d already been spearheading developing new products for the past six years, but they couldn’t continue to rely solely on him. Otherwise, he would burn out.

“Thank you,” Shane replied. “Andrew Jackson must be spinning on those alligator heels of his.”

Andrew Jackson owned Jax Cosmetics, their main competitor. Theirs was a bitter rivalry that spanned back to the days when their father, Byron, and mother, Elizabeth, went to college together. Their mother used to date Andrew, and when she chose Byron over Andrew, the feud began.

“We need to capitalize on the momentum Hypnotic is bringing,” Ethan Graham said as he joined the conversation. He was happy to see that Adams Cosmetics was finally starting to break even. It would make his board of directors very happy, considering they hadn’t been pleased when he’d decided to purchase Adams Cosmetics last year for his company, Graham International. He hadn’t cared, though, because thanks to his acquisition, he’d fallen in love with Kayla and she was expecting their first child, a son, in a few months.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Shane returned. “I’m working on the next fragrance.”

“How’s it coming along?” Courtney inquired.

Shane rubbed his goatee thoughtfully. “It’s coming.” Truth be told, he was having a hard time coming up with just the right notes to finish the fragrance on top of all his other work.

“We don’t mean to pressure you.” Kayla could see the tense look on Shane’s face. “But we’re hot now.”

“I’m well aware of that fact.”

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Courtney asked. She wasn’t good with chemistry, but she had a degree in marketing and finance.

“I have a solution,” Ethan stated.

Kayla turned and looked at her husband. They’d discussed his solution at length over the past several days. She’d hoped that Shane would have better news about his progress, but since he didn’t, they didn’t have much choice but to proceed with Ethan’s suggestion. Kayla held her breath and braced herself for the blowup she knew was about to come.

“Oh, yeah?” Shane swiveled around in his chair to face Ethan. “What’s that?”

“We bring in another head chemist.”

Shane jumped to his feet. “What the hell did you just say?”

Ethan held up his hand. “Shane, listen. This would help to ease the load on your shoulders.” He knew this decision would be met with hostility, much as his decision last year to remove Courtney as the Adams spokesmodel had. Hiring his ex-girlfriend, Noelle Warner, as her replacement had proved disastrous and had nearly destroyed his marriage and cost him his child. This time, he’d consulted Kayla, and she’d been in agreement that giving Shane some relief was in the best interest of the company.

“I don’t need to ease my load,” Shane replied harshly. “I had been running the cosmetics and fragrance lab for six years before Graham International ever came along.”

“Shane, this is in no way a condemnation of your work,” Kayla responded. “Everyone needs help every now and then.”

“I don’t need any help.”

“Yet, you haven’t come up with a new fragrance even though you’ve been working on it for several months,” Ethan returned.

“In case you haven’t noticed, I have created several new lipsticks, shadows and nail polishes for the cosmetics division in that same time.” He didn’t appreciate Ethan honing in on his territory. Just because he’d learned to get along with his brother-in-law did not mean he’d forgotten how Ethan had come to own half of Adams Cosmetics.

Ethan sighed. “Of course we’ve noticed what a great job you’ve done with cosmetics, but I also think giving you some help is needed. We all want to see Adams Cosmetics thrive and expand, and that can’t happen if you’re being stretched too thin.”

Shane turned to his sister. “Are you in agreement with this?”

Kayla hated when Shane’s hazel eyes pierced hers. Sometimes it was as if he could see right through her. She reached across the table and grasped Ethan’s hand in hers. Last year, they had made a pact to run the company as equals and share in the decision making. “Yes, we are.”

Shane rose and shrugged his shoulders. “Fine. I’ve been outvoted. Why is that always the case with you, Ethan?”

Ethan was about to speak, but Kayla touched his arm.

“Shane, please don’t be angry with us.”

“And may I ask whom you’ve chosen as my counterpart?”

“Shane, we would never choose someone without your input. You’re the one who has to work with them on a day-to-day basis. It’s your lab.”

“How gracious of you,” Shane replied sarcastically.

“But we do have a candidate in mind,” Ethan added.

“Enough with the suspense,” Courtney said with a sigh. She’d been silent for long enough. “Just spit it out.”

“Gabrielle Burton.”

* * *

Shane paced the laboratory floor. Of all the names he’d expected to hear, Gabrielle Burton was not one of them. She was an excellent chemist, but she was also his archrival. They’d gone to perfumery school together and no matter the forum, the five-foot-six brunette had always competed against him.

Once near the end of the term, they’d competed to see who created the best fragrance. Their peers had to vote on their favorite scent. Shane and Gabrielle had tied for first place, but Gabrielle had insisted on a recount as she was sure she’d win, because her fragrance was better, she’d taunted. She’d been wrong. A recount had discovered one missing vote, giving Shane the win. What surprised him the most was that she’d merely shook his hand and told him she’d beat him the next time.

She’d been an annoyance, to say the least, and had rubbed Shane the wrong way from day one. If he said the sky was blue, she would say it was green, if only to be obstinate. Shane highly doubted Gabrielle Burton would accept having to answer to him in the lab. He’d heard she’d stayed in Paris to work for L’Oréal, but that wouldn’t stop her from going after this position.

This was definitely going to be interesting.

* * *

“Gabby, are you sure you want to leave Paris?” Mariah asked as she watched her dear friend and roommate pack her suitcases that evening. They’d met ten years ago when Gabrielle was lost on the Paris subway. With some free time on her hands, Mariah had graciously agreed to show her the way. Born and raised in South Africa, Mariah had been a struggling model back then, but now was one of the most sought-after models. With Mariah always on the road, it hadn’t made sense for her to pay for her own place, and so they’d moved in together. A decade later, they were still the best of friends.

“Yes, I think it’s finally time I go back to the States,” Gabrielle said, exiting her closet with several handfuls of clothes. “I can’t run from my past forever.”

Ten years ago, she had come to Paris for perfumery school and had never gone back to the United States. She had never faced down the fact that she’d lost her brother, Seth, in a tragic drowning accident when she was fifteen. She’d insisted on accompanying Seth on a boating trip with his friends. Then the weather turned treacherous when they were on their way back to shore, and Gabrielle had fallen overboard. Seth had jumped in to save her. And he had; he just hadn’t been able to save himself.

Their family had never recovered from the loss. Although they’d never said it, Gabrielle knew her parents blamed her for losing their only son, and having her around only seemed to add to her parents’ grief. So as soon as she could, Gabrielle had hightailed it out of Atlanta, come to Paris and stayed.

She’d graduated top of her class in perfumery school and had been immediately hired by L’Oréal. Although she was an excellent chemist, she’d recently been overlooked for a promotion. Gabrielle supposed she didn’t have the look or pizzazz they wanted in their top-chemist position, and so she’d begun to realize it was time for a change. She hoped that a new opportunity with Adams Cosmetics would give her the creative boost she needed.

Of course, the position meant she would have to work closely with Shane Adams, and that caused Gabrielle to take a deep, calming breath. The knowledge that she would be going to work for her father’s employer’s direct competition was not lost on her. Not many people knew that her father, James Burton, had started out as an assistant at Jax Cosmetics. He had moved up the ranks and was now an executive. When she was younger, he used to sneak her and Seth into the labs at night, and it was there that she developed her interest in chemistry.

And the fact that she and Shane had been like oil and water in perfumery school made the position even more of a challenge. But despite their rivalry and her personal conflict, Gabrielle was sure they could overcome their differences. They were both professionals, after all.

“Okay, so you’re interviewing, but why are you packing?” Mariah asked. “You haven’t even been offered the position.”

“That’s irrelevant, because I will be.”

“You’re that sure of yourself?”

Gabrielle spun on her heels to face her friend. “Of course I am. My credentials are above reproach. I have a degree in chemistry and went to the top perfumery school. Shane Adams will have to acknowledge that.” Ethan Graham had called and informed her that, although she was on the short list, it was ultimately Shane’s decision whether he would hire her or not.

“The Shane Adams?” Mariah smiled knowingly. “Your rival in perfumery school?” Mariah remembered Gabrielle mentioning the sexy Atlanta bachelor.

“Yes.” Gabrielle turned back around to continue packing.

“Who just so happens to be handsome as sin,” Mariah replied.

“Shane?” Gabrielle’s voice rose despite herself. “Handsome? I hadn’t noticed.” She attempted to fold her blouse into a perfect square, but found it hard to do so. She hated for things to be out of order. Some would say she had a slight case of OCD.

“Oh, really?” Mariah picked up a nearby fashion magazine and flipped through several pages. She stopped when she found a picture of Shane and his sister Kayla celebrating the launch of their new fragrance, Hypnotic. She rose from the chair and came to Gabrielle’s side, placing the magazine in her line of sight. “Don’t tell me you hadn’t noticed how devastatingly handsome this man is. Because if you do, I’ll know you’re lying. I mean, what woman could resist that curly hair or those arresting hazel eyes?”

“I could and I have.” Gabrielle pushed the magazine aside and stood up straight. “Shane was known to be a player in school, but I was much too interested in my studies to pay him any mind.”

“So you competed with him instead to get his attention?”

Color flushed in Gabrielle’s face. “No…no, that wasn’t how it was.”

Mariah’s brow rose. “No?”

“No,” Gabrielle stated more adamantly. “I refused to be one of Shane’s little playthings that he could toss aside when he was done.” Though Gabrielle had to admit there was some small part of her that had wondered what it would be like to be with a man that fine.

But the Shane Adamses of the world would never look at her. She didn’t play up to their male fantasies and dress to show off her figure or cake her face with makeup. Gabrielle recognized it was ironic that she’d ended up in the fragrance and cosmetics industry, given her affinity for not wearing any.

“If you say so,” Mariah said with a laugh. “I just can’t imagine not wanting to try that man on for size.”

Gabrielle took the blouse she’d been trying to fold and hit Mariah. “You’re incorrigible.”

“And you love me for it.”

“I do.” Gabrielle smiled. “And I will miss you dearly. Promise me you will come visit?”

“Cross my heart.”

* * *

“Who is this Gabrielle Burton anyway?” Byron Adams asked his family at the dinner table. They were all seated in the grand dining room at the Adams family’s eleven-room mansion having a three-course meal their cook had prepared.

“Don’t you remember the emails, Daddy?” Courtney asked. “The ones from Shane?” She inclined her head in her brother’s direction across the table. “I think the exact quote was, ‘She’s a prim and proper know-it-all who thinks she’s better than me, but I’m ten times the chemist she could ever be.’”

“I was right,” Shane replied. “I won best fragrance in our last year of school, and I am head of R&D of Adams Cosmetics. And she’s second in command over at L’Oréal Paris.”

“Are you saying she’s not qualified, son?”

Shane reached for his wineglass and took a sip. “No, she’s qualified.”

“He just doesn’t want anyone looking over his shoulder,” Courtney responded.

“I think you and your sister could learn a lesson in sharing,” Elizabeth Adams said from the opposite head of the table from her husband. “I recall Kayla had the same problem working with Ethan.”

Byron huffed from his side of the table. “That wasn’t the same thing.” Although he and his son-in-law had come to a truce over the past few months, Byron had not forgotten how Ethan became a member of the family. His hostile takeover of Adams Cosmetics had nearly caused a rift in their tight-knit family. It was only when Byron realized Ethan truly loved his daughter Kayla that peace had come. It hadn’t hurt either that Ethan had given Kayla back enough shares to make them equal partners in Adams Cosmetics.

“You’re right, it wasn’t the same thing, but the outcome can be. Ethan and Kayla are working great together at the helm of A.C. And you, Shane, could learn a lesson in humility. You can’t do it all,” Elizabeth said.

“I know that, Mom.” Shane sighed wearily. For some reason, she could always get through to him. “I recognize that I’ve been working a lot of overtime, but you know as well as I do that’s who I am. I’m driven to make sure we get Adams Cosmetics out of the slump.”

“And you will,” Elizabeth stated emphatically, reaching over the table and squeezing her son’s hand. “We’re just giving you some help.”

“I just wish it wasn’t Gabrielle Burton.”

“Perhaps she’s changed,” Courtney offered.

Shane thought back to the bossy diva with the pencil in her perfectly coiffed updo, two-piece cardigan set and trousers leaning over his chemistry table. He doubted she’d changed at all.

* * *

Butterflies were jumping up and down in Gabrielle’s stomach as she waited in the hall to meet with Ethan Graham, his wife, Kayla, and Shane Adams on Friday morning. Although Ethan had pretty much guaranteed her the job, she was nervous about Shane having the final sign-off.

It didn’t help that she was operating on very little sleep. She’d flown in the day before and arrived in the evening. Once she’d made it to her hotel room, she was wide awake because she was still on Paris time. Gabrielle could only hope that the smug, self-entitled playboy she once knew had mellowed as the years had gone by.

* * *

Shane sat at the head of the conference-room table, waiting for Gabrielle Burton’s arrival. His head was bent as he gave her resume one more cursory review, when a pair of shapely caramel legs came into his view.

Slowly, his eyes made their way from the legs to the sensible gray knee-length skirt and matching long-sleeve jacket with a lavender scarf tied around her neck. What she was wearing was perfectly suitable for an interview, but heaven forbid the woman actually show a few curves. He liked a woman who wasn’t afraid to show off her God-given assets, and that definitely wasn’t Gabrielle Burton.

But she had a natural beauty, which he supposed was why her nut-brown complexion was clear and her face was free of makeup. She wore her hair in a simple French twist. Oh, yes, this was exactly the woman he remembered.

Ethan and Shane both rose from their seats, but Ethan was the first to speak. “Gabrielle, glad you could make it here for an in-person interview. I hope your flight was pleasant.”

“Pleasant?” Gabrielle chuckled. “It was more than pleasant.” She’d never been in anything so divine. “You really didn’t have to send your private jet.”

“It was my pleasure,” Ethan stated. He turned to his side. “This is my wife, Kayla Graham.”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Gabrielle shook her hand. Kayla Adams was several inches taller than her, with flawless mocha skin, curly hair that nearly reached her shoulders and a clearly pregnant belly.

Gabrielle turned and braced herself for seeing Shane Adams again after nearly a decade. He was every bit as fine as he’d been back then, maybe more so. He towered over her at six feet with a short curly afro, creamy café-au-lait skin, hazel eyes and full, sexy lips. She could tell that a sculpted body lay underneath his Italian suit.

“Gabby.” Shane nodded at her. “You’re looking well.”

Gabrielle hadn’t expected such a friendly greeting, given they’d been rivals in school. “No one’s called me that for a long time.”

“I hope you don’t mind me using your nickname. Gabrielle just seems so formal.” Shane smirked, knowing she hated it. In school, she’d said the nickname Gabby reminded her of some airhead name like Buffy, and she’d refused to answer to it.

Gabrielle swallowed hard at having those sensuous eyes staring at her so intently. “Well, I do prefer Gabrielle.”

“As you wish.” Shane watched her sit down and cross her legs all the while pulling down her skirt. It made Shane wonder what it was she was hiding underneath.

“Well, we are happy to have someone of your caliber interested in Adams Cosmetics,” Kayla said, trying to ease the obvious tension between the two chemists. Courtney had reminded her that Shane and Gabrielle were not fans of each other.

“Your resume is quite impressive,” Ethan stated.

“Thank you,” Gabrielle said and smiled. “I believe in working hard to achieve one’s goals.”

“After you graduated second in your class at perfumery school, you joined L’Oréal?” Shane jumped right into the fray.

Gabrielle stared daggers at Shane. Trust him to remind her that he’d beaten her as valedictorian of their class. Had he called her Gabby to knock her off her game? “That’s correct. And I’ve enjoyed an immensely successful career there.”

“Why don’t you tell me some of the projects you’ve worked on?” Shane asked. It was time to skip the pleasantries and get down to business. Find out exactly what Gabrielle Burton was made of.

“Well, I’ve worked on numerous L’Oréal fragrances, and recently we’ve been working on some new skin-firming crèmes.”

“Tell me more,” Shane urged.

For the next hour, Shane grilled Gabrielle about her work in the lab. When he was done, he was impressed with her credentials, but he wasn’t about to tell her that, at least not yet. Gabrielle was competitive and would be eager to prove her worth.

Kayla watched Shane and couldn’t believe how hard her brother was being on Gabrielle. She had never seen him behave this way toward a woman. Usually Shane was such a smooth talker that women melted around him like butter. Gabrielle seemed immune to Shane.

“One final question,” Shane said. “Do you really feel confident working in cosmetics even though your primary focus was fragrance?”

“I am a qualified chemist,” Gabrielle stated. She resented that Shane was implying otherwise. “And I am confident that I can work on cosmetics or fragrances.”

“That’s good to know.” Shane’s gaze focused on Gabrielle. “Because this company means everything to me, and I will not settle for mediocrity.”

“Wow!” Ethan looked down at his watch. “Look at the time. I have to get to another meeting. Ms. Burton, we’re delighted to have met you and will be making our final decision within the next few days. We’ll be in touch.”

“Thank you, Mr. Graham.” Gabrielle rose from the table and shook his hand. “Mrs. Graham.” She snapped up her portfolio before turning to Shane. “Mr. Adams.” She called him by his formal name. “It was a pleasure to get reacquainted with you, and I do so hope for the opportunity to work with you.”

Shane smiled and nodded. He just bet she did.

Once Gabrielle had gone, Kayla turned to Shane. “Was that really necessary?”

“What?” Shane asked.

“You cross-examined her as if she was on the witness stand,” Kayla responded. “You know as well as I do that Gabrielle Burton is more than qualified for this job.”

“I had to be sure she wanted the position,” Shane replied. “And if she was willing to fight for it.”

“And I assume you got your answer?” Ethan asked.

“She will do.” Shane closed the folder holding her resume.

“Then why don’t you tell her she got the position?”

“We are not interviewing anyone else?” Shane asked, slapping down the folder on the table. “I should have known this was a done deal with you and Ethan, because you always have to have your way.”

“That’s not true.” Kayla leaped to defend her husband.

“Shane, you know this was merely a formality to get your stamp of approval, which she has. You yourself said she’s qualified for the position. So go give her the good news, as she will be your employee.” Ethan rose from his chair because the discussion was over. “Kayla and I have other plans. My dear…” He turned to help his pregnant wife out of the seat. “Let us know a start date,” Ethan said over his shoulder on their way out.

Shane wrung his hands as he rode the hotel elevator up to Gabrielle Burton’s room. He could wring his brother-in-law’s neck for forcing him to have Gabrielle in his crosshairs every day. Gabrielle was competent and focused, but she was also very much by the numbers, and sometimes when it came to creating fragrances, an element of whimsy was required. He doubted Gabrielle had ever had a whimsical moment in her entire structured life.

He could have delivered the news over the telephone, but Shane preferred to take his hits like a man. Even more than that, he needed to make a few things clear to Gabrielle before she accepted the position. He didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings in the future.

He arrived at her hotel room shortly after 6:00 p.m., after he’d learned from Kayla’s assistant, Myra, where Gabrielle was staying. He knocked several times and was just about to leave when Gabrielle finally opened the door.

He must have awakened her, because for the first time he could remember, Gabrielle looked disheveled. Her normally perfect updo hung haphazardly over her shoulders, and the silk blouse she must have worn earlier underneath the hideous gray jacket was wrinkled. But her liquid brown eyes shone brightly, and that appealed to him.

“Shane!” Gabrielle immediately closed the door and leaned back to check herself in the foyer mirror.

“Ohmigod, I look a fright,” Gabrielle said aloud. “Uh…I’ll be right with you,” she yelled through the door and rushed to the bathroom to find her brush and repair the damage from her afternoon nap. She was still getting accustomed to the time change and must have fallen asleep.

On the other side of the door, Shane chuckled. Gabrielle Burton not perfectly in control at all times? Heaven forbid!

When she was satisfied with the results of her impromptu hair fix and quick lip-gloss application, Gabrielle opened the door. She found Shane leaning against a pillar, looking as cool and handsome as he pleased. His hazel eyes were lit from within with a golden glow.

“Sorry for the delay. Please do come in,” Gabrielle said formally.

“If now isn’t a good time I can always come back,” Shane said, smiling as he stood up straight.

“No…no, now is fine.” Gabrielle motioned for him to come inside. “My apologies… I took a nap. I’m still trying to get on East Coast time.”

Once inside the hotel room, Shane’s male energy dominated the small living area, and she found it disconcerting. She watched him assess the suite before turning his eyes back on her.

He had a way of sizing her up that Gabrielle wasn’t quite sure what to make of. “So, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?” Gabrielle folded her arms across her chest as a defense. “I’m sure it’s not to catch up on old times.”

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