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The members of the Percy Society have just received the third and concluding volume of The Canterbury Tales of Geoffrey Chaucer, a new Text, with Illustrative Notes, edited by Thomas Wright, Esq. It is urged as an objection to Tyrwhitt's excellent edition of the Canterbury Tales, that one does not know his authority for any particular reading, inasmuch as he has given what he considered the best among the different MSS. he consulted. Mr. Wright has gone on an entirely different principle. Considering the Harleian MS. (No. 7334.) as both "the oldest and best manuscript he has yet met with," he has "reproduced it with literal accuracy," and for the adoption of this course Mr. Wright may plead the good example of German scholars when editing the Nibelungen Lied. That the members of the Society approve the principle of giving complete editions of works like the present, has been shown by the anxiety with which they have looked for the completion of Mr. Wright's labours; and we doubt not that, if the Council follow up this edition of the Canterbury Tales with some other of the collected works which they have announced—such as those of Hoccleve, Taylor the Water Poet, &c.—they will readily fill up any vacancies which may now exist in their list of members.

Mr. Parker has just issued another handsome, and handsomely illustrated volume to gladden the hearts of all ecclesiologists and architectural antiquaries. We allude to Mr. Freeman's Essay on the Origin and Development of Window Tracery in England, which consists of an improved and extended form of several papers on the subject of Tracery read before the Oxford Architectural Society at intervals during the years 1846 and 1848. To those of our readers who know what are Mr. Freeman's abilities for the task he has undertaken, the present announcement will be a sufficient inducement to make them turn to the volume itself; while those who have not yet paid any attention to this interesting chapter in the history of Architectural progress, will find no better introduction to the study of it than Mr. Freeman's able volume with its four hundred illustrations.

Mr. Foss has, we hear, gone to press with two additional volumes of his Judges of England, which will carry his subject down to the end of the reign of Richard III.

The Athenæum of Saturday last announces that the remaining Stowe MSS., including the unpublished Diaries and Correspondence of George Grenville, have been bought by Mr. Murray, of Albemarle Street, from the Trustees of the Duke of Buckingham. The correspondence will form about four volumes, and will be ready to appear among our next winter's novelties. The Grenville Diary reveals, it is said, the secret movements of Lord Bute's administration—the private histories of Wilkes and Lord Chatham—and the features of the early madness of George III.; while the Correspondence exhibits Wilkes, we are told, in a new light—and reveals (what the Stowe Papers were expected to reveal) something of moment about Junius; So that we may at length look for the solution of this important query.

Messrs. Puttick and Simpson (191. Piccadilly) will sell, on Monday and Tuesday next, a collection of Choice Books, mostly in beautiful condition. Among the more curious lots are, an unpublished work of Archbishop Laud, on Church Government, said to have been presented to Charles I. for the instruction of Prince Henry; and an unique Series of Illustrations for Scotland, consisting of several thousand engravings, and many interesting drawings and autographs.

We have received the following Catalogues:—Bernard Quaritch's (16. Castle Street, Leicester Square) Catalogue (No. 24.) of Books in European and Oriental Languages and Dialects, Fine Arts, Antiquities, &c.; Waller and Son's (188. Fleet Street) Catalogue of Autograph Letters and Manuscripts, English and Foreign, containing many rare and interesting Documents.


Conder's Provincial Coins. Publisher's name I cannot recollect.

Historical Register for 1st February, 1845, price 6d. No. 5.; also for 22d February, 1845, price 6d. No. 8., and subsequent Numbers till its discontinuation. Published by Wallbridge, 7. Catherine Street, Strand.

Lullii (Raymondi) Opera, Mogunt, 10 Vols. fol., 1721-42.

Liceti (Fortunii) de quæsitis per Epistolas, Bonon. 7 tom. 4to., 1640-50.

Scalichii sive Scaligeri (Pauli) Opera, Basil, 1559, 4to.

–– Occulta Occultorum, Vienn. 1556, 4to.

–– Satiræ Philosophicæ, Regiom. 1563, 8vo.

–– Miscellaneorum, Colon. 1570, 4to.

–– De Vita ejus et Scriptis, 4to., Ulmæ, 1803.

Responsa Juris consultorum de origine gente et nomine Pauli Scaligeri, Colon. 1567, 4to.

Scaligeronum Annales, Colon. sine anno in 12mo.

Scaligeri (Jos.) Mesolabium, Ludg. Bat. 1594. fol.

Grubinii (Oporini) Amphotides Scioppianæ, Paris, 1611, 8vo.

Cardani (Hieron) Opuscula Medica et Philosophica, Basil, 1566, 2 Vols. 8vo.

–– Contradicentium Medicorum, Lugd. 1584, 4to.

–– Theonoston, Rom. 1617, 4to.

–– De Immortalitate Animorum, Ludg. 1545, 12mo.

–– De Malo Medendi Usu, Venet. 1536, 12mo.

Campanellæ (Thomæ) Philosophia Sensibus Demonstrata, Neap., 1591, 4to.

Gassendi (Petri) Epistolica Exercitatio, in quâ principia Rob. Fluddi Medici deteguntur, Paris, 1630, 8vo.

Scioppii (Gasp.) Elogia Scioppiana, Papiæ, 1617, 4to.

–– De Augustâ Dom^s Austriæ origine, Const., 1651, 12mo.

–– Observationes Linguæ Latinæ, Francof., 1609, 8vo.

Naudæi (Gab.) Gratiarum Actio in Collegio Patav., Venet., 1633, 8vo.

–– Instauratio Tabularii Reatini, Romæ, 1640, 4to.

*** Letters stating particulars and lowest price, carriage free, to be sent to Mr. Bell, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents

J. E., The price of "Notes and Queries" is 3d. per Number. There was an extra charge for the Index; and No. 65. was a double Number, price 6d. The taking of the Index was, as Lubin Log says, "quite optional."

Philo-Stevens. We do not know of any Memoir of the late Mr. Price, the Editor of Warton's History of English Poetry. There is not certainly one prefixed to any edition of Warton. Mr. Price was a thorough scholar, and well deserving of such a memorial.

E. S. T. Only waiting for an opportunity of using them.

Martin Family (of Wivenhoe). Clericus, who sought for information respecting this Family, may, by application to our publisher, learn the address of a gentleman who has collected evidence of their pedigree.

De Navorscher. Mr. Nutt, of 270. Strand, is the London Agent for this interesting work, of which we have received the January and February Numbers.

Our Monthly Part for February, price 1s. 3d., will be ready on Wednesday next.

Replies Received. Salisbury CraigsShaking HandsRobert BurtonUlm MS.Metrical PsalmsBooty's CaseLanguage given to ManEiselLammer BeadsTradescantMunchausenSixes and SevensUnder the Rose, &c. (from Ache)Waste BookCracowe PikeGlovesDescent of Henry IV.Lord Howard of EffinghamLincoln MissalPrayer at the HealingHats of CardinalsAverSt. Paul's Clock.

Note and Queries may be procured, by order, of all Booksellers and Newsvenders. It is published at noon on Friday, so that our country Subscribers ought not to experience any difficulty in procuring it regularly. Many of the country Booksellers, &c., are, probably, not yet aware of this arrangement, which will enable them to receive Notes and Queries in their Saturday parcels.

All communications for the Editor of Notes and Queries should be addressed to the care of Mr. Bell, No. 186. Fleet Street.

Erratum.—No. 67. p. 101. l. 4., for a read an.

An unpublished MS. of Archbishop Laud on Church Government, and very Choice Books, Mahogany Glazed Book-case, Two Fine Marble Figures, &c.

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on MONDAY, February 24th, and following Day, a Collection of very Choice Books in beautiful Condition, Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, a Fine Set of Curtis' Botanical Magazine; a beautiful Series of Pennant's Works, in russia; Musée Française and Musée Royal, morocco; Annual Register, whole-bound in calf, and numerous other valuable Books, many in rich bindings.

Catalogues will be sent on application
Highly Interesting Autograph Letters

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on FRIDAY, February 28th, a highly Interesting Collection of Autograph Letters, particularly Letters of Modern Poets, Crabbe, Byron, &c.; some very rare Documents connected with the Scottish History; an Extraordinary Declaration issued by James III., the Old Pretender; and many others of equal consequence.

Catalogues will be sent on application

Valuable Library, late the Property of the Rev. George Innes, Head Master of the King's School, Warwick, deceased. Six Days' Sale.

PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on MONDAY, March 3rd, and Five following Days, the valuable LIBRARY of the late Rev. George Innes, consisting of Theology; Greek and Latin Classics; the Works of Standard Historians, Poets and Dramatists; a Complete Set of the Gentleman's Magazine to 1842; a few County Histories, all in good condition, many handsomely bound.

Catalogues will be sent on application

SOWERBY'S ENGLISH BOTANY. Now ready, Vol. IV. price 1l. 16s. cloth boards.

Vols. I. II. and III., price 1l. 19s. 6d. each, and cases for binding the Vols. always on hand.

*** Subscribers who may desire to complete their copies can do so from the stock of the second edition, at Re-issue price.

To be had of Mr. Sowerby, 3. Mead Place, Lambeth; and of all Booksellers.

WHITAKER'S CLERGYMAN'S DIARY AND ECCLESIASTICAL CALENDAR FOR 1851, containing a Diary with the Lessons, Collects, and Directions for Public Worship, with blank spaces for Memoranda for every Day in the Year, the Sundays and other Holidays being printed in red.

The Ecclesiastical Calendar contains a list of all the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons, Canons, Prebendaries, and other dignitaries of the United Church of England and Ireland, arranged under their respective Dioceses. The Bishops and other Dignitaries of the Colonial Church, the Scottish and American Episcopal Churches; Statistics of the Roman Catholic and Greek Churches, the various bodies of Dissenters, Religious Societies in connexion with the Church, with their Income and Expenditure; Directions to Candidates for Holy Orders, Curates, and newly-appointed Incumbents; the Universities, Heads of Houses, Prizes, &c.

The Miscellaneous Part contains complete Lists of both Houses of Parliament, the Ministry, Judges, &c., Tables of the Revenue, Taxes, Wages, &c., with a variety of matter useful to all Clergymen, the whole forming a complete and convenient Clergyman's Pocket book. Price, in cloth, 3s., or with a tuck as a pocket book, roan, 5s., or in morocco, 6s. 6d.

"It appears to be exceedingly well got up, and to contain all that a clergyman or churchman can desire."—Guardian.

"Well arranged, and full of useful matter."—John Bull.

"The most complete and useful thing of the kind."—Christian Remembrancer.

Oxford: John Henry Parker; and 377. Strand, London

Committee for the Repair of the TOMB OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER.

JOHN BRUCE, Esq., Treas. S.A.










The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer in Westminster Abbey is fast mouldering into irretrievable decay. A sum of One Hundred Pounds will effect a perfect repair. The Committee have not thought it right to fix any limit to the contribution; they themselves have opened the list with a subscription from each of them of Five Shillings; but they will be ready to receive any amount, more or less, which those who value poetry and honour Chaucer may be kind enough to remit to them.

Subscriptions have been received from the Earls of Carlisle, Ellesmere, and Shaftsbury, Viscounts Strangford and Mahon Pres. Soc. Antiq., The Lords Braybrooke and Londesborough, and many other noblemen and gentlemen.

Subscriptions are received by all the members of the Committee, and at the Union Bank, Pall Mall East. Post-office orders may be made payable at the Charing Cross Office, to William Richard Drake, Esq., the Treasurer, 46. Parliament Street, or William J. Thoms, Esq., Hon. Sec., 25. Holy-Well Street, Millbank.

Now Ready, in 200 pages, Demy 18mo.,


Price, in Fancy Binding, 2s. 6d., or Post Free, 3s
Dedicated to His Royal Highness Price Albert




By Peter Berlyn
Orders Received by all Booksellers, Stationers, and Newsvendors
Just published, No. 5., price 2s. 6d.,

DETAILS OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE, Measured and Drawn from existing Examples. By James K. Colling, Architect.


Archway from Bishop Burton Church and Corbel from Wawn Church, Yorkshire.

Font from Bradfield Church, Norfolk.

Nave Arches, St. Mary's Church, Beverley.

Clerestory Windows from ditto.

One compartment of Nave and Label Terminations from ditto.

London: George Bell, 186. Fleet Street

ARCHÆOLOGICAL INSTITUTE.—The Volume of Transactions of the LINCOLN MEETING, to which Subscribers for the year 1848 are entitled, is ready for delivery, and may be obtained, on application at the Office of the Society, 26. Suffolk Street, Pall Mall. Directions regarding transmission of copies to Country Members should be addressed to George Vulliamy, Esq., Secretary. The Norwich Volume is also completed, and will be forthwith delivered.

It is requested that all arrears of subscription may be remitted without delay to the Treasurer, Edward Hawkins, Esq. The Journal, No. 29., commencing Vol. VIII., will be published at the close of March, and forwarded, Postage Free, to all Members not in arrear of their contributions.

The SALISBURY VOLUME is nearly ready for delivery. Subscribers' names received by the Publisher,

George Bell, 186. Fleet Street

THE DEVOTIONAL LIBRARY, Edited by Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D., Vicar of Leeds. Just Published.

THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. With suitable Meditations and Prayers. By William Reading, M.A. (Reprinted from the Edition of 1737.) 32mo. cloth, price 2s.


DEVOUT MUSINGS ON THE BOOK OF PSALMS, Part 3. Psalms LXXVI. to CX. Price 1s. cloth; and Vol. I., containing Parts 1. and 2., price 2s. 6d. cloth.

Leeds: Richard Slocombe. London: George Bell, 186. Fleet Street

D. NUTT begs to call the Attention of the Public to his Establishment for the SALE of FOREIGN BOOKS, both Old and New, in various Languages, and in every Department of Literature. His Stock is one of the largest of its kind in London, and is being continually augmented by Weekly Importations from the Continent. He has recently published the following Catalogues, either of which may be had Gratis, and forwarded anywhere by Post upon receipt of Four Stamps:—Classical and Philological Books; Miscellaneous German Books and Elementary Works; Theological, Philosophical, and Oriental Books.

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07 мая 2019
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