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Reality is manifest in an infinite variety of forms.

Variability is the world’s most fundamental quality.

Any model of the universe represents just one manifestation of reality.

Any branch of knowledge bases itself on one chosen aspect of the manifestation of reality.

Your choice is always realized. You always receive what you choose.

The alternatives space is an information field recording all that was, is and ever will be.

The information field contains potential alternative scenarios to any event.

Each alternative has a script and scenery.

Space can be divided into sectors and each sector contains an alternative scenario of an event.

The greater the distance between sectors, the more the alternatives will differ.

Sectors with roughly uniform parameters are arranged in a life line.

Material realisation moves through space like a bundle of density.

The radiation of thought energy materializes an alternative.

Every organism contributes to the creation of material realization.

When the parameters of thought energy change, a shift occurs to a different life line.

You cannot change the fact that scenery exists, but you can choose a different type of scenery.

You do not have to fight for happiness. You simply have to choose an alternative reality that is more to your liking.

Chapter II. Pendulums

Rent Yourself Out

Destructive Pendulums

We are taught from childhood to obey the will of others, to perform our duties, serve our country, our family, the company we work for, a political party, the state, or even an idea; to serve anyone except ourselves. To varying degrees, everyone has a sense of duty, responsibility, necessity and guilt. Everyone is ready to serve a group or organization in one way or another, be it family, a club, school, company, political party, the state and so on. All these structures emerge and develop when a separate group of people begin to think and act in the same way. Then, they are joined by others and the structure grows, gaining strength, forcing its members to follow the rules and eventually amassing the potential to gain control over large groups of society.

On the material level the structure consists of a group of people united by common goals and material objects, such as buildings, furniture, equipment, machinery, technology and so on. On an energetic level however, a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, independent energy-information structure is created which is referred to as an energy pendulum. Eventually this structure begins to live its own life and subjugate to its laws the very people who created it.

The structure is referred to as a pendulum because the more people—adherents—that feed it with their energy, the more powerfully it sways. Every pendulum has its own characteristic beat frequency. For example, if you want to get a swing moving you have to push it to a certain rhythm or frequency. This is called the resonant frequency. If the number of adherents decreases, the force of its swing is weakened. If it loses all its adherents the pendulum will stop moving completely, and thereby cease to exist as a separate identity. Examples of defunct pendulums are ancient pagan religions, stone tools, ancient weapons, out-dated trends of fashion and vinyl records; in other words, all that once existed but now no longer functions.

You might be surprised that all the things in this list qualify as pendulums. Any structure whose particular features were created by collective thought energy represents a pendulum. Generally speaking, all living beings capable of radiating energy at a particular vibration will sooner or later form an energy pendulum. Examples of pendulums in nature are bacterial colonies, populations of living creatures, schools of fish, herds of animals, forests, prairies, ant hills, etc., Essentially, any organised, homogenous structure made up of living organisms can be a pendulum.

Every living organism represents a single unit of energy and so can also be considered an elementary pendulum. When a group of individual pendulums begin to sway in unison, a group pendulum is created which looms over its followers like a superstructure. The group pendulum exists as an independent entity and sets rules for its adherents to follow, partly to keep them together but also to attract new ones. This type of entity is independent in the sense that it develops according to its own laws. Its adherents are unaware of the fact that they are acting in accordance with the laws of the pendulum, and not their own will. For example, a bureaucratic apparatus develops as an independent structure irrespective of the will of its individual officials. Of course, an influential official is free to make their own decisions but only to the extent that they do not contradict the laws of the system, otherwise that particular adherent will be rejected. Even people who represent individual pendulums are not always aware of their true motivations, energy vampires being one such example.

Any pendulum is by its nature inherently destructive because it consumes the energy of its adherents and establishes power over them. The pendulum’s destructive quality is clearly demonstrated by the fact that it attributes no meaning to the fate of each individual adherent. The purpose of the pendulum is only to get energy from its adherents, whether it is to their personal benefit or not. When a person comes under the influence of a system, they are forced to build their lives in accordance with its laws; otherwise the system will chew them up and spit them out. Once under the influence of a destructive pendulum, you can easily end up ruining your entire life and as a rule it is difficult to break free without suffering losses.

If a person is lucky, they find their place within the system and feel at home there. The adherent gives their energy to the pendulum which in return provides the individual with an environment. If a follower rebels against the laws of the structure, the frequency of their thought energy ceases to be in harmony with the resonance frequency of the pendulum. Being deprived of essential energy the pendulum either drives the maverick adherent out of the system or destroys them.

If however, a person has ended up a long way away from a life line favourable to their growth, life inside the structure of an alien pendulum can be as soulless as hard labour or just turn into a very sad existence. In this case the pendulum is purely destructive to the adherent. Whether they like it or not, a person who falls under a pendulum’s influence loses their freedom, being forced to live by imposed laws and becoming a small cog in a big machine.

That said, an individual can find themselves under the protectorship of a pendulum and achieve outstanding results. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and other similar figures were all favourites of destructive pendulums. This does not mean that the pendulum was actually concerned for their personal well-being for it exploited them to its own end. When Napoleon was asked whether he had ever been truly happy he could count just a few days over his entire life.

The pendulum uses sophisticated methods to lure new adherents, who fly to it like moths to a flame. How often people are deceived by the pendulum’s advertising tricks and move far away from a potential happiness that was so close! Young men leave for the army and lose their lives. Students go to university learning in vain to master a profession that is not really for them. They find work that feels alien but is supposedly prestigious and end up drowning in a swamp of problems or they join their lives with a stranger only to regret it later.

The pendulum can hide its motives behind various well meaning masks and yet its activities can ruin the lives of its adherents. The greatest threat the pendulum poses to the individual is that it leads its victims away from other life lines where they would be able to find happiness. These are the characteristic features of a destructive pendulum:

A pendulum feeds on the energy of its adherents which increases the power of its sway.

• A pendulum strives to attract as many followers as possible to source as much energy as possible.

• A pendulum makes a contradistinction between its group of adherents and all other groups (we are good and they are bad, we are better than they are, etc).

• A pendulum acts aggressively towards anyone who refuses to follow it, attempting to win them over, neutralize their position or get rid of them.

• A pendulum hides behind masks and lofty ideas; it plays on people’s feelings to justify its actions and attract as many adherents as possible.

• Essentially, the pendulum is an ‘egregore’ and yet the concept of ‘egregore’ does not fully reflect the entire range of possible interactions between an individual and an energy based information structure. Pendulums play a much greater role in people’s lives than one might like to think.

The following example illustrates how a pendulum consumes the energy of its adherents. Imagine a packed stadium at an intense football match. Passions are running high and the fans are raging with excitement. One player makes an unforgiveable mistake which results in his team losing the game. The fans in the crowd focus a storm of anger at the culprit player, ready to tear him to pieces. Imagine what a huge mass of negative energy is focused on the unfortunate player. You would think that from such an attack of negative emotion the player would die on the spot but he remains alive and well if not a little crushed by feelings of guilt. This is because the negative energy directed towards the player is absorbed by the pendulum. If this were not the case then any individual becoming the object of a crowd’s hate would lose their life and any idol would simply float above the ground.

I am no judge of whether a pendulum is an animate entity or simply an energy form. Either way the distinction does not affect the Transurfing method. The most important thing is to be able to recognize a pendulum and avoid being drawn into its game unless you stand to benefit from the interaction. There is one identifying factor by which a destructive pendulum can always be recognized. It always competes with others similar to it in the battle for adherents. The pendulum has one goal which is to attract as many supporters as possible to source as much energy as possible. The more aggressive a pendulum behaves in the battle for devotees the more destructive it is, i.e. the more dangerous it is to the life of the individual.

Some may object that charitable organisations exist for the protection of the environment and animals, etc., and question why this type of group should be considered destructive. These groups are destructive to the individual because whichever way you look at it they still feed on a person’s energy with no concern for that individual’s happiness or well-being. Organisations like these call for compassion to others and yet remain indifferent to their own followers. If a person feels comfortable and genuinely happy working for such an organisation then they have probably found their vocation and consequently, the pendulum is the place for them. However, it is also important to be honest with yourself and ask yourself whether you are not perhaps wearing the mask of the benefactor. Are you donating your energy and money for the good of others with true sincerity or is being involved in charity just an attempt to feel a better person or look good.

Destructive pendulums have trained people out of choosing their own destiny because if individuals retain enough independence to have the freedom to choose it will be much harder for the pendulum to attract so many followers. Our mind is so used to the idea that our fate is our lot in life that we find it really difficult to believe that we can simply choose a destiny that is more to our liking. It is advantageous for pendulums to keep their adherents under control, so they invent all sorts of ways of manipulating them. The following examples show how this is done.

Transurfing could also become a pendulum if someone turned it into a pseudo-religion, movement or school. Different pendulums are of course destructive to varying degrees. At worst Transurfing would be minimally destructive because it focuses exclusively on the well-being of the individual rather than a shared goal. Transurfing would be a very unusual pendulum with a community of individuals concerned solely with their own destiny. If you were to do some homework, what other types of pendulum would you consider constructive?

I am telling you all this in order to describe what it really means to choose your fate, so have patience dear listener. Not all these ideas are easy to grasp but as we go on, a clearer picture will emerge.

The Battle of the Pendulums

The main feature of a destructive pendulum is its aggressive impulse to destroy other pendulums in order to win over potential adherents. With this purpose the pendulum works to turn its followers against the followers of other pendulums in the sense of: ‘We are good and they are bad.’ People who get involved in this type of argument end up losing their way and striving towards spurious goals which they mistakenly consider their own. This is the destructive nature of the pendulum. Fighting against the followers of other pendulums is totally futile and can destroy lives, one’s own and the lives of others.

War is the most extreme manifestation of the battle between pendulums. Each pendulum uses various arguments to persuade its adherents to take up arms and the nature of the argument is specific to the historical epoch. The earliest, most primitive argument used was simply to order the followers to take something from the hands of others by force. As society became more civilized the arguments became slightly more refined. One nation declares itself supreme, progressive and the most developed with all the others less developed, somehow flawed. The lofty objective is to raise the underdeveloped nations to a higher level, using force if they resist. Metaphorically speaking, the contemporary conception of war is like a beehive hanging from a tree in the forest. The wild bees in the nest are busy making honey and raising their offspring, but then, a pendulum comes up to the nest and announces to its followers: “Look! Wild bees! They are very dangerous and must be destroyed or, at least, their hive must be destroyed. If you do not believe me, look!”, and then the pendulum stirs up the nest by beating it with a stick. The bees fly out of the hive and start stinging the adherents. The pendulum then cries out triumphantly: “See how aggressive they are! They must be annihilated.”

Whatever exculpatory slogans are used to justify war and revolution, in essence, the motivation is the same; the battle for adherents. The form the battle takes may differ but its one goal is to win over as many adherents as possible. New force is a vital necessity for the pendulum, for without it the pendulum’s sway would stop entirely. The battle of the pendulums is an inevitable struggle for survival.

Once the wars and revolutions are over, other less aggressive but nonetheless tough forms of battle continue, such as the battle for market control, competition between political parties, all kinds of marketing, advertising campaigns, ideological propaganda, and so on. Human society is totally based on pendulums, so all fields of activity are gripped with competition. The rivalry goes on at all levels, from public debate to competition between club teams and individuals.

Things that are new, unusual or strange always have a hard time carving out their niche and not only because of inertia in people’s thinking. The main reason for this is that it is not profitable for the old pendulums to support the appearance of a novice, who would distract its devotees. For example, internal combustion engines which so contaminate the atmosphere of our cities could have been relegated to the past a long time ago. After all, a number of alternative, ecologically friendly engine models have long been developed. The problem is that they threaten the downfall of the oil corporation pendulums, and for the time being these hold too strong a position to allow some inventor to wipe them from the stage. These monsters literally buy up the patents for new engine models and keep them secret at the same time declaring them to have low levels of efficiency.

Implementing its structure on a material level, the pendulum strengthens its position via financial means, facilities, equipment, and of course, human resources. The pendulum places its favourites at the top of the human pyramid. The favourites are made leaders at all levels, starting with low level managers and continuing up to heads of state and they are generally not required to have any particularly outstanding qualities. As a rule, those adherents become leaders whose qualities best fit with the structure of the pendulum. To the favourite it might appear that he has achieved impressive results in his life solely on individual merit. To some extent this may be true, but most of the work in promoting favourites is performed by the self-organizing structure of the pendulum. If a favourite’s parameters fail to meet the requirements of the system, they will be ruthlessly eliminated.

The pendulum battle is destructive to its followers because they think they are acting on personal conviction when in fact they are following the will of another entity. In the majority of cases, the personal conviction of the devotees is taken over by the pendulum. As soon as a person attunes to the pendulum’s frequency an interaction begins to take place between them on an energetic level. The frequency of the devotee’s thought energy is stabilized and supported by the energy of the pendulum. A kind of lock-on takes place, and the adherent is trapped in a feed-back loop. The adherent radiates energy to the resonance frequency of the pendulum which in turn, feeds a little energy to the devotee thereby maintaining its influence over them.

On the material level this is an everyday standard scenario. For example, the pendulum of a political party conducts an election campaign, attracts a new devotee and gives them a little energy in the form of positive feelings like righteousness, satisfaction, dignity and importance. The adherent thinks they are in control of the situation and still able to choose their affiliation whereas, in truth, the devotee was chosen, and control established over them, not the other way around. The adherent only appears to be acting according to their own will when in fact it is the pendulum that is artificially and unnoticeably manipulating the will of the adherent. The adherent enters the pendulum’s information field, socializes with like-minded others on important topics and establishes an energetic connection with them, and in this way becomes consistently attuned to a certain vibration. Later, the adherent may begin to feel that the pendulum has not lived up to their expectations and they begin to have doubts about their former idol. When this happens the frequency of the adherent’s thought energy falls out of the pendulum’s loop. The tightness of the pendulum’s grip varies depending on its power. In some cases the devotee is simply allowed to leave. In other cases the heretic may pay with his freedom or even his life.

A pendulum gets a firm grip on the frequency of an adherent’s thought energy by dominating it. It is like when you are humming a little tune to yourself but become aware of some other loud music being played nearby. The loud music dominates your senses, making it extremely difficult to stay focused on your own tune.

For the purposes of Transurfing it does not actually matter too much how interaction occurs on an energetic level between the pendulum and the devotee. We will examine the nature of the interaction using a simplified model. No-one can explain precisely how something really happens because at that level of questioning one has to ask what is meant by ‘really’ and the questions and speculation continue with the infinite process of learning. This is not what we are interested in here so will make do with simplified models and metaphors that serve our purpose, satisfied with the fact that we are at least capable of understanding some things. Now we will look at how pendulums manipulate their adherents.

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