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Chapter 3

The next day, Anna went to the Central Library Moscow, the former TSKKPSS them VI Lenin.

Anya and Dima in kindergarten. Then, plan ahead to plan, it will search for a suitable travel company. The Arbat is a whole network of these firms offering a variety of tours around the world, and came to Anne, and started looking for suitable. With Anna, they decided to meet in the evening and exchange of information extracted.

So, Anna Sobinova entered by opening the door to a massive library. In the lobby with cloakroom at her curiously stared elderly woman working in a form in which employees were wearing. Anna eyeing suspiciously, especially delaying look at the shabby gray coat and patching in several places, downy shawl, said:

– Well, I understand the students, they need to. And what to you, woman! There is no hospice for the poor!

Anna chain reaction instantly matured three to four storied curses are far from intelligent expression, but, mindful of its mission, struggling to restrain himself, barely managed to say:

– Accept, madam, my mink coat and hat! – And put it on the shelf receiving his cloak. Receptionist vigorously grabbed the clothes and hung a blank space on the rack and threw it numbered, hissed in response:

– When you leave do not forget to pick up!

– Do not forget! – And began with a notebook in her hand up for a young girly for the record. Turn quickly came and received the form, Anna sat down at an empty table to fill their passport details. With that, she handled quickly and returned the girl to fill in the blanks.

– You must also pay a membership in the library.

– What if I’m on the same day?

– No, you’re going to use the same computer, the Internet, maybe something printed out and enjoy books magazines?

Well, of course I will! – Anna agreed.

In the cash- go. And bring me a receipt, I’ll give you a one- time library card.

After all these formalities Anna is a one- time library card came in the reading room and sat down at the specified in the issued token desk with a computer and a lamp on it. Anna on the Internet to quickly find the right materials. And after sitting in the reading room of 16- 00, had a complete picture of the founder of Villa Bavaria. His political views. And just about modern living villas. On its place in tourism and other activities. Accurately record all that was interesting, Anna gathered home with a sense of completed tasks.

Anna, in turn, made a tour of the travel agencies. Agencies unanimously confirmed that it is necessary to confirm the ability to pay to the bank account of the tourist lay sufficient funds otherwise the trip cannot take place. Anya did not dare show his capital. She was not afraid to do it only with a cash machine, and so that is what the manager could see the amount of money on her credit card, she did not dare. Finally, in one of these agencies, she mustered the courage to open an account manager. Impressive amount, to highlight the numbers on the monitor, the manager had plunged into shock. He could not understand what the numbers flashed on the screen. Several times I went through the code credit card, until in the end, Anya repeated it:

– You have something embarrassing?

– A! Ah! it is true?

– Really? That my uncle left me a legacy?

– Well, I have no further questions. – Have a confident tone in his voice told her manager, Yee added – You know, we have an interesting tour in the neighborhood of Villa Bavaria.

– Yeah! – Anya, nearly blurted out “And I go, just right!” – But, in time restrained. Then, in a tone a little interested in the offer, said: – Well, I’m not a food. We must reflect on your offer.

To remove doubts client, the manager was ranting about the fabulous surroundings that surrounds the villa, show brochures, trying to talk on this tour. Anna broke down and gave up the first one:

– And tell me, how much time is spent on a passport, a visa is done, well, that sort of thing?

Well, let’s say for the accelerated deadline for a certain amount, of course in American dollars, ten days maximum. – A young man so inspired Ani account that such a customer he did not want to let go so easy. – We’ve got a nice tour of the Chilean coastal city with a cruise on the ship, if you will.

– Well, young man, your proposal suits us.

So, I form you this cruise?

– I told you that I go not alone. And I need advice.

– Then I wait for you – the manager made a waiting pause, hoping that Anna will say when exactly it intends stated for processing permits. Without waiting, he continued – and when you have to wait?

– Don’t worry, I’ll get back to you.

The manager made a cheerful face wreathed in smiles, and he felt that it is possible to offer a more expensive tours, he spoke again:

– Tell me, why you need it in Chile? We have more…

Anya did not let him finish:

– Yes, because you were offered this particular tour, and he was our best. And I, a young man is not going to change their decision. You clearly!

Manager afraid that it will lose a client because of its intrusiveness, tried to correct the situation:

No further questions. I look forward to your decision.

– I’ll visit you soon. – Anya goodbye. The manager took her to the most openwork iron gate office. And Anna, inspired by the success, came home. And she became inspired to cook dinner in the kitchen, waiting for Anna. Wall clocks have shown 16- 00. Anna is still not there. Anya decided to go for Dima. And there really sure when it will come with his son, Sobinova be home.

She put on her boots, coat shawl. Suddenly remembering that Anna did not leave a letter, in boots and went into the kitchen on a piece of wrapping paper wrote: “Issues are being addressed. Discuss, after the evening. I’m for Dima. Anya”…

Anna, finding the note, looked at the plate. There were pans with cooking dinner. But it is not wanted. Impatiently she began arranging his notes, building a coherent picture of the Villa Bavaria. So in a concise and intelligible form to tell Anna about the priceless information that managed to get into the library.

Anna sat still in the kitchen, poring over the test when it ran excitedly into the kitchen without having to remove coats, Dima:

– Aunt Ana! Aunt Ana! Is it true that we will soon leave for the holidays?

– Dima, my mother said that to you?

– Mama! Mom! A what? – Dima surprise knew no bounds.

– I told him. – Has been followed by the son of Anne. It still was wearing a coat, a scarf she had already removed. – Said to somehow cheer, cheer up.

– Are not you afraid that the whole of Moscow will soon find out where we came in “vacation”? – Cautious and anxious tone of voice asked Anna.

– Nope! Because we’re going on vacation, but not quite.

– Yeah! Now, it seems, understand, Annie, where we’re going! Well, such is not yet decided? – Wink, said Sobinova.

Well, of course, is not decided! – Winked back, resounded with Anya.

– Mom, what? Where are we still going? – Continuing to pull the coat sleeve, said Anna’s son.

– Here we are with Aunt Anna and decide. You go so far in his room to play. And do not forget to take off the robe!

Dima slowly retreated into the hallway. Soon there was heard scuffling boy with outerwear. Behind him out into the corridor and Anya. There, she helped her son take warm clothes and hang neatly on a hanger to dry. And a minute later, she returned to the kitchen to Anna:

– Now, Sobinova, we will deal with our knowledge. – Sitting down at the kitchen table in front of Anna, she put her notebook with records. – So, Anna, that you dug for Villa Bavaria? – Ton prince in their expedition leader, said Anne. Anna did not oppose the leadership Krazimovoy and eagerly began to report:

– I have thoroughly examined all the available information to me in the library. In addition, through the Internet, has come to the Foundation of the British Royal Library. They collected the finest and not even the most important facts. However, some computer translation is not exact, but the meaning is clear enough option to get an idea about the subject. Let’s start from the beginning of the founding of the Villa since 1961. Colonia Dignidad – German settlement in Chile, founded in 1961 by Paul Schaefer Nazi criminal, officially called the “Charitable and Educational Society” Dignidad.””

– And who is this Paul Schaefer?

– Judging by the scant information I dug up on the Internet, it appears that he is not a Nazi war criminal. Documents incriminating him in Nazi atrocities found. But on his spiritual life formed the impression that this is a God- fearing and deeply, I would say, fanatical believer. In any case, as stated about it in magazines and the Internet some of the articles that I was able to get. True, he had once been convicted of the holy church, where he led a service of molesting young boys. A scandal broke out. Followed by excommunication. Then Schaefer creates Bible Society, entitled “Charitable and Educational Society” Dignidad “”, which invited people of faith, and with amazing magical powers of persuasion follow their pastor Paul Schaefer, giving all of their savings and the state of society. Following the example of the Ambassador of Chile in Germany Schaefer Chilean authorities seeking permission to relocate and lease with option to purchase a further 12,000 hectares of land under the organization of the German settlement. That they had been successfully implemented.

– Tell me, Anna, and what does this Schaefer to modern Dignidad colony?

Already, no. He is the honorary head of the settlement. But his seat to anyone not known. And in general, it is not known whether he is alive still or not?

Well, when we put modern technology prolonging life, and judging by your stories out there know how to take care of their health and reputation, I think that still resides somewhere. Well, God be with him with this Schaefer. You better tell me what is a modern colony?

– Dignidad from universal international reputation as a thriving agricultural enterprise, where they grow vegetables and fruits. Raise pigs and cows and supply half the country’s fresh meat, milk, cheese, butter and other gifts of nature. On the basis of the settlement established tourist center called “family club”. Tourists are there well met by the fact that the colonists time to understand that tourism is a good income. Is there a well- maintained hotel, designed in the style of the thirties pre- war Germany? A restaurant serving German national dish with beer, and of course the rich exotic tours are conducted. Tourism business run by the same “family club”. By the way in this “family club” can sign up and become members of the club everyone by paying a membership fee.

– And do you believe, Anna, in the fact that a member of the Club can be anybody?

Of course, Anya is not. This farce invented for the sole purpose to attract more tourists. However, we can book trips to Villa Bavaria and somehow try to contact with the general.

– It will depend on how and where we will spend. Maybe this tour is held at gunpoint.

– So, we will focus on the circumstances on the ground. You’re the best, Annie, tell me, what have you got?

– The company is. It is possible to quickly, within two to three weeks to issue permits to fly to Chile and…

Women have long sat in the kitchen, discussing and making a situation in which, as they thought they might be by chance or intentional acts and how to get out of these adventures without a loss. Long after midnight, sounded sacramental phrase Ani:

– What would be beyond our plan to revise the location of our deployment. And, remember, Anna, now we are working on the plan drawn up by us.

– Yes, my general! – Said in a joking manner Sobinova, overflowing emotions upcoming preparations for the expedition and its further implementation.

In the morning, the women began to act according to a predetermined plan. Anna stayed home. Scheduled her cooking lunch and dinner. Anya same Dima withdrew from kindergarten and hurried to the familiar travel agency.

Execution of documents began with filling in forms for permits and passports, the filling of other documents, health insurance and other formalities. When this was finished and were mere trifles to be solved in the course of ten days of registration, she said with a smile manager:

A photo on the passport I will bring tomorrow. – With these words she left the agency…

Chapter 4

Sobinov Krazimov, following a Firs background, entered into a bright and spacious room with high and wide windows that ran to the ceiling height of twenty meters.

– Wow! As in the St. Sophia Cathedral in St. Petersburg! – Said Peter.

– If you do not take into account that more than one hundred meters in height and with a pendulum in the middle. – Leonid parry. Then asked the accompanying background Firs:

– Why so tall ceilings?

He is short and arrogant rapped: – All in good time! – And added more subdued – find out later.

Suddenly, behind a man’s voice rang out:

– They are the ones whom you spoke? – The question was intended to Firks background. They all turned toward the speaker. In a white medical coat unbuttoned, was not a tall man tightly knit. Next to the very tall background Firs his figure seemed to dwarf, though he was only two centimeters below the three friends. His biting brown eyes like thorns dug into pieces and Leonid Peter, appraising them with the measuring head to toe. These eyes are planted close together, expressing contempt and disgust. The man had his nose slightly aquiline, from which came right and somehow reminded not falcon, not a parrot’s beak. The lower jaw was pushed forward, outlining a massive chin. He quickly grabbed the waistband of trousers a shining object and immediately threw it in the direction of Leonid. Krazimov immediately responded and almost mechanically caught the object on the right hand. Then he began to think of what happened, looking at the horse shoe in his hand.

Well, ka bend it! – Ordered the stranger rude defiant tone. Leonid was not ready for such treatment:

– Who are you to tell me what do I do with this thing? – And he threw a shoe at his feet on the cement floor and kicked it to the side to give up. A man with his toe deftly tossed it to his right hand and caught horseshoe hand, then calmly tucked in his belt. Watch this background Fiers unexpectedly intervened:

– It Kecho! Your instructor of martial arts, your mentor, and you have the commander on all matters to address him. Now it is for you commander for the duration of training.

– Say, background Fiers, and this warden Kecho at what time put in charge to us? – Peter could not resist not to be ironic. At that, without paying any attention to Peter von Fiers continued: – He will teach you all that you need to know. And most importantly, how to stay safe and sound, or in other words, how to protect your body and your mind in the fighting with serenity.

Kecho intervened: – Can you call me that, Sir coach. I’ll call you by name and the “you”. Remember, you will need to contact me, Mr. trainer and only to “you.” Remember, for not obeying, bickering, no knowledge of the lesson – the cooler. And what is the lock – up will know when you get there, you advance to frighten the lock – up will not. Do you understand?! It is clear! – Peter replied. – But what scares me more is not your lock- up, and your bad manners, sir.

– No sir, but Mr. Coach! And are you telling me? – Kecho asked indignantly. He waved his hand and Peter, as if struck by lightning on the back. Sobinov then felt another blow to the stomach, from which the breath away. From this blow Peter bent down and immediately grabbed another blow to the neck, which was accompanied by abundant rain from his eyes sparkling in sparks. Kecho while standing at a distance of five meters from Sobinova and slid a hand, producing intricate movements: – Therefore, all I’ll have to teach you idiots. And now, you, – he pointed a finger at Krazimova – Take this bag of garbage – he nodded toward Peter – and follow me! – He rushed past a surprised Leonidas and writhing from the unbearable pain of Peter. – I’ll show you to your rooms, where you will live. Leonid picked up Peter and the one moaning, leaning on his friend’s shoulder, followed by a near Krazimov to trace rapidly receding Kecho. At this time, silently watching everything going on background Fiers turned abruptly and left the room.

Kecho on the go, hurriedly explained the rules of behavior in the school and schedule:

Lift- six in the morning! Procedures…

He was a long corridor with many doors. The corridor ended deadlock. Right and left side, opposite to each other are arranged two doors.

– This is your room. There is everything you need for an overnight stay. Rooms are given to you each separately, in order to avoid communication. Specificity of training is individual and each will receive a share of knowledge. That there was no distortion in communication, you will live separately. Do you understand?!

– Yes, sir Coach! – Chorused friends.

Well, for today. Relax! Tomorrow at seven in the morning, waiting for you in the hall! – With these words Kecho suddenly disappeared. As he succeeded, Leonid did not notice because I was busy with a friend who is very ill back.

– You help me. – Peter prayed.

– What are you talking, of course! – Leonid readily responded and supporting each other, dragged him into the room, which was located on the left side of their movement. On a wooden bed had fresh bed. The room is warm and smelled fresh and ozone. Standard room immediately struck by friends. Leonid not help but notice:

– They sketched, perhaps, from our hostel in rehab?

– Oh- ho- ho, or a nursing home. – I tried to make a joke Peter through the pain. – You know Leon, I is not up to at a party.

– You know, Petrushka, I think I can help you, heal.

– Are you kidding me? – Grimacing in pain, replied Peter.

– Not at all. And listen to what needs to be done.

Peter slowly and with difficulty down to the edge of the bed.

– Here I sit, and like nothing hurts.

That’s right. But you have this jerk Kecho, contact was not. – Philosophically Krazimov.

Yes, of course not. But the pain is real, as if the weights whacked me on the spine and neck.

– So you have to forget the pain.

– How is it?

– Just go and forget the pain. Well, for one, do not have it and that’s it.

– How is that?

– And just like that, then there is no injury, there is a suggestion in the distance.

Yes, there is no injury. – Peter concentration began to think that there is no pain. And a fragment of the imagination was floated in memory in two ways. Suddenly, he felt that the pain was gone. He quickly jumped up and said happily:

– You, Leon, right! No sense of pain. Very strange it all is that it generally was. – The memory returned his recent sufferings and immediately Sobinova pierced sharp cramps in his back. – Oh- oh- oh! – He grabbed his waist. Down on the bed, face contorted grimace of pain.

– What am I saying, forget the pain she’s gone. – Urged the Leonidas. Peter jumped up again and have already firmly decided not to think about incidents. And the pain for quite left him.

After checking in recovery friend Leonid hurried off to her.

When Leonid went into his room, his astonishment knew no bounds. The room was furnished exactly in exactly as in the rehabilitation center. The same furniture. The same chair and wardrobe. At the coffee table nailed to the wall bookshelf with books on it. I thought: “I am confident that the selection of books is the same!” – And he came closer with curiosity to see the volume. Was striking that adventure Eulenspiegel, here near Dumas’ The Three Musketeers “and” Twenty Years Later. “And here is the famous “Twelve Chairs” and Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. Leonid sadly turned away from books, automatically looked out the window. There, oh, this cannot be a familiar landscape is exactly the same as the window of the rehabilitation center. Is seen adjacent to the windows of the park. In the rays of afternoon sun blooms spring leaves. Leonid instinctively glanced at the clock that ticked rhythmically on the wall, there was already 14- 00. Well, if there reigns a familiar environment, that is, the need to collect your thoughts and think about all the good. Understand what happened, good deal of thought to do next? With that in mind, he went into the bathroom. For a long time, there was splashing, washing off the raid today and the unpleasant impression of the meeting with the coach Kecho. Water, miraculously calmed completely shattered, despite a good exposure, the nervous system. And with the reassurance came clarity of thought and reason. The clock hands are showing 16- 00, when Leonid sat down in a chair under a bookshelf. With the book in hand, with his favorite piece Adventures of Eulenspiegel. “But he did not read. Contents and actions of the main character seemed so naive at times to primitivism stupid that he soon closed it and put it in place. Then took Dumas’ Twenty Years Later. “Here the character’s act in a coordinated and targeted, reaching its intended target with confidence and in some cases even before the senseless folly. Not so with Peter, they have no reason to act. Yeah, and what they hope for? After all, out of this world do not. But He, Leonidas, and found himself in such a situation is not to lay down their arms and desperately trying not to act in an attempt to find a way out. Vedas Two- Face in the clutches of the World, from which all seemed to be no escape, he still managed to get out in one piece. And there he was alone. Here his friend’s shoulder, his support and participation will help to sort out joint actions in the hidden situation and take action. This latency is due to unknown obstacles and uncertainty dictate their terms to the action. And Leonid decides to sort things out, namely, put all the items where they were? whom serve? Who is the real background Fiers and to whom does it serve? Who is the scientist Theo and who he is here on Earth? And many, many questions that will arise in the course of their stay with Peter this world, as well as the individual Kecho Range States and who they really are? And, to understand with all this incomprehensible jumble of community, and that the community is behind it, it will be possible to draw some conclusions and a decision will come. He would share his thoughts with Sobinova tomorrow in training. And Peter, probably just thinks like him, Leonid.

During the deliberation of his position quickly time flew by. And in those moments, as he wanted to go to Peter, to discuss the situation further joint action. His restrained only a stern warning Kecho never If not talk to each other and undeniable threat of solitary confinement, in case of disobedience. Leonid, of course, was not afraid of threats, especially from the questionable coach. But in the current situation worth behave cautiously and prudently. He went to the kitchen. There, Leonid found a set of several varieties of coffee. And even in the refrigerator find fresh milk, which astonished him. Location here in the transcendent world, milk. He opened a plastic bottle, filled his glass, took a sip. The milk was fresh- tasting and smelling herbs. Fresh bread on the table sliced cakes and groin. Amazing service hit a neat and tidy, but a sense of suspense did not leave him. In the end, Leonid, following the folk wisdom “sleep on it”, came out from the kitchen into the room. And soon in bed, after having got the alarm exactly at six in the morning.

In the morning, at six, Leonid jumped out of bed at the sound of frantic alarm. At first could not understand where he is. Very much not like to go back to reality. But, memory inexorably and steadily regained its offensive in the coming days. Finally, he figured out where they are, what with him, so, hurry, there was no point. Gym was Vkontse corridor and five minutes is more than covered that distance. But communion with Peter, it was a pressing issue, especially after the categorical prohibition Kecho, threatened to lock- in the case of disobedience. Depressed by the actual state of things, Leonid, put on his tracksuit. Wearing a suit, he decided to go to Peter in his room, but only after the usual morning routines that occupy no more than twenty- five minutes in the morning. And here he is at the door leading to another room. He firmly grasped the handle front door, immediately metallic voice was broadcast:

– Attention! Trying to break! Do you still have two more attempts! After that you will be used to measure – the cooler!

Automatic voice like clockwork, repeating the same thing without interruption. And only when Leonid away from the door, he turned off.

Hands of the clock slowly crept to the figure 6- 55, to the point where he and Peter will come out at the same time and will go a long corridor, and that’s when he can, Leonid, talk, finally, on the other. But all was not as planned, Leonid. As soon as he and Peter went out of their rooms between them, like a mushroom- ball, rose Kecho.

– Greetings, new recruits! – He spat sarcastically. – What, no waiting! – And not having to say the response word, rattled patter: – You have the room first – so he called Leonid – remained in reserve two more attempts to break the rules set by me, followed by a two- week solitary confinement. I dare say that the trial solitary confinement is included in our program, with the only difference being that the program will hold each of you out there without food and eating exactly one month, it will be only when I teach you the techniques of how to survive such a long stay in the extreme conditions without food and water. You’re number two – he emphatically looked upon Peter – have three attempts.

– And what it is for an animal such lock- up? – Could not resist Peter, stung to the quick responses, dismissive tone, and condescending manner Kecho. They moved down the hall one by one with a trainer Kecho middle. If such a motion all communication between friends were excluded. But Peter’s question Kecho answered

Number two, you are, number one, I explain the first and last time. Lock- up is a measure of punishment, which is the following. The offender is closed in boxing cubical with no windows and lighting. The walls, ceiling and floor of the cement. No food or drink, punishable spends exactly two weeks. After this period, it is taken out, of course, if he survives, it is undergoing restoration, by the way, recovery lasts two weeks, too. But it is in normal circumstances under medical supervision. After that enhanced training to make up for lost material. Do you understand?!

In response Kecho have not heard a word. This brought the coach of the following:

– I cannot hear! – A stern voice, he blurted out.

It is clear! – Angrily responded in chorus recruits.

At this time they entered the hall. In the center of the two circles contoured seats, yellow and red manikin standing selenite as a living. Boca black as pitch, graced by two monster hands- feet. From a distance, these limbs were like four bony hands, or rather shrunken limbs. Two, as a man came from the shoulders, and two out of the trunk on both sides, about somewhere on the level of the umbilicus. All four limbs- ended five- fingered hands clawed tassels, decorated with curved claws, like a vulture.

It’s a robot. – Hurried coach explained. – These circles, yellow inside and red outside made for robot guidance. On it I will show vulnerabilities, where it can pose a threat. You need to realize that the fight between you and the serenity will take place at a subconscious level. – With these words, he pulled out of the holster hanging out on the right side,

a heavy machine gun. – This is a super- modern automatic weapons firing beamer space- time pulses. Getting into serenity, he divides it into atoms, turning the monster in the dust or mist. But to get to it you will need to take possession of his mind. I mean, on the ninety- five percent is not involved in human beings resource your brain. I’ll teach you the technique of mastering these hidden resources which nature and about which you both do not have a clue. Do you understand?!

– Clear. – This time, friends sluggishly responded in chorus. At that Kecho noticed a sharp commanding tone:

– Answer should be like this: “Clearly, Mr. Trainer”. – Repeat!

Clearly, Mr. Coach! – In military minted students.

– Well, that’s better already. Let me explain further. Selenite’s have a very stable attachment to Biotech our subconscious brain is not involved resource. For them, the special pleasure of reading information from your brain cells, and control by the person by bio location processes that are broadcast in your brain. Come closer.

He led students to the yellow circle, explaining:

– This circle indicates the robot, that people do not defeat, and he does not respond to you. But it is necessary to cross the yellow line and be between yellow and red circles, he will start to attack you, but not to kill. The red circle is a special zone. There are fulfilled deadly fighting techniques. But this is not about that. So you see these corrugations, reaching a fan of the cervical vertebrae of selenite. This antenna oriented to receive bio wave emitted by the human brain, as well as to broadcast commands the human brain. With this settlement in a matter of seconds subordinates the human subconscious, and become for him not only invisible, but also not vulnerable. He captures the command centers of your brain and beamer is not controlled by you, and you are also pointing the gun at himself and kill himself. I will teach you how to confront this phenomenon, but at the same time draw in their favor his own weapons against him.

Leonid suddenly felt like without knowing it, Kecho made the most valuable clue as to how to establish a dialogue between Peter. To genius easy to use Kecho by thoughtful questions to him, which he will provide answers that will hear and Peter. Sharing issues with Kecho, friends will hear each other, reading the answers coach, and use those answers as to face each other in their own interest. Leonid warmed to the idea dawned on him. To him at that moment wanted to support each other to give it the same hope. A look of participation, he looked into his eyes downcast Sobinova. Peter indifferently missing eyes looking at jubilant Leonidas. And caught in them something special, something that could mean that plan to action this seemed to be a hopeless situation. And in support of his plan, he asked Kecho:

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
01 апреля 2021
210 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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