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38. Nalin, the incarnation of Swami Vivekananda

Contradictory information is given on Internet sites and in books about the predictions of Sathya Sai Baba and about his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. Let's look at one famous story that is directly related to the predictions about the coming of Prema Sai Baba.

In 1987, a young man from Sri Lanka, his name was Nalin, came to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. During a personal interview, Sathya Sai Baba told the young man that in his past life he was the great saint, Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902).

For modern India, Swami Vivekananda is the most influential historical figure, both in terms of spiritual tradition and in terms of the political development of modern India. He was a great preacher of Vedic philosophy, one of the founders of modern comparative religion, and one of the ideologists of the Indian independence movement.

As soon as Sathya Sai Baba declared that the young man from Sri Lanka was the reincarnation of the great Swami Vivekananda, this instantly made a splash in the minds of all the inhabitants of the ashram. There is evidence that Nalin came to Puttaparthi several more times, but he was forced to do this in secret, as crowds of people dreamed of meeting him to receive spiritual instructions.

According to one hypothesis, Sathya Sai Baba was supposed to leave the body in 2021 at the age of 96, and Nalin was supposed to head the international organization of Sathya Sai Baba. Some thought he would become the interim leader of the tradition in Sai's physical absence. There are even those who tried to call him Sathya Sai Baba's assistant. It is difficult to imagine anyone becoming the leader of the Sai tradition, for every devotee has his own inner relationship with God.

According to the same assumption, Prema Sai Baba may be born in 2022 or 2023. Nalin will allegedly prepare the boy Prema Sai Baba for a worldwide mission. The inconsistency of this version is already clear, since Sathya Sai Baba left the body in 2011, and not in 2021. It is already clear that Nalin did not become the spiritual leader of the international Sai tradition.

By the will of fate, I did not meet with Nalin in Puttaparthi, therefore I cannot confirm the authenticity of the version itself that Sathya Sai Baba generally spoke such revelations about Nalin's past life.

I am telling the story of Nalin to show the wide variety of opinions and assumptions that began to form during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba. This is probably quite natural, since for many it was essential to understand what the transition from the era of Sathya Sai Baba to the new era of Prema Sai Baba would look like.

39. Amrita House, home of the nectar of immortality

Let's look at another version of how the transition to the era of Prema Sai Baba will take place. According to some devotees, Prema Sai Baba is supposed to be born in 2030 (8 years after 2022) near Mysore. The village in which he is supposed to be born is located on the banks of the sacred river, Kaveri. This village is located near the so-called Amrita House (the house of the nectar of immortality).

Amrita House is a small orphanage located on the banks of the Kaveri River, which flows through southern India. The founder of this orphanage and his entire family are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba. They built a large hall with an altar, on which images of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba were installed. During major festivals, traditional Vedic worship rituals are held in this hall.

In the 1980s, Sathya Sai Baba blessed this orphanage and presented the headmaster's family with a pair of materialized medallions. At the same time, in the ‘80s, in some photographs of Sathya Sai Baba in this orphanage, sacred ash began to materialize, and on Amrit medallions, the nectar of immortality. That is why the people called this place Amrita House, the house of the nectar of immortality.

Unfortunately, the leaders of the orphanage quickly began to use this miracle in order to get more donations from visitors. Already in the mid-90s, Sathya Sai Baba declared he had taken his blessings from this place, and nothing would materialize there anymore. In a strange way, the materialization of sacred ash and nectar continued; alas, the reason is simple, falsifications began.

Instead of genuine materialized nectar, the administrators of the orphanage began distributing diluted honey. It is not my task to condemn this family, but this situation should be a lesson to all who receive special blessings from God. If at some point you begin to misuse the gift, then God may turn his back on you.

The history of Amrita House is also connected with Prema Sai Baba. When the divine boy was six years old, we drove with him in a car past Amrita House, I suggested we stop and visit this holy place. Naturally, it seemed to me this would be a historic visit by Prema Sai Baba to the orphanage that was founded with the blessing of Sathya Sai Baba.

Prema Sai Baba said this place was no longer a holy place, and he would not go there. How can a little boy know about this orphanage? How could six-year-old Prema Sai know that nothing has materialized there for a long time? How could a child come to understand that this orphanage has long been a place of deception? Of course, the administrators of this orphanage help the orphans, which is a wonderful service. However, the manipulation of miracles is an example of poor judgement by Sai devotees.

On the pages of this book, we consider many assumptions and versions, including the possible birth of Prema Sai next to Amrita House. Even if some versions are clearly not very real, it is important to remember about such hypotheses in order to more fully see the overall picture of the discussion around the topic of Prema Sai Baba.

40. Sri Kasturi

A common version in the context of Prema Sai Baba is that allegedly Sri Kasturi (1897-1987) in his next reincarnation will become the mother of Prema Sai Baba. This statement is attributed to Sathya Sai Baba himself, although the authenticity is doubtful.

Who is Sri Kasturi and why is he so important to the Sathya Sai Baba tradition? It is believed that Sri Kasturi first met Sathya Sai Baba in 1948. Then, Sri Kasturi was 51 years old, and Sathya Sai Baba was only 22 years old. In the mid-1950s, Sri Kasturi retired and moved entirely to Puttaparthi.

Sathya Sai Baba offered Sri Kasturi a job at the ashram, which began publishing a monthly magazine called Sanatana Sarathi. Sri Kasturi became the editor of the magazine, which at that time was the main official source of information about the activities of Sathya Sai Baba.

Sri Kasturi is the author of an amazing series of books Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram, translated into many languages under the title Truth, Compassion, Beauty. This series of books is the most detailed biography of Sathya Sai Baba.

The first part of the book was published in the early 1960s and covered the first 34 years of Sathya Sai Baba's life. Sri Kasturi collected information for the book from various sources, including Sathya Sai Baba's father and brother, as well as teachers from the school where Sathya Sai Baba studied as a child.

The second part of the book was published in the late 1960s, and several more volumes of the series were published in the early 1980s. For many years Sri Kasturi was Sathya Sai Baba's secretary and closest assistant. It is difficult to say if anyone was closer to Sathya Sai Baba than Sri Kasturi. The life of Sri Kasturi is covered with legends, as he was a truly unique person and a great devotee of God.

Let's return to the story that Sri Kasturi will incarnate as a woman, in the next birth, and become the mother of Prema Sai Baba. How can one verify that Sri Kasturi really reincarnated as the mother of Prema Sai Baba? It is impossible to confirm or refute this prediction.

Is it possible that some of Sathya Sai Baba's predictions will not come true or have not come true? This is not possible for several reasons. First of all, all predictions are multifaceted, and it is not always possible to interpret them straightforwardly and unambiguously.

The mission of Sai is in constant development. Let's remember the situation when Sathya Sai Baba materialized a ring with the portrait of Prema Sai Baba and presented it to John Hislop.

In the beginning, the ring only had an approximate image of Prema Sai Baba, and only with time did his face begin to appear. Sathya Sai Baba explained that the form and face of Prema Sai Baba is in the process of being formed.

This means that many other predictions could subsequently change, including the version that Sri Kasturi will be reincarnated as the mother of Prema Sai Baba.

41. Common point of view

In 2019, a representative of the Ashram in Puttaparthi released a famous video in which he answered the question of one of the viewers about what the signs of the arrival of Prema Sai Baba would be.

I prefer not to give his name because he is a very respected person among the Sai devotees. I will refer to him in my narrative under the pseudonym, “Professor”.

The "Professor" is the author of several excellent books on the life and philosophy of Sathya Sai Baba. Undoubtedly, he is one of the most respected representatives of the tradition of Sathya Sai Baba.

In the physical absence of Sathya Sai Baba, there was an intellectual vacuum for a large number of followers. People were trying to find authoritative leaders in order to find spiritual support and core in their person.

In this situation, the "Professor" became a wise spiritual mentor for a considerable number of Sai followers, who was able to guide people in the right vector of development and search for truth.

The "Professor" was asked a question from one viewer: "What will be the signs of Prema Sai Baba's coming?”

The "Professor" made a short video in which he gave two answers to this difficult question.

1) The incarnation of Prema Sai Baba will be evident to all people, like the rising of the sun. When the sun shines in the sky, it is obvious to everyone that it is the sun; it shines in the sky, illuminating the Earth.

2) At the right moment, Prema Sai Baba will announce himself as an Avatar, then we will all know about his appearance.

Let's analyze these answers. Unfortunately, both answers are very naive and show the unwillingness of the "Professor" to accept many of the facts and predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself.

The "Professor" said Prema Sai Baba's incarnation would be as obvious to everyone as the sunrise. “When the sun shines in the sky, it is obvious to everyone that this is the sun; it shines in the sky, illuminating the Earth.”

Alas, this is too naive a point of view, since in past ages we already had many examples when divine teachers and prophets were born on Earth, but only a few people were able to recognize them.

An example of this is the life of Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ. Even the divine mission of Sathya Sai Baba was far from obvious to everyone. Many gurus in India and around the world have denied the divine origin of Sathya Sai Baba. Therefore, the principle of "natural recognition" does not work.

The “Professor” in his video said that at the right moment Prema Sai Baba will announce himself as the Avatar and then we will all recognize him. This point of view is also very naive.

Already between 2018 and 2023 (when the material for this book was being collected) there were several candidates for Prema Sai Baba in different parts of India, and already, some of them had proclaimed themselves as Prema Sai Baba.

What does it mean to proclaim oneself an Avatar? Why is it important? There is a tradition that each Divine incarnation proclaims itself, thus marking the official beginning of its mission on Earth.

We know numerous stories of the proclamation of Krishna, which are described in the sacred texts (Mahabharata and Bhagavatam), as well as the proclamation of Jesus Christ, which are mentioned in the New Testament. Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba proclaimed themselves in their youth.

The problem is that now (between 2018 and 2023) several young people have already proclaimed themselves as Prema Sai Baba. Some candidates have already established their own ashrams and hold public events.

For those who have realized the truth about Prema Sai Baba, the proclamation is only a bright and kind traditional ritual. Genuine devotees already know and realize who the real Prema Sai Baba is.

For those who deny Prema Sai Baba, even his official "proclamation" will mean nothing, because their hearts are unfortunately closed to the realization of this truth.

When the "Professor" naively said we need to wait for Prema Sai Baba to declare himself, then the obvious question arises – we already have several candidates who have declared themselves.

How can we deal with this situation? This means the proclamation is not enough. It is hard for me to imagine that the "Professor" does not know about the prophecy of Sathya Sai Baba and that he would be born a year after his death, in the village of Doddamallur.

Despite this, the "Professor" publicly continues to give evasive and unconvincing answers. The situation is really complicated, so let's respect alternative points of view. Let's respect each other and perceive the world of multivariance with open hearts, because everything that happens is the wise divine plan of the Creator.

I found it necessary to analyze the statements of such a respected "Professor", because his statements reflect a common position. Some followers try to distance themselves from any serious discussion about Prema Sai Baba.

Why are they afraid of a serious and open discussion about the appearance of Prema Sai Baba? Perhaps with time we will be able to understand this.

42. Prema Sai Baba from Tamil Nadu

The material in this chapter was published on the website of Prema Sai Baba from Tamil Nadu. I did not visit this candidate, although I saw many videos and even talked with his followers.

This young man, born in 2004, is one of the main and most famous candidates for today (2023) announced as the next incarnation of Sai Baba. In this case, we again see the example of a candidate who was born during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba, who died in 2011. This fact does not confuse the followers of this candidate.

People are clearly feeling powerful divine vibrations in the presence of this young man. Visitors to his ashram regularly witness manifestations of supernatural abilities, including the materialization of figurines of Hindu deities.

His birth name is Chidhanandh, and he was born in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. As a child, the boy went to a local school, like other village children. Since childhood, the child was interested in spending free time with cows, birds and other animals, taking care of them.

His father and mother are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, so the boy often visited the ashram in Puttaparthi. One fine morning, he and his family saw an incredible miracle that happened in his house. Sacred ash from photographs of Sathya Sai Baba materialized throughout the house.

From that day on, it began to happen very often, almost every day. They were shocked and delighted to see what was happening. For some reason, the family decided to keep this miracle a secret.

When Chidhanandh was 15 years old, his parents noticed some unusual things happening in his behavior, as well as manifestations of high divine states. One day the boy told his parents that he was not interested in going to school because he had a different mission. His parents were worried, and they tried to send him to school anyway.

A few months later, Chidhanandh asked his parents to organize bhajans, pujas and arati (traditional Hindu ceremonies) every day at home. His parents took this request seriously and began organizing daily spiritual programs at home.

A year later, Chidhanandh began to perform miracles, such as the materialization of rosaries, statues of gods and goddesses, the materialization of sacred ash, and much more. His parents began talking about these events to neighbors and relatives. Gradually, people began to visit the house and see the manifestation of the miraculous power of the young man. He declared he is the next incarnation of God on Earth; that is, Prema Sai Baba.

Sometime later, this candidate decided to turn his parents' house into an ashram and serve the people. He asked his parents to build temples on their farm and said the area would become an ashram in the near future called Rattaparthi.

The young man also mentioned that in the future there will be a big ashram in Rattaparthi and many social projects, a school, a college, a medical facility and public institutions that will be gradually opened here to ensure the well-being and improve people's lives.

The worldview of this candidate is to improve the psychological and physical health of people, and to help to educate the poor and needy around the world.

Now, his ashram is a very beautiful garden, consisting of a large number of trees, plants and agricultural fields. There are several small temples inside the ashram, such as the temple of the god, Ganesha built next to the main entrance to the ashram. Inside that temple is another beautiful statue of the god, Ganesha, near the beautiful temple of the god, Sai-Murugan.

The ashram has a small temple of the god, Krishna, whose statue is presented with Gomata, the divine cow. These temples are great places for individual prayer and meditation.

A small canal called Premanadhi flows close to the ashram grounds and is one of the places where this candidate prefers to perform miracles in front of his devotees, including the materialization of sacred ash and statues of Hindu gods.

This candidate said that another Shiva temple will be built in the near future, and a large meeting hall for devotees will be built very soon. Soon a primary school and a primary health care center for those in need will open in Rattaparthi. In general, his predictions point to the supposed significant growth of his ashram and the tradition that is now rapidly developing around him.

This candidate emphasizes that his ashram should not be called a community, but rather a more appropriate word would be a "non-religious organization" aimed at social service. People belonging to different religions and traditions can come to this ashram – the doors are hospitably open to everyone.

Among the predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself, it never sounded that he might reincarnate in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu; almost all predictions point to the state of Karnataka.

Let us once again emphasize the time of birth of this candidate, which is 2004. That is during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba. For the followers of this candidate, all these contradictions are irrelevant, since they reasonably say there are no limits for God.

The material of this chapter describes the story of one of the candidates. Everyone can independently decide whether or not to accept this young man as Prema Sai Baba. His energy is very strong and the miracles he performs are amazing.

It is interesting that the parents of this young man are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba; naturally they, like many others, expected the arrival of Prema Sai Baba. At some point, all sorts of miracles began to happen in their blessed home. Gradually, it became clear, to everyone, that miracles happen through their son.

At that moment, the idea arose that the young man was the long-awaited Prema Sai Baba. I think this is a dangerous trend, because God can work miracles through anyone, but that doesn't mean that everyone should proclaim themselves Prema Sai Baba.

The candidate from Tamil Nadu makes a very bright impression on me, but there is little chance that he is the real incarnation of Prema Sai Baba. He wants too much to appear as an incarnation of Sathya Sai Baba.

With his appearance and movements, he strives in every possible way to resemble Sathya Sai Baba. Many candidates, including this young man, build their image by imitating Sathya Sai Baba. Therein lies the problem – Sai Baba's "Prema” is not a repetition of Sathya Sai Baba, as some would expect.

The Prema Sai Baba is the next stage in the development of God's mission on Earth. In his previous incarnations, he had a different style of preaching and interaction with people.

In his current incarnation, he is different from previous manifestations of divinity because it is a new age with new challenges. The real Prema Sai Baba is himself – he does not strive to be what others want him to be.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
16 ноября 2023
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160 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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