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The 25th of March, 2030, shall forever be etched in my memory as the day I received a most unusual commission. I was tasked with chronicling the tale of a gifted young woman whose literary contributions had earned her the prestigious Nobel Prize. The peculiarity of this request, you may ask? The answer lies within the unfolding of this very tale.

A grand international gathering of minds was set to take place in Quito, the heart of Ecuador. Coincidentally, I was planning a journey to a land of unparalleled beauty. This fortuitous alignment of events filled me with joy, and I eagerly embraced the opportunity to explore the wonders of Ecuador.

The gathering of intellectuals was a resounding success. As the final pronouncements echoed through the halls, I retrieved my aerial steed from its velvet-lined case, and with a few necessities for my urban explorations, took to the skies above Quito. As I soared through the heavens, my gaze fell upon a shimmering object nestled deep within the emerald embrace of a forest. Descending to investigate, I discovered a tome of magnificent proportions, its cover adorned with shimmering shards of diamonds. Upon closer inspection, I read an inscription etched upon its face: "A Book Unread." A shiver of unease ran down my spine. If this book truly remained untouched by human eyes, perhaps it was not mine to behold? Could the author desire to keep these words a secret? One can never be certain. It was best to err on the side of caution, I thought, and continued my journey, leaving the enigmatic journal behind. But as I pressed onward, an extraordinary event unfolded before my very eyes: the world shattered into countless fragments of cities, each one a dazzling constellation of lights and dreams. The oceans of the world were likewise divided, with each city claiming its portion of the deep blue. It was a gesture of fairness, a sharing of the vital lifeblood of the planet. And each piece of land received a unique name, a whispered title whispered across the heavens. The very fragment upon which I stood was called as a "Planet Ecquipa". Why Ecquipa? The syllable "Ec-" was borrowed from the first part of the word "Ecuador," "-qui-" from the first part of "Quito," and "-pa" from the first part of the Pacific Ocean. Thus was born the nomenclature of these celestial fragments. For a time, these fractured lands became natural satellites of Planet Ecquipa.

Can you guess where I gleaned this information? The diamond-studded journal revealed all. It spoke, and its voice was a song, a melody of pure beauty. In addition to the intricate details, the tome explained the very reason for this transformation of the Earth planet. It seemed I was the first soul to lay eyes upon this unusual book, for only its author had known of its existence until this very moment. Indeed, it was "A Book Unread."

The author of this magnificent journal, a young woman, had dreamt of leaving an enduring legacy, a contribution to the betterment of humanity. She yearned for her story to reach as many hearts and minds as possible. And now, prepare to be amazed, for the speaking journal unveiled a truth so profound, so momentous: the restoration of the Earth, the return to its pristine state, rested entirely upon my shoulders. For the planet could only reclaim its former glory when I penned a chronicle of the events contained within this very journal. A task of such magnitude could not be ignored. With a solemn nod, I opened the diamond-encrusted tome, preparing to begin my work.

The pages were smooth as silk, a caress upon my fingertips. As each page unfolded, golden letters emerged, dancing before my eyes. Upon the first page, a message awaited, a missive from the author to the soul who would follow in her footsteps, a soul destined to read these words. And that soul was me. The message read as follows:

"Greetings, dear one! You will not believe how long I have waited for someone creative to notice my diary. I am so glad it was you! Because I am certain the diary chose you for a reason. I truly hope my expectations are not in vain. Please, write about this diary and share your creation with the world. It is incredibly important, as many people's fates might hinge on it. Once you fulfill my request, everything will return to its rightful place! But do not worry, here on Planet Ecquipa, everything will be provided for your comfort. Your beloved and cozy air-and-glass house, time for rest, your wings, bountiful nourishment – everything will be supplied by the diary itself! All you need to do is wish for something, and your desire will be instantly granted, as the diary can sense the yearnings of your soul without any words! You do not even need to utter your wish aloud. All that is required of you is to write the piece, that is it. I wish you luck and inspiration. I believe in you. Thank you so much in advance, dear chosen one!"

This journey! I happily agreed to it. My time passed in comfort, magic, and entertainment, just as the diary promised. As soon as I finished the piece, the diary thanked me for fulfilling its request, and after that, everything returned to normal. I came back to my native land to continue spreading my creation. It was the most unforgettable and magical memory of my life!

Now, you might be wondering why this piece needs to be shared with people? And how can the content of this work influence the fates of many people? I will reveal that to you at the end. It is then, when our girl from the diary grows up and, one day, receives the Nobel Prize. This piece needs to tell countless readers about what helped her achieve that success. And here is the very piece I wrote based on the diary entries. I hope you enjoy getting to know these records. Happy reading, friends!


The year was 2002, autumn's embrace upon the world. One tiny soul stood amidst billions in the celestial expanse. Every soul, without exception, pledged a solemn oath, vowing never to forget the existence of the only Allah of all worlds. For they all knew what awaited them in the final, eternal life, should they break their word. They promised to devote their lives to worshipping one and only Allah. They promised to forever be grateful for all that would transpire in their earthly sojourn.

After these vows, each soul engaged in a discourse with the Almighty Lord of Worlds. Allah addressed the tiny soul, our focus from the outset:

– O soul, you are granted the opportunity to choose the nature of your life's journey. Before thee lies a book containing all imaginable earthly existences. Make the choice, and I shall select for thee a fitting form and birthplace.

– O Allah! I give thanks for this boon bestowed upon me. I desire that every year of my life shall yield at least one lesson, a boon to all mankind. I aspire to be a soul that can, in some small measure, alleviate the burdens of humanity.

– Thy wish shall be heeded! Now, descend to Earth. The first stage of thy soul's development is complete. It is time to embark upon the second, within the womb of thy future mother.

– O Almighty, how shall I navigate this earthly realm? How shall I know where to begin?

– Two angels shall be by thy side, ever watchful, ever caring. They shall guide thee, protect thee, and love thee with their very souls! With them, thou shalt not stray.

– And who are these angels, O Allah?

– They shall be thy parents. Fear not, for all shall unfold as I decree. Only, thou must recall thy pledge during your earthly journey, and all shall be well.

– As you command, Lord Most High. Your word is law unto us, – replied the soul, and, by the Lord's will, entered the form of a tiny fetus in the autumn of 2002.

On the 24th of May, 2003, the second stage of the soul's development reached its conclusion. Thus, the fetus was ready to be born, to begin the third stage of its journey, a stage deemed crucial to the soul's ultimate destiny. And so, on that day, a girl named Charlotte came into the world. Alas, as is the fate of all mortals, she no longer remembered her conversation with the Almighty. The Lord, in his wisdom, had affirmed that all would be well if the soul, once a human, would recollect its pledge and devote itself solely to the One True God, Allah, until the end of its days. And to become such a righteous soul, a fitting upbringing was paramount. Her parents would guide her in this endeavor.

The little girl was born in a country called Lafem. Her parents, Manuel and Artemia Sambrano, were overjoyed by the arrival of their firstborn daughter. Charlotte was born with a peculiar flash drive hanging around her neck, visible only to those she trusted. Naturally, her parents were the first to be granted this confidence from the moment of her birth. This flash drive served as a repository for the life lessons Charlotte would glean throughout her existence, lessons she would one day share with the world when the time was right.

Manuel and Artemia showered their daughter with unwavering love and care. Every giggle, every slumber, every intriguing sound she made, her first tooth, her first tentative steps on all fours, her charming gestures – all brought boundless joy to Charlotte's parents throughout her first year. As the Almighty Allah had promised, Manuel and Artemia truly guarded their daughter like two guardian angels. Together, they celebrated birthdays, welcomed the dawn of 2004, and turned every passing month into a grand celebration for their little girl.

And so, on the 24th of May, 2004, Charlotte turned one year old! You might ask, "What about the lesson learned from her first year of life?" Fear not, Allah never forgets his promises. Charlotte received her first lesson as a gift on her first birthday. The lesson derived from her first year was this: parents are our guardian angels. They are ready to do absolutely everything they can for their child. Just imagine how this lesson was recorded! On the 24th of May, 2004, a special flash drive emerged from the back of Charlotte's neck, hovering in the air. This extraordinary device transformed into a small, magical world where Charlotte sat upon pink clouds with her parents, Manuel and Artemia. It was a world as envisioned by our little Charlotte Sambrano. As previously mentioned, only Charlotte and her parents could witness this, as she had confided her secret of the magical flash drive only to them.

Beneath the clouds, a purple notebook with a white pen appeared. The notebook was blank when it opened before Manuel, Artemia, and Charlotte. The white pen then began to inscribe the following message on the first page of the purple lesson notebook:

"Dear Charlotte! At long last, the day has arrived to record your first life lesson. It is this: Parents are our guardian angels. Remember, whatever they say, it is always from the core of their hearts and with no ulterior motives that they wish for the very best for you!"

Thus, Charlotte carried with her this first life lesson after her first year.


And now, summer graced the year 2004 with its warmth. Let us delve into the life of the Sambrano family and the impressions etched upon little Charlotte's soul during this time.

Manuel Sambrano, Charlotte's devoted father, had nurtured a clear vision since childhood of the family he wished to create, the home he yearned to build, the automobiles he desired to possess, and the manner in which he would raise his future children. He reveled in contemplating these aspirations, firmly believing in the power of thoughts to manifest into reality. Thus, he always focused on envisioning the best, placing his faith in Allah's aid in realizing these dreams, and never doubting his own capabilities.

With this unwavering spirit, he married a remarkable woman named Artemia. Together, they embarked on the journey of building their family, sharing their dreams and aspirations for the future. Their dreams intertwined, becoming a shared tapestry that further strengthened their bond.

One day, when Manuel was just a lad of fifteen, he witnessed a heartwarming scene at the zoo – a family consisting of a husband, wife, and their young daughter. The sight filled him with a profound sense of longing, and he made a silent vow that he, too, would one day take his wife and daughter to the zoo, where they would stroll together, basking in joy and laughter.

Exactly ten years later, as fate would have it, his wish came to fruition. Residing in the bustling city called Loyalty, nestled within the realm of the country called Lafem, Manuel, Artemia, and little Charlotte Sambrano became frequent visitors to the zoo. Manuel and Artemia were profoundly grateful for their blissful existence.

What, you may ask, is the crux of this tale? It underscores the profound truth that our dreams, our daily musings, our plans for the future, all have a way of materializing, in due time. You cannot fathom the significance of harboring righteous intentions within the depths of your soul!

To illustrate this vital principle, allow me to share two contrasting tales of individuals with divergent intentions.

The Sambrano family shared their apartment building in Loyalty with two intriguing neighbors: Gloria Lopez, an octogenarian, and Zoe Rodriguez, who was sixty years old. Both women were mothers to eight children. Gloria, from her youth, had always prayed that God would grant her family happiness over being rich. Zoe, on the other hand, often lamented, "I'm tired of being an eternal housewife! When will it be my turn to be waited on, instead of me serving you all day and night?! Eight children, and yet I'm the only one who has to do everything!"

Can you guess how these women fared in 2004, their minds perpetually occupied by these contrasting thoughts? Gloria Lopez and her children, despite facing financial hardship, led content and fulfilling lives. Zoe Rodriguez, alas, suffered a fall and became disabled. Gloria, though never wealthy, remained untouched by despair. Zoe, ironically, found herself confined, reliant on the care of others, her dream of escaping her domestic duties tragically fulfilled.

Perhaps, one might ponder, Gloria Lopez could have included financial stability in her pleas to Allah. Why not, with all her heart, beseech a life of all-around well-being? After all, if it is within the Lord's will, He shall surely answer the prayers of those who ask. And Zoe Rodriguez, could she not have found contentment in her familial obligations, in the joy of nurturing her eight children during her able-bodied years?

Indeed, in life, much hinges on one's intentions. Thus, on Charlotte's second birthday, as the flash drive once again materialized from the nape of her neck, the white pen inscribed the following message in the purple notebook:

"Dearest Charlotte, two years of life have already graced you. Remember, your thoughts hold immense power over your destiny. Noble dreams pave the path to a fulfilling life, and well-laid plans for the future lead to their successful realization. With love, Your Parents".

This lesson from her second year of life, Charlotte took to heart. You might wonder, how could a child so young grasp the weight of such wisdom? Manuel and Artemia had a clever way of conveying these profound concepts – through enchanting puppet shows staged right in their home. Each performance had two distinct acts, with dialogue, scenes, and morals delivered in a language easily understood by their precocious daughter.

By then, Charlotte had mastered both walking and talking, making it a breeze for her to absorb these simplified yet essential life lessons. Thus, under the loving tutelage of her parents, she began her education in the grand school of life at a tender age!

After joyous months spent nestled in the loving embrace of her parents, the year turned to 2005. On the 24th of May, Charlotte was ready to embark upon her third year, eager to unravel another layer of life's intricate tapestry. One cannot help but wonder, what inscription would grace Charlotte's flash drive this year? Let us venture onward to discover the answer!


The year was 2005, and summer had descended upon the land. One sunny day, a whimsical companion named Lena emerged in Charlotte's imagination. In her mind's eye, Lena was a spirit devoid of any human attributes; Charlotte could converse with her but could not behold her in any physical form. Lena would spend the day playing games with Charlotte, and when night fell, she would find solace within a large doll that Charlotte cherished. This doll was a blonde with tousled hair.

Charlotte adored playing hide-and-seek with Lena. It was a delightful pastime until it spiraled into an excess, a transgression of sorts, that transpired in a manner I must recount with due detail.

One glorious August day, Manuel, Artemia, and little Charlotte Sambrano embarked on a week-long vacation to the island of Etteniram, seeking respite from the humdrum of everyday life. This island teemed with tourists, offering an array of activities and diversions: cinemas nestled within grand houses overlooking palm trees; performances by talking Maine Coon cats; journeys into the realm of anime; the ability to temporarily transform into a two-dimensional being; restaurants where dishes levitated, inviting families to partake in a delightful culinary adventure; the opportunity to converse with any celebrity in the world; and much more.

But the most captivating feature of the island was a unique ritual observed on the penultimate day of one's stay: each visitor received feedback on their conduct throughout their sojourn. This feedback was delivered by their very own personal angel-mentor. Etteniram was an extraordinary place where individuals had the chance to engage in face-to-face encounters with their celestial guides! This meeting took place in a special chamber on the island, where one had to enter in a state of complete purity for the angel to manifest.

Six days of relaxation passed, and the day of the angelic encounter arrived. Some visitors received positive feedback, while others fell short of their celestial mentor's expectations. Manuel and Artemia Sambrano, it turned out, were praised by their angels for their exemplary partnership in all aspects, for they cared deeply for each other and for their cherished daughter. Their angels were exceedingly pleased with them.

However, the same could not be said for little Charlotte, as her angel expressed only an 80% level of satisfaction. Here's why.

On the third day of their vacation, Charlotte and Lena, in their usual fashion, decided to play hide-and-seek with their parents. Each time Charlotte concealed herself in a different corner of their apartment, her mother and father easily found her, making the game all the more exhilarating. But now, they were on an island, a vast expanse! How could her parents possibly guess where their daughter had hidden herself? This crucial point, unfortunately, slipped Charlotte's mind. She ventured into the forest, discreetly concealed herself behind a thicket, and patiently awaited her parents' discovery. But twenty minutes passed, and Charlotte remained undiscovered. Artemia Sambrano began to worry. She realized that her daughter was playing hide-and-seek again, but how could she possibly search such a vast location? She called out for Manuel. He had been asleep, and awoke with a start, fearing that Charlotte had decided to hide underwater! After all, she was a child, capable of anything. Moreover, she had been missing for over half an hour! Terror gripped the parents, and they enlisted the aid of others to join the search for Charlotte.

A thorough search of the forest, the beach, all entertainment centers, every dwelling, and even a plunge into the depths of the water in case she had accidentally drowned, proved fruitless. The three-year-old girl was nowhere to be found. After an agonizing hour and a half, Charlotte reappeared and announced to everyone:

– Why is everyone so inattentive today? I was hiding behind the bushes, watching you all. I got bored because no one could find me properly. So many people, and none of you could play hide-and-seek correctly, – Charlotte said with a mournful face. Immediately, her parents rushed to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Artemia, overcome with joy and relief that, thank Allah, Charlotte was safe and sound, let out a sob of happiness. Charlotte could not fathom the fear she had instilled in everyone. She was so young that could not grasp the gravity of the situation. But it was on the sixth day of their vacation that Charlotte's angel-mentor explained that he was 20% dissatisfied with her due to the terror she had inflicted on her parents while engrossed in her game of hide-and-seek. The angel, of course, did not scold Charlotte but simply clarified the situation in a language she could comprehend.

Charlotte realized that day scaring her parents in such a manner was unacceptable. She also understood that it is essential to avoid getting carried away by any pursuit in life. These lessons, imparted by her angel-mentor, were forever etched in her memory. And so, on the seventh day of their trip, the Sambrano family took flight, returning to the city of Loyalty from the island of Etteniram. Though parents had been shaken by the incident, they were overjoyed to have their daughter back by their side, joyful and healthy. The vacation, despite the scare, had been an enriching experience.

The fall, winter of 2005, and spring of 2006 passed peacefully. Charlotte adhered to all the important rules without any significant transgressions. Therefore, on the 24th of May, 2006, as Charlotte's flash drive unfurled on her fourth birthday, the following lessons were inscribed in the same purple notebook:

"Dear Charlotte! This past summer, you learned how perilous it can be to become overly engrossed in hide-and-seek. Previously, you hid for a few minutes, making it easy for your parents to find you, and it was a joyful pastime. But this time, you hid for an hour and a half, frightening your parents terribly. And this applies to all aspects of life. For instance, consuming an adequate amount of food is beneficial and necessary for health. But overeating can lead to weight gain, which, conversely, poses health risks. A little fire keeps your home warm during winter. But just a smidgen more than needed, and the house could catch fire! Therefore, your first lesson for the years 2005-2006 revolves around the importance of maintaining a Golden Mean in absolutely everything you do!

Your second lesson emphasizes the importance of never doing anything that could deeply frighten your parents. Do you want them to live long, healthy, and happy lives? Then cherish them and avoid causing them such distress. Of course, not everything in life is within your control, but your actions do have a significant impact on the quality and longevity of your parents' lives. These are the takeaways for this year, Charlotte. Until your next birthday!"

And before us, dear readers, lies a world of new experiences. We trust that Charlotte will spend her fourth year in full enjoyment, acquiring yet another lesson, one that we shall soon unveil.


Summer's warmth graced the year 2006. Since their daughter's birth, Artemia had devoted herself entirely to motherhood, cherishing every moment with little Charlotte. However, as she observed a hint of monotony creeping into her daughter's days, she decided to enroll Charlotte in a kindergarten, returning to her career. At the time, Manuel served as a distinguished agent for the National Security Service of Lafem, while Artemia shared her expertise as a neurosurgeon at a local clinic. Both were highly regarded in their respective fields, deriving immense satisfaction from their work.

Charlotte took to kindergarten like a duck to water. She quickly befriended her peers and her thirst for knowledge blossomed. The kindergarten curriculum included rudimentary lessons in reading and writing. Although Artemia had already initiated Charlotte in these skills, her daughter embraced the opportunity to reinforce her knowledge. Charlotte's fondness for kindergarten was such that she attended with unwavering enthusiasm from June 2006 until March of the following year. Everything flowed smoothly until a new teacher, Eloisa Gonzales, joined the staff in March 2007.

Eloisa possessed a rather severe demeanor, perpetually radiating an air of discontent and maintaining an unyielding grip on the classroom. She expected impeccable behavior from each child, and any infraction, however minor, resulted in the offender being relegated to the corner. If, for instance, during a music lesson, one child's singing voice soared above the rest, while another struggled to find the melody, she would pronounce her characteristically monotonous reprimand in front of the entire class:

"You there! Do you see how beautifully the boy in the front row is singing? You, my dear child, are a disappointment! Is it truly so difficult to emulate him? Observe and learn!"

Eloisa employed this comparative tactic across all subjects. Instead of fostering a spirit of camaraderie, her methods sowed seeds of rivalry among the children. It was a sorry sight to behold. Her relentless scrutiny not only instilled fear in the children but paradoxically fueled their desire to act out. It is possible that her intentions were noble, yet her pedagogical approach had a detrimental effect on the young minds entrusted to her care. The children lived in fear of her.

Even when her comparisons were intended to motivate the children toward excellence, her actions yielded the opposite effect, extinguishing their desire to engage in any activity under her watchful eye. A gentler approach, offering quiet guidance and encouragement, would have been far more effective. Each child is unique, a precious gem with their own individual brilliance. Instead of subjecting them to relentless pressure and comparisons, a nurturing environment would have allowed their unique talents to flourish.

Distressed by this turn of events, Charlotte confided in her parents about the unpleasant situation at kindergarten. Manuel and Artemia, without hesitation, withdrew their daughter from the kindergarten. Charlotte felt a pang of sadness at having to bid farewell to a place she had grown fond of, all because of Eloisa Gonzales.

Charlotte spent the month of March at home with her mother, her days filled with games, reading, singing, and dancing with her parents in the evenings. During the day, she accompanied her mother on various outings, and on weekends, Manuel would whisk them away to different cities. There was never a dull moment! Then, on the 3rd of April, 2007, a wondrous event unfolded: the Sambrano family welcomed a second daughter, whom they named Sarah. Baby Sarah became Charlotte's little sister, filling their home with even more joy and laughter. This was a truly blessed time for the Sambrano family. With the arrival of the newest member, Charlotte felt a sense of responsibility wash over her. She had a premonition that as sisters, they would share a special bond and be pillars of support for each other.

On the 24th of May, 2007, Charlotte celebrated her fourth birthday. Her flash drive materialized (a phenomenon visible only to her parents), and along with it, the familiar purple notebook and white pen, ready to record the summary of the past year:

"Greetings, our dearest girl! We celebrate the triumphant completion of your fourth year, Charlotte! You have conducted yourself admirably this year, avoiding both past and potential pitfalls. This demonstrates a commendable ability to learn from your experiences. Keep up the excellent work! This year has presented you with a series of events so rich in life lessons that it would be remiss not to add them to your ever-growing treasury of wisdom. Let us delve into the wisdom gleaned from the years 2006 and 2007.

The first lesson underscores the importance of never comparing loved ones, friends, family members – indeed, anyone – to another, especially when such comparisons lead to diminished self-worth, resentment, or a sense of superiority. Every individual is uniquely and incomparably remarkable.

The second lesson reminds us that we have the capacity to learn not only from our own missteps but also from observing the experiences of others. Eloisa Gonzales's conduct serves as a prime example. By embracing this ability, we can make our journeys through life significantly smoother.

Finally, it is crucial to recognize that excessive control over others only breeds a desire to flee from the clutches of such manipulation. Once again, moderation is key. It applies to every aspect of life. Happy Birthday, our dearest Charlotte! Until next year!"

Charlotte's fourth year had been an enlightening one. The Sambrano family, bathed in contentment, embraced the beautiful tapestry of their lives, eagerly anticipating the many pleasant surprises that lay ahead.


The summer of 2007 brought a joyous occasion to the Sambrano household: the arrival of their grandparents from the city of Lemari, in the state of Lafem. Their visit was planned to last until the spring of 2008. Upon hearing this news, Charlotte was beside herself with glee! She had only spoken to her grandparents over the phone, and they had never met in person. This encounter was destined to be a truly special one.

On a bright summer morning, the entire Sambrano family set off to the airport to greet their beloved grandparents. Charlotte's grandfathers were named Meliton Castro and Sofron Moroco, while her grandmothers were Alicia Castro and Florentina Moroco. Charlotte adored them all dearly. As soon as their eyes met, the grandparents embraced their children and grandchildren, overflowing with affection for this long-awaited reunion.

Once they arrived home, the grandparents showered their children and grandchildren with an assortment of remarkable gifts: Manuel received a talking scarf, Artemia was presented with levitating boots. Charlotte was gifted a magical book capable of transporting her to any galaxy she desired. Little Sarah received a miniature super-tree that could produce any kind of pure, natural fruit in a single second. Everyone expressed their heartfelt gratitude for these extraordinary presents.

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