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Читать книгу: «Verses 1889-1896», страница 4



  When spring-time flushes the desert grass,
  Our kafilas wind through the Khyber Pass.
  Lean are the camels but fat the frails,
  Light are the purses but heavy the bales,
  As the snowbound trade of the North comes down
  To the market-square of Peshawur town.
  In a turquoise twilight, crisp and chill,
  A kafila camped at the foot of the hill.
  Then blue smoke-haze of the cooking rose,
  And tent-peg answered to  hammer-nose;
  And the picketed ponies, shag and wild,
  Strained at their ropes as the feed was piled;
  And the bubbling camels beside the load
  Sprawled for a furlong adown the road;
  And the Persian pussy-cats, brought for sale,
  Spat at the dogs from the camel-bale;
  And the tribesmen bellowed to hasten the food;
  And the camp-fires twinkled by Fort Jumrood;
  And there fled on the wings of the gathering dusk
  A savour of camels and carpets and musk,
  A murmur of voices, a reek of smoke,
  To tell us the trade of the Khyber woke.
  The lid of the flesh-pot chattered high,
  The knives were whetted and – then came I
  To Mahbub Ali the muleteer,
  Patching his bridles and counting his gear,
  Crammed with the gossip of half a year.
  But Mahbub Ali the kindly said,
  “Better is speech when the belly is fed.”
   So we plunged the hand to the mid-wrist deep
  In a cinnamon stew of the fat-tailed sheep,
  And he who never hath tasted the food,
  By Allah! he knoweth not bad from good.
  We cleansed our beards of the mutton-grease,
  We lay on the mats and were filled with peace,
  And the talk slid north, and the talk slid south,
  With the sliding puffs from the hookah-mouth.
  Four things greater than all things are, —
  Women and Horses and Power and War.
  We spake of them all, but the last the most,
  For I sought a word of a Russian post,
  Of a shifty promise, an unsheathed sword
  And a gray-coat guard on the Helmund ford.
  Then Mahbub Ali lowered his eyes
  In the fashion of one who is weaving lies.
  Quoth he:  “Of the Russians who can say?
  When the night is gathering all is gray.
  But we look that the gloom of the night shall die
  In the morning flush of a blood-red sky.
  Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise
  To warn a King of his enemies?
  We know what Heaven or Hell may bring,
  But no man knoweth the mind of the King.
  That unsought counsel is cursed of God
  Attesteth the story of Wali Dad.
  “His sire was leaky of tongue and pen,
  His dam was a clucking Khuttuck hen;
  And the colt bred close to the vice of each,
  For he carried the curse of an unstanched speech.
  Therewith madness – so that he sought
  The favour of kings at the Kabul court;
  And travelled, in hope of honour, far
  To the line where the gray-coat squadrons are.
  There have I journeyed too – but I
  Saw naught, said naught, and – did not die!
  He harked to rumour, and snatched at a breath
  Of `this one knoweth’ and `that one saith’, —
  Legends that ran from mouth to mouth
  Of a gray-coat coming, and sack of the South.
  These have I also heard – they pass
  With each new spring and the winter grass.
  “Hot-foot southward, forgotten of God,
  Back to the city ran Wali Dad,
  Even to Kabul – in full durbar
  The King held talk with his Chief in War.
  Into the press of the crowd he broke,
  And what he had heard of the coming spoke.
  “Then Gholam Hyder, the Red Chief, smiled,
  As a mother might on a babbling child;
  But those who would laugh restrained their breath,
  When the face of the King showed dark as death.
  Evil it is in full durbar
  To cry to a ruler of gathering war!
  Slowly he led to a peach-tree small,
  That grew by a cleft of the city wall.
  And he said to the boy:  `They shall praise thy zeal
  So long as the red spurt follows the steel.
  And the Russ is upon us even now?
  Great is thy prudence – await them, thou.
  Watch from the tree.  Thou art young and strong,
  Surely thy vigil is not for long.
  The Russ is upon us, thy clamour ran?
  Surely an hour shall bring their van.
  Wait and watch.  When the host is near,
  Shout aloud that my men may hear.’
  “Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise
  To warn a King of his enemies?
  A guard was set that he might not flee —
  A score of bayonets ringed the tree.
  The peach-bloom fell in showers of snow,
  When he shook at his death as he looked below.
  By the power of God, who alone is great,
  Till the seventh day he fought with his fate.
  Then madness took him, and men declare
  He mowed in the branches as ape and bear,
  And last as a sloth, ere his body failed,
  And he hung as a bat in the forks, and wailed,
  And sleep the cord of his hands untied,
  And he fell, and was caught on the points and died.
  “Heart of my heart, is it meet or wise
  To warn a King of his enemies?
  We know what Heaven or Hell may bring,
  But no man knoweth the mind of the King.
  Of the gray-coat coming who can say?
  When the night is gathering all is gray.
  Two things greater than all things are,
  The first is Love, and the second War.
  And since we know not how War may prove,
  Heart of my heart, let us talk of Love!”


More than a hundred years ago, in a great battle fought near Delhi,

an Indian Prince rode fifty miles after the day was lost

with a beggar-girl, who had loved him and followed him in all his camps,

on his saddle-bow. He lost the girl when almost within sight of safety.

A Maratta trooper tells the story: —

  The wreath of banquet overnight lay withered on the neck,
   Our hands and scarfs were saffron-dyed for signal of despair,
  When we went forth to Paniput to battle with the Mlech, —
   Ere we came back from Paniput and left a kingdom there.
  Thrice thirty thousand men were we to force the Jumna fords —
   The hawk-winged horse of Damajee, mailed squadrons of the Bhao,
  Stark levies of the southern hills, the Deccan’s sharpest swords,
   And he the harlot’s traitor son the goatherd Mulhar Rao!
  Thrice thirty thousand men were we before the mists had cleared,
   The low white mists of morning heard the war-conch scream and bray;
  We called upon Bhowani and we gripped them by the beard,
   We rolled upon them like a flood and washed their ranks away.
  The children of the hills of Khost before our lances ran,
   We drove the black Rohillas back as cattle to the pen;
  ‘Twas then we needed Mulhar Rao to end what we began,
   A thousand men had saved the charge; he fled the field with ten!
  There was no room to clear a sword – no power to strike a blow,
   For foot to foot, ay, breast to breast, the battle held us fast —
  Save where the naked hill-men ran, and stabbing from below
   Brought down the horse and rider and we trampled them and passed.
  To left the roar of musketry rang like a falling flood —
   To right the sunshine rippled red from redder lance and blade —
  Above the dark Upsaras4 flew, beneath us plashed the blood,
   And, bellying black against the dust, the Bhagwa Jhanda swayed.
  I saw it fall in smoke and fire, the banner of the Bhao;
   I heard a voice across the press of one who called in vain: —
  “Ho! Anand Rao Nimbalkhur, ride!  Get aid of Mulhar Rao!
   Go shame his squadrons into fight – the Bhao – the Bhao is slain!”
  Thereat, as when a sand-bar breaks in clotted spume and spray —
   When rain of later autumn sweeps the Jumna water-head,
  Before their charge from flank to flank our riven ranks gave way;
   But of the waters of that flood the Jumna fords ran red.
  I held by Scindia, my lord, as close as man might hold;
   A Soobah of the Deccan asks no aid to guard his life;
  But Holkar’s Horse were flying, and our chiefest chiefs were cold,
   And like a flame among us leapt the long lean Northern knife.
  I held by Scindia – my lance from butt to tuft was dyed,
   The froth of battle bossed the shield and roped the bridle-chain —
  What time beneath our horses’ feet a maiden rose and cried,
   And clung to Scindia, and I turned a sword-cut from the twain.
  (He set a spell upon the maid in woodlands long ago,
   A hunter by the Tapti banks she gave him water there:
  He turned her heart to water, and she followed to her woe.
   What need had he of Lalun who had twenty maids as fair?)
  Now in that hour strength left my lord; he wrenched his mare aside;
   He bound the girl behind him and we slashed and struggled free.
  Across the reeling wreck of strife we rode as shadows ride
   From Paniput to Delhi town, but not alone were we.
  ‘Twas Lutuf-Ullah Populzai laid horse upon our track,
   A swine-fed reiver of the North that lusted for the maid;
  I might have barred his path awhile, but Scindia called me back,
   And  I – O woe for Scindia! – I listened and obeyed.
  League after league the formless scrub took shape and glided by —
   League after league the white road swirled behind the white mare’s feet —
  League after league, when leagues were done, we heard the Populzai,
   Where sure as Time and swift as Death the tireless footfall beat.
  Noon’s eye beheld that shame of flight, the shadows fell, we fled
   Where steadfast as the wheeling kite he followed in our train;
  The black wolf warred where we had warred, the jackal mocked our dead,
   And terror born of twilight-tide made mad the labouring brain.
  I gasped: – “A kingdom waits my lord; her love is but her own.
   A day shall mar, a day shall cure for her, but what for thee?
  Cut loose the girl:  he follows fast.  Cut loose and ride alone!”
    Then Scindia ‘twixt his blistered lips: – “My Queens’ Queen shall she be!
  “Of all who ate my bread last night ‘twas she alone that came
   To seek her love between the spears and find her crown therein!
  One shame is mine to-day, what need the weight of double shame?
   If once we reach the Delhi gate, though all be lost, I win!”
  We rode – the white mare failed – her trot a staggering stumble grew, —
   The cooking-smoke of even rose and weltered and hung low;
  And still we heard the Populzai and still we strained anew,
   And Delhi town was very near, but nearer was the foe.
  Yea, Delhi town was very near when Lalun whispered: – “Slay!
   Lord of my life, the mare sinks fast – stab deep and let me die!”
   But Scindia would not, and the maid tore free and flung away,
   And turning as she fell we heard the clattering Populzai.
  Then Scindia checked the gasping mare that rocked and groaned for breath,
   And wheeled to charge and plunged the knife a hand’s-breadth in her side —
  The hunter and the hunted know how that last pause is death —
   The blood had chilled about her heart, she reared and fell and died.
  Our Gods were kind.  Before he heard the maiden’s piteous scream
   A log upon the Delhi road, beneath the mare he lay —
  Lost mistress and lost battle passed before him like a dream;
   The darkness closed about his eyes – I bore my King away.


This is the ballad of Boh Da Thone,

Erst a Pretender to Theebaw’s throne

Who harried the district of Alalone:

How he met with his fate and the V.P.P.5

At the hand of Harendra Mukerji,

Senior Gomashta, G.B.T.

  Boh Da Thone was a warrior bold:
  His sword and his Snider were bossed with gold,
  And the Peacock Banner his henchmen bore
  Was stiff with bullion, but stiffer with gore.
  He shot at the strong and he slashed at the weak
  From the Salween scrub to the Chindwin teak:
  He crucified noble, he sacrificed mean,
  He filled old ladies with kerosene:
  While over the water the papers cried,
  “The patriot fights for his countryside!”
  But little they cared for the Native Press,
  The worn white soldiers in Khaki dress,
  Who tramped through the jungle and camped in the byre,
  Who died in the swamp and were tombed in the mire,
  Who gave up their lives, at the Queen’s Command,
  For the Pride of their Race and the Peace of the Land.
  Now, first of the foemen of Boh Da Thone
  Was Captain O’Neil of the “Black Tyrone”,
  And his was a Company, seventy strong,
  Who hustled that dissolute Chief along.
  There were lads from Galway and Louth and Meath
  Who went to their death with a joke in their teeth,
  And worshipped with fluency, fervour, and zeal
  The mud on the boot-heels of “Crook” O’Neil.
  But ever a blight on their labours lay,
  And ever their quarry would vanish away,
  Till the sun-dried boys of the Black Tyrone
  Took a brotherly interest in Boh Da Thone:
  And, sooth, if pursuit in possession ends,
  The Boh and his trackers were best of friends.
  The word of a scout – a march by night —
  A rush through the mist – a scattering fight —
  A volley from cover – a corpse in the clearing —
  The glimpse of a loin-cloth and heavy jade earring —
  The flare of a village – the tally of slain —
  And..the Boh was abroad “on the raid” again!
  They cursed their luck, as the Irish will,
  They gave him credit for cunning and skill,
  They buried their dead, they bolted their beef,
  And started anew on the track of the thief
  Till, in place of the “Kalends of Greece”, men said,
  “When Crook and his darlings come back with the head.”
  They had hunted the Boh from the hills to the plain —
  He doubled and broke for the hills again:
  They had crippled his power for rapine and raid,
  They had routed him out of his pet stockade,
  And at last, they came, when the Day Star tired,
  To a camp deserted – a village fired.
  A black cross blistered the Morning-gold,
  And the body upon it was stark and cold.
  The wind of the dawn went merrily past,
  The high grass bowed her plumes to the blast.
  And out of the grass, on a sudden, broke
  A spirtle of fire, a whorl of smoke —
  And Captain O’Neil of the Black Tyrone
  Was blessed with a slug in the ulnar-bone —
  The gift of his enemy Boh Da Thone.
  (Now a slug that is hammered from telegraph-wire
  Is a thorn in the flesh and a rankling fire.)
  The shot-wound festered – as shot-wounds may
  In a steaming barrack at Mandalay.
  The left arm throbbed, and the Captain swore,
  “I’d like to be after the Boh once more!”
  The fever held him – the Captain said,
  “I’d give a hundred to look at his head!”
  The Hospital punkahs creaked and whirred,
  But Babu Harendra (Gomashta) heard.
  He thought of the cane-brake, green and dank,
  That girdled his home by the Dacca tank.
  He thought of his wife and his High School son,
  He thought – but abandoned the thought – of a gun.
  His sleep was broken by visions dread
  Of a shining Boh with a silver head.
  He kept his counsel and went his way,
  And swindled the cartmen of half their pay.
  And the months went on, as the worst must do,
  And the Boh returned to the raid anew.
  But the Captain had quitted the long-drawn strife,
  And in far Simoorie had taken a wife.
  And she was a damsel of delicate mould,
  With hair like the sunshine and heart of gold,
  And little she knew the arms that embraced
  Had cloven a man from the brow to the waist:
  And little she knew that the loving lips
  Had ordered a quivering life’s eclipse,
  And the eye that lit at her lightest breath
  Had glared unawed in the Gates of Death.
  (For these be matters a man would hide,
  As a general rule, from an innocent Bride.)
  And little the Captain thought of the past,
  And, of all men, Babu Harendra last.
  But slow, in the sludge of the Kathun road,
  The Government Bullock Train toted its load.
  Speckless and spotless and shining with ghee,
  In the rearmost cart sat the Babu-jee.
  And ever a phantom before him fled
  Of a scowling Boh with a silver head.
  Then the lead-cart stuck, though the coolies slaved,
  And the cartmen flogged and the escort raved;
  And out of the jungle, with yells and squeals,
  Pranced Boh Da Thone, and his gang at his heels!
  Then belching blunderbuss answered back
  The Snider’s snarl and the carbine’s crack,
  And the blithe revolver began to sing
  To the blade that twanged on the locking-ring,
  And the brown flesh blued where the bay’net kissed,
  As the steel shot back with a wrench and a twist,
  And the great white bullocks with onyx eyes
  Watched the souls of the dead arise,
  And over the smoke of the fusillade
  The Peacock Banner staggered and swayed.
  Oh, gayest of scrimmages man may see
  Is a well-worked rush on the G.B.T.!
  The Babu shook at the horrible sight,
  And girded his ponderous loins for flight,
  But Fate had ordained that the Boh should start
  On a lone-hand raid of the rearmost cart,
  And out of that cart, with a bellow of woe,
  The Babu fell – flat on the top of the Boh!
  For years had Harendra served the State,
  To the growth of his purse and the girth of his p]^et.
  There were twenty stone, as the tally-man knows,
  On the broad of the chest of this best of Bohs.
  And twenty stone from a height discharged
  Are bad for a Boh with a spleen enlarged.
  Oh, short was the struggle – severe was the shock —
  He dropped like a bullock – he lay like a block;
  And the Babu above him, convulsed with fear,
  Heard the labouring life-breath hissed out in his ear.
  And thus in a fashion undignified
  The princely pest of the Chindwin died.
  Turn now to Simoorie where, lapped in his ease,
  The Captain is petting the Bride on his knees,
  Where the whit of the bullet, the wounded man’s scream
  Are mixed as the mist of some devilish dream —
  Forgotten, forgotten the sweat of the shambles
  Where the hill-daisy blooms and the gray monkey gambols,
  From the sword-belt set free and released from the steel,
  The Peace of the Lord is with Captain O’Neil.
  Up the hill to Simoorie – most patient of drudges —
  The bags on his shoulder, the mail-runner trudges.
  “For Captain O’Neil, Sahib.  One hundred and ten
  Rupees to collect on delivery.”
  (Their breakfast was stopped while the screw-jack and hammer
  Tore waxcloth, split teak-wood, and chipped out the dammer;)
  Open-eyed, open-mouthed, on the napery’s snow,
  With a crash and a thud, rolled – the Head of the Boh!
  And gummed to the scalp was a letter which ran: —
                 “IN FIELDING FORCE SERVICE.
                                10th Jan.
  “Dear Sir, – I have honour to send, as you said,
  For final approval (see under) Boh’s Head;
  “Was took by myself in most bloody affair.
  By High Education brought pressure to bear.
  “Now violate Liberty, time being bad,
  To mail V.P.P. (rupees hundred)  Please add
  “Whatever Your Honour can pass.  Price of Blood
  Much cheap at one hundred, and children want food;
  “So trusting Your Honour will somewhat retain
  True love and affection for Govt. Bullock Train,
  “And show awful kindness to satisfy me,
          I am,
              Graceful Master,
                              H. MUKERJI.”
  As the rabbit is drawn to the rattlesnake’s power,
  As the smoker’s eye fills at the opium hour,
  As a horse reaches up to the manger above,
  As the waiting ear yearns for the whisper of love,
  From the arms of the Bride, iron-visaged and slow,
  The Captain bent down to the Head of the Boh.
  And e’en as he looked on the Thing where It lay
  ‘Twixt the winking new spoons and the napkins’ array,
  The freed mind fled back to the long-ago days —
  The hand-to-hand scuffle – the smoke and the blaze —
  The forced march at night and the quick rush at dawn —
  The banjo at twilight, the burial ere morn —
  The stench of the marshes – the raw, piercing smell
  When the overhand stabbing-cut silenced the yell —
  The oaths of his Irish that surged when they stood
  Where the black crosses hung o’er the Kuttamow flood.
  As a derelict ship drifts away with the tide
  The Captain went out on the Past from his Bride,
  Back, back, through the springs to the chill of the year,
  When he hunted the Boh from Maloon to Tsaleer.
  As the shape of a corpse dimmers up through deep water,
  In his eye lit the passionless passion of slaughter,
  And men who had fought with O’Neil for the life
  Had gazed on his face with less dread than his wife.
  For she who had held him so long could not hold him —
  Though a four-month Eternity should have controlled him —
  But watched the twin Terror – the head turned to head —
  The scowling, scarred Black, and the flushed savage Red —
  The spirit that changed from her knowing and flew to
  Some grim hidden Past she had never a clue to.
  But It knew as It grinned, for he touched it unfearing,
  And muttered aloud, “So you kept that jade earring!”
  Then nodded, and kindly, as friend nods to friend,
  “Old man, you fought well, but you lost in the end.”
  The visions departed, and Shame followed Passion: —
  “He took what I said in this horrible fashion,
  “I’ll write to Harendra!”  With language unsainted
  The Captain came back to the Bride..who had fainted.
  And this is a fiction?  No.  Go to Simoorie
  And look at their baby, a twelve-month old Houri,
  A pert little, Irish-eyed Kathleen Mavournin —
  She’s always about on the Mall of a mornin’ —
  And you’ll see, if her right shoulder-strap is displaced,
  This:  Gules upon argent, a Boh’s Head, erased!
4.The Choosers of the Slain.
5. Value Payable Parcels Post: in which the Government collects the money for the sender.
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Дата выхода на Литрес:
27 сентября 2017
200 стр. 1 иллюстрация
Public Domain

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