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1. How was the division of Alexander's empire foreshown?—Dan. vii. 6.—viii. 8.

2. What were the four horns?

3. What was the Greek power in Nebuchadnezzar's dream?

4. Which of the Greek princes came in contact with Palestine?

5. What did the Angel call them in Dan. xi.?

6. What was the name of all the Greek kings of Egypt?

7. What were the names of the Greek kings of Syria?

8. To which of them did the Jews belong at first?

9. What colony did Ptolemy Lagus bring into Egypt?

10. What prophecy was thus fulfilled?—Isaiah, xix. 18.

11. How were the Jews treated?

12. Who was the high priest?

13. How is he spoken of in Ecclesiasticus?—Ecclus. I.

14. What was Simon's work with regard to the Holy Scripture?

15. What translation was made in the time of Ptolemy Philadelphus?

16. What is the Greek translation called?

17. By how many persons was it made?

18. What marriage took place between the royal families of Egypt and Syria?

19. How had it been foretold?—Dan. xi. 6.

20. What revenge was taken for the murder of Berenice?

21. How was the expedition of Euergetes foretold?—Dan. xi. 7, 8.

22. How were the Jews becoming corrupted?

23. What had been the doctrine of Joseph?

24. What did Sadoc declare after him?

25. What were the disciples of Sadoc called?

26. What were the doctrines of the Sadducees?

27. What were those called who held aloof from them?

28. What kind of kings followed Ptolemy Euergetes?

29. What attempt was made by Ptolemy Philopator?

30. How was it frustrated?

31. What was the prophecy of Philopator's invasion?—Dan. xi. 10.

32. What cruelty was attempted by him on his return to Egypt?

33. How were the Jews saved?

34. To whom did Judea give itself up?

35. How was the treason of the Jews predicted?—Dan, xi. 14.

36. In what year did the Jews pass from the Egyptian to the Syrian power?


1. How was Antiochus's punishment of the traitors foretold?—Dan. xi. 14.

2. What were the conquests predicted in the 15th verse?

3. How did he treat Judea?—verse 16th.

4. What alliance did he make?

5. What was the prophecy of this marriage?—verse 17th.

6. What expedition was predicted in the 18th verse?

7. What checked him in this expedition?

8. What became of Antiochus the Great?

9. How was this predicted?—verse 19.

10. Who were the Romans?

11. What were they in Nebuchadnezzar's dream?—Dan. ii. 33.

12. What were they in Daniel's vision?—Dan, vii. 7.

13. Why were they like iron?

14. To what were they most devoted?

15. What great Phoenician city had they conquered?

16. What yoke did the Romans impose on Syria?

17. What was the name of the successor of Antiochus?

18. How does Daniel describe him?—Dan. xi. 20.

19. What sacrilegious attempt was made in the time of Seleueus?

20. How was it punished?

21. What was the end of Seleueus?

22. Who succeeded him, and by what means?

23. How was the success of Antiochus Epiphanes foretold?—Dan. si. 21.

24. What was he in Daniel's vision?—Dan. viii. 9.

25. What was his character?

26. How was his preference of Roman to Greek gods foretold?—Dan. xi.

27. What terrible apostasy took place among the Jews?

28. How had Zechariah predicted the fall of the Priests? Zech. xi. 16.

29. What war was predicted in Daniel xi.?

30. What wickedness was being perpetrated at Jerusalem?

31. How had this sacrilege been foretold?—verses 30, 31.—viii. 11, 12.

32. How had the martyrdoms been foretold?—viii. 10.

33. What Psalms are applicable to this persecution?– lxxiv.—lxxix.—lxxx.

34. What were the most remarkable martyrdoms?

35. In what apocryphal book are they recorded?

36. What was the remarkable difference between these and Christian martyrs?


1. What deliverers were raised up for the Jews?

2. Why was the family of Mattathias called Asmonean?

3. How was Mattathias first roused to resistance?

4. What purification did Mattathias make?

5. What were the predictions of him and his sons?—Dan. xi. 32, 33.

6. Who succeeded Mattathias?

7. How arose the name of Maccabees?

8. What was the great work of Judaa Maccabæus?

9. What was the end of Antiochus Epiphanes?

10. How had it been predicted?—Dan. xi. 44, 45.

11. What was the death of Eleazar?

12. How was the varying success of the Maccabees foretold?—Dan. xi.

13. What was the death of the apostate Menelam?

14. How had Zechariah spoken of him?—Zech, xi. 17.

15. How had Zechariah foretold these wars?—Zech, ix. 13.

16. Who succeeded Maccabaeus?

17. With whom did Jonathan make a treaty?

18. What success did Jonathan gain?

19. What became of Jonathan?

20. Who succeeded him?

21. What work did Simon complete?

22. What was the end of Simon?

23. Who was the successor of Simon?

24. What conquest was made by John Hyrcanus?

25. What prophecies were fulfilled by the fall of Edom?—Ps. cxxxvii. 7.—Is. xxxiv. 6, to the end.—Joel, iii. 19.

26. What is the present state of Idumea?


1. Who was the first Asmonean King?

2. What prophecy thus had a fulfilment? A. Zech. vi. 13; but this was only really accomplished in our Lord.

3. Who reigned after Aristobulus?

4. Who after Alexander Janneus?

5. What dispute broke out between the sons of Alexandra?

6. Who fostered the ill-will between the brothers?

7. To whose decision was the dispute referred?

8. What was it that made the Roman power so terrible?

9. How did the Romans extend their dominion?

10. What were the Roman triumphs?

11. How was the Roman army composed?

12. What was the Roman standard?

13. How did the Romans rule their conquered provinces?

14. Who alone could obtain law and justice?

15. Who had long ago described the Romans exactly? —Deut, xxviii. 48, 49, 50, 51.

16. What Roman general first invaded Palestine?

17. By what means did Pompey take Jerusalem?

18. What presumptuous act did Pompey commit?

19. What was the punishment of Pompey's sacrilege?

20. What became of Aristobulus?

21. How did Pompey arrange the affairs of the Jews?

22. What troubles did Pompey meet with at home?

23. Who gained the chief power at Rome?

24. What country had Julius Caesar invaded?

25. What arrangements did Caesar make in Palestine?

26. Who was Herod?

27. What became of Julius Caesar?

28. Who divided his power on his death?

29. How did Herod gain favour from Antony?

30. Who put an end to the reign of Hyrcanus?

31. What exploits were done by Herod?

32. How did Herod make himself King?

33. Who was Herod's wife?

34. Who was High Priest?

35. What crimes did Herod's jealousy of the royal line lead him to commit?

36. How were the High Priests appointed after the murder of Aristobulus?

37. How did Herod try to make up for his crimes?

38. Who had become Emperor of Rome?

39. What was the state of all the world?

40. What general expectation prevailed?

41. What had Augustus been told at a heathen temple?

42. What prophecy was fulfilled by Judea having an Edomite king? —Gen. xlix. 10.

43. How long was it since the walls of Jerusalem had been built?


1. In what year of the world did Augustus number his people?

2. What was the object of Augustus?

3. What was the real cause of this taxation?

4. What prophecies had foretold that the Messiah should be born of a woman?—Gen. in. 15.—Is. vii. 14.—Jer. xxxi. 22.—Micah, v. 3.

5. How was Bethlehem fixed for His birth-place?—Micah, v. 2.

6. How was His birth foretold?—Is. ix. 6.

7. What allusion was there to His being received into a stable and rejected by His townsmen?—Is. i. 3.

8. What were the rejoicings?

9. By what rite was He made obedient to the Law?

10. By whom had His Name been previously borne?

11. Who had prophesied of that Name?—Jer. xxiii. 6.

12. How was His presentation in the Temple foretold?—Hag. ii. 7 and 9.

13. How was Simeon's greeting of Him foretold?—Is. xxv. 9.

14. How had He been marked out to the eastern nations as a Star?—Numb. xxiv. 17.

15. What predictions were there of the coming and the gifts of the eastern sages?—Ps. lxxii. 10-15.—Cant. iii. 6.—Is. lx. 3.

16. How had the massacre of the holy Innocents been predicted?—Jer. xxxi. 15, 16, 17.

17. How had the flight and return from Egypt been foreshown?—Hos. xi. 1.

18. What was Herod's last crime?

19. What children did he leave?

20. Who first succeeded him?

21. Why was Archelaus deposed?

22. How was Palestine divided?

23. Who governed Judea?

24. What regulations for the Roman empire were made by Augustus?

25. What languages were everywhere spoken? 26. Who succeeded Augustus, and in what year?

27. What were the predictions of our Lord's childhood?—Is. vii. 15.—liii. 2.

28. How had David declared the wisdom He showed in the Temple?—Ps. cxix. 99, 100.

29. Mention the prophecies of His forerunner?—Is. xl. 3.—Mal. iv. 5, 6.

30. How had baptism with water been already employed?

31. How did our Lord sanctify baptism?

32. What had been the object of the Law which St. John brought to a point?

33. How did He show how the sins of which His disciples were sensible might be removed?

34. Who were the first disciples?

35. Whom did they acknowledge in our Lord?—Deut. xviii. 15.

36. How had the miracles been promised as marks of the Messiah?—Is. xxxii. 3, 4.—xxxv. 5, 6.

37. How had His gentleness been foretold?—Is. xi. 1 2, 3, 4.—xlii. I, 2, 3.—lxi. I, 2, 3.

38. How had the cleansing of the Temple been foretold?—Ps. lxix. 9.—Mal. iii. 1, 2, 3.

39. What was the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist?

40. What was it that prevented the Jews from recognizing the Messiah?

41. How had their rejection of Him been foretold?—Ps. lxix, 7, 8.—Is. liii. I, 2.

42. How had the triumphal entry into Jerusalem been predicted?—Ps. viii. 2.—cxviii. 26.—Jer. xvii 25.—Zech. ix. 9.

43. How had the plots of the Pharisees been foretold?—Ps. x. 10, 11.—xxxv.—vii.—lvi. 5, 6.

44. Mention the prophecies of the treachery of Judas.—Ps. xli. 9.—lv. 12, 13, 14, 15.

45. How had the price been already made known, and likewise what became of it?—Zech. xi. 12, 13.

46. What was to be the end of the traitor?—Ps. cix. 7, 8, 9.

47. What blessed mystery was instituted on the night before the Passion? 48. How had the joining of different authorities been foreshown?—Ps. ii. 2.

49. How the testimony against Him?—Ps. xxxv. 11.

50. How the judgment?—Is. liii. 8.

51. How His silence before Pilate?—Is. liii. 7.

52. How the insults of the soldiery?—Is. 1. 6.

53. How the scourging?–Ps. cxxix, 3.—Is. liii. 5.

54. How the disfigurement?—Is. lii. 14.

55. What was the accusation on which the Jews condemned Him?

56. What that on which Pilate condemned Him?

57. Why was crucifixion the manner of His death?

58. How had it been predicted?—Ps. xxii. 17.—Is. xxv. 11.—Zech. xii. 10.—xiii. 6.

59. How had the desertion of the disciples been foretold?—Ps. lxxxviii. IS.—Zech. xiii. 7.

60. How the derision of the Jews?—Ps. xxii. 7, 8.

61. How the parting of the garments?—Ps. xxii. 18.

62. How the sponge of vinegar?—Ps. lxix. 22.

63. What had been the prediction of-the sense of desertion by God?—Ps. xxii. 1.

64. What of the dying among the wicked and the burial?—Ps. lxxxviii. 3, 4.—Is. liii. 9.

65. What of the Resurrection?—Ps. xvi. 11.—Is. xxv. 8.

66. What of the effect on us?—Is. xxvi. 19.—Hos. xiii, 14.

67. What of the Ascension?—Ps. lxviii. 18.


1. What was fulfilled by the one great Sacrifice?

2. What were the ceremonies of the Law?—Heb. x. 1.

3. What was the difference between circumcision and baptism?

4. How had baptism been enjoined?—Mark,xvi. 16.

5. Where had its regenerating power been declared?—John, iii. 5.

6. How had the promise of being cleansed by His blood been held out in the Old Testament?—Ps. li. 2.—Is. i. 18.—lii. 15.—Joel, iii. 21.—Zech. xiii. 1.

7. How were the faithful invited to constant partaking of pardoning grace?—Ps. xxxvi. 8, 9.—Is. xii. 3.—xliv. 22.—lv. 1.—Ezek. xlvii. 9.—John, iv. 14.—vii. 37.—See Rev. xxii. 17.

8. How had the Passover come to the true fulfilment?—1 Cor. v. 7.

9. How had the deliverance of the redeemed been foretold?—Is. xxxv. 8, 9,10.

10. Which day of the week was to be kept in remembrance of their rescue?

11. How was the great Sacrifice to be partaken of?

12. How had it been instituted?—Luke, xxii. 19, 20.

13. Where had it been predicted?—Prov. ix. I, 2, 5.—Zech. ix. 17.

14. How was the bringing near in prayer made known? Is. lxv. 24.—Mai. I. 11.—Matt. vi. 9.—xxi. 22.—Mark, xi. 24.—John, xvi. 23, 24, 26, 27.

15. How had the day of Atonement come to fulfilment?—Heb. ix. 24.—Rev. v. 8.

16. How was our Lord revealed as a Shepherd?—Gen. xlix. 24.—Ps. xxiii.—Is. xl. 11.—Jer. xxxi. 10.—Ez. xxxlv. 23.—xxxvii. 24.—Zech. xiii. 7.—xi. 7.—Matt, xviii. 12, &c.—John, x. I, &c.

17. How is the Old Testament shown to be only explained in our Lord?—Is. xxix. 11, 12.—Rev. v. 1-5.

18. What were the believers in the new Covenant to be called?

19. What is the meaning of Church?

20. How many believers met at first?

21. Whom did they choose into the place of Judas?

22. How was he consecrated?

23. What gift was thus bestowed on him?—John, xx. 21, 22, 23.

24. What was the meaning of the name Apostles?

25. What was the second order of the ministry?

26. What festival was taking place?

27. What did the Feast of Weeks commemorate?

28. How was the great work completed?

29. What is the inward work of the Holy Spirit?

30. With what outward signs was His coming manifested?

31. What was the promise of His coming?—Joel, ii. 28, 29,–John, xvi. 7.

32. What were the first-fruits of His coming?

33. What was the occasion of the appointment of the deacons?

34. Who was the first martyr?

35. What was the end of Pilate?

36. Who succeeded Tiberius?

37. What was the history of Herod Agrippa?

38. Who was the great Pharisee convert?

39. How was it made known that the Gospel might be preached to the Gentiles?

40. What had been the promise to Abraham's faith?

41. How had it been foretold that the Gentiles should come in?—Ps. ii. 8.—xix. 4.—xviii. 43, 44.—xxii.—lxviii. 11.—lxxii. 17.—xlix. 6.—Is. lii. 7-10-15.—liv. 1._lvi. 6, 7.—lix. 19.—Matt. xxiv. 14.—Luke, i. 79.—John, x. 16.

42. Who was the first Gentile convert?

43. Which Apostle was first martyred, and by whom?

44. What was the end of Herod Agrippa?

45. What were the different missions of the Apostles?

46. What is the tradition about the Creed?

47. What are the texts thought to be allusions to the Creed?—Luke,i. 4.—1 Tim. vi. 20.—2 Tim. i. 13.

48. Why was not the Creed commonly rehearsed?

49. Which was the first of the Gospels?

50. What was the difference between the treatment which the Apostles received from the Jews and Romans?

51. To whom did they always go first?

52. What advantages did they derive from the Roman power?

53 What was going on in Britain?

54. Who was Roman Emperor?

55. How had the persecutions been predicted?—Matt. xxiv. 9.


1. How had St. Paul first been converted?

2. How did he spend his time after his conversion?

3. How bad education fitted him to be an apostle to the Gentiles?

4. How was he introduced to the apostles?

5. What was his first mission?

6. What name was first given at Antioch?

7. How were SS. Paul and Barnabas first set apart?

8. What was their first journey?

9. Who was their companion?

10. What was the occasion of the first Council of the Church?

11. Why must the decisions of a truly general council be right?—Matt, xviii. 20.

12. What was the decision of the first Council? Antioch?

13. What question arose between SS. Paul and Peter at

14. How did St. Paul differ with St. Barnabas?

15. What was the further history of St. Barnabas?

16. Who were the companions of St. Paul's second journey?

17. How far did his second journey extend?

18. What argument did he hold at Athens?

19. Who were the Athenian philosophers?

20. What were written at Corinth?

21. Which Gospel is said to have been here written?

22. When did St. Paul's third journey begin?

23. What was his first station?

24. What was the cause of the tumult at Ephesus?

25. Which Epistles were written in his third journey?

26. How far did his third journey extend?

27. What caused his return to Jerusalem?

28. What were his troubles at Jerusalem?

29. How was he rescued from violence both of Jews and Romans?

30. Before what tribunals was he brought?

31. Why could he not be set at liberty?

32. What were the events of his voyage to Rome?

33. How did he live at Rome?

34. What are the Epistles of his captivity?

35. To what bishops did he write instructions?

36. What apostle ruled the Church at Rome?

37. What are the writings of St. Peter?

38. Which Gospel was superintended by St. Peter?

39. What became of St. James the Less?

40. Which was the first persecution?

41. Which is St. Paul's last Epistle?

42. How did St. Paul and St. Peter die?

43. How had the manner of St. Peter's death been foretold?—John, xxi. 18, 19.

44. What Church was founded by St. Mark?

45. What was the death of St. Mark?


1. How had the apostles been martyred?

2. What Church was left in Ethiopia?

3. What Church was left by St. Thomas?

4. Which apostles left writings?

5. Who alone survived to hear of the destruction of Jerusalem?

6. How had this been foretold?—John, xxi. 22.

7. How did the Jews bring punishment on themselves?

8. How did they misread the prophecies?

9. How had our Lord predicted their self-deception?—Matt. xxiv. 5-11.

10. What Roman was sent against them P

11. How was he called off?

12. What warning was thus given?—Luke, xxi. 20, 21.

13. How did the Christians profit by the warning?

14. How were our Lord's predictions of fearful sights and signs from Heaven fulfilled?

15. Why was the city more than usually filled?

16. Who was the Roman general?

17. In what year did Titus besiege Jerusalem?

18. How had the Jews called down vengeance on themselves?

19. How had our Lord mourned for them?—Luke, xiii. 34.—xix, 41.

20. How had St. Paul mourned for them?—Rom. ix. 2,3.

21. How had the manner of the siege been predicted?—Deut. xxviii. 52.

22. How had the dreadful famine been foretold?—Luke, xix. 43.

23. What was the state of the city?—Deut. xxviii. 53-56.—Lam. ii. 20, 21.

24. How was the entrance effected into the Temple?

25. What had been the intention of Titus with regard to the Temple?

26. Why could not the Temple be saved?

27. What condition was the city found to be in?

28. What prophecy was fulfilled?—Matt. xxiv. 2.

29. What became of the treasures of the Temple?

30. What became of the Jews?

31. How had their dispersion been predicted?—Deut. xxviii. 64-68.—Ps. lix. 11.

32. How have they lived ever since?

33. What warning does St. Paul give the Gentiles?—Rom. xi. 18.

34. Why were the Jews so utterly rejected?

35. Who were accepted in their stead?

36. How had the acceptance of the sons of Japhet been foretold?—Gen. ix. 27.


1. What were the events of Domitian's persecution?

2. How was St. John a martyr in will?

3. What was revealed to St. John in a vision?

4. Where was the latter part of St. John's life spent?

5. What were the instances of St. John's love?

6. What are the writings of St. John?

7. In what year did he die?

8. What were the habits of the early Christians?

9. How did they meet for worship?

10. What was their practice on the Lord's Day?

11. How did they arrange themselves at their assemblies?

12. How did the heathen try to find out what they did?

13. Why did Trajan dislike them so much?

14. What had befallen the old Roman temper?—Dan. ii. 41.

15. Who was the great martyr of Trajan's persecution?

16. What is told us of St. Ignatius as a child?

17. What is a Father of the Church?

18. How was St. Ignatius put to death?

19. What did he say of himself?

20. Who was St. John's other pupil?

21. What had been said to St. Polycarp in the Revelation?—Rev. ii. 10.

22. In what persecution did St. Polycarp suffer?

23. What did he say of himself at the tribunal?

24. What was his last thanksgiving?

25. What was the manner of his death?

26. What was the story of the Thundering Legion?


1. How had our Lord forewarned His followers of their sufferings?—Matt. x. 16, 17.—John, xvi. 2.

2. How had they been told to meet their afflictions?—Matt. v. 12.—1 Peter, iii. 14.

3. What had He said of confessing or denying Him?—Matt. x. 32, 33.

4. What had been promised through St. John to such as overcame?—Rev. ii. 17.—iii. 5 and 21.

5. How had the lot of the martyrs been shown to St. John?—Rev. vii. 14-17.

6. How many periods of persecution had been predicted?—Rev. ii. 10.

7. Name the ten chief persecutors.

8. How is Severus memorable in Britain?

9. Who were the martyrs of Carthage?

10. Who were the chief martyrs of the persecution of Valerian?

11. What were St. Lawrence's treasures?

12. Why did Sapricius fail?

13. What became of Valerian?

14. Whose was the fiercest persecution?

15. How did the Theban legion witness their confession?

16. In what manner were Christians brought to trial?

17. Mention some of the martyrs of the Diocletian persecution.

18. Who was the British martyr?

19. Who shielded the Britons?

20. How was the Empire divided?

21. What was the difference between a martyr and a confessor?

22. What was the remarkable end of Galerius?

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21 мая 2019
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