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Nothing but a miracle could save a boy

What is a miracle? My definition of a miracle is an action or a phenomenon that occurs beyond human understanding- a supernatural event. Such a miracle happened to me two weeks before going to Korea. I have experienced many miracles – I have lost count of miracles.

Why does a miracle happen in our lives? A miracle happens so that we can understand that God is in control of the universe, and we are nothing but his creation. God is the author of the miracle! I do not remember such a person performing a miracle. A person cannot perform a miracle, a person is able to perform tricks, and tricks are deception and sleight of hand.

Despite this humans think they are all that. And unlike believers, they can be cold and judgy. When you talk to people about God, they are so arrogant that they do not want to listen to you, and they argue as if they know everything.

No I want to share with you a testimony that happened in 1994 in Sakhalin. In winter, as a rule, Sakhalin is very cold and snowy, for 5 months, but despite this, the sun shines constantly, even in winter. It makes one feel better in the dead of winter. The short day passes, the snowstorm begins and the long night is approaching, the temperature drops to minus 30 degrees Celsius.

The coldest period of the month is January and February, but the rest of it is bearable.

Although it has been such a long time since the accident happened, I remember that day as if it happened yesterday. How God miraculously saved me from an accident in which a child could have died. When I shared this story with foreigners at the missionary school in Korea, the entire audience was moved to tears. I do not remember such a case when people were not moved by this story. God touches the hearts of people through this testimony, not because it is a heartbreaking one, but God is behind the story. Therefore, it evokes a feeling of emotion and compassion on those who listen to my testimony of the living God. We have been taught at schools that there is no God, I feel like I was drugged or brain-washed or whatever they did to me. And we believed in this nonsense as the truth, unaware that all their statements were based on human lies, guesses, and assumptions. This is a figment of the imagination. No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to hide God, because he is alive and everywhere. I will testify more in detail how God miraculously got me out of a trouble that seemed hopeless and helpless.

What happened was two weeks before we had gone to Korea, the missionary asked me to help register her car at the DVM. Since she was alone, I decided to help her as much as I could. So we went to the DVM to register her car. After the car was registered, we were heading back home. Despite its cold outside, the sun was shining so much that we did not feel much cold. When I was on the way home, on a freshly cleared driveway from snow, I found that it was very slippery. At that point I never thought that in just five minutes I would have to stand in front of the boy’s father, whom I constantly spoke about God out of love. No matter how much I told him about God, and shared my testimony that God had changed my life, he laughed at me. In response, he said, show me God, then I would believe in him. Being bombarded by lots of questions, I did not know how to defend my belief..

As I was pulling up to my home, all of a sudden a boy about seven years old has stumbled into the streets straight under the wheels of a car. He jumped out of a snowdrift onto the road toward my car. At first, I got panicked and frightened than I could not help applying the brakes as hard as I could, but the car kept going and eventually hit the boy. The boy that was visible in front of my car, disappeared as though steam vanishes into thin air. What happened was, he got under the car. It turns out that he got under the wheels of a car under which he has been for a while.

Could you imagine how terrible I felt then? What would you do if you were in my shoes when you don’t know whether the boy is alive or not. All those present and witnesses of the accident thought that he was probably killed after a strong blow; he was a grandson of an elderly who was a member of our church. Think just for a moment, what would happen if the grandson of a believer of our church be killed! Probably, the grandfather would possibly say, where is God, who could not protect his servant?) He was rather encouraged when he was told about it. The following Sunday I shared my testimony at church during a special given time. All those who heard my testimony could not help crying. After this miracle, the faith of our brothers and sisters became stronger than ever before.

When the car hit the boy, the blow was so strong that I felt it myself inside the car. After the car hit him, it kept running over him by dragging him about ten meters, leaving traces of the tires behind it, and then crashed into a snowdrift. Eventually, the car stopped, getting stuck in a snowdrift. At first, the instinct for self-preservation mechanism worked out. I wanted to get out of the car as far as I could, but could not be helped because of the snow.

At that point, my mind was filled with hundreds of thoughts popping in and out in my head clouding everything. I thought this is the end of mission, and would have to be prepared for the consequences of so far unspecified crimes. Although many years have passed since this accident occurred, it still rings in my head as if it happened yesterday. I just break out in a cold sweat every time I recall a car accident. I would not wish on anyone what I have been through.

The tire size of usual cars is 130 but my car is 120. It is very low sitting position car. Since he was believed to be dead I had no mood to live, more over my heart was torn pieces, and the cats were terribly scratching at my soul. I was just sitting in the car in my head I was getting to be behind bars for the crime of killing the boy. Finally, getting out of the car by pushing the door open with my feet as hard as I could. So many people ran around me and my car that I was scared to think of the consequences that I would have to pay for the rest of my life. At some point, I turned into the center of attention of crime.

Among the crowd I noticed the boy’s father who was killing me with such ferocious, piercing eyes. Approaching me, he said, what you have done to my son, I will do the same to you. In response, I could not help bowing my head as a last criminal. I did not have courage to lift up my head in front of him. I told him do what you please. I did not care and I wanted to get rid of this anguish and pain caused by the accident.

Believe me or not unexpectedly I heard a whisper in my heart. The inner voice whispered something to me, and the inner voice was mistakenly the voice of God. As soon as I heard it I turned to the boy’s father and said:, Sergei , don’t worry , your son is alive, but he did not want to listen to me, he got hysterical and so furious that he got ready to tear me apart.

Meanwhile, a guy came up to me and said that he had seen everything had happened and that I was not to blame for this accident. I was the witness to this accident. Then he invited all those present to lift up the car. All without hesitation approached the car, including me.

At that moment, my soul was in peace and no more the cats. Being in such a situation, I learned the great truth that anxiety in soul is the absence of God, the presence of peace is the presence of God. The presence of God is the source of humans’ happiness.

To my great surprise, the car was not as heavy as it seemed to us, so we lifted up the car. While the car was being lifted, everyone was expecting to see what happened to the boy, whose father wanted to kill me. From under the car I heard a boy crying, who was in the back of the wheels. He was crawling out from under the car like helpless a little insect. Seeing with my own eyes that the boy was alive, I sighed deeply that I avoided the court. And he could not believe with his own eyes that he son was standing in front of him safe and sound. Not believing his eyes, in full view of all people, he undressed his son in order to find at least some clue to accuse me. Fortunately his son turned to be without the slightest scratches, not to mention injuries. Isn’t it miracle, is it? Neither could I believe with my own eyes that the boy was alive. He has been saved as might have been expected. I was right about the whisper in my heart. Upon seeing the miracle, tears again welled up in my eyes, tears of happiness and of joy.

There is no doubt whatsoever that God revealed himself to the boy’s father that He is alive and ready to help in time of trouble.

After the crowd has ascertained that the boy was alive, they began to disperse one by one. I was left alone and the Lord. Out of joy I could not but face down gave praise and thanks for his faithfulness and care. After this incident I felt my faith is elevated.

Being convinced that he was safe and sound, out of joy, I could not but fall to my knees and thank the Lord for his faithfulness and unfailing love. I had tears flowing down my face like a river but these tears were not the tears of sadness and joy and confidence that God in whom I believe is alive and real!

After the first part of the service, the chief pastor of the church entrusted into me to lead the second part of the service. He told me to get ready to lead part 2 of the service. As soon as he said that the announcement has already been made. I just stay at him and I am whining, and badgering, but he does not relent. At the thought of speaking Korean in front of the church congregation I did not know what to do but obey if the lord willing. Why not try to persuade him he may give in but he walks way. Before leaving, he says that pray so that the holy spirit would guide you. Being in such a situation, I could not help but pray that the anointing of God would descend on me. I also prayed that God would help me to speak in a tongue.

Now it was a time for the second part of the service, before I was allowed to speak in the pulpit, as befits the chief pastor, he started off by introducing me to the them that I had come from Russia.

As soon as I stood in the pulpit, then my whole body would start to shake as never before. Suddenly I recall the miracle that happened before I came to Korea. I don't remember how I spoke, but I started my massage in broken Korean, and everyone being present there was moved to tears, praising God! And at the end of the service, the people came up to me and thanked me for my word.

This was my first sermon I had ever done in Korea. It turns out that the miracle happened for a special purpose.

Something happened to me that had never happened before. Believe it or not, what happened was I heard a whisper in my heart that gave me a great consolation. It was an inner voice. It whispered something to me by which I was surprised at. At the same time I was tremendously encouraged as is expected to be. That is what we need today to live as we should, to be in peace. ( if everyone experienced the voice of God, there would not be any war and terrorism around the world ). I am sure that the inner voice was the voice of God. I found out about it later.

As soon as I heard the voice of God, I told the father of the child with confidence that your son should be ok, Sergey, don’t worry, your son is alive, but he refused to listen to me. Instead, he said : " How dare you say when you killed my son! Still furious got ready to tear me down, and destroy. Back then he was seven years old, now he should be about 27 years old. I am curious what he is doing now.

In the meantime, a man came up to me, who tried to comfort me by saying that he had witnessed what happened – you are not to blame for this accident. Then he made all the men come and lift up the car. Without any hesitation, everybody got engaged, including me in lifting up the car. At that moment, for some reason, my heart was calm and in peace. The peace in my heart was the assurance and confirmation of the presence of God in time of need. How can a person have peace in his heart when he has seemingly committed a crime? God told me that nothing happened, so I calmly began to react to this situation. Being in such a situation, I learned a great lesson, that the anxiety in my soul was the absence of God's peace. Peace is the presence of God. And God's peace is the source of human happiness. Until I experienced the loving hands of God, did I not believe when people say that their lives are protected by guardian angels. Yes, what they have said is true, but not for everybody, it is only applied to those who are selected by God. -Those that are crushed in spirit in obedience to God. The bible clearly states that God gives grace to the humble, but opposes to the proud. Even though God exists, no one can experience the living God until he is crushed in spirit. An angelic visitation is believed to protect us from trouble and difficulties.

In order to find out what had happened to the boy, we had to lift up the car. To my great surprise, the car was not as heavy as it seemed. Therefore, we lifted it up without any difficulty. As the car was being lifted up, everyone was curious if the boy were alive. As I had heard the voice of God, I could hear the boys crying and crawling out from under the car like a defenseless little insect. What a joy and hope that you are protected by angels who are God’s ministers.

I was convinced that the God I believe in is really alive and at work. Not only that, but also every cell in my body confirms the fact. I feel like crying out aloud like the baby that needs to be fed on milk. It is apparent that the God we believe in is the omnipresent and protector of our life. It turns out that He never let us be in a trouble, and if He does, he will give a way out for us.

Being convinced that the boy was alive, everybody was speechless. That just made my stent slips. As soon as the crowd was assured of, it began slowly to disperse one after another. And I was the only one left to myself. With the feeling of satisfaction, and thankfulness I kneeled down before the living God, though the ground was too cold on I gave praise and thanks God for defending me to be innocent. After this incident, my faith not only grew fast, but reached its peak, the climax of my walking with God.

I feel the peace of God was poured out on me like never before. I feel like God saying, do not worry my child and you don’t have to worry about the consequences for the incident that happened. Stay in peace. Then at length, I took a deep breath that I should have been behind bars. My eyes were focused on Jesus alone to have been with me for having been with me in the situation that seemed to be hopeless and no way. I believe that our Lord can solve out the impossible in no time. That’s what our God is for.

The boy must have been saved by the guardian angels so that the glory of God was to be revealed. So many people became an eye witnesses to what God had done to reveal Himself.

If he had not been protected, I would surely end up in jail. Seeing the son, at first, the father could not believe his eyes that his son was standing in front of him, safe and sound. I think he does not want to believe that his son is safe and sound. So in the presence of the crowd, he strips down the child to find any bruises to blame me. Unfortunately, he could not find any but accept the fact as it is. To his great surprise, his son was without the slightest scratch, not to mention injuries. Isn’t it a miracle! I also could not believe my eyes that the boy was alive. This might happen only in dream or in movies. After making sure that it was a miracle, tears rolled down my cheeks that could not hold it back. However, these tears were not the tears of sadness, but rather, the tears of joy that God is always with me. God showed the father of the child whom I was constantly preaching about Jesus, that God is alive and ready to help in any troubles.

He is too loyal and faithful to be trusted. After this experience, I promised that I would never drive a car again. However I did not keep this promise to some extent. The time had passed and it healed my wounds, and I forgot that incident, and again I got behind the wheel, but in Korea. Whenever I drive the car, I do it very carefully, looking around to make sure there is nobody to be seen. If suddenly children appear in the distance, my legs instinctively slam on the brakes. If God is with us, who can be against us! When I shared my testimony with M.T.I students and professors from the USA, England, and South Africa, they asked me, if he is alive? I remember saying if the boy got killed than I would not be here in front of you.

The language is changed

God has amazingly changed my personality, habits, and interests etc. My mouth used to be unclean. I was powerless to control my tongue. Bad words are forced to be out of my mouth because it was my nature. I did not even suspect that in this way I had been defiling my body,

It's been over twenty five years since I forgot what curses are. Although I was bad at words, God's rod changed me. I used to love to tell jokes, and make people laugh, but all my jokes are offensive languages. Ever since I was a child I remember making an oath, knowing that I would not keep it. This was my habit by habits. Once it happened that now I do not swear at all. On the contrary, I make comment to people when they swear.

As a minister of the church, I told one person jokes, containing bad words, after that I had to suffer from pain in my tongue. Before I was a fond of jokes, after painful experience my tongue began sorting out words. I have seen everyone but to no avail. Even the ointments that were bought in the pharmacy did not help. With the unbearable pain, I went into my secret room, where I loved spending time in prayer. I opened the bible, and it opened the passage in which is clearly and logically stated about our tongue This is what I like to do to prepare my heart before holy God. Don’t take a genius to work it out, does it? it. James Chapter 3.it is about our tongue. After reading the passage I found out the reason why I had pain in my tongue. I got goose bumps all over my body which made me repent with the tears for my tongue being full of filthy mass. Then God touched me in such a way that my heart was filled with peace, the flame of love flared up. Then I again became convinced that the Bible, though it was written by people, it is the word of God.

The content of the Bible is the reflection of our lives. God will never allow His children to dishonor Him with their unworthy behavior. Therefore, interfering in our lives, changes us into a positive image, sometimes punishing us with a severe test. Whom God loves, He also punishes. He does this not to hurt us, but to make us stronger by faith. Honor and glory to Him – He deserves it! After this incident, my pain and wounds disappeared.

In order to prove this, God gave me the word: 1 Peter 4: 1. Be sure to recommend reading this verse. We are people that we do not want to admit that we are sinners; we are always looking for an excuse, relying on our righteousness. If we do not recognize as it is, we will never taste the goodness of God. In essence, we are by nature, all sinners, we ourselves will not be able to change our lives, and get rid of our bad habits, if God does not interfere in our life. However hard you try, you can not get rid of your bad habits, and negative things that are not useful. On the contrary, negative things ruin us and cause us to age faster than it should. I feel sorry for people who do not value their health, they ruin their lives. I am very surprised to see people get older because of bad lifestyle. Outwardly, they look old, when asked they are much younger. Keep your health when you have it, when you lose it, it will be difficult to keep it. Appreciate what you have now, otherwise you will regret for the rest of your live.

God continues to change people and their minds into what God wants them to be. I have many examples on this subject, not only about myself, but about other people. Even God still changes those people who have been behind bars. Having accepted Christ, they have not only been changed, but also bring great benefit to the needy.

Also God has changed me into an image that no one was able to recognize me. The pas is the past .Although many friends know me as a good person, I wasn't as good as I should be. I clearly remember after the service the pastor of the Russian community church in Australia complimented me on my heart it's like a sheep, and your preaching makes my faith jump. Although he made a good comment on me, I thought to myself if I deserve this comment. This is not of my deserving but of God's. I remember standing next to him, and the tears come to my eyes, and I could not help but thank the Lord who transformed me and cleansed my filthy lips with the word of truth!

James 3 chap: The tongue is an embellishment of falsehood.

I remember describing already more in detail how God taught me a lesson with his word of truth by prickling my heart and cleansing my lips. Or else, I would not have been able to carry the word with my unclean lips to other people. When the Seraphim flew and spoke Holy, Holy, Holy, and the house was filled with incense.

What happens when a person feels the holiness of the Lord, he simply falls to his knees. No soul can leave untouched by God's holiness.

As a result, the holiness of the Lord penetrated into my consciousness and every cell of the essence. Isaiah, who was the prophet, realized that he was a man with unclean lips. And I said: woe to me! I am lost!

For I am a man with unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.

Isaiah 6: 5

God changed me completely, now only my appearance remains, but God changed my appearance, too for His glory! Even friends, seeing me, cannot recognize me; they say that I have become different. By doing this, they glorify God despite of themselves. …

And how much God had to work on me to shape and cleanse of dirt and lawlessness. This was not enough; he forced me to go through the crucible of pain and suffering to be used for his glory. He who suffers from the flesh stops sinning 1 Peter 4 ch: 1

In Jesus I became a completely different! In 2 Cor, it is said that our flesh perishes, but our souls are being renewed every day. This is the secret of Christianity. The Epistle to the Colossians says: For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When I began to be changed, even my friends were surprised at. I stopped getting involved in drinking company as usual, I was treated as abnormal.

Blessed are those whose hearts are pure.

A few days later I felt completely different. Finally, my conscience gained freedom! Wounds and pains disappeared, and there are no more struggles. God forgave my sins and made me the way He wanted to see me. When people asked me where you were going, at first I was ashamed to admit that I was going to church. Church in broad sense meant a strange place where aged people were concentrated. I did not want to be laughed at, so I just lied to them that I was going to a meeting. A few more weeks passed, I found that I became a completely different person, not what I was. Jesus, having secretly penetrated my heart, changed my unsightly heart into a heart of hope. Not only my heart has been changed, but also my outlook on life, and my values, interests and attitudes towards people have changed. The desire for alcohol and carnal pleasure disappeared. This is a real miracle that my life was transformed into the image that no one expected me to be. That’s the way I was meant to be when God had a plan for me.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
24 марта 2021
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110 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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