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Chapter 3

We stopped in the middle of the night, when even it became difficult for me to keep my balance in a furious jump, and my companion did yawn at the top of his mouth. He was still supported by the effect of a sharply lifted curse, while I basically needed sleep, as well as food, much less than real people. Still, the human body needed rest, so I had to ask the rashtang to stop.

– I hope you don’t mind camping out for the night, – I warned my companion as I jumped off the chariot. -Because even if you’re against it, I can’t offer better. There is not a single inn for miles around here.

– Anything but the wedding night, – Eitan assured, following my example.

– Ha! I thought men had a different attitude towards their wedding night. However, you are right about something, – I noticed, unharnessing the rashtanga.

This occupation took some time, and then the contented entity disappeared into the darkness.

– Aren’t you afraid that you will run far away?

Eitan, frowning, peered into the night, but, of course, he did not see the silhouette of a horse.

– He will come back, – I confidently dismissed, and, without thinking twice, lay down right on the grass.

Dark clouds floated across the dark sky. Nevertheless, they were perfectly visible, because darkness is different for darkness, and its shades are innumerable, even if the human eye is not always able to recognize the difference.

A piece of sky was obscured by a poorly lit silhouette, the grass rustled. Eitan lay down nearby, head to head, but at an angle so that we only touched with our hair. Both were silent, looking at the stars and the abyss that contained them, and I myself did not notice how my eyes closed.

I woke up two hours later: the body did not need a long rest. There was no one around, but the ear caught a soothing crackle. Raising myself on my elbow, the first thing I saw in the distance was a small fire, and then Eitan, who was squatting and stirring firewood with a long stick. I stood up and brushed myself off, walking closer.

– Cold? She asked the first thing that came to mind.

I wasn’t cold myself, but that didn’t mean much. I could not find any other reason for the night vigil by the fire.

My companion shook his head, threw his stick into the fire, and sat down, clasping his knees with his hands. I settled in nearby.

– How does this… potion work? – Eitan asked, looking at the fire. How much would she give me?

– I can’t read minds. It wasn’t sarcasm, just a statement of fact. I did not have the ability to telepathy. Much can be understood by human actions, facial expressions and gestures, but this is different. It’s better to ask her. – The recent fiance grimaced and frankly skeptical. “Without the potion, the effect wears off rather quickly, so I think she would have served it to you for a few more days.” In general, the question is what she wanted more: the status of a spouse or “big and pure” love. She would have achieved the first one today, so she could stop with the potion at least immediately. Well, would you understand that you gave a blunder, but what’s the point? The marriage would take place, as they say, before the Prince of Light and the people. But if she wanted love, then she could give you a longer drink.

– For the rest of your life?

I saw him wince. Either he still froze, or the second option frightened him much more than an unpleasant insight immediately after the wedding.

– Though for the rest of my life, – I firmly confirmed, but I considered it possible to add a spoonful of honey to the barrel of tar: “But not for long.

– Why is this? He was surprised and looked at me anyway.

– Well, you see… How to put it mildly… The love potion works, of course, not bad, but it is extremely unhealthy for the human body. A few days – nonsense, weeks – tolerable, but for a few months you would give your soul. Prince or prince, I don’t know, you know better here.

– That is, she also poisoned me, – Eitan summed up what he heard.

– In some way. Whether she knew is another question.

– Well, this is already a lyric, – the guy dismissed. – I knew, I didn’t know, the result is the same.

– That’s true, – I had to agree. – But isn’t it easier for you as a person to realize that “she didn’t do it on purpose”?

He shrugged impatiently.

– It’s not on purpose that they don’t put any rubbish in coffee. I went, they say, to patch up a family heirloom, to her!

– Oh, do you have a family heirloom? – Which? I revived. – A witch’s ring? A bottle in which, if you search very well, you can unearth a genie? A strand from the head of some great martyr? Or maybe even the feather of a real angel?

– You’re kind of strange, – he said, tilting his head to one side and looking at me sideways. Why a feather, why an angel?

– If you only knew how many such relics I have seen! – I snorted. – It feels like some poor fellow from the Halls of Light was caught on the ground and literally plucked like a chicken so that each temple has its own shrine. But you do not pay attention, just the word had to. So what is your relic?

– Actually, there are several, but I meant the sword. – Eitan shrugged his shoulders almost guiltily: apparently, after my assumptions, his version sounded too ordinary. – I took it to the gunsmith regularly, but the inlay is quite old. I pulled and pulled, then I decided that the stone still needs to be changed. And Leah’s father is a jeweler, and talented, the prince of Darkness take him! Well, I looked, I agreed. And the second time I went to accept work. At the same time, I drank coffee… overseas.

You quickly won a girl’s heart. What, don’t you tell me? I leaned forward with interest. – Rich? Noble? Well, since you have relics and all.

– There’s practically nothing left. – Eitan put his hands behind his head and stretched so that his vertebrae cracked. – Castle – one name. The walls are there, the inside is empty. Two decent living rooms, the rest does not count. Our lands are infertile, the cat wept for the income from them. So I could not attract Leah with money. Her daddy will have more of them.

– So, the title, – I drawled with satisfaction. No, in general I like to be surprised, but when things are easily explained, it is also pleasant in its own way. – Though she may have fallen for you, too. – You are nothing at all. – I critically looked at the strong figure, then switched to the face – clearly defined cheekbones, brown eyes, thick eyebrows, at the moment, either mockingly, or skeptically raised. – Yeah, you probably arranged it yourself, too. – But I don’t believe in sudden love.

– But I really don’t believe it … – Eitan picked up another branch from the ground, broke it into two parts and threw it into the fire.

I suddenly realized how loud the grasshoppers were chirping all around. She turned her head to the right, and the chatter from that direction abruptly subsided. But as soon as I looked at the fire again, the inspired concert resumed.

– Revenge on her, – I suggested eagerly.

– Lie? What for?

– Well, how about “why”? – I was literally outraged by his question. People often take revenge on offenders. Loss brings a void with it, and revenge fills it.

– And does it help? Eitan asked skeptically.

– How can I tell you… Not really, – I admitted forcedly. – Usually, immediately after vengeance, the void returns. And getting rid of it becomes even more difficult.

– What’s the point then? – Let her live as she lived. She has her life, I have mine. As long as the paths don’t cross again.

– Listen, do you accidentally hide white wings under your shirt? I snapped.

Definitely, the fellow traveler was becoming uninteresting. I can’t stand saints.

– Let’s check. – With these words, he pulled his shirt over his head.

I laughed heartily, throwing my head back. OK. Rehabilitated. I love those who are capable of an unexpected move.

– What are you going to do next? Since you do not hatch bloody plans?

– I don’t know, – Eitan said, not without irritation. It can be seen that he himself asked this question, but he did not come to an intelligible answer. – In the Villa, for obvious reasons, I should not appear in the near future. Listening to the opinion of every counter-transverse is a thankless task, I’m afraid I will not have enough endurance, and the matter will end in a duel. Why do I need these difficulties?

– You often ask yourself why. – You have to live spontaneously, according to your mood. Choose the path along which the legs themselves will lead.

– That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’ll take someone’s job. Selling, so to speak, for a year or two. You look, during this period everything will be forgotten here, and maybe at the same time I will figure out how to continue to live and what to do.

– Good idea, – I agreed. – You look less and less like an angel.

– You say that like it’s a good thing, – he said, narrowing his eyes.

– It’s fine!

The body is numb – one of the inconveniences of the human shell. I shifted my position, stretched out my legs – the sharp blades of grass immediately began to tingle my ankles – put my hands on the ground and looked up.

– And you yourself? A man’s voice broke through the veil of reverie.

– What? I turned to Eitan in confusion.

– What are you going to do? Where are you heading anyway?

– Ahh, – I said, turning my face up to the stars again. – I’m going to the Round.

My companion whistled: it was the largest city in the county of Thornfolk, on the border of which, in fact, Ville lay. The local capital acquired its name due to the fact that it has grown around a once lonely castle.

– And what did you need there?

– I want to meet Anthony William Blade, Earl of Thornfolk, – I didn’t lie. – I am very interested in his personality.

– Wow! Your lips are not stupid.

– Of course not. – Such a “discovery” seemed funny to me, and I laughed. “I definitely won’t miss mine.

– And why do you need a count? – Maybe you are going to marry him?

– And you never know! I snorted. – Why not? Or do you think I’m not good enough for him?

If you do not want to give a substantive answer, the best tactic is to divert the conversation in a timely manner.

– No, why not? True, I have never seen it, but I think, on the contrary, it is too good.

– Your broken heart is healing fast! – I concluded with approval, extending my index finger in his direction. – You are already releasing meaningless compliments to the ladies.

– What’s with the heart? – Eitan twisted his face as if a red-hot rod was applied to his feet. “Listen, this is what I thought… – He glanced at the road leading into the forest, where the rashtang had long since disappeared from view. – Maybe I should go with you to Thornfolk, too? – I really don’t care where I go. And to the count it is quite possible to be hired for the service. Big cities always need people. And traveling together is more fun. What do you say?

– Great idea!

The thought was really good. I did not know the local human habits well enough, so a savvy companion was not superfluous at all. And Eitan has nowhere to go, and I, in fact, provided him with a route. And at the same time – a means of transportation, so he won doubly. But there was enough space in the chariot, the rashtang is not heavy, so I do not feel sorry.

Meanwhile, the flame crackled satiated, unobtrusively illuminating the companion’s face and his naked torso. Instincts stirred again in the body, but I did not have time to figure out what was happening when the male lips touched mine. However, whether Eitan himself understood anything is also a question. Recent worries, a nightly vigil, the excitement of a chase, the euphoria of a dropped spell – such an explosive mixture will confuse anyone. In addition, the closeness of people like me weakens the framework in which people push themselves to meet the requirements of society. True, I tried to keep my natural abilities in check – I put my own limits on myself, so to speak – but maybe I let go for a while.

I didn’t return the kiss. I had not been on earth for too long, and out of habit this occupation seemed strange to me. But Eitana’s neck was wrapped around willingly. He looked into my eyes, apparently trying to figure out this discrepancy and determine the degree of my favor. And, probably, he saw something that allowed him to continue. However, he did not repeat the bad experience. Gently, like a puppy looking for milk, his lips touched my forehead, temple, crown. The body responded with sweet languor. I inhaled deeply the disturbing, stupefying smell of a male body, purred contentedly and, slightly arching, greedily licked his skin.

If I told him now who he really is, Eitan would probably run as fast as he could in horror, deciding that they were going to feast on his flesh. But the guy had no idea who he was contacting, and therefore, exhaling noisily, he took my chin, forcing me to raise my head. The vicious half-smile seemed to please him. He rubbed his earlobe a little with his lips, gradually descended lower and clung to his neck, like a vampire. Of course, I would have felt a real vampire, and this guy had other goals, but the comparison still seemed appropriate. A wave of trembling ran through my body, a sense of anticipation bubbling over like waves at high tide. I did not deny myself a long sweet moan. There is no reason for me to adhere to anyone else’s framework and ideas of decency.

Of course, such a reaction only provoked the man, he began to pave the path of greedy kisses lower and lower, lowered his dress, dug his lips into his bare shoulder and made an attempt to get to his chest. Sweet anticipation mixed with irritation: if he starts treating all parts of my body so carefully, we won’t be able to manage it until morning! I wanted to grab him by the collar, shake him a couple of times and force him to proceed to the main thing, even if he refuses. It’s strange, I’ve never been so impatient before. It seems that the long absence on earth and the new shell had an effect.

Of course, I didn’t shake the poor fellow, but I realized that I had to take matters into my own hands, and, resolutely pulling off my dress, threw it onto the nearest branch. It seems that it turned out to be farther than an ordinary woman could throw, but, thank the prince of Darkness, Eitan did not pay attention to such trifles now. For some time I let him play with my breasts, ready to howl like a wolf from the delay, but at the same time receiving from it an incomprehensible, not otherwise masochistic, pleasure. Feeling his body, she scratched her back with her claws, raised her finger to her mouth, licked a drop of warm blood, and her eyes were literally covered with a veil of fog. Fortunately, the partner himself was not going to hesitate.

At the moment of penetration, I almost rolled my eyes in pleasure. The tension began to rise again. I wrapped my legs around the man’s hips, wrapped my arms around my back, where new scratches were likely to appear. The pace intensified, the sharpness of feelings reached its highest point, it was no longer waves, but a tsunami, a powerful barrier from the outside world, depriving everything that was going on there, beyond it, of meaning. And then, as if abruptly, the spring compressed to the limit was released, releasing the accumulated tension. Our bodies shook with trembling, and then came a blissful peace. And the dream came very quickly.

When I woke up, the disk of the sun had risen high enough to lose the redness of dawn. Rashtang stood nearby and pretended to nibble grass, as befits a decent horse. In fact, he continually sniffed and flared his nostrils, as if he smelled the smell of blood.

I jumped up, because it was not very pleasant to lie on the thorny grass. She dusted herself off and only then noticed Eitan. He froze a few yards away from me, his eyes flashing with anger, as if he had identified the criminal. Really guessed about my demonic origin?

– Are you a virgin! He breathed accusatory in response to my questioning look.

Oh you… Now something became clear. And increased interest in rashtanga, and reddish spots on the grass. Needless to say, I didn’t feel anything. And completely forgot about it. But, if you think about it, in this particular body I have never dealt with men – until last night.

– Not anymore, – I shrugged nonchalantly.

– And what did it all mean? – the guy breathed out. From my point of view, much more emotional than it should be. Did you set everything up from the very beginning? What do you want? For me to marry you? I, as an honest person, now have to do this, right?

– Uuu, it seems someone has developed a fad after yesterday, – I drawled knowingly. – Don’t worry, honest man, not all the women of this world are tempted to take you as their husband. So don’t suffer.

Now he looked at me less confidently, but still extremely suspicious. I stepped forward, still naked, and held out my hand in his direction.

– Do you have a sword? Or at least something more or less spicy?

– Why?

Eitan seemed desperate to guess what actions to expect from my person.

– I want to kill you so that no one gets it, – in the tone -What is incomprehensible here? – I responded.

He pursed his lips in displeasure: who would like it when they laugh at him?

– The sword was left with my dear failed father-in-law. It was not to be dragged with him to the wedding. There is a dagger.

The sword, then, is not allowed at the wedding, but the blade is shorter – please? Another incomprehensible human invention. But in principle, I didn’t care: a dagger would do, even more convenient.

– Come here.

Eitan, for the sake of order, drilled me a little more with his eyes, but then he nevertheless bent down to his belt, which was still lying on the ground, pulled the weapon from its scabbard and handed it to me. Without thinking or hesitating, I made a rather deep cut on my wrist. Rashtang snorted, blood streamed profusely down his arm and dripped onto the grass. Red on green is a beautiful combination, especially when both symbolize life. No, not even that: it is life itself.

– I swear before the Prince of Darkness that I will not marry you, – I announced solemnly. – Let the scar that will remain on my arm be evidence of this. – Then she went up to the stunned Eitan and, putting the hilt into his palm, inquired in a casual tone: – Will it fit?

– You’re definitely not normal, – he shook his head, looking at my back as I pushed the muzzle of the rashtang away and walked towards my dress.

I snorted, not much quieter than my imaginary horse had just before.

– It seems to me that you are all crazy here.

– Who are we? Eitan asked in bewilderment and even looked around just in case. Couldn’t find anyone but a rashtang, and summed it up with conviction: “You’re strange.”

Chapter 4

Town was the next town we passed through. I had to lay a decent hook to get there. Yesterday we took a major detour as we focused on getting away from the chase and then on the feeling of driving fast. As for me, everything is fine, but now I had to make up for lost time, returning to civilized places. My companion, who had an unplanned escape from the wedding, needed some things. I also didn’t mind buying something (for example, getting a change of clothes), but, most importantly, I needed to hone my skills in communicating with people and living in a human settlement in general. I hoped not to draw attention to myself by the strangeness and inadequacy of actions (from the perspective of the natives) by the time we got to Thornfolk.

Town was not much different from Ville, except that it was a little larger. The same narrow streets, only a few of which were honored to be paved with uneven stones. The same arcs of wooden bridges over small rivers. The same area in front of the central city temple with a high black spire that cut into the sky like a sharp spear. True, here, in addition, there was a small fountain depicting a strange pyramid of fish, which for some reason took it into their head to jump one on top of the other. A thin trickle of water flowed from the upper mouth.

– Maybe I’ll wait here, – I said cheerfully, dipping my hand into the pool to wash my face after the dusty drive.

My companion was impatient to go to the local church. He explained the reason: they say, he wants to thank the Prince of Light for his happy salvation from marriage. For my part, I did not understand two things: firstly, what did the Prince of Light have to do with it, and secondly, why it was necessary to drag oneself to the temple for this. Well, I would say “Thank you!” in his heart – and that’s it, he went to do urgent business. So no, Eitan insisted, moreover, he got it into his head to invite me with him.

– Why? he asked in bewilderment. A naive reaction that made me irritably raise my eyes to the sky. – This is not for long, and in the local temple, they say, there are very beautiful frescoes. And it seems that some kind of relic is kept, I don’t remember exactly, it seems, something related to the prophet Jokin.

I burst out laughing. I remember this prophet, he was still a bore. I wonder what they have here and whether it is genuine.

– And besides, there are not so many visitors here, everyone will stare at you, – Eitan gave another argument.

All the arguments together made me reluctantly agree. But I approached the church slowly and reluctantly. The companion kept turning around, stopping, waiting for me to catch up with him, and frowned in surprise. However, he did not attach much importance to my slowness: he must have decided that I was tired from the road.

Fortunately, when we crossed the threshold (an act that was not easy for me), he went about his business: he went to one of the places reserved for prayer, drew an invisible circle with his index finger in the center of his forehead, and knelt down. I began to slowly inspect the interior. I felt extremely tense. No, there was no threat to me here. I could not crumble into dust, take the form of a wild beast, or squeal from the unbearable simultaneous prayer of dozens of the righteous. All this is nothing more than fiction and superstition. I just felt uncomfortable – as a guest who entered a house without asking, where he was not welcome.

I cautiously glanced at the statue of another angel. I hope the one on it is not looking at me now with a malicious smile. They say that, Arafel, you can’t cope without us, even showed up here? I had to tighten my lips, take a deep breath and walk past. Well, where are the relics of Yokin distributed here? I have to look at them, since that’s the way it is.

Suddenly, one of the old women praying quietly to the side, short, hunched over and, it seemed, barely moving, started up and pulled away from me with an expression of horror and at the same time determination on her wrinkled face.

– Get lost, you filthy one! she exclaimed, and began to furiously draw circles with her finger. First on her forehead, which would have been fine, but then she reached for mine.

The circle, the perfect form, was considered the symbol of the Prince of Light. By itself, the sign did not bother me, but the introduction into my personal space – very much so. It’s good that we were in a dark corner, the temple was generally rather poorly lit: the effect of narrow windows with colored stained-glass windows.

– What’s the matter with you, auntie? – I asked irritably, deviating and at the same time trying to unravel the reason for such a peculiar reaction.

She has no way of knowing who I am, so why…

And then my eyes fell on another element of the church interior, a rectangular mirror, divided into four equal multi-colored squares – green, yellow, red and blue. This combination also contained some kind of symbolism, but since colors are an illusory concept and exist exclusively in the perception of individual living organisms, I understood this issue poorly. Another thing is important: even if colored, the glasses have not lost their usual properties. And I, here’s the trouble, I’m not reflected in the mirrors.

Of course, when I went to earth, the master and I took care of this: thanks to my physical shell, I could be seen in an ordinary mirror. But in the church, in the house of the Prince of Light, our tricks did not work. And what kind of angel drew me to come here?! And, most importantly, how observant the old woman got!

– Get lost, dirty, get lost! – she did not let up at all.

I looked around warily, not wanting to attract everyone’s attention.

– Which of us is cleaner is still unknown, – I muttered in response.

– Get out! Scatter!

The old woman drew circles so desperately that I wondered how her finger hadn’t fallen off yet. It seems to be much stronger than it seems at first glance. Suddenly, she seemed to have a brilliant idea. Digging into her purse, she pulled out nothing less than a pre-peeled head of garlic.

– Wonderful! Do you have rye bread in there too? I asked, but the woman did not even think to listen.

Instead, she shoved a whole clove into her mouth – and did not even wince! – the rest began to wave in front of my very nose.

– Garlic will drive out all the evil spirits from the holy temple! she hissed with conviction.

– You will expel everyone from the temple with such a smell, including the priest, – I retorted with no less conviction.

I got tired of all these dancing and waving in order, so, unable to stand it, I grabbed the old hag by the scruff of the neck and dragged me to the exit. She did not weigh too much, and I have plenty of strength, if I do not deliberately restrain myself within the limits of human capabilities. Once on the street and briefly looking around, I considered that the square was too close to the temple, and, therefore, it would be more correct to transport the ardent zealot of the faith somewhere far away so that she probably would not dash back.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder.

– Hey, Arafel, what are you doing?!

– What you need! I said through my teeth. – I’m moving the old woman to the other side of the street. It seems that you consider it a good deed!

– But not when she’s holding back! – Eitan was outraged.

– Yes? OK. Maybe you’re right somewhere, – I admitted, thoughtfully watching how the released old woman fled with all her might. She doesn’t seem to need help. Runs good! I think she looks ten years younger.

– What’s wrong with her?

My companion, frowning, looked after the receding supplicant.

I shrugged vaguely.

– Looks like I’m a good influence on people. Well, did you finish your communication with the prince? Can we keep going?

– Yes. Of course.

Eitan threw a last glance in the direction where the old woman had already disappeared from sight, and followed me to the waiting rashtang.

The monastery walls – stone, massive, in places overgrown with moss, obviously built a long time ago and ready to be tortured not only by a siege, but also by time – met us surprisingly friendly. The sun was setting, there were no other places to sleep in the area, and we decided to knock here. It was generally accepted that in such places they are always happy to feed the traveler and provide him with an overnight stay.

The gate was indeed opened quickly. The nun, a woman of forty or forty-five years old, in a traditional black dress with white inserts and a matching black and white apostle, greeted us very kindly, invited us inside and promised peace and shelter. We didn’t ask for the first one, but the second one came in handy, so in general I was satisfied.

In the monastery, unlike the church, I felt comfortable. The temple is the home of the Prince of Light, while the monastery, for all its importance for religion, is the home of the people. Monasteries are different (female or male – only the smallest of differences): bright, giving human souls a sense of peace, or harsh, instilling fear of the afterlife; islands of true piety or a cover for a world of intrigue and violent power struggles. The people who lived in the monasteries were also very different, as well as the reasons that brought them there. It was this aspect that aroused my liveliest interest at the moment.

Inside we had to split up. Male travelers were allowed outside the gates, but they were not allowed to enter the living quarters, so Eitan had to eat and spend the night in some kind of military tent, spread out for such purposes in a wide courtyard. Either a local watchman or a woodworker was called in to help him, I didn’t really figure it out. I was taken along the stairs to the second floor located on the street. First, I ended up on a terrace covered from the rain by a wide canopy, and then in a room of an incomprehensible purpose: it was too large for a cell, too small for a refectory. Judging by the wooden table, it was still meant for eating, perhaps in cases where several nuns happened to have breakfast or dinner separately from the rest.

There were six of us in the room: four novices, one nun and myself. The menu consisted of a cup of water, a slice of black bread and… several heads of garlic. Either this vegetable became a favorite dish on earth, or it was used with might and main as a means of detecting demons. If the goal of the hospitable hostesses was the latter, we can say that it was achieved: I did not touch the garlic. I can’t stand his smell, and it has nothing to do with my, without a doubt, demonic essence.

However, to the credit of the local inhabitants, it must be said that they did not raise a fuss about this, and did not try to feed me by force. The atmosphere was quite friendly. Novices – they generally burned with curiosity, wanting to learn more from a person from the outside, and at the same time just chat about this and that. The presence of a nun was a hindrance: you can’t say everything you want in front of her. I had to limit myself to general, meaningless and “politically seasoned” phrases. But such a problem (as, indeed, any) had a solution.

– Sister Keminya! It’s really embarrassing for me to ask you about this … – I said, nervously fiddling with my fingers, – but my companion, the one who remained below… You see, he injured his leg during the journey: either twisted, or dislocated, or just hit. Hard to say. It’s definitely not a fracture, but maybe he still needs help.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
20 октября 2022
310 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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