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Читать книгу: «The Lady's Own Cookery Book, and New Dinner-Table Directory;», страница 31


Pineapple Chips

Pare the pineapples; pick out the thistle part: take half its weight of treble-refined sugar; part the apple in halves; slice it thin; put it in a basin, with sifted sugar between; in twelve hours the sugar will be melted. Set it over a fire, and simmer the chips till clear. The less they boil the better. Next day, heat them; scrape off the syrup; lay them in glasses, and dry them on a moderate stove or oven.

Plums, to dry green

Take green amber plums; prick them with a pin all over; make some water boiling hot, and put in the plums; be sure to have so much water as not to be made cold when the plums are put in. Cover them very close, and, when they are almost cold, set them on the fire again, but do not let them boil. Do so three or four times. When you see the thin skin cracked, put in some alum finely beaten, and keep them in a scald till they begin to green; then give them a boil closely covered. When they are green, let them stand in fresh hot water all night; next day, have ready as much clarified sugar, made into syrup, as will cover them; drain the plums, put them into the syrup, and give them two or three boils. Repeat this twice or three times, till they are very green. Let them stand in the syrup a week; then lay them out to dry in a hot stove. You may put some of them in codling jelly, and use them as a wet sweetmeat.

Green Plum Jam

Take the great white plums before they begin to turn, when they are at their full growth, and to every pound of plums allow three quarters of a pound of fine sugar. Pare and throw the plums into water, to keep their colour; let your sugar be very finely pounded; cut your plums into slices, and strew the sugar over them. You must first take them out of the water, and put them over a moderate fire, and boil them till they are clear and will jelly. You may put in a few of the stones, if you like them.

Great White Plum, to preserve

To one pound of plums put three quarters of a pound of fine sugar; dip the lumps of sugar in water just sufficient to wet it through; boil and skim it, till you think it enough. Slit the plums down the seam; put them in the syrup with the slit downward, and let them stew over the fire for a quarter of an hour. Skim them; take them off; when cold, turn them; cover them up for four or five days, turning them two or three times a day in the syrup; then put them in pots, not too many together.


Take a quart of white wine and a quart of water; boil whole spice in them; then take twelve eggs, and put away half the whites; beat them very well, and take the wine from the fire; then put your eggs, being thoroughly beaten, to the wine. Stir the whole together; then set it on a very slow fire, stirring it the whole time, till it is thick. Sweeten it with sugar, and sprinkle on it beaten spice, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Another way, richer

Take two quarts of cream, and boil it with whole spice; then take twelve eggs, well beaten and strained; take the cream from the fire, and stir in the eggs, and as much sugar as will sweeten it according to the taste of those who are to drink it; then a pint of wine, or more – sack, sherry, or Lisbon. Set it on the fire again, and let it stand awhile; then take a ladle, and raise it up gently from the bottom of the skillet you make it in, and break it as little as you can, and do so till you see that it is thick enough. Then put it into a basin with a ladle gently. If you do it too much or too quickly it will whey, and that is not good.

Sack Posset

To twelve eggs, beaten very much, put a pint of sack, or any other strong rich white wine. Stir them well, that they may not curd; put to them three pints of cream and half a pound of fine sugar, stirring them well together. When hot over the fire, put the posset into a basin, and set it over a boiling pot of water until it is like a custard; then take it off, and, when it is cool enough to eat, serve it with beaten spice, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg, strewed over it very thick.

Sack Posset, without milk

Take thirteen eggs; beat them very well, and, while they are beating, take a quart of sack, half a pound of fine sugar, and a pint of ale, and let them boil a very little while; then put the eggs to them, and stir them till they are hot. Take it from the fire, and keep it stirring awhile; then put it into a fit basin, and cover it close with a dish. Set it over the fire again till it rises to a curd; serve it with beaten spice.

Sack Posset, or Jelly

Take three pints of good cream and three quarters of a pound of fine sugar pounded, twenty eggs, leaving out eight of the whites; beat them very well and light. Add to them rather more than a pint of sack; beat them again well; then set it on a stove; make it so hot that you can just endure your finger at the bottom of the pan, and not hotter; stir it all one way; put the cream on the fire just to boil up, and be ready at the time the sack is so. Boil in it a blade of mace, and put it boiling hot to the eggs and sack, which is to be only scalding hot. When the cream is put in, just stir it round twice; take it off the fire; cover it up close when it is put into the mould or dish you intend it for, and it will jelly. Pour the cream to the eggs, holding it as high from them as possible.


Blanch a pound of almonds, and beat them with orange-flower water, or rose-water; boil a pound of sugar to a candy; put in the almonds, and stir them over the fire till they are stiff. Keep them stirred till cold; then beat them in a mortar for a quarter of an hour. Add a pound of sugar, and make it into a paste, with the whites of three eggs beaten to a froth, more or less, as you may judge necessary. Bake the puffs in a cool oven.

Cheese Puffs

Scald green gooseberries, and pulp them through a colander. To six spoonfuls of this pulp add half a pound of butter beaten to a cream, half a pound of finely pounded and sifted sugar, put to the butter by degrees, ten eggs, half the whites, a little grated lemon-peel, and a little brandy or sack. Beat all these ingredients as light as possible, and bake in a thin crust.

Chocolate Puffs

Take a pound of single-refined sugar, finely sifted, and grate as much chocolate as will colour it; add an ounce of beaten almonds; mix them well together; wet it with the froth of whites of eggs, and bake it.

German Puffs

Take four spoonfuls of fine flour, four eggs, a pint of cream, four ounces of melted butter, and a very little salt; stir and beat them well together, and add some grated nutmeg. Bake them in small cups: a quarter of an hour will be quite sufficient: and the oven should be so quick as to brown both top and bottom. If well baked, they will be more than as large again. For sauce – melted butter, sack, and sugar. The above quantity will make fourteen puffs.

Spanish Puffs

Take one pint of skim milk, and thicken it with flour; boil it very well till it is tough as paste, then let it cool, put it into a mortar, and beat it very well. Put in three eggs, and beat it again, then three eggs more, keeping out one white. Put in some grated nutmeg and a little salt. Have your pan over the fire, with some good lard; drop the paste in; fry the puffs a light brown, and strew sugar over them when you send them up.


Boil one pint of milk; beat up the yolks of five eggs in a basin with a little sugar, and pour the milk upon them, stirring it all the time. Prepare your mould by putting into it sifted sugar sufficient to cover it; melt it on the stove, and, when dissolved, take care that the syrup covers the whole mould. The flavour is improved by grating into the sugar a little lemon-peel. Pour the pudding into your mould, and place it in a vessel of boiling water; it must boil two hours; it may then be turned out, and eaten hot or cold.

Another way

Grate a penny loaf, and put to it a handful of currants, a little clarified butter, the yolk of an egg, a little nutmeg and salt; mix all together, and make it into little balls. Boil them half an hour. Serve with wine sauce.

A good Pudding

Take a pint of cream, and six eggs, leaving out two of the whites. Beat up the eggs well, and put them to the cream or milk, with two or three spoonfuls of flour, and a little nutmeg and sugar, if you please.

A very good Pudding

Scald some green gooseberries, and pulp them through a colander; to six spoonfuls of this pulp add half a pound of butter beaten to a cream, half a pound of finely beaten and sifted sugar, put to the butter by degrees, ten eggs, half the whites, a little grated lemon-peel, a little brandy or sack: beat all these ingredients as light as possible; bake in a thin crust.

An excellent Pudding

Cut French rolls in thin slices; boil a pint of milk, and poor over them. Cover it with a plate and let it cool; then beat it quite fine. Add six ounces of suet chopped fine, a quarter of a pound of currants, three eggs beat up, half a glass of brandy, and some moist sugar. Bake it full two hours.

A plain Pudding

Three spoonfuls of flour, a pint of new milk, three eggs, a very little salt. Boil it for half an hour, in a small basin.

A scalded Pudding

Take four spoonfuls of flour, and pour on it one pint of boiling milk. When cold, add four eggs, and boil it one hour.

A sweet Pudding

Half a pound of ratafia, half a pint of boiling milk, more if required, stir it with a fork; three eggs, leaving out one white. Butter the basin, or dish, and stick jar-raisins about the butter as close as you please; then pour in the pudding and bake it.

All Three Pudding

Chopped apples, currants, suet finely chopped, sugar and bread crumb, three ounces of each, three eggs, but only two of the whites; put all into a well floured bag, and boil it well two hours. Serve it with wine sauce.

Almond Pudding. No. 1

Blanch half a pound of sweet almonds, with four bitter ones; pound them in a marble mortar, with two spoonfuls of orange-flower water, and two spoonfuls of rose-water; mix in four grated Naples biscuits, and half a pound of melted butter. Beat eight eggs, and mix them with a pint of cream boiled; grate in half a nutmeg, and a quarter of a pound of sugar. Mix all well together, and bake it with a paste at the bottom of the dish.

Almond Pudding. No. 2

Take a pound of almonds, ground very small with a little rose-water and sugar, a pound of Naples biscuits finely grated, the marrow of six bones broken into small pieces – if you have not marrow enough, put in beef suet finely shred – a quarter of a pound of orange-peel, a quarter of citron-peel, cut in thin slices, and some mace. Take twenty eggs, only half as many whites; mix all these well together. Boil some cream, let it stand till it is almost cold; then put in as much as will make your pudding tolerably thick. You may put in a very few caraway seeds and a little ambergris, if you like.

Almond Pudding. No. 3

Two small wine glasses of rose-water, one ounce of isinglass, twelve bitter almonds, blanched and shred; let it stand by the fire till the isinglass is dissolved; then put a pint of cream, and the yolks of six eggs, and sweeten to the taste. Set it on the fire till it boils; strain it through a sieve; stir it till nearly cold; then pour it into a mould wetted with rose-water.

Amber Pudding

Half a pound of brown sugar, the same of butter, beat up as a cake, till it becomes a fine cream, six eggs very well beaten, and sweetmeats, if agreeable; mix all together. Three quarters of an hour will bake it; add a little brandy, and lay puff paste round the dish.

Princess Amelia’s Pudding

Pare eight or ten fair large apples, cut them into thin slices, and stew them gently in a very little water till tender; then take of white bread grated the quantity of half a threepenny loaf, six yolks and four whites of eggs beat very light, half a pint of cream, one large spoonful of sack or brandy, four spoonfuls of clarified butter; mix these all well together, and beat them very light. Sweeten to your taste, and bake in tea-cups: a little baking is sufficient. When baked, take them out of the cups, and serve them with sack, sugar, and melted butter, for sauce.

Apple Mignon

Pare and core golden pippins without breaking the apple; lay them in the dish in which they are to be baked. Take of rice boiled tender in milk the quantity you judge sufficient; add to it half a pint of thick cream, with the yolks of five eggs; sweeten it to your taste, and grate in a little nutmeg; pour it over the apples in the dish; set it in a gentle oven. Three quarters of an hour will bake it. Glaze it over with sugar.

Apple Pudding. No. 1

Coddle six large codlings till they are very soft over a slow fire to prevent their bursting. Rub the pulp through a sieve. Put six eggs, leaving out two whites, six ounces of butter beaten well, three quarters of a pound of loaf sugar pounded fine, the juice of two lemons, two ounces of candied orange and lemon-peel, and the peel of one lemon shred very fine. You must not put in the peel till it is going to the oven. Put puff paste round the dish; sift over a little sugar; an hour will bake it.

Apple Pudding. No. 2

Prepare apples as for sauce; when cold, beat in two whole eggs, a little nutmeg, bitter almonds pounded fine, and sugar, with orange or lemon peel, and a little juice of either. Bake in a paste.

Apple Pudding. No. 3

Take six apples; stew them in as little water as you can; take out the pulped part; add to it four eggs, and not quite half a pound of butter; sweeten it to your taste. Let your paste be good, and put it in a gentle oven.

Arrow-root Pudding

Boil a pint of milk with eight bitter almonds pounded, a piece of cinnamon, and lemon-peel, for some time; then take a large table-spoonful of arrow-root, and mix it with cold milk. Mix this afterwards with the boiling milk. All these must become cold before you put in the eggs; then beat together three eggs, a little nutmeg and sugar, and the arrow-root, and strain through a sieve. Butter your mould, and boil the pudding half an hour. The mould must be quite full; serve with wine sauce, butter a paper to put over it, and then tie over a cloth.

Pearl Barley Pudding

Boil three table-spoonfuls of pearl barley in a pint and a half of new milk, with a few bitter almonds, and a little sugar, for three hours. Strain it; when cold add two eggs; put some paste round the dish, and bake it.

Batter Pudding

Make a batter, rather stiffer than pancake batter; beat up six eggs, leaving out three of the whites, and put them to the batter, with a little salt and nutmeg. This quantity is for a pint basin, and will take one hour to boil.


Three table-spoonfuls of flour, two eggs, and about a tea-cupful of currants; beat up well with a pint of milk, and bake in a slow oven.

Plain Batter Pudding, or with Fruit

Put six large spoonfuls of flour into a pan, and mix it with a quart of milk, till it is smooth. Beat up the yolks of six and the whites of three eggs, and put in; strain it through a sieve; then put in a tea-spoonful of salt, one of beaten ginger, and stir them well together. Dip your cloth in boiling water; flour it, and pour in your pudding; tie it rather close, and boil it an hour. When sent to table, pour melted butter over it. You may put in ripe currants, apricots, small plums, damsons, or white bullace, when in season; but with fruit it will require boiling half an hour longer.

Norfolk Batter Pudding

Yolks and whites of three eggs well beaten, three table-spoonfuls of flour, half a pint of milk, and a small quantity of salt; boil it half an hour.

Green Bean Pudding

Boil and blanch old beans; beat them in a mortar, with very little pepper and salt, some cream, and the yolk of an egg. A little spinach-juice will give a fine colour; but it is good without. Boil it for an hour in a basin that will just hold it, and pour over it parsley and butter. Serve bacon to eat with it.

Beef Steak Pudding

Cut rump-steaks, not too thick, into pieces about half the size of your hand, taking out all the skin and sinews. Add an onion cut fine, also potatoes (if liked,) peeled and cut in slices a quarter of an inch thick; season with pepper and salt. Lay a layer of steaks, and then one of potatoes, proceeding thus till full, occasionally throwing in part of the onion. Add half a gill of water or veal broth. Boil it two hours. You may put in, if you please, half a gill of mushroom ketchup, and a table-spoonful of lemon-pickle.

Bread Pudding

Cut off all the crust from a twopenny loaf; slice it thin in a quart of milk; set it over a chaffing-dish of charcoal, till the bread has completely soaked up the milk; then put in a piece of butter; stir it well round, and let it stand till cold. Take the yolks of seven eggs and the whites of five, and beat them up with a quarter of a pound of sugar, with some nutmeg, cinnamon, mace, cloves, and lemon-peel, finely pounded. Mix these well together, and boil it one hour. Prepare a sauce of white wine, butter, and sugar; pour it over, and serve up hot.

Another way

Boil together half a pint of milk, a quarter of a pound of butter, and the same of sugar, and pour it over a quarter of a pound of crumb of bread. Beat up the yolks of four eggs and two whites; mix all well together; put the pudding in tea-cups, and bake in a moderate oven about an hour. Serve in wine sauce.

The above quantity makes five puddings.

Rich Bread Pudding

Cut the inside of a rather stale twopenny loaf as fine as possible; pour over it boiled milk sufficient to allow of its being beaten, while warm, to the thickness of cream; put in a small piece of butter while hot; beat into it four almond macaroons; sweeten it to your taste. Beat four eggs, leaving out two whites; and boil it three quarters of an hour.

Bread and Butter Pudding

Cut a penny loaf or French roll into thin slices of bread and butter, as for tea; butter the bottom of the dish, and cover it with slices of bread and butter; sprinkle on them a few currants, well washed and picked; then lay another layer of bread and butter; then again sprinkle a few currants, and so on till you have put in all the bread and butter. Beat up three eggs with a pint of milk, a little salt, grated nutmeg, or ginger, and a few bitter almonds, and pour it on the bread and butter. Put a puff paste round the dish, and bake it half an hour.

Raisin Bread Pudding

Boil your bread pudding in a basin; put the stoned raisins in a circle at the top, and from it stripes down, when ready to serve up.

Buttermilk Pudding

Take three quarts of new milk; boil and turn it with a quart of buttermilk: drain the whey from the curd through a hair sieve. When it is well drained, pound it in a marble mortar very fine; then put to it half a pound of fine beaten and sifted sugar. Boil the rind of two lemons very tender; mince it fine; add the inside of a roll grated, a large tea-cupful of cream, a few almonds, pounded fine, with a noggin of white wine, a little brandy, and a quarter of a pound of melted butter. The boats or cups you bake in must be all buttered. Turn the puddings out when they are baked, and serve them with a sauce of sack, butter, and sugar.

Carrot Pudding

Take two or three large carrots, and half boil them; grate the crumb of a penny loaf and the red part of the carrots; boil as much cream as will make the bread of a proper thickness; when cold, add the carrots, the yolks of four eggs, beat well, a little nutmeg, a glass of white wine, and sugar to your taste. Butter the dish well, and lay a little paste round the edge. Half an hour will bake it.

Another way

Take raw carrots, scraped very clean, and grate them. To half a pound of grated carrot put a pound of grated bread. Beat up eight eggs, leaving out the whites; mix the eggs with half a pint of cream, and then stir in the bread and carrots, with half a pound of fresh butter melted.

Charlotte Pudding

Cut as many thin slices of white bread as will cover the bottom and line the sides of a baking-dish, having first rubbed it thick with butter; put apples in thin slices into the dish in layers till full, strewing sugar and bits of butter between. In the mean time, soak as many thin slices of bread as will cover the whole in warm milk, over which lay a plate and a weight to keep the bread close on the apples. Bake slowly three hours. To a middling-sized dish put half a pound of butter in the whole.

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