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Chapter 5. Adventures of Petya and Kum


“Yes, my friend, unknown mushrooms should not be eaten, – sentenced the nurse, laying sleeping Alexandra on a gurney – and where now? Pretty, but the sapiens probably euthanize her…”

“In what sense euthanize? Are they going to kill her?”

“Most mercifully, Peter is to put your wife to sleep. This is better than she will be tormented with her sickness, for the rest of her life. And also she will torment all the surrounding sapiens with her thoughts. We, homos, can live peacefully next to an unfortunate person, but the sapiens cannot! That’s it, my friend!

“And what about me?”

“What about you? What are you worried about? You, as a healthy homo, can take a new wife, maybe you can also have children…”

“With a guilty conscience! That I could not save my beloved?”

“What do you want? You had to think first when you put your ship on an unknown planet, where anything could happen to your wife and child! So it happened!”

“But I cannot live without her!”

“Yes, my friend, this is serious … What should we to do with you? Maybe you should be put to sleep, too?”

“It’s better that way.”

“Hmm, there is another option, but you will not like it…”

“Anything just to keep Alexandra alive!”

“Okay, we can send you and your wife to the homos, who are fighting the savages. We are sending there completely hopeless one, from whom there is no use. We will sterilize all women there, since children in war are only a hindrance. But women are also needed there, and don’t think that any marriage laws are being followed. The right of the strong reigns there, and it’s not the fact that your wife will be yours there too.”

“What war? Are the aliens still fighting the savages?”

“No, of course, you misunderstood.” Homos are at war, and aliens are filming an emovideo film about all the vicissitudes of the wild life on a primitive planet. They get crazy money for such shots there!”

“Well, they are bastards, but I agree!”

“This is because you were not sensitized like sapiens, otherwise you would only glorify the wisdom of higher teachers!”

“But I have one more thing – I brought a plant from the Dark. It would be for scientists to study, so that our expedition would not be in vain!”

“This is interesting, I will give it! Let them study!”


I listened to this conversation very carefully in order to understand how I should behave then. But, perhaps, nothing should be done yet.

Two people came, carefully dug me up, carried me somewhere. Around are the walls, the ceiling, but light … They planted in the ground, watered. Great!

One tore off my leaf and carried it away. Well, the leaf is not a pity. I follow his thoughts from afar…

“Look, what an unusual leave.”

“Usual, green…”

“No, no, look in the microscope. It has entirely unusual structure. Tomorrow I will take the whole plant and see the sections of the trunk. There, I’m sure that everything is also different…”

I did not like that at all. I did not want to participate in the study of my own slices. Carefully I took the roots out of the ground, transformed them into a kind of legs, and moved along the walls in search of a way out. I found a way out soon, but the door was locked. It’s now, recalling everything that happened, I easily write words such as “walls”, “door”… Then I didn’t know these words yet, which didn’t stop me from understanding what this or that thing was adapted for. I examined the door, spotted a thin gap from below. Well, try to become more flat. I lay down and began to flatten myself… I did it, crawled under the door and moved on. Everywhere is a solid stone, no land, no water! Everything is dead all around! Where should I go? Have I really hit a stone planet where it’s impossible to survive for someone like me? Who to seek help from? The only creature I knew that was good to me was Petya, but he never heard my thoughts. I’ll try anyway … Asleep! Maybe even in a dream he will hear me? “You are dreaming about me! I feel bad! Come and save me! “And my image in the form of a sprout familiar to him…

I did it! Petya, not waking up, got up and went to my mental call. I didn’t know that people can walk in a dream. So, without waking up, he came up to me and carried me to his tent.

Not waking up, he wrapped me in cloth and put it in his bag. It was dark and narrow, I would tolerate this, if only to get rid of the study of my slices…

In the morning, Peter and sleeping Alexandra were immersed in an aircraft together with others. And so we fly, fly into the unknown.

The main thing is that we fly the right direction and the one that is destined for me is getting closer and closer! Good luck has not left me!


Arrived. Put into the line, roll call. Alexandra has not woken up yet, I’m swinging her on a cart to a row of one-story gray houses. While they regretted me, they settled me with his sick wife in the same room. The others were taken to a long common hut. However, I think this is not for long. When the wife recovers, the room will be given to other patients, and we will be sent to a common house…

Unpacking stuffs, I discovered a sprout from the Dark. That is strange! And when did I put it in the bag? Most importantly, I even seem to remember a little how I wrapped it in my old shirt… But when? I don’t understand anything at all! What should I do with it? At least in the forest, to the edge. There, no one will pay attention to it. The plant is not to blame for the fact that we drag it back and forth.

By night Alexandra woke up. I fed her what was given to us in the evening, and explained that we should go to plant our sprout. I try not to let her say a word, I’m saying and saying everything myself. I tell her what happened while she was sleeping. I took the knife and gave her a plant to carry. If only she was busy with business, and not with her memories!

Where should we go? Around the camp, spotlights burn – there are probably sentries. Is that between the houses to plant, among the small bushes? So we did, I dug a hole, my wife hold it, while I covered it with the ground. Then we brought some water in several cups, watered it. The ground is damp, it seems that it rains here sometimes… Our fellow traveler will not die here.

And we have new worries, and alas, sad ones. In the morning they took my wife for the surgery. They told me that women should not have children here; it turned out to be the truth. While escorting and supporting her, my alien plant disappeared somewhere. So there are sheer disappointments. And tomorrow, all the men are sent to another war. Everyone was given wooden batons, helmets and wadded jackets.


I was lucky … I ended up in a real paradise, such as my mother told me about in childhood. But all in good time. Immediately, as Petya and Alexandra went away from me, I took out the roots from the dirt where they put me, and moved quietly in some direction. I didn’t care in which one, if only to find a place where I could live unnoticed. Soon I approached a multitude of trees, but not like the ones on that planet, but alive, real, full of their thoughts. The trees that greeted me as one of them. Of course, these were trees that had not yet realized their essence – grown up trees-children. They thought only of the simplest, they had no idea how to walk, how I walk. But they were my brothers in spirit, and immediately I felt good with them! Down in the ravine a brook gurgled, on the shore, in a free clearing, I took root. Fragrant moisture flew down my roots! Around me is tall grass, which can be dangerous to those who have just pecked from a seed. For me, the grass is not scary…

The sun has risen! Life shone around with all its colors, it sounded and sang. Many creatures flew and sang around me. Some of them were significantly smaller than me, some of them were much more. Small creatures sang in thin voices, those that were bigger and sang for real. I never dreamed of ever seeing such beauty. Here is one of them sat right on my branch and began to sing. I stood motionless, afraid to frighten off a miracle. How happy should be all thinking beings, possessing such a beautiful planet!

I decided that I should learn everything about the life of such wonderful creatures. In the end, I am free to choose the shape of my body, why do not I become like an ordinary thinking being of this planet. The only problem is the size. I should be the size of an adult, not a child. And this problem is solvable, in a year I can quite gain the necessary weight.

Chapter 6. Legends of Golden age

“… And it was in those distant times when the magic flying Fox ruled the Earth. And all-all, even aliens, had to obey him. Then people lived happily, and aliens fulfilled all their desires! So it was, my children!”

“Grandfather, well, this cannot be! – Rin wedged into the conversation, while Terra and Bess were fascinated by grandfather’s tales about bygone times. “I will never believe that aliens could fulfill our desires!”

“Here from those times and we have remained unbreakable solar generators that are on the roof of almost all of our huts.”

“I heard, and now you can get such a generator from aliens.”

“Do you know the price?”

“Does it matter how expensive it is? It is almost eternal.”

“Price: one generator – one person.”

“Why do they need a man, after all, they don’t eat him!”

“And they turn this person with their magic into an alien.” It seems that man remains the same, but does not remember anything about himself the same, but he immediately understands all the alien things … So it becomes one of them! They say all the aliens appeared that way.

“Yes, grandfather, all this is so unusual and strange … How would I check if this is true?”

“How do you check? After all, these are all things of old days, which aliens do know, but they are unlikely to tell you everything.”

“And here you can check,” Bess interposed into the conversation. “Dumb lived in those days, and he knows everything.”

“But Dumb doesn’t talk!”

“He doesn’t speak with you, but maybe he will tell me!”

“Let’s try! If this is true, then you need to invite the elders of the village, and indeed everyone who wants to listen to the bygone times.”

“Let’s go! – Bess first got up and went outside.

Mentally she already called out Dumb and asked permission to invite the whole village to his hedge to talk. Dumb agreed and went beyond the threshold to the bench. He was strict, pulled up with a wide belt, his suit made of canvas with many pockets resembled the ancient costumes of warriors of previous centuries, and perhaps it was just such a suit. As always, Mute was silent, but his eyes were fixed on Bess. Behind the fence, curious people began to gather, and young people and old people came…

“I can answer through this thinking one you call Bess,” said Bess, and added: “These words have been conveyed to me by Dumb. You can ask him questions, I will give answers.”

“But he himself can’t?” – the question came from the crowd.

“He cannot. It is forbidden to him!”

“Okay, let him tell us about the times of the magic flying Fox.” What is true in these legends and what is not? Rin asked. —“Is it true that then was the Golden Age of mankind and the aliens were in our service?”

“This is a long story. Much of what is being said is true, but it is not quite so. Yes, there was a time when the ruler of the Earth was the magical Fox, but in fact – Leva, nicknamed the Little Fox, who spent his childhood in a fox hole and was raised by foxes. At first, the Little Fox did not know how to speak, he only mastered mental speech, and sometimes his abilities increased many times – to such a level that he could perceive the thoughts of other thinking creatures, both on our planet and from other planets. His teacher was mother Rose, who was actually Raegle from the planet of Dhana.”

She taught him all sorts of alien things like flying over the earth and turning into a fox. Then there was a time when the Earth received its status in the GAIC (The Galactic Association of Intelligent Civilizations) and chose its ruler. So, Rose was then a representative of all mankind, and it was she who talked with representatives of the GAIC, and Levushka the Little Fox was with her even at that moment significant for the Earth. Everyone thought that it was Rose who was appointed the official ruler of the Earth, especially since it was she who began to rule after that. Then it turned out that Levushka the Little Fox was declared the ruler, since it was he who was able to mentally speak with everyone – both neighbors and distant civilizations, but he transferred his responsibilities to his adoptive mother Rose because of his young age.

“But legends say that it was he who ruled the whole Earth?” surprised Rin.

“Unfortunately, Rose died tragically. I still regret that I did not save her, although I had such an opportunity. At that time, I worked for aliens and should not have helped her. After her death, the aliens were supposed to take control over the Earth, but it turned out differently – the power was in the hands of Levushka the Little Fox. He could have disposed of it wisely, for example, by ordering me to become his adviser and help in the fight against aliens, but he gave me the order to be silent, not to speak with people even mentally and not to leave anywhere from this small section where I have been living since almost a thousand years.

“But how are you talking to us now?” – a voice was heard from the crowd.

“You can talk with Bess, she is special and thinks differently from the rest, the ban does not apply to her. More precisely, I cannot explain to you.”

“What happened next?”

“Fox did not know how to rule, power passed to the emperor of the country Khem – Van Jen, who, however, loved Fox for helping him to overthrow the former cruel sorcerer-emperor. Van Jen often invited Fox to visit him, so that he would show the people his tricks for turning into a flying fox. In those days, Van Jen often sent rich gifts to Fox and his family, so the village where he lived was really prosperous. And Fox lived right here, in that house. Naturally, your legends describe the times of the magic fox as the Golden Age of humanity. The reality, alas, was different. The Khem Empire depended greatly on alien technology, as it happened in the days of the former emperor. Gradually, aliens seized power over the entire empire, and after the death of Fox and Van Jen, the rulers of the Earth were always elected among Khems, loyal to aliens. So to this time, aliens dominate the Earth.”

“And how did Fox live, did he have a wife, children? Was he happy?” – That was Terra’s question.

“Fox had a wife Raisa and two children: the eldest son George and daughter Valya. His wife was ill and died early, so that he raised children himself. The son inherited great telepathic abilities from him, while his daughter did not have any abilities. She early married a simple soldier who guarded the village from evil people. The son did not marry and lived with his father until his death. After the death of Fox, George left people and went in the wild forests, and his further fate is unknown.”

“What happened to Valya’s children?”

“Just usual things. Lived, married, gave birth to children. Many of you are her descendants, and at least Rin is one of them. Many Valya’s descendants had great telepathy abilities. I secretly covered some of them so that they would not be taken away by aliens, some of them I saved this way, some could not be saved. Now I’m on your side. The orders of Fox broke my previous connection with aliens, and subsequent rulers of the Earth did not care to restore it. And now the only one chance to defeat aliens is to choose the ruler of the Earth from your own people. Then this ruler can remove the Fox’s spell from me and order me to help him in the fight against aliens. But this fight will be very difficult!”

“What should we do?” asked one of the elders.

“You need to choose someone with the greatest telepathic abilities and provide him with the support of all thinking ones that you can find on Earth. The strongest on the planet now is Bess. Although there is another thinking one with similar abilities, but he was not born on Earth, and therefore is not suitable for rulers. Then it is necessary to telepathically contact the leadership of the GAIC and demand the appointment of a new ruler of the Earth. It is more convenient to do this in the thousandth year of the aew, when the ruler should be re-elected anyway. So your time is short, only one year.”

“But how is this possible? We can’t fly like aliens through the sky and visit the remote villages of the wild.”

“There is a little hope for people now. In one empire of Khem, which is under the complete control of aliens, there are now more people than on the rest of the Earth. But not only people think. You have legends about the flying ‘little folk.’ They can also be persuaded to join an alliance against aliens. If Bess tries, she can also find many other thinkers, sometimes completely unlike humans, but nevertheless born on Earth, and therefore having the same rights, to choose a ruler. If they recognize Bess, that will be enough.”

“Are ordinary trees considered to be thinking?” Asked Terra. “For example, my sister and I greeted them all the time, and they answered us.”

“No, nothing will come with trees. They will not be able to understand what we want from them, nor what aliens are, nor what the ruler of the Earth is. And without understanding, their consent means nothing.”

“Is it true,” Rin asked, “that for every alien generator they take a man and turn him into an alien?”

“Partially true. They don’t turn him, but send it to a device for exchanging souls. The human body receives the soul of an alien from a distant star system, and the human soul flies to those distant lands and since then lives on a foreign planet.”


At night, the air is clear and the stars hang very low above the head. But now the sky begins to brighten, and small droplets of precious moisture rise as the mist from the river, covering me from all sides. I swim in this fog, I drink it with all my pores. The first ray of the sun breaks out from behind the trees, the fog, thinning, rises higher, disappearing into the blue of the sky. The first tail splash is a fish in the water, the first slap to the shore is a frog. She warms her green back, preparing for the morning concert. The translucent bubbles behind her ears puffed out, and the first “cua-cheche-cheche-cheche” spread over the river.

During the night in the sand by the river, a track of dug sand appeared again, as if someone was making his way directly beneath its surface. This time I decided to find out everything thoroughly. I came closer and felt with a thin root the course of an unknown creature. According to the stroke width, it was no more than a centimeter in thickness. Continued the study – the course goes along the river, then turns onto a grassy slope. Lengthened the spine, here the course went steeply down. You’ll have to dig a bit to see this mysterious night visitor… Oh – I had to dig a hole half a meter deep among the plexus of roots. But I found him, no matter how he tried to get away from me. Amazing creature! A soft satin abdomen with two tails on the end, and a chest protected by chitin armor in front, a small head with antennae and large serrated paws with a turn outward. Perfect for digging. Release the creature onto the sand of the beach. Now it runs along the water, turned a little higher, groped a hole with its antennae and began to dig. A minute – and it disappeared from sight, only the soil is cracking from above, showing the direction of travel. But then the cracks disappeared, the creature went digging deeper. So I met another miracle on this amazing planet.

“Look! Look! This is it! The same as in the legends!” the mental voices of unknown creatures came very close. Looking closer, I seem to have seen or felt. They were here, and like not here. Quite transparent, but still quite real.

“It sees us! It hears us! It will play with us!” Squealed thin voices.

“Who are you?”

“It can talk! We are what we are, we do not call ourselves! We exist, and we play. People call us elves, forest spirits, little people. But people are all deaf and heavy, how can we play with them? It used to be, during the time of the magic Fox, there were light people who played and lived with us. And now there are no such…”

“How do you fly? I don’t even see wings like other flying creatures have.”

“We do not need wings! After all, we live on a magical planet. Here everything happens at will, just ask, and you will be lighter than fluffs. Our planet is so kind! Try it yourself!”

I did not understand how this is possible. I expanded my thoughts so that they cover the entire planet as a whole, with all its creatures – large and small. The many-voiced chorus of other people’s thoughts seemed to tear me apart. But then I felt some kind of melody in this choir, like an unknown conductor managing it. I was delighted with his art!

“Yes! Yes! It’s like that!” Squeaked voices nearby. “Now just ask.”

“How?” And then I felt an amazing ease. Only the roots kept me in place, and I took them out. My body easily soared into the air and flew after a light breeze.

“You did it! You did it!” Squealed the voices around me. “Now fly with us!”

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