Читать книгу: «Raging Hearts», страница 5


"She is yours, you say?” Kyou’s tone was almost bored. "She is pure and has no mate. She is not yours." The wind began to blow through the clearing and Kyou vanished with it, leaving Toya standing there with a sinking feeling as he watched one of Kyou’s golden feathers land in the statues outstretched hands then vanish.

Toya leaned back against the side of the maiden statue and slowly slid down it until he was sitting… waiting. Minutes turned into hours and Toya blinked up at the sky. When had the sun gone down? He knew that the others were on their way. He could smell their scent coming in on the breeze. He just stayed there, waiting for them to show themselves.

Suki nudged Shinbe forward into the clearing whispering, “Go talk to him Shinbe. Maybe it will help. We’ll go down a ways and make camp, okay?" She gave him another nudge forward.

Shinbe knew Toya was probably not in a good mood. He never was when Kyoko went back to her own time but he would do anything for Kyoko and Suki. Right now, one of them wanted him to find out what happen and see if he could say anything that would help. Taking a deep breath, he approached quietly, secretly hoping Toya was asleep.

"What do you want Shinbe?” Toya said, startling the amethyst guardian.

Shinbe made his way to Toya and sat down beside him. "So, she still mad?"

Toya slowly looked over at Shinbe. "What gave you that idea?"

Shinbe pointed with his staff to the Toya shaped hole in the ground. "Well, that’s a new one, isn’t it?” he couldn’t help but smile at his own joke. Toya glared over at him and his sibling quit smirking. Shinbe sighed. "Did you get to talk to her at all?"

Toya shrugged. "She wouldn’t let me say anything. She was too mad to listen. Now she’s gone back and I have a bad feeling. We need her here." In his mind he silently added, ‘I need her here.’

Shinbe nodded. "Maybe it would help if you just went to check on her. After all, you are the only one of us who can do it. And next time, don’t try to explain things. Just say you’re sorry, okay?" he stood up and walked away a couple of steps before stopping and adding. "If she does give you a chance to explain, make sure you tell her that you love her. After all… she’s not a mind reader.”

Toya waited until Shinbe was well out of sight before standing up and heaving a sigh to steady his nerves. Looking down into the face of the maiden statue, he secretly wondered if Kyoko’s look-alike from the past was as hard to handle as her descendant. In order to find that secret out he’d have to ask Hyakuhei and that was out.

Reaching for the maiden’s hands, he disappeared into the engulfing blue light. Jumping through the time barrier always gave him the willies. It reminded him of drowning… but without the water.

The other guardians often griped about him being the only one who could do it but Toya had come to his own conclusion on that… the Taming spell. Fair was fair. He was the only one Kyoko could use the spell on, so he was the only one who could chase her down in her world and drag her back.

‘What am I doing? She’s just going to use that damn spell if she catches me following her,’ Toya climbed up the small flight of stairs and out of the shrine house that set in Kyoko’s back yard. He’d never been very good at listening to that little voice in his head so why start now. The night was calm and cool, helping steady him for the confrontation.

Looking up at Kyoko’s house and seeing none of the normal lights on, he decided to walk around her house until he saw her bedroom window. This wasn’t the first time he’d chosen this entrance. Besides, it would just be his luck to run into that freak of a grandfather she had.

Swiftly climbing the tree outside Kyoko’s bedroom, Toya smiled when he noted the window was cracked and her light was out. He put his hands on the window and quietly opened it the rest of the way, cringing when it gave a slight creaking sound.

Climbing into her room, Toya crept over to her bed. She was half covered, with her small hand curled under her chin, lying on her side with her auburn hair fanned out around her on the white pillow. He slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned over her, watching her breathe.

He loved to watch her sleep. Being a guardian, he didn’t sleep as much as a human so he had many opportunities to just sit and watch her without her knowing. Toya’s thoughts drifted back to the kiss… both kisses.

The way he saw it, he’d still been himself, even when his demonic side took over… both sides were a part of him. And although she was under that love spell… it was still her. Besides… it was just a kiss. His golden eyes sparkled with silver at the memory of the passionate kiss, making him flinch as the hunger slammed back into him.

Did she not understand that he could never turn her down, not when it came to her wanting a kiss from him? What actually saddened him was that neither kiss had been real. He growled inwardly trying to chase that fact away. For him, it had been real.

When the first streaks of dawn came, Toya climbed back out the window and sat on a limb of the tree… waiting.

Kyoko woke up stretching and opened her eyes. She instantly felt that something wasn’t right. Sitting up and looking around her room she frowned feeling the hot spot under her hand. She instantly noticed the imprint where someone had been there… beside her. She couldn’t help the small smile that graced her lips. Toya had been there with her.

Chapter 5 "Uninvited"

Kyoko hurriedly dressed for school. Since she was back, she was definitely going today. She’d already missed so much and besides that, she missed her friends from this world. Brushing her auburn hair until it shown, Kyoko promised herself that she wouldn’t think about what happen in the other world and just enjoy today for what it was… normal. Dropping the brush back to the vanity, she went downstairs, coming into the dining room.

Grandpa looked up in surprise, "Kyoko, your home? Are you going to school today? I already thought of a good excuse if you need it." He grinned at her.

The family had gotten used to the fact that Kyoko was the priestess their ancestors had written about so long ago. The maiden shrine behind the house had belonged to their family as far back as they could trace it and they kept the secret safe.

Kyoko groaned. "Thanks grandpa, but I want to go so just save it for next time okay?" She knew her grandpa was only trying to help but some of the illnesses he came up with to fool her school and friends were really stretching it.

Tama smirked knowing their grandfather often made it hard for Kyoko to even show her face at school, especially after saying she had some unknown disease that was contagious. Tama coughed into his hand to hide his laugh then grabbed a piece of toast from the plate and headed out the door.

“I guess you’ll just have to save the idea of her being pregnant for next time grandpa.” His knees almost buckled at the look on both Kyoko’s and his grandfather’s face. Quickly changing the subject, Tama started backing out of the room. “Sis, you might want to hurry if you don’t want to be late again." He waved to her as he ran out.

After spending a few minutes catching up, Kyoko kissed her mother’s cheek then headed out the door. The day was already perfect, not too cold or hot as she slowly made her way up the road toward the school. The breeze felt good on her face and it was a nice break to not have to keep alert incase demons were lurking just around the corner.

This was one of the reasons she always went back into the time portal. In order to keep this world safe and free of demons, she had to find the rest of the crystal and bring it back to this side of the time portal before all hell broke loose… literally.

She hadn’t gotten very far up the street when her friends came into view. They stopped walking, waiting for her to join them. Kyoko quicken her pace to catch up to them smiling. Being normal had never felt so good.

Toya watched Kyoko leave her house and out of curiosity, he’d followed her, intending to leave once he knew she was safely at school. He watched as several girls waved to her and she caught up to them, seeming to be all talking at once. Toya wove through the trees unnoticed so he could hear what they were saying.

One of the girls told Kyoko that somebody had been asking about her. Toya’s head snapped around when he heard a guy call Kyoko's name and run to catch up with them. Toya tensed up when the guy held his hands out to Kyoko. She smiled at him, nodding, then she laid her books in his out stretched arms.

"Thank you Tasuki.” Kyoko blushed. He always wanted to carry her books as if they were too heavy for her and after turning him down so many times in the past, she’d finally given in, realizing he was only going to keep asking until he got his way. He was very persistent but not pushy and she liked that about him.

Toya watched Tasuki with cold, piercing eyes. He didn’t like the fact that the boy was walking so close to Kyoko or the way he looked at her. He could tell Tasuki wanted her and it pissed him off even more when Kyoko smiled back at him like they were more than just friends. The other girls had walked on ahead, leaving Tasuki and Kyoko to walk in private. Toya stalked them closer, trying to hear what was being said. Using his guardian hearing, he caught every word.

Tasuki gazed down at Kyoko as they walked. She was the most beautiful girl he’d ever met and he’d had a crush on her since the first day they’d met. That’d been first grade but he had made up his mind even then. He only hoped one day she would feel the same way about him. He knew she wasn’t sick like her family always made the school think but he didn’t let in on that fact.

“Kyoko, want to go out this evening? I mean…” Tasuki switched the books from one arm to the other in a nervous gesture. “I hardly ever get to see you anymore." His soft eyes met hers in a hopeful stare.

Kyoko wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to just run off on a date with all that’d been going on lately in the other world. Still… at least he was normal and from her world. He looked so cute staring at her with hopeful eyes. How could she say no to him? "Alright, can you meet me at my house this evening around seven?" She gave him a winning smile.

Tasuki beamed at finally getting his way. “It would be my pleasure.” He innocently took her hand as they walked a little faster to catch up with the others.

Toya was seething with anger after hearing that guy ask Kyoko out and hearing her say yes. His eyes burned a hole in the boy’s back as they disappeared up the road. “She will not go out with him, not now and not ever." He growled. ‘Not if I have anything to do with it.’


Kyoko had made it through the day of school without messing up to much. She even made a good grade on her math test, which was great, since she hardly had time to study. Switching back and forth between worlds like she did, it was a wonder they hadn’t kicked her out of school already. It was a nice feeling for her biggest problem to be about what she was going to wear and where Tasuki was going to take her. It beat the hell out of worrying about fighting demons.

She entered her house still lost in thought, waving at her mother and grandpa as she passed by the kitchen heading for her room. Glancing in the mirror, she shook her head at the school uniform she was wearing and opened her closet door to look at the clothes she had hanging up. Kyoko shrugged out of her shirt, ready to try on a couple outfits to see which would look best.

Just as she was reaching out to grab a pretty pink shirt she heard a noise. Closing the closet door some so she could look toward the window where the noise had come from, Kyoko gasped and held the shirt to her chest.

Toya was standing there, right in front of the window. He was just standing there with his arms folded in his normal agitated stance but his eyes were steady… too steady.

Toya finally broke the silence. "Kyoko, we need to go." He took a step forward and reached his hand out to her but she withdrew a step shaking her head.

"No, I’m not ready to go back yet. And you need to get out of my room, Toya." She clutched the shirt to her breast, feeling heat rush into her cheeks. After all that had happened lately, feeling exposed was the last thing she needed right now.

Toya let his hand drop back to his side. "Why can’t you just come back now? Everyone’s waiting on you." He asked the question in a calm voice but Kyoko got the feeling there was an underlying meaning in it.

"I want to stay here for another day," She said as she looked away unable to meet his eyes. She gasped when Toya was suddenly inches from her.

"What plans do you have that are more important than finding the talismans, putting them back together, and keeping Hyakuhei from bringing demons here?" He asked as he stalked even closer, making her back up again.

His eyes held a dangerous expression but Kyoko could also detect something else hidden there. He was too close… bigger than life. Her gaze dipped down to his lips only to come back up to the silver sparks that now shattered within his golden irises. Was it her imagination or was he getting closer? Oh no! She was not about to let him make a fool out of her again.

"Toya, get out!” Kyoko's voice began to rise and Toya's eyes began to narrow. "Get out right now and don’t come back unless invited!” She yelled as she pointed to the window.

Toya advanced on her as Kyoko backed up, this time against the wall. "Why can’t you tell me why you’re not willing to come back right now, Kyoko? What’s so important that you’re willing to forsake everyone?"

Kyoko stared into his golden eyes, their faces now only a breath away from each other. He planted a palm against the wall to trap her as he leaned forward. Kyoko bit her bottom lip. What was going on here? Toya had never acted like this before. Just then she caught him looking down at her lips with a determined gaze and she suddenly forgot how to breathe.

He didn’t want her to stay on this side of the heart of time. He wanted her to pick him over that stupid Tasuki guy but so far, she wasn’t willing to do it. He backed her up to the wall, making it to where she couldn’t avoid him. It was plain and simple… He didn’t want her going out with Tasuki. His gaze dropped to her lips, remembering the kiss she’d given him while under the spell. He wondered if she’d kiss him like that without the pull of a spell.

Without any thought to the consequences, Toya dipped his head and captured her lips in a hungry kiss, trying to show her he didn’t want her to stay here, but to come back with him. Since he couldn’t seem to tell her with words, he pressed his body against hers making her gasp.

Toya took the chance and deepened the already demanding kiss, tasting the sweetness he knew was there. His body felt like it was on fire as he sought out every hidden spot he could find. The sudden need to drive himself into her surfaced within his guardian blood, trying to take over his mind. Pressing his thigh between her legs, his body rocked with the kiss, setting a rhythm that was taking his breath away.

Sensations jolted throughout Kyoko’s body and she knew she had to stop this… right now, or things would go too far. She pushed with all her might against his chest hoping he wouldn’t fight her this time.

Releasing her with a growl, Toya stepped back, breathing hard and struggling with his loss of control. "Kyoko, I just want you to come back with me.” His softly spoken words were filled with the pain of rejection. His bangs had fallen down boyishly in front of his eyes, hiding all emotion from her.

She slipped behind the door of her closet and grabbed a shirt, putting it on quickly. When she stepped back out, Toya had vanished. Kyoko sighed then jumped when she heard her mother knock on her bedroom door.

"Kyoko, Tasuki’s here. I told him to wait, that you’d be down in a moment, okay?" Her mother's soft voice reached her. Kyoko took one last look at the window then back at the mirror. Reaching up, she touched her fingers to her lips still feeling the tingling from such a heated kiss. With a defeated sigh, she closed the closet door and went downstairs. Not finding Tasuki in the house, she walked to the door and found him standing outside.

Toya watched Tasuki and Kyoko greet each other. Still in the tree, he reached over… grabbed a good size twig and threw it at Tasuki, hitting him in the back of the head.

“Ouch,” Tasuki jerked then touched the back of his head, looking around in confusion. Not finding any more flying objects, he glanced back at Kyoko. "Are you ready? I thought we would catch a movie then get something to eat."

Kyoko nodded and took his hand, leading him away from the house before Toya decided to throw something that might actually hurt her friend.


Later that evening, Tasuki walked Kyoko home. They were laughing and having a great time when they made it to her front door. "Tasuki, I can’t thank you enough. I had a wonderful time today." She smiled up at him, seeing how happy he was. She had really enjoyed herself.

Tasuki stepped closer to her, closing the distance until they were nearly touching with each breath. "Kyoko, may I kiss you goodnight?" He asked in a soft voice somehow knowing she was going to disappear again.

Kyoko glanced around warily, hoping no one was watching. She nodded to Tasuki thinking to herself, ‘why not… everyone else has kissed me, why not let Tasuki since he was the sweetest one of them all.’

She raised her face to him and closed her eyes waiting. Feeling his lips glide across her cheek in an innocent kiss she quickly opened her eyes to see him blushing as he thanked her and turned to leave. Kyoko stood there thinking how funny things work out. The one person she gave permission to kiss her didn’t even give her a real kiss. She giggled to herself as she turned to go back into the house.

She felt better about everything that’d happen in the last two days. She even felt like she could face the group again, so she started packing a bag to take back with her. She had promised Suki that she would bring some goodies back to them.

Besides, Toya was right. She shouldn’t be so selfish as to make them all wait for her. She stuffed in as much as the bag could carry and wrote a note telling her family she had gone back to the other world and would return as soon as she could. They would understand… they always did.


After kissing Kyoko, Toya had gone back to the camp where the others were waiting, deciding he wasn’t going to worry anymore. He wasn’t going to let it bother him that she was out with that Tasuki person. He could care less. He paced angrily back and forth beside the fire they’d built for the night.

Kamui eyed Toya warily, still rubbing his head where Toya had hit him only moments ago. All he’d done was ask if Kyoko was all right… Toya didn’t have to hit him. Suki looked over at Shinbe and shrugged as Shinbe somehow got up the nerve to ask. "Toya, did she happen to say when she was coming back?"

Toya turned and narrowed his eyes at Shinbe. "How the hell should I know? She’s not exactly talking to me right now and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care what she does.” He continued pacing back and forth.

Shinbe grinned. "Yeah, we can tell you don’t care by the way you’re wearing a path through the camp with all your pacing.”

"Shut up," Was Toya’s response, knowing he wasn’t fooling anyone… not even himself. If he knew she wouldn’t reject him, he’d just tell her how he felt about her. Right now, what was really bothering him was the fact that he might lose her completely. That was scarier than anything else could ever be.

He stopped pacing seeing evidence of the path Shinbe had just pointed out and sighed. He’d never really said it out loud before or even in his mind but Kyoko was under his skin now and it was driving him crazy. Toya took off at a fast pace to check the shrine and see if she was back yet.


Kyoko came from the time portal so quickly that the heaviness of her backpack threw her off balance. Right before she fell, a hand reached out and steadied her. Kyoko blinked up at Kyou who stood there glowing in the moonlight, regal as any prince. Why did he keep showing up like this?

Taking a step back from him, she gulped nervously. "Kyou, what are you doing here?" This thing with people sneaking up on her was starting to get out of control.

Kyou watched the emotions flickering across her face seeing wonder and a trace of fear in her eyes. He knew she feared him and he didn’t mind as long as it was only a slight fear, for he would not hurt her. He would slowly show her that.

Without turning his head from her, he glanced from her to the maiden statue then back. “Why did you go home knowing the guardian heart crystal is still here?" His tone was soft.

Kyoko bit her lip. She really didn’t want anyone to know. "I… I was… embarrassed." For some reason, she just couldn’t lie to him while staring into those golden eyes.

"It is good that you do not lie to me, priestess." Kyou’s voice was almost seductive sounding and Kyoko felt like it was trying to draw her to him. How did he know she was thinking about lying to him? She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. "You should never feel the need to lie to me. After all, am I not one of your guardians?"

’There he goes again,’ she thought. ‘It’s like he’s reading my mind.’ Her eyes widened a little as she watched him. She tried not to think about it but the memory just popped in there. The kiss they’d shared while under the love spell. Kyoko couldn’t look away from his gaze as she remembered the way he tasted and the way he held her with his thigh between her legs.

She felt a jolt of heat go through her at the memory of it and blushed when her gaze lowered to his perfect lips. She gasped when he reached out and pulled her into his arms, slashing those magical lips across hers in a kiss that took her breath away. As soon as she started to respond to the kiss, he released her and she looked up to see his eyes darkening to a deep gold.

"Why are you doing this, Kyou?" She asked in a shaky voice. "You don’t even know me really, much less like me. You even tried to kill me when I first came here with the guardian heart crystal. You said I was nothing but a human and unworthy. So why are you doing this now?"

In an instant, Kyou had her, lifting her up to eye level. "If I wanted you dead… then you would be dead."

Kyoko could feel her heart thudding against her chest. She looked into his normally emotionless eyes and thought she saw a flicker of emotion but he quickly hid it.

Pulling her further into his arms Kyou chastised, "Don’t presume to know how I feel." He skimmed his lips across her cheek as he pulled her deeper within his thrall. He would fan the flames that were buried with her until she couldn’t take it anymore. "Soon you will see just how much a guardian can love."

With that, he took her lips in another kiss that set her soul on fire with want… or was it pure need? He released her lips and with one hand stroked her cheek with feather light touches.

Kyoko was stunned that such a powerful guardian lord, capable of killing so many could be so gentle. When had she started looking at Kyou in a different light? She glanced up at him questionably, wondering what had changed him.

"What is it you want from me, Kyou?" She asked in a whisper.

Threading his fingers through her hair, Kyou gripped a handful and placed his cheek next to hers, whispering in the shell of her ear. "Everything that is you I will have."

His breath was so hot against her skin and it felt so good. Kyoko closed her eyes and sighed.

A hint of a smile appeared to grace Kyou’s lips as he watched her close her eyes but his smile faded when he caught the scent that was coming closer. He sat her down on the edge of one of the surrounding stones. Without another word, Kyou left her sitting there in bewilderment knowing Toya would fine her while she craved him.

Kyoko was still in a daze when Toya stepped into the clearing. He gave a low growl as he watched a show of golden feathers rain down around her. Setting his sights only on her, he slowly approached. She looked like she was half asleep. Toya narrowed his eyes at the sky above him in warning. Kyou was playing a dangerous game here and he didn’t like it.

He knew Kyou was only taunting him by coming and going as he pleased. He understood why Kyou wasn’t threatened of him being around Kyoko. Tadamichi had tried to get Hyakuhei to share the priestess so long ago and Toya knew that was also Kyou’s reasoning, but he didn’t want to share Kyoko with him or anyone else. And he didn’t think that Kyoko would go for it either.

“I loved her first,” Toya confessed softly, knowing she was past hearing him at the moment. “Kyou and his damn enchantments.” He reached out to touch her cheek but before reaching its goal, his hand fisted and lowered.

Instead, he reached out for Kyoko's pack then helped her down from the rock. Taking her by the hand, he led her toward the camp without a word being spoken between them. Soon, Toya thought, very soon they would have to talk… and this time she would listen to every damn word.

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