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Kneeling, he touched her, checking for the life that would allow his heart to start beating again.

As soon as his finger touched her neck, his own heart kicked in time with hers and he breathed. Thank god… she was alive. A moment of déjà vu reflected in some unwanted memory and he quickly pushed it away suddenly afraid. Feeling others close by, he wasted no time in picking her up and getting her to safety. As he held her close to him, Toya used his unnatural speed to take them out of the darkness.


Kotaro held Yohji up against the brick wall while willing his blood lust to cool. Continuing his punishment was not worth it anymore, considering the boy had already passed out again. Dropping him none too gently on the ground, feeling a disturbance in the energy around him.

His head snapped to the side, his ice blue eyes narrowing.

Kyou watched as the wolf dropped the boy back to the ground without killing him. He immediately recognized the human as the one harassing Kyoko. Changing his opinion from a few moments before, his lips curved into a slight snarl. Had it been him holding the boy by his neck, the boy would not still be in one piece.

As if sensing him, the Lycan turned his head and locked his deadly gaze on him. Kyou could feel the immense power emanating from the wolf. He was displaying it in warning.

In the past, wolves and vampires had always avoided each other. Neither caring for the other, they chose to leave each other alone. Both were too closely matched in strength and neither cared for dominance over the other. They just existed together in the same world, keeping mostly to themselves and going about their own endless lives.

All of Kotaro's instincts came to life, seeing the vampire standing there in the shadows… watching him. He couldn’t see him clearly enough to make out any distinctive features but his instinct told him the bloodsucker was a threat. He still needed to release some of his own bloodlust and cracked his knuckles thinking it was maybe one of Hyakuhei’s underlings.

Just as he decided to turn and attack, the image grew stronger, then wavered and vanished. “Golden eyes?” Kotaro rose back up to his full height realizing he had almost attacked Kyou. “What’s he doing here?”

"Damn it!" Kotaro hissed and took off fearing Kyoko would not be where he left her. He had to get to her fast… there were bloodsuckers out tonight and she would not be one of their victims. And with Kyou around… there was no telling how dangerous things could really get.

Kyou reappeared facing the same brick wall where he had laid the girl. Seeing she was no longer there, his eyes bled crimson and an enraged growl ripped through the empty alley, echoing into the surrounding streets.


Suki and Shinbe met Kotaro at the door of the club. Grasping Shinbe by the shoulder, Kotaro asked urgently. "Is Kyoko still inside?" His inhuman senses had kicked into overdrive and his instincts were telling him that she was nowhere near.

Suki surged forward grabbing Kotaro's shirt and confirming his suspicions. "A man took her about ten minutes ago, you have to find her!" Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke to him. "We can't find her anywhere!"

Not quite ready to give Suki her freedom yet, Shinbe pulled back on her hand, slamming her into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her like a steel band. Looking at Kotaro he added. "Some ‘thing’ just carried her out of here."

Shinbe looked down at Suki's now trembling form and tried to soothe her. She'd never let him just do what he wanted without arguing. “I promise you, we will find her.” with his promise made, he glanced back up to speak to Kotaro once more but the security guard was already gone.

"Wh… Where did he go?" Shinbe stuttered looking around but not finding any trace of the security guard. Shaking his head, he sighed. He had seen enough weird shit for one night.

Coming out of her lost, hopeless state, Suki huffed in annoyance. "He better find Kyoko… or I'm having Kotaro kabobs for dinner…" Dragging Shinbe behind her as if they had suddenly changed roles she added, "My car, now, let's go!"

Shinbe glanced around the parking lot as if suddenly remembering something important. "Speaking of cars… Toya's is missing."

Chapter 6

Hyakuhei laid the young man he had chosen to become one of his children in a dark room above the sounds of the club. Brushing the soft brown hair from his closed eyes, he could still smell the scent of the girl as it lingered on the boy's skin. `Tasuki', he had heard the others call him.

"Well Tasuki, when you awake, you will have a most precious gift from me… the gift of eternal life." He gave a sympathetic smile, as if talking to a child. "But you will understand… that life is mine."

Hyakuhei's eyes flickered red as he felt one of his children call to him. He did not like being disturbed while awaiting an awakening but one of his favorites had asked for him. Knowing that the underling would never call to him unless it was important, he answered his request.

Taking one more look at the boy he had turned, Hyakuhei’s body shimmered and disappeared, leaving Tasuki alone within the confines of the locked room.


Yohji could feel the pricks of pain forcing him to consciousness. God, he hurt all over. He remembered slowly what had happened and why he now felt so bad. He had run into Kyoko and had decided to play with her, when that stupid security guard had showed up.

How could someone be that strong? When he had tried to fight back, he hadn't stood a chance in hell. It was as if he had tried to go against a pack of starving wolves and was now suffering severely for his efforts.

Finally daring to open his eyes, Yohji was startled to find a young boy standing there… watching him. He looked to be around 12 years old and would have been labeled albino, if his eyes hadn't been so black and empty.

Drawn by the smell of fresh blood, Yuuhi appeared beside the wounded boy. Watching him closely, he stood as still as a statue, touching him briefly with his aura, before nodding once. The boy had the taint of evil already within him, but there was a scent of purity that clung to his negative energy.

Those remnants of pure energy seemed to be alive with power that would not die. `Unexpected…'

As the injured boy's eyes opened, Yuuhi whispered softly, "Father, he has touched the pure one… her energy still lingers, attacking his…” the child’s fangs gleamed in the darkness in a mock smile. “Shall we keep him?"

Yohji's eyes narrowed at the little boy's strange words, then looked around for whoever the child was talking to, only to see a sinister looking man shrouded in black step from the shadows into the faint light of the alley. He was tall and power emitted from his form as if he were an avenging deity.

Yohji's fright-filled eyes widened, locking with eyes that were blood red and this time he definitely saw fangs. He pressed his abused body against the wall. He would never stand a chance if he tried to run in the state he was already in.

Hyakuhei looked down at the young man who had been harassing the girl he now deemed his. This lad had dared to touch her and now would pay for his insolence. He inhaled… smelling remnants of the wolf that had already beaten him severely and his midnight eyes narrowed into slits. Kotaro had been here!

How dare Kotaro interfere in this. Was he the reason the girl had disappeared suddenly without a trace? Hyakuhei growled at the very thought of the Lycan being so near the Guardian Heart Crystal and the girl once again. Just because the girl had chosen him did not truly make her his. It had never been up to the girl… had he not learned his lesson in the past?

He had thought he had killed the vile creature along with Toya ages ago for daring to stand against him and trying to protect the girl from his possession. ‘No matter,’ Hyakuhei’s thoughts turned melancholy for a moment, ‘You once turned Toya and the priestess against me Kotaro… and look what you made me do.’

A shadow of pity crossed his expression as he thought of the past. If Toya had not tried to become a guardian for the priestess and turn Kyou away from him… Toya would not be in the netherworld now but here, by his side, along with the beautiful Kyou. The one to blame for feeding Toya misguided lies was Kotaro.

Kotaro was also the one who had warned the priestess of his true intent. It was strange how time could warp even the lies that had been told.

“So Kotaro…” he whispered, “…you have found her again.”

He was brought back to the present by the whimper that came from the boy crouched against the wall. He would need more than one new recruit to find his missing priestess if Kotaro was also with her. Hyakuhei wanted her and would have her.

He intended to claim her with the help of this imbecile who had thought to defile her. The corruption of such a creature was meant for him only. He had many plans for his priestess, after all… one thousand years was a long time to formulate new ways to torture someone.

Stepping back into the shadows, his eyes flashed as he nodded slightly to Yuuhi. "Make it painful. Torture his flesh, but do not kill him." He wanted this boy to suffer a little more for his actions so he would understand to never defy his new master and to never touch the girl again.

Yohji's head snapped back to the child and his eyes widened in real fear. The young boy was smiling at him but it wasn't a good smile, it was deadly. At the corners of his pale lips, the boy had long sharp fangs and his eyes were no longer black, but a dark red.

Those vacant eyes were an eerie contrast to his alabaster skin and hair. He looked like a child, but he was a soul-stealing demon in disguise and Yohji was truly afraid.

He watched in horror as his feet left the ground, and the boy sprung at him, dragging a terrified scream from his already parched throat. He never knew what hit him as teeth and claws ripped at his flesh, causing him pain like he had never imagined.


Toya looked over at the girl slumped in the passenger seat beside him. "Damn it Kyoko, don't ever, ever scare the hell out of me like that again!" He knew she couldn't hear him but that didn't stop his relieved ranting. "You little idiot, you could have been killed or worse!" He turned toward the building where her apartment was located.

Even though an angry scowl remained in place, he picked her up as if she were the most precious gem on earth and carried her up the stairs. Finding her door locked, he cursed, pushing at the knob, hoping he didn't do too much damage as it made cracking sounds then opened.

"Well, she needed a better lock anyway with a murderer on the loose." Toya used that excuse, filing it away for when she woke up and yelled at him for breaking her door. "At least it's still on its hinges," he grumbled while entering the dimly lit apartment.

Standing still in the middle of her living room, he looked down at Kyoko and cocked an eyebrow, as he smelled alcohol mixed in with her natural scent.

“Oh, I see how you are Kyoko.” He whispered, “No fair… not even taking me drinking with you. What were you thinking?”


Kyou fought to remain composed, which seemed to be happening a lot this evening. Unable to keep it bottled in, his fisted hand surged forward and hit the brick wall with such force that pieces of the masonry went flying in all directions. He gave an angry growl and his eyes tinted pink as he sniffed the air.

No one would take what belonged to him and not pay for their interference.

He immediately picked up Kyoko’s scent mixed with another that felt oddly familiar, and male. Kyou let out a snarl, pushing the feeling away as he levitated from the alleyway and followed the scent that had become imbedded in his very being.

His lone figure disappeared within the shadows as he hunted for his prey. He would find her and he would take her back from the thief who had stolen her. The muscles flexed in Kyou’s jaw in anger. How dare she speak his brother’s name as if to confuse him… as if she had known him?

Somehow, the woman-child had cast a spell upon him, he was sure of it. He could feel her presence lingering on his fingertips and felt the desire to touch her skin once more. He needed to know how it was that she was so pure and what the light was that emitted from her body.

Was it what Toya had been searching for? If so, then was this girl to blame for Toya’s death? What did this all mean? He desired answers. That light had drawn him like a moth to a flame and now, he found, he couldn't just let her go. It was as if she had unknowingly called to him and he had no choice but to answer.

Kyou growled low in his throat as his eyes flashed red with blood. This girl was dangerous. He was not one to need or want, not for centuries, only to have vengeance. She would have to be handled carefully. He did not trust himself around her. She had somehow captured him and it angered him immensely that this girl had in some way, made him weak.


Mumbling something about Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Toya carried Kyoko to her bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed. Moving quickly back through the apartment to the front door, he locked it using the deadbolt since he had broken the regular lock.

“Good thing she only locked the handle,” he shrugged and looked around at the solitude of the apartment. It was a lot different from the deafening roar that had been at the nightclub. It was almost too quiet. Removing his shoes, he sighed. “What a night.” He let his shoulders relax for the first time all day as he silently padded back to where his Kyoko lay.

The moonlight streamed in the window casting an ethereal glow about her body. Toya’s face softened as his gaze lingered on her face. Her lithe body lay on the bed with her hands half relaxed on either side of her head. She looked like an angel, so at peace and so oblivious to the danger that she could have, his hand fisted as he corrected the thought, almost was in. He had a good mind to shake her awake and scream some sense into her… but he wouldn’t.

A frown etched Toya’s face as he tried to think of how she could have ended up in the alleyway, alone, passed out but unharmed. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he decided to thank the guardians who watched over her… whoever they were.

For the rest of the night, Kyoko would be with him and safe. That was all that mattered.

A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes as he removed her shoes and pulled the covers up over her slumbering form. She will probably kill him tomorrow but… Toya crawled into bed and pulled her body flush against his.

Ordinarily, slightly dirty thoughts would fill his mind as they had many times when he was home alone. However, for some reason, those thoughts seemed wrong at the moment. There was something about laying here with her that seemed… innocent? He shook his head slightly and situated himself more comfortably against her.

Holding her tightly, he thanked whatever god was out there that she was safe and sound where she belonged. It felt so right to have her in his arms and he would relish it for now. In the morning it might prove to be life threatening but if he were to die, at least he would die happy.

Kyoko sighed in contentment, snuggling closer to the protective warmth that surrounded her body.

A soft smile graced Toya's lips as he gently kissed her temple and followed her into the blissful contentment of slumber.


Kyou's body levitated up to the window where he could tell her scent was the strongest. Molten golden orbs widened in shock at the scene that played out right before his eyes. There… in the room where Kyoko lay, a young man entered with golden eyes and long midnight hair littered with streaks of silver that matched his own.

He felt as if the air had been knocked from his lungs as the mirror image of his murdered brother stood at the bedside, gazing down at the slumbering girl he had come to kidnap.

His icy mask completely vanished at the sight of this boy that resembled his beloved brother from so long ago. `How can this be?' Remembering the first word she had spoken to him made his chest hurt. She had called him Toya by mistake and now… here in her room was Toya’s image?

Kyou tentatively sniffed for a scent, trying to verify what his eyes were telling him but his mind could not comprehend. The scent of his brother lay slightly mixed with this boy's scent but before he could contemplate more on this, the boy crawled into her bed and wrapped his arms possessively around her.

White-hot jealousy shot through Kyou’s entire body as the girl trustingly snuggled into the young man's embrace. A low warning growl vibrated within his chest as his eyes briefly flashed red. Brother or not… he would not allow it.

He reached for the window just as a cascade of glitter washed across it making him jerk his hand back. Seeing the rainbow colored dust settle on the windowsill as if to protect her, he growled again. The girl seemed to be surrounded by everything supernatural and the immortal was grating on his last nerve.

His eyes narrowed as he wondered if it was only a wizard’s spell that allowed him to see his brother. Had she cast the spell on him when she had whispered his dead brother’s name?

His attention jerked away from the window to stare down at the ground below him… the wolf was coming. He sent one more murderous glare into the room before quickly levitating to the roof.

Toya had just about fallen asleep when he heard an animalistic growl that seemed to be coming from Kyoko's window. `That's not right… she's on the second floor.' Toya's eyes cracked open at hearing the sound again.

Lifting his head slightly, so as not to disturb Kyoko, he looked toward the window where the sound was coming from. Every instinct in his body told him someone or something was there… watching them.

His gaze locked on the shadow of what seemed to be a man. It looked as if he were standing at her window… on the second floor? A silver outline billowed around his form and made him seem almost ghostly. Toya had seen this apparition before… in nightmares.

Sun gold eyes where focused on the ground but Toya could see them flash red for just a moment and he could have sworn he saw the glint of fangs as well. The image shimmered as metallic flakes of multicolored dust rained against the window as if to block out the view.

Toya shook his head and blinked rapidly before looking towards the window once more, only to find it now empty. “What the hell was that?”

Feeling more than a little unnerved, he exited the bed and crept toward the window. Looking out, he was greeted with nothing but shadows and darkness. Inhaling deeply, he frowned noticing an unusual scent lingering near the ledge that he did not recognize.

A low, irritated growl escaped his lips as he tried to identify it. Deciding that maybe it was just his imagination overreacting due to the events of that evening, he double-checked once more to be sure it was nothing.

Temporarily satisfied that it was at least fading, he crawled back into bed with Kyoko, keeping one eye open for a while… just in case.


Kotaro stood below Kyoko's window feeling the presence of the vampire he had encountered in the alley beside the nightclub. Though he had never gotten a good look at the night walker, he was sure it was Kyou. He could feel Kyou’s cold, quiet power and that was something he did not want anywhere near Kyoko. Kyou was an enigma and could not be trusted.

With a snarl, his unrivaled speed had him on the second floor outside of Kyoko's door within the blink of an eye.

Sniffing, he calmed some when he sensed Kyoko's scent, strong and recent. He confirmed `no bloodsuckers within her walls' but an angry growl escaped his lips when he smelled Toya's scent, just as fresh as his Kyoko's. Toya had gone into the apartment as well but had not come back out. Putting his hand on the doorknob, Kotaro turned it to find that it was broken.

Broken but dead bolted. “What the…” He growled angrily at the forced entry that was now obvious.

Kotaro held his hand in front of him, watching as his claws extended and tapered at the tips. There had never been a lock he couldn't pick and his Kyoko's locks were less than adequate. Kotaro smiled arrogantly as he placed his claw into the lock. Wiggling it slightly, he heard a satisfying click.

With the stealth of a shadow, he entered the apartment… closing the door softly behind him.

Hearing nothing but silence, he followed the path that Kyoko's scent had left for him. A moment later, he found himself standing at her bedroom door. His searing blue eyes sharp as a blade focused on the uneasy feeling that shot through his body.

Not knowing what he would find on the other side, he slowly opened the door.


Kamui decided to stay invisible as he watched Kotaro come into Kyoko’s apartment. It wasn’t as if he was hiding from his friend… no, that wasn’t it at all. But knowing who was in Kyoko’s bed at the moment, well… he thought it best to stay invisible instead of making himself a target once the shit hit the fan.

He had done what he could to keep Kyoko safe all evening but as far as Toya went… the silver guardian was on his own on this one. Kamui silently cringed as Kotaro opened the bedroom door.

The sight that greeted Kotaro was almost more than he could comprehend. Lying in her bed was that filthy dog, Toya! Holding her as if she belonged to him and only him… his arms were wrapped tightly around her oblivious body and a satisfied tilt was on his lips.

A snarl escaped Kotaro as he advanced upon the couple lost within their own dreams.

‘You shameless thief,’ Kotaro’s thoughts roared in his mind as his eyes began to bleed in anger. His control barely kept in reign as he grabbed and tossed his rival out the bedroom door without waking Kyoko.

Toya didn’t know what to think when he was lifted from the bed by the scruff of his shirt and literally thrown out of the bedroom door to land well into the living room. Before he even had time to regain his sleep-dulled senses, Toya was once again picked up by the neck.

This time, he knew who he was facing. Furious golden eyes locked with ice blue ones as his body was hauled almost effortlessly back into the air.

Still invisible, Kamui had scattered from the sofa as he watched Toya soar over it. He now settled on the kitchen counter to watch the fun. Glancing over at Kyoko’s door, he waved a hand in that direction… putting a shield there to keep the noise from waking her.

He turned his attention back to his two friends who were about ready to rip each other’s heads off. ‘Just like old times,’ Kamui secretly smiled wishing he had popped some popcorn for the show. ‘All I need now is a betting poll and money.’ He silently cocked an eyebrow wondering just which one he would bet on.

Kotaro growled low in his throat, trying to keep the bloodlust from seeping into his piercing cobalt blue eyes. “Just what the hell did you think you were doing in Kyoko’s bed?” His voice held a hint of death as if Toya’s answer would decide whether he would later be found alive or not. Kotaro’s manner promised retribution if the answer proved to be one that he did not think was acceptable.

“Damn it, you jackass. Let me go!” Toya clawed at the tight fingers clasped around his neck with one hand and with the other, he lashed out with a blow that should have rocked Kotaro’s skull.

Although Kotaro barely moved from the punch, Toya did gain his release and quickly squared off in case the jerk wasn’t finished.

Toya could feel the intense anger coming from the silent form in front of him. His own anger rose when he realized just where Kotaro had been to be able to attack him. “Just what the fuck did you think you were doing in Kyoko’s bedroom, you fucking letch?” he retaliated with a question of his own.

Kotaro could tell this was going to get loud as Toya’s voice started to spike. Glancing at Kyoko’s bedroom door and seeing it was still ajar, he jerked his head toward the front door growling the words, “Let’s take this outside before we wake her up.”

When it looked like Toya was going to balk at the idea, Kotaro taunted him knowing it would work. “Unless you’re scared to face me?” He smirked and glared at the same time, knowing Toya would take the bait.

“Sure, pricks first,” Toya waited on Kotaro to make the first move and even hoped he would. His temper was now high enough to take out an entire neighborhood. He needed someone to take his frustration out on, and besides, he had been looking for a reason to exchange blows with Kotaro for a long time now.

Both of them seemed to blur and within only a couple quick heartbeats they were both in the empty yard in front of the apartments where Kyoko lived. Just as Kotaro turned around to face him, Toya delivered a punch that he was sure would knock the idiot out.

He growled angrily when Kotaro skidded backwards through the grass but didn’t fall. It wasn’t really that he didn’t like Kotaro… he did on many levels. But at the same time, he always felt the need to hit him really hard. It was like having an enemy for a friend.

Toya glared feeling his jealousy rise… the reason they were always at each other’s throats was because they both wanted Kyoko.

Kotaro shook his head and leveled his eyes back on his rival. “Let’s see you try that when I’m ready, pervert!” Kotaro snarled just as they both growled and charged each other.

Those who had the ability to hear such things could hear the echo of power from the impact.

Kamui followed them out into the yard and was now leaning against the brick wall watching the two under the streetlights that surrounded the apartments. He whistled to himself softly… seeing the power behind Toya’s punch.

‘Looks like our Toya may be waking up,’ Kamui’s eyes rounded as he noticed the strange shadow that the building he was leaning against cast on the building across from it. Taking a couple of steps away from the wall, he looked directly above him to verify who it was standing on the roof.

Kyou stood on the roof of the two-story building looking down into the yard as the two came out onto the grass. He crouched low, watching as the enraged boy hit the Lycan with more strength then a normal human ever could. It was when they both rushed each other at such a speed that he knew for sure… neither was human.

He watched the waves of power shatter out from them in blue florescent echoes. ‘The power of the ancients?’ Kyou had thought he and Hyakuhei were the only ones left with such aged power. His eyes began to glow as he continued to watch the escalating aggression below him.

Toya had never felt his strength reach such a peak as he and Kotaro fought blow for blow, neither of them backing down. As they clashed and leapt away from each other only to clash again, he felt something within him awaken as if from a dormant sleep.

Had he been able to see himself, Toya would have been shocked.

His already long hair lengthened by almost a foot and his eyes took on a silver tint. One thing he did witness was the fact that his fingernails had rapidly lengthened and were now more like claws as he slashed at Kotaro only for Kotaro to evade the injury just in the nick of time.

Kyou was transfixed on the movements of the one who looked so much like his brother. ‘But that was insanity… his brother perished at the hand of Hyakuhei centuries ago… he’d buried him.’

His clawed fingers gripped the edge of the roof in a tight grasp as he felt the Lycan’s power intensity rise to a threatening level. He knew the wolf had been holding back his strength but as his opponent’s power level rose, so did the Lycan’s. Kyou suddenly had the urge to rescue the foolish boy before he was injured.

In the dark room just under the watchful eyes of Kyou and above the heated fight in the yard below, Kyoko sat straight up in the bed as if awakened by a sudden rush of fear. She could feel it… something was not right. Her attention focused on the window knowing whatever it was lay beyond the glass.

Quickly crawling across the bed, Kyoko rushed to the window and struggled to get it open. As it rose, she leaned out over the windowsill searching for anything out of the ordinary. Her lips parted as her eyes locked on Toya and Kotaro. Both of them were in a fighting stance and looked like they were breathing hard as if the fight had not just started.

Kyou leaned forward, his protective instincts sizzled within his veins for the boy who looked so much like his beloved brother. He intended to swoop down and grab the irrational boy before the Lycan could really hurt him. Just as red bled into his eyes and he was about to take flight, the two opponents rushed each other again.

A resounding scream of a name stopped both scenarios from happening.

“Toya!” Kyoko screamed just as they almost tackled each other. “No more. Please, Toya.” She said the last half more quietly… not knowing all three listening could hear the whispered heartfelt plea.

The scream of that name staggered Kyou as he knelt, again clutching the edge of the roof. ‘Toya? It could not be true.’ Dragging his eyes from the unaware girl, he again looked out into the yard at the one she had called to.

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