

Читать книгу: «The mystery of the forgotten forest and the talking tree. Magical adventures»


Illustrator Leonardo ai

Illustrator Playground ai

© Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

© Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

© Playground ai, illustrations, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0064-2367-1

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1: The Whisper of Ancient Roots

In the heart of the Forgotten Forest, where the trees stretched high into the heavens and the air hummed with the magic of old, there was a tree unlike any other. It was the oldest in the forest, its massive trunk gnarled with the wisdom of ages, and its roots delving deep into the earth’s secrets.

This tree was known as the Whispering Oak, and it was said that it could speak to those who listened closely. Its leaves rustled with the voices of the past, and its bark bore the marks of countless stories.

One misty morning, a young boy named Eli stumbled upon the Whispering Oak. He was an adventurous soul, with hair as wild as the woodland and eyes filled with curiosity. The forest was his playground, but he had never ventured this deep before.

As Eli approached the ancient tree, a soft voice seemed to float on the breeze. «Eli,» it called, and the boy froze, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and wonder. «Eli, come closer,» the voice whispered again, gentle yet insistent.

With tentative steps, Eli moved toward the source of the whisper. The ground beneath him felt alive, pulsing with an unseen energy. He reached out a hand, and the moment his fingers brushed against the oak’s bark, visions flashed before his eyes – of emerald canopies, hidden groves, and a time when the forest was young.

The Whispering Oak had chosen to speak to Eli, to share its ancient wisdom and the secrets it held. For within its roots lay the key to saving the Forgotten Forest from the shadows that threatened to engulf it.

Chapter 2: The mysterious firefly

As night fell upon the Forgotten Forest, a cloak of darkness enveloped the trees, and the stars began to twinkle like diamonds in the sky. Eli, with the Whispering Oak’s words still echoing in his mind, knew he had to be brave. The forest at night was a different realm, where shadows danced and the unknown lurked.

It was then that he saw it – a gentle glow, flickering amongst the thicket. A firefly, but not an ordinary one. This firefly shone with a light that was somehow more profound, more enchanting. It was as if it held a piece of the moon’s own luminescence.

Eli followed the firefly as it weaved through the forest, its light cutting through the darkness. The boy felt no fear, for the light was warm and inviting. It led him to a clearing he had never seen before, where the grass shimmered with dew and the flowers glowed as if they held stars within their petals.

The firefly landed delicately on a flower, and to Eli’s astonishment, it began to speak. «Eli,» it said in a voice as soft as the wind, «you have been chosen by the forest. A great danger looms, and you must find the Heartstone to save us all.»

The Mysterious Firefly revealed itself to be a guardian of the forest, a creature of magic born from the very first sunrise. It had watched over the land for centuries, and now it entrusted Eli with the quest to find the Heartstone, the source of the forest’s life and magic.

With a newfound resolve, Eli nodded. He would not let the forest – or the firefly – down. The adventure was no longer just a whisper; it was a calling he felt deep in his bones.

And with the firefly’s light as his guide, Eli set off into the depths of the night, towards a destiny that awaited him beyond the veil of the Forgotten Forest.

Chapter 3: The Songs of the Phantom Stream

In the stillness of the night, Eli wandered deeper into the heart of the Forgotten Forest, guided by the Mysterious Firefly’s glow. The trees

whispered secrets as he passed, and the air was thick with the scent of moss and ancient earth.

Suddenly, the soft murmur of water reached his ears – a sound both melancholy and beautiful. He found himself at the edge of a stream, its waters clear as crystal, flowing over pebbles that shimmered like jewels. This was the Phantom Stream, known to appear only to those on a true quest.

Eli knelt by the water, his reflection gazing back at him, distorted by the gentle ripples. It was then that the stream began to sing. The water’s song was not made of words but of memories – of rainfall and storm, of gentle brooks and mighty rivers, of the very veins of the world.

The song enveloped Eli, and in its haunting melody, he heard the sorrow of the forest. The Heartstone was fading, its light dimming, and with it, the life of the forest was waning. The Phantom Stream offered its guidance, its song a map to the Heartstone’s hidden sanctuary.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
17 июля 2024
22 стр. 11 иллюстраций
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