Мои книги
The Perjur'd Husband; or, The Adventures of Venice. A Tragedy
Such Things Are
The Englishman from Paris
The New Woman
A Counterfeit Presentment; and, The Parlour Car
None so Deaf As Those Who Won't Hear: A Comedietta in One Act
Single Life
Married Life
Niobe, All Smiles
The Sorrows of Belgium
The Lame Lover
Masks and Faces; or, Before and Behind the Curtain
Six Short Plays
Drake; or, the Transfer of the Trident
Plays : Third Series
What will they say at Brompton? A Comedetta, in One Act
Six Plays
Jedermann: Das Spiel vom Sterben des reichen Mannes
Die Wupper
Der Schwierige: Lustspiel in drei Akten
Die Schlüssel des Himmelreichs; oder, Sankt Peters Wanderung auf Erden
Von der Hexe die eine Heilige war
Die Technik des Dramas