Основной контент книги More important than money. Value that cannot be bought, held, stopped or stretched
More important than money. Value that cannot be bought, held, stopped or stretched

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More important than money. Value that cannot be bought, held, stopped or stretched

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О книге

Each of us has exactly twenty-four hours a day. Even the greatest people in history have not had more time than you. John Rockefeller and Steve Jobs had exactly the same amount of time per day as you. The only thing that sets them apart is how they spent their time. From this book you will learn about the price of time, calculate the cost of an hour of your time, learn how to properly plan and invest your time, turning it into money.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
04 марта 2021
60 стр. 17 иллюстраций
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