

Читать книгу: «Eva»


Eva. Book 1

A modern story of two hearts in love, in which they performed an oath ritual of fidelity to each

other, violating one of the Biblical commandments. The characters in the story are fictitious,

coincidences are random. The contents of the book are compiled and maintained in the first

person of the hero, the text is printed in a revised and supplemented version by the author of a

previously printed fragment of the text in the short story “The Oath”, the book “Princess.

Novels". Author's note.

Dedicated to

“On a clear, still day near the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where the domain of the

Garden of Eden once stretched, through the transparent covers of the waves you can

sometimes see a sea flower, a wondrous creation of nature: lacy leaves and a network of veins,

purple, brown, pink, violet and golden tones, velvety fabric, the freshness of a living filigree

jewel; but all this fades as soon as the curious takes the plant out of the sea and throws it on

the sand. In the same way, the bright sun of publicity would offend your holy modesty.

Therefore, in dedicating my work to you, | hesitate to mention your name; but thanks to this

default, your lovely hands can bless my work, your bright forehead can bend thoughtfully over

its pages, your eyes full of motherly love can smile at him – because you will remain in that

depth where your beautiful life blossomed, just as how a pearl of marine flora lurks on a

smooth and bright sandy bottom, hidden by an azure wave and accessible only to a friendly,

modest look. | would like to place at your feet a work worthy of your spiritual charm, but if | did

not succeed, | will hope to console myself with your innate tendency to patronize tenderness,

nourished by kindness and love. Author".


The story begins at the end of 2022 with a summons that came to Baran Valentin Yuryevich, 55

years old, engineer captain of the Air Force reserve, to come with things to the military

registration and enlistment office of the Obolonsky district of Kiev. According to the

mobilization order, the captain with a group of territorial defense servicemen is leaving for a

military unit at the Bila Tserkva military airfield not far from Kyiv. Upon arrival at the duty

station at this very time, the airfield is captured by Russian paratroopers, and those who arrived

with Valentin surrender. Each of them has a conversation. Due to the work of a sniper, during

the surrender of the territorial defense detachment, a liaison agent was killed, who was

supposed to deliver important information to the command of the paratroopers. The lieutenant

colonel offers Valentin cooperation with intelligence, and Valentin Baran becomes an agent.

Returning to Kyiv, with the money he received from the lieutenant colonel, Valentin buys from

the military commissar a deferment from mobilization for 2023. Soon, a messenger from Russia

arrives at Valentin and passes on an encryption code and access to communication with a

covert agent. What was Valentine's surprise that it was a girl of heavenly beauty with a

romantic name Eva, who develops a romantic virtual romance with the head of the CIA unit, a

colonel named Bill, who is in charge of Western arms supplies to Ukraine. Valentin and Eva, real

name Irina Andreevna Sumskaya, have an indescribable feeling of love, which makes its own

adjustments to their future fate, realizing that they are no longer destined to live without each

other. Romantic and mythical events are unfolding around their love, going back to the deep

antiquity of their relationship developing over the centuries…

Chapter 1

For me, this story began with an ordinary subpoena found in a mailbox, which said that Captain

Baran Valentin Yuryevich, who lives on the street of the heroes of Azov (former Marshal

Malinovsky Street 25, apt. 273, Kiev), must within forty eight hours to arrive at the Obolonsk

draft office with things for military service, as a military reserve. It was a beautiful August

evening. | had just returned home from work at Auchan Supermarket, where | worked as a

security guard at this beautiful French food mall, when | caught sight of a subpoena in a pile of

utility bills. | will not say that she frightened me to death or caused any uncomfortable

sensations, at that time nothing kept me at home, since | was divorced from my wife and led a

bachelor lifestyle. | had no friends, since all those with whom | was friends remained on the

side of my wife, and | no longer had any desire to make new ones, while the memories of my

former family life were still fresh. | turned the subpoena between my fingers and thought that

the execution on my account had delivered a fair verdict in mobilizing me. | began to look at the

printed text on a yellowed form from the storerooms of the Soviet-era military registration and

enlistment offices. Judging by this agenda, it was not difficult to guess that the Ministry of War

was saving money even on draft forms. The next day, quickly collecting the necessary uniforms

of a security guard and right with things, he appeared at the employer's office. | handed over

the form and received the calculation at the appointed time arrived at the military registration

and enlistment office. Having waited in line, he entered the office of the military commissar and

silently thrusting the summons to the major began to wait for what he would say. The military

commissar turned the form of the summons in his hands, checked it with the list lying on the

table, silently made a mark in front of my last name, then peered at me from under the red

eyebrows with the unblinking look of deep-set eyes, asked:

– How old are you? – his voice sounded not with irritation, not with evil, | did not understand.

– Fifty five!

– | see that you don’t look fifty-five, | can give you half as much, – he paused, lowering his eyes

to the folder of my personal file in front of him, and continued, – you served in the Soviet army

two years, after graduation, demobilized with the rank of senior lieutenant? – he asked, adding,

– Have you already been awarded the title of captain in civilian life?

– Yes sir! – | confirmed in a military way, and put my passport with a military ID on his table.

– And in what specialty? – the major continued.

– I think you know that | served as an engineer lieutenant in the Air Force. – | answered as calmly

as possible.

– Yes, | know, – taking my passport to the safe, – that in your personal file there is a note about

your unreliability for military service, although in terms of technical you kept training vehicles in

excellent condition and reviews of senior colleagues are positive, in what are the problems of

unreliability? – continued the military commissar, drilling me with a brown look of brown eyes.

– In one of the questions asked at a lecture by the colonel of the headquarters of the military

district about the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich. – | answered as seriously as


– Interesting, and what did you ask this? – said the major with great interest.

– I did not understand the political information about the leader, | did not understand that it is

possible to speak so frankly, avoiding the negative qualities of Lenin, ideally only in positive key.

But he was a man and he could not have negative qualities? So | asked:

– Why didn’t you say anything negative about the leader”? – Commissar rolled his eyes, looking

at me, grumbled:

– Found, lieutenant, to whom to ask such questions. Don't you understand that you were

confronted by a "celestial being", a colonel of the political department of the elite of the

military district?!

– So what, I'm wrong, so you and |, like every person, have flaws, the leader, for example, had a

mistress in addition to his legal wife Krupskaya, he liked playing cards and did not like to lose to

the writer Maxim Gorky, and died in Gorki at the age of fifty-five from syphilis.

– I hope you did not tell this to the colonel, because you were given a term to serve there?

– Otherwise, Comrade Major, | wouldn't be standing here in front of you, as if in court, and

wouldn’t justify myself?”

– So, not Comrade Major, but Mr. Major, we are in a free European country, by the way. Well,

as for your loyalty, you are loyal to our European power, and we will deal with this

misunderstanding like this! – having said this, the major again opened my personal file in a

greenish cardboard book with a five-pointed star on the front side, leafed through, found a

characteristic about my expressed unreliability and tore out the page, tore it into pieces,

throwing it into the wastebasket. Then he looked at me, took a prescription from the table and

handed it to me with the words:

– I hope you know where the settlement is Bila Tserkva, and how to get there?

– By bus from the bus station, which is at the Lebedskaya metro stop. – | answered.

– Give it to the commander of the aviation regiment, he will tell you what to do and what to do.

Any questions?!

– No way, Major! May | go?

– In six months you will be given the proper rank of major, go!

– Eat!

| went out into the corridor, a big man stood up to meet me, grumbling asked:

– Why did you drink vodka there, what took so long?

– Come find out! | threw after him.

After leaving the draft board, | decided to get to my place of service tomorrow, since it was

already five o'clock in the evening. And on the way home | went to the Velyka Kyshenya

supermarket, where | bought a bottle of Armenian brandy Noy, smoked sausage for a snack, a

pack of ground aromatic coffee LAVAZZA in a red metal can, and went home. Having made a

feast for himself, | lay down in bed and began to think:

“It turns out that | was seconded to a military airfield in my military specialty, it would be

nothing in peacetime, but during the Russian-led Special Military Operation on the territory of

Ukraine? – after thinking, agreed with the thought, – Still not in the trenches! – and fell asleep

quite early, the sun was still shining, it was still day in the room … At night, | jumped up for no

reason, glanced at watch, the showed ten minutes to one in the morning. | went out into the

kitchen, there was an unfinished bottle of cognac on the table. He poured himself half a glass,

drank a couple of sips and suddenly the roar of an explosion thundered.

– Wow! – | said as | sat down on a chair. | went out to the balcony and saw the glow of a fire not

far from the Vinogradar residential area. Just in case, | put on trousers, socks, a shirt and a

jacket, then added a first-aid kit with medicines and iodine to my travel bag. And so he lay in his

clothes until the morning. At six in the morning | left the house and went down to the subway.

At that time, to my surprise, there were no passengers anywhere. Near the ticket office, two

military men on duty noticed me, and both moved in my direction. One of them addressed me:

– Dear, a curfew has been announced until eleven in the morning, it is allowed only with official

IDs, your documents!

| rummaged through my travel bag and handed him my direction. He studied it for a long time,

then replied:

– And that there are no other ways besides the metro?

– Me in the direction of the bus station and the bus to the White Church.

The military man folded my directing and returned it.

– | wish you to get there without incident, come in! – he nodded to the woman on duty at the

checkpoint, she let me on the platform.

In the underground hall of the platform, along with me, there were two more military men in

camouflage uniforms. They looked at me suspiciously from a distance, they seemed surprised

at my civilian clothes. But my inspection was prevented by a train rolling up to the platform. |

got into an empty car and the train started moving. At the station "Petrovka" three people got

into the car, and when they arrived at the final stop "Lebedskaya" there were already quite a

lot of people with things in the car, all these passengers followed to the bus station. At the

ticket office of the bus station, | saw a crowd of passengers near the window of the ticket office

selling tickets in the direction of Belaya Tserkov. They made noise and demanded

administration. Soon the head of the station came out with two military men.

– Dear citizens! – he addressed the crowd, – In connection with the shelling of a military facility

in the territory adjacent to the White Church, traffic to the settlement of the White Church has

been temporarily stopped! – his words caused a storm of indignation among the crowd.

– What are you saying, we live there, we need to get home! – shouted a woman with full

packages of food items, – There are my children!

– Wait a minute! – The head of the station tried to stop her exclamations, – | haven't finished


– Who lives there, – the military intervened, – we are now sending a bus there, please follow me

and prepare identification cards!

– Interesting, and who does not, what then? – the man with a backpack was indignant.

– The local administration will figure it out on the spot, is it clear to everyone ?! The crowd

nodded their heads in agreement. | breathed a sigh of relief as | boarded the tour bus. Half the

cabin was filled with people in camouflage with green armbands. On the way out of the city,

the bus stopped at a checkpoint. People with machine guns from the local self-defense entered

the salon, checked the documents and warned that they did not know the situation in Bila

Tserkva, so do not lose your vigilance and, if you feel any threats, return to Kiev. But there were

none, and the bus followed on. | learned from the military that they were moving towards the

airfield where the aviation regiment of the attack aviation regiment of SU-27 fighters was

stationed. So | got to my destination without much difficulty. A narrow paved road led to the

military camp and with a detachment of military men began to move from the city center,

where the bus had brought us, along this highway. From a distance, the military began to talk

uneasily about some kind of raid. And | suddenly noticed clouds of black smoke rising from

behind the trees to the very clouds. When two hundred meters remained to the fence of the

barracks of the town, suddenly one of the soldiers let out a groan and fell down dead. The

senior officer immediately reacted with the command:

– Get down, sniper! – and collapsed on the asphalt. | glanced at the lying officer. His body was

pounding in death throes. The soldiers silently continued to lie on the carriageway. Something

had to be done. | pulled my travel bag, where | had hidden a white shirt, unzipped it and took

out my underwear, grabbed the shirt. Lying raised high above his head, waving like a white flag

in the air. Then he stood up and looked around. From all sides we were surrounded by

submachine gunners in full combat equipment, through the unbuttoned lapels of a camouflage

uniform, each one could see a vest.

– Hands up! – commanded one of the approached, – Follow me!

From his insignia, it became clear to me that this was a Russian airborne assault reconnaissance

company that had captured the Belo Tserkovsky Fighter Aviation Regiment. Territorial defense

soldiers who had surrendered, after checking their documents, were locked in a disguised

hangar, while | was brought to the commander in another hangar. A military man with the stars

of a lieutenant colonel sat at the table and looked at me with interest. After a moment of

silence he asked:

– Do you have anything to explain your personality? – Curiosity flickered in his serious eyes.

– That's right, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel! – | blurted out and put on the table the

appointment of the military registration and enlistment office folded into four and a military ID.

The lieutenant colonel unfolded the folded sheet, read it carefully, leafed through the entries in

the military ID.

– Um, you served in the aviation school for foreign students in Kant, Kyrgyzstan, under Major

General Makarov, right?

– Yes sir! – | blurted out, – And when he flew in with an inspection to us in Kant, he liked to fly a

plane under my maintenance.

– In connection with what, such an honor to you, Baran Valentin Yurievich?

– lam an engineer by profession, a lieutenant, arrived at the base of the school with a high-

quality stock of knowledge of aviation technology, which | received at the Ufa Aviation Institute

named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, so he trusted my Czech training machine L-29, and therefore

me too.

– What is your specialty?

– Not the main specialty, but a military technical one, it sounds and is written like this:

“Operation and repair of aircraft and propulsion systems”.

– Yes, God himself ordered you to stay on extra urgent, why didn’t you stay? – the commander

asked in a more businesslike tone.

| realized that we were having a confidential conversation, what would it be for?

– My mother was sick at that time and | had to take care of her, so | didn’t stay, and now it’s

quite late for me to be fifty-five years old. – With some sadness in my voice, | said.

– Your country, stuffed with CIA agents, and M16, is mercilessly pushed into a meat grinder,

stuffed with weapons, though outdated, which it is not a pity to throw into the scrap, like your

male population. These scoundrels do not feel sorry for anyone in Ukraine. We also know that

there is a ruthless struggle between the US and Britain over this territory, especially among the

CIA and M16, a complete deal. The struggle for the dispersion of money allocated by America

and London for the war. We are interested in these disagreements, so | suggest you return

home to Kyiv, how do you agree?

– Excuse me, comrade lieutenant colonel, they will seize me as a deserter and burn me, on the

cross! – My indignation knew no bounds.

– Don't muddy the waters, captain, if you don't know anything, | won't give you impossible

tasks, so listen… – And the lieutenant colonel outlined in detail what and how | have to

rehabilitate myself before the military conscription administration. And in the end, the

lieutenant colonel shook my hand and wished me success in my new business trip to his home.

The same detachment commander escorted me out of the captured military town, wishing me

good luck. | am with the same travel bag full of American rubles given to me for spending on

the introduction of spy graters into enemy bins between the most powerful intelligence

agencies in the world, the CIA and MI6. What | couldn't put together the fact that the FSB

cannot give such responsible tasks to the first comer, and asked the lieutenant colonel about

this. And | received an answer that in the current situation, when our agent was shot dead by

an incompetent sniper, at the very moment when | approached the captured base with a

detachment, the FSB lieutenant colonel had no choice but to entrust the task to me, who was

more suitable than anyone for such a responsible work… In the center of Belaya Tserkov, there

was still the same bus on which | arrived. The driver seemed to be waiting for me alone,

because as soon as | sat down in my seat, | immediately turned on the engine, the bus started

moving. There was no one in the salon, out of my natural curiosity and asked:

– You, that me were waitinger for cone alone, that you immediately set off on the road?

– You see, | stood here for three hours, none of the passengers wanted to go, then | got angry

and said to myself; – Listen to Petro, if the mountain does not go to Magomed, then Magomed

goes to the mountain! And as soon as at least one passenger appears, | will immediately take

him the only one right up to Kyiv, and for free?

– | agree with you! – said, and sat down in the first place that came across. At the entrance to

Kiev, a military militiaman looked at me and let the bus pass by the checkpoint, apparently

thinking that for such an important person as me, they were driving an empty tourist salon for a

reason. | arrived home at 5:30 pm. Having taken unfinished brandy from the refrigerator,

poured himself half a glass and drained the drink, he felt a surge of strength and balance. Then

he took a shower, fried sausages with eggs and had dinner, drinking coffee with cognac… On

the calendar was the morning of Thursday, August 25, 2022. After a bachelor's breakfast, | went

to the draft board. The military commissar, seeing me, got up from his place at the desk and


– You?! You again?! – He didn't have enough words for more.

– The military town and the airfield have been captured, there is a battle with the Russian

landing force and local territorial defense, it was not possible to get into the service of the

regiment commander, so | decided to return to Kiev.

– And what to directly define you as a deserter, or how, you order ?!

– I do not shy away from service, | just do not like certainty in the actions of the prescription, so

| returned home, decide where | am now, or give me a delay!

– For what kind of cases you are supposed to be postponed, | have already reported that the

order in the number of conscripts has been completed! And here is a deserter in your face,

what a phenomenon ?! What are you going to do with you, huh?!

– Postponement, for family reasons, that's all! – in unison with the raised tones in the voice of

the military commissar, | firmly said.

– No, you'll go to my penalty baht for evading service! You know, there is a military garrison for

people like you, near the Arsenalnaya metro station, now a squad is escorting you there, they

know what to do with such people!

– You, Major, do not know the laws well, | am not yet a military man, just a mobilized conscript

and not bound by an oath to the state of Ukraine, therefore | can be subject to a civil court

under the article of draft evasion for military service, the term is provided there, so shut up

your garrison, you know where! – With every word | said, the major's eyes popped up on his

forehead, which suddenly became huge and immobilized from mouse brown ones. And |

decided to save the state of things, hanging like a thundercloud, threatening to break out with

thunder and lightning:

– | think we will agree, – and | boldly laid out on the table pre-prepared 600 dollars, – my


The military commissar looked at the money for a long time, not daring to take it, | realized that

it was not enough, | added another four hundred. Here he quickly scooped them up into the

junk of the table and said in a meaningful and calm voice, as if had replaced a person in the face

of a military commissar:

– Now | will give you an order to installment plans for a year, until the next new year, then we

will think about what to do with you further, will it suit you?

– Quite! – answered, as the master of my fate. And the military commissar continued partingly:

– When the patrol meets you on the street, show this order, – with these words, he took out the

appropriate form from the safe and began to fill in the data from my passport, sealed and

handed me this form with his passport, adding, – to | didn't see you again!

| shoved my passport, along with the deferment form for the military ID, into the inside pocket

of my jacket and left the military enlistment office. Taking a deep breath of freedom, | again

found myself in the Velyka Kyshenya store on the way home. With purchases and with a light

heart, entered the entrance of his house. The next morning | went to the address indicated by

the lieutenant colonel to coordinate my work with the FSB agent in Kyiv. On the way to the

metro, | went to the Velyka Kyshenya supermarket and ordered two packs of warmed-up Italian

pizza with mushrooms in the culinary area, paid, put the pizza in my travel bag and entered the

metro at the Obolon station. Having left on "Teatralnaya", | went along Vladimirskaya street to

house number 32. It was a five-story pre-war building dating back to tsarist times. | entered the

gloomy corridor, and going up to the concierge, who was sitting in a closet under the stairs

behind a glass window, inquired about the owner of the apartment:

– Hello! Tell me, please, does Boris Eduardovich Sosnin, the chief architect of Kyiv Gor Stroy, live

in one hundred and thirty-two?

The elderly concierge looked at me through tortoise-shell glasses, the thought flashed through

my mind: “Antiques, definitely inherited,” she finally said:

– Young man, what is your question to Boris Eduardovich?

– In our company "Italian Pizza", he often orders it, and | was sent from our company to

acquaint him, as our client, with bonus offers, since he is a long-term and regular client.

– Okay, but how to introduce you?

– Tell me that | am a sales manager, our delivery agent visited him earlier, well, and after the

decision of the management, the company's managers sent me to Boris Eduardovich.

– That's what | hear that amazing smell comes from your bag.

– Well, what is your name?

– Aunt Valya, you can just Valya. – Smiling with a youthful smile that a woman had some sixty

years ago, she took a gift copy of pizza from me and added, – Thank you, will you bring pizza


– Unfortunately, no, this work will be done by an agent, | hope you have seen him more than

once, well, unless he quits, do you see what is happening around?

– Yes, yes, young man, yes, yes, – she said sadly, – wait, I'll find out now, is he at home or not? -

With these words, the concierge picked up the phone. Soon her voice was heard, then she

turned to me, – Go to the third floor, he is waiting for you there.

– Thank you, aunt Valya, I'm on the elevator!

– Wait, wait, now there are rolling blackouts, you can get stuck in there, it's better to walk.

– Thank you, and good evening to you!

– And to you, young man … A wide staircase led to the fifth floor, an elevator crate passed

nearby, but | no longer heard the voice of the concierge, as | was walking along the wide steps

of the pre-revolutionary luxury of building architecture of the past. Two entrance doors of

apartments No. 132 and No. 133 went opposite to each other on the landing of the third floor.

The landing was narrow, bounded on one side by an elevator shaft, and on the other side by a

wall with a large, bright window high up. Exactly in the middle of this wall, under the window,

there is a fire hydrant with a coil of fire hose, which was visible through the glass of the door,

sealed with a seal. On the door of the fire hydrant, a strip of white paper is glued to the

wooden frame of the niche of the fire hydrant with the date and number of the inspection of

the object, with the seal and painting of the controlling person. | approached this object and,

leaning my travel bag against the wall closer to the fire niche, opened the zipper of the bag and,

pretending to take out a pizza, turned on the scanning device for detecting listening

installations of tracking, a gift from the lieutenant colonel. Then he took the pizza out of the

bag, zipped it up and hung the bag over his shoulder, as if by chance he moved close to the fire

hydrant and heard the squeak of the appliance. Turning around at the door of the fire facility,

installing the bag strap on my shoulder, | saw where the miniature camera was located,

carefully so as not to accidentally catch it, | finally fitted the bag strap on my shoulder, and with

a pizza in my hands, picturesquely approached the door of apartment No. 132 and pressed call.

Soon shuffling steps were heard outside the door, such sounds are heard from room slippers on

the floor of a fat person. The door opened and a grey-haired, obese man with glasses appeared

in a gray bathrobe over a light-colored pajama suit with a book in his hands. Without thinking

twice, | said the password:

– Did you order Italian pizza? – smiling affably at the same time.

– | like mushrooms, and what do you have? – the feedback was correct, | should have answered

like this:

– Only with sausage from the lips of a desert and wild camel! – such a review was invented just

in case, and told the resident that the intelligence officer had died, and that now there would

be another one instead of him, that is, me.

– Come in!

The apartment with high ceilings and antique furniture looked more like an exhibition pavilion

of historical artefacts and paintings. The portrait of a woman in a luxurious white dress stood

out in particular. The painting hung over a massive fireplace that occupied a third of the blank

outer wall that closed off the street. And the windows of the apartment overlooked the

courtyard with a small garden of planted trees and two or three benches for relaxing. By the

fireplace Boris Eduardovich stopped and gestured to two armchairs and a table between them

with crooked marble legs and a mahogany top.

– Sit down young man, and put pizza on the table. – Kindly offered Boris Eduardovich. | put the

package of pizza on the table and took out the cognac.

– A gift from your company? – playing a comedy before wiretapping, said the architect. It

became clear to me that the former architect was being shadowed, – And how much do | charge

for pizza and cognac?

I silently laid out a check from the store. He looked at me carefully, then took a ballpoint pen

and wrote something on the check, pushed the check towards me, | looked at his note: – There

is a wiretapping all around, don’t say anything, I'll go see you off and we'll talk there, after

reading, | nodded back and said:

– | temporarily replace a friend for delivery, and | bought cognac for myself, they gave me pizza

as a gift, there is a sale in the supermarket now and | bought this cognac at a discount, and two

| wanted to sell pizzas, | gave one for nothing to the concierge, and | decided to sell you for an

old check for two dears, but if you don’t want it, then whatever you want.

– No, no, just leave me pizza, I'll buy it from you, | don't need change, take the cognac back, -

with these words, he gave me money and a letter, – wait until.

– Fine!

He changed his clothes and soon we went out into the square.

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Возрастное ограничение:
Дата выхода на Литрес:
01 марта 2023
Дата написания:
210 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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