Остров сокровищ / Treasure Island

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One look at the man before me was enough. I saw the captain, and Black Dog, and the blind man, Pew, and I thought I knew what a pirate was like – a very different creature, according to me.


storms at sea, and wild places. But I really believe his presence did us good  4 . There were young men who admired


. There were young men who admired








4 . There


I remember him. He came to the inn door, a tall, strong, heavy man. When my father appeared, that man called roughly for a glass of rum. “I’ll stay here a bit,” said he, “I’m a plain man; rum and bacon and eggs is what I want. You may call me captain.” He threw down three or four gold pieces. He seemed like a skipper. He was a very silent man. All day he hung round the cove or upon the cliffs with a brass telescope; all evening he sat in a corner and drank rum and water. Mostly he did not speak.


I remember him. He came to the inn door, a tall, strong, heavy man. When my father appeared, that man called roughly for a glass of rum.


Long John told the story from first to last

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