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Table of Contents

 ANGER MANAGEMENTTable of ContentsAbout Anger Management.Anger ManagementAnger Management LessonsAdolescent Anger ManagementAnger Management BooksAnger Management ArticlesAnger Management FilmsAnger Management for KidsAnger Management HelpAnger Management TechniqueAnger Management SkillsAnger Management and Domestic ViolenceAnger Management Tips for Stressful SituationsWhere to Find Free Anger Management AdviceAdopting Anger Management Skills that Work



Owen Jones

Published by Megan Publishing Services

Copyright Owen Jones 2021 ©

Hello and thank you for buying this ebook called 'Anger Management’.

I hope that you will find the information helpful, useful and profitable.

The information in this ebook on various aspects of anger management and subjects related to it is organized into 15 chapters of about 500-600 words each.

I hope that it will interest those who want to learn more about anger management or controlling their temper.

As an added bonus, I am granting you permission to use the content on your own website or in your own blogs and newsletter, although it is better if you rewrite them in your own words first.

You may also split the book up and resell the articles. In fact, the only right that you do not have is to resell or give away the book as it was delivered to you.

If you have any feedback, please leave it with the company you bought this book from.

Thanks again for purchasing this ebook,


Owen Jones

1  Table of Contents

About Anger Management.

Anger Management

Anger Management Lessons

Adolescent Anger Management

Anger Management Books

Anger Management Articles

Anger Management Films

Anger Management for Kids

Anger Management Help

Anger Management Technique

Anger Management Skills

Anger Management and Domestic Violence

Anger Management Tips for Stressful Situations

Where to Find Free Anger Management Advice

Adopting Anger Management Skills that Work

1 About Anger Management.

When thinking about anger management, it is worth taking a closer look at anger and aggression in order to gain a deeper understanding of the emotions and strive toward applying anger management solutions.

Often, when someone feels frustration, they are liable to blow up when their emotions are aroused. However, frustration does not occur over night; rather, frustration occurs when underlying issues come to the surface. Therefore, frustration is a deep, unrelieved sense or state of lack of confidence and dissatisfaction, arising from unsettled grievances or and unsatisfied needs and desires.

Anger, then, is the feeling a person gets when he or she does not get their way, or when a series of issues, which had lain dormant, waiting for the time to flare up, eventually rise to the surface. Aggression is a forceful act or method employed to dominate another individual.

Aggression is an argumentative, harmful or destructive mode of behaviour, particularly when instigated by frustration. Aggression can be good if your life is in danger, but in most instances aggression just causes harm.

Assertiveness on the other hand is an effective form of communicating your feelings to another individual without causing injury, destruction or argument. Assertiveness is a strong, bold, confident quality we have within us that helps us to defend our rights when others are trying to deprive us of them.

If we learn the difference between aggression and assertiveness, we will be learning a good behavioural pattern, while at the same time, taking control of our lives and avoiding future problems.

If you are feeling frustration, you might want to sit down and go over your beliefs, opinions, theories, reasoning etc in your mind. . By reviewing the sources that make you angry, you can reduce the tension when you see anger brewing; you will then realise that it is not worth getting angry, since the causes of your frustrations are out of your control.

For example, when you are evaluating yourself, you might see another point of view and conclude that your frustration is out of order. These strategies are all about anger management

Assertive action against a person who has done you wrong, can prove far more effective than blowing a fuse. We can see from an example about anger management, how a person loses his or her temper and what the consequences he or she must face are, because of this reaction.

For example, two people are engaged in an argument and a fight breaks out. One of the individuals was accused of spreading lies about the other one. The ensuing violent episode attracts the neighbours who call the police. When the police arrive, both parties are placed in handcuffs and both are lead off to gaol.

Their problems have increased because they both may have to pay fines, court costs and, possibly, probation fees. So, one problem has led to a series of other problems but it does not stop there. When the pair has paid off all of their fines, costs and so forth, they will have a police record whereby everyone will judge them for the rest of their lives, considering them immature, violent people who are not to be trusted.

Now let us look at another example were assertiveness was used in this scenario about anger management. A couple of people confront each other after one person has spread lies throughout the neighbourhood about the other person.

The person victimized by the rumours walks up to his friend and asks: 'Why are you telling people that I have a drinking problem?'. The other person says, 'I did not tell anyone that you have a drinking problem'. 'Wrong!', says the first person, 'You told my best friend who is not a liar'. 'Well, I assumed that you had a drinking problem because you were drinking every time I came to your house'.

'Just because I am drinking every time you come by my house doesn't mean that I have a problem. I refuse to allow you to continue dragging my name through the mud and I won't allow you to visit my house again, if you keep telling lies about me. Friends don't hurt their friends. So, if you have any problems with me just talk to me about them instead of going behind my back'.

What a very good outcome!

This person did a great job asserting himself and the results will surely prove successful. Let's see what happens next. '

I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to offend you. I will talk to you next time I have a problem with you. However, I am still concerned that your drinking may be a problem, since you do drink every time I come around to your home'. 'Well, OK then let's go to my place and discuss the matter'.

The difference is dramatic, isn't it? And all because the one had thought about anger management!

1 Anger Management

There is simply no doubt about it. Anger is a growing problem in society today. Road rage is a good example

I am not qualified to say why that is, but theories range from:

* stress induced by parental pressure to succeed

* peer pressure

* anxiety induced by possible failure in exams

* diet - increased consumption of processed foods

* the influence of television, films and celebrities

* increased materialism in society

* lack of worthwhile spiritual guidance

* decreased respect for authority

* different cultural influencences

* pop music

* politics

* alcohol or drug abuse

I state all these points of view without expressing my own opinion. I, personally, can see several valid reasons in the above list, which has been created in random order.

However, it is very clear that we are failing in something. Our contemporaries often behave irresponsibly, our elders are often frightened to walk the streets even in daylight and our children are taking tablets to control their emotions on an unprecedented scale!

Who or what is to blame for this increased aggression?

Who knows? Or who dares to point the finger?

The easy-going culture of the Sixties and Seventies surely made a generation of easy-going parents and maybe kids need some discipline. Previous generations were probably too subservient to authority, which caused the (over ?) reaction in the hippies.

Some foods definitely caused and still cause allergy problems, which can cause mood swings. Some people find mood swings difficult to control and that can lead to anxiety.

Government had its influence too, especially in withdrawing the school teachers' status as 'in loco parentis' (in place of the parent) while the child was in class. Anarchy in school was probably a bad idea. In fact, the UK government has tacitly acknowledged this by restoring some of the teachers' authority.

Popular music like Alice Cooper's 'School's Out' and Pink Floyd's 'Another Brick in the Wall' fuelled all this.

'The Church' has been 'exposed' to consist of priests who know as little as, or indeed sometimes less than, most ordinary people about life and the hereafter, although there is still as much healthy popular inquisitiveness into spirituality as ever there was.

Another nail in the coffin of respecting authority. Politicians have less respect that used car salesmen, especially since the scandal of MP's' expenses in the UK. The Lords were at it as well - stealing from the public coffers. Several have been dismissed and a couple have gone to jail. Others will surely follow... nepotism is government circles and public companies, such as the BBC, for example

In other words, we are all to blame. Society has screwed up.

Not in every way, we have progressed in very many ways, but maybe we over-reacted in some fields too and maybe it's time we took a step back and re-evaluated our what we consider to be important and realized the effect we are having on our kids and society as a whole. In a way, Covid-19 has accelerated this process, and caused many people to re-evaluate their lives and priorities.

1 Anger Management Lessons

Some people with anger management issues try their best to ignore them. However, by neglecting to talk about their anger, or trying to sweep it under the rug as they say, these individuals assume that their problem will disappear.

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