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The Vision Code

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The Vision Code

How to Create and Execute a Compelling Vision for your Business
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О книге

Noted CEOs, academics, and military personnel share their experience as visionary leaders

The Vision Code explores the concept of «vision» and leadership. The book reveals the secrets of building and executing a strong vision within any organization. Oleg Konovalov—an acclaimed global thought leader—draws together in one volume in-depth interviews with nineteen extraordinary global visionaries that represent a variety of industries and organizations. These leaders explain why a vision is needed, how to implement it, how to communicate a vision effectively, and how to live by it with integrity.

As Konovalov explains, vision is a key leadership skill that can be developed as a practical business tool for leading a company today and into the future. The stories of the nineteen leaders reveal how to develop a compelling vision and follow through with the vision in order to inspire an entire workforce. When a leader taps into the power of «vision,» he or she creates a more meaningful business experience and ultimately, a better life. This compelling book:

Offers a guide for making the concept of vision a reality Provides the information needed to develop a clear and persuasive vision Contains an accessible guide to a much-needed skill Includes interviews with Marshall Goldsmith (#1 Leadership Thinker), Martin Lindstrom (#1 Branding Expert), Garry Ridge (Chairman and CEO of WD-40 Company) and many others Written for leaders at all levels in organizations and industries of any type The Vision Code is a must-have book for anyone who wants to develop the skill to become a visionary leader.

Жанры и теги
Павел Куваев

Книга на 100% практична и объективна. Это самый глубокий и самый детальный анализ такого феномена, как лидерское Видение.

На основе этого материала можно прокачать свою мета компетенцию по формированию смелого и осознанного Видения.

Рекомендую книгу к прочтению руководителям, которые стремятся стать настоящими лидерами для своих команд как в бизнесе, так и в жизни.

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Возрастное ограничение:
206 стр. 11 иллюстраций
John Wiley & Sons Limited