

Читать книгу: «Responsible Sustainability Model. Polyvalent Model and Virtual Economy»


© Mr. Valerii Kochnev, 2023

ISBN 978-5-0062-0840-7

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Public discussion about the need for a new state ideology or its denial with reference to the article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation confirms the existing extreme positions on the topic of filling the goals and objectives of social development with deep meanings. There are already certainly positive phenomena in influencing public consciousness, they often do not contradict each other due to deep historical traditions, gradual long-term moderation to meet public demands, preservation of identity and internal culture. And in this regard, in modern difficult times, definitions and models based on them are required, which are accepted by default by the general population, understandable, when everyone’s individual, creative supply chains, your inner awareness, its meaning, relationships with oneself and the world around you, its obligations on this basis. Concept of responsibility as thin, but a strong thread weaves everyone into a stable frame, forms polyvalent connections of responsibility and personal semantic awareness, answers to many internal questions and polyvalent connections of personal obligations in relations with the outside world, determining one’s place in the world and purpose in it.

Without taking into account the reasons for the lack of discussions about responsibility, then there seems an urgent need to popularise this concept and judging by the current events, both global and the characteristics of modern individual changes, then it’s like a forced measure, perhaps even in an imposed form to maintain a very precarious balance, formation of new forms of individual self-regulation, internal awareness and more global problems due to disagreements (political, interstate, interfaith, interethnic, inter-institutional and many, many others).


In the new realities there is no discussion about responsibility, about her role and place, significance of this phenomenon. Destructive modern politics, implanted “universal values”, new rules”, in which there is not the slightest mention of the simplest, about mutual obligations, gradually influence and become stronger than the economy and trade, based on old ideology, responsibility, with completely different value categories. We are witnessing the gradual destruction of the basis for many subsequent generations, and the speed of such events is amazing.The worst periods in history are the result of irresponsibility, when compliance with obligations fades into oblivion and a fairly simple phenomenon like responsibility is replaced by complex structures to justify violence and force to cultivate other ideas alien to human nature.

The development of society is entirely related to the transformation of transition periods, where everything modern at the end of the previous period of history and completely new from the initial period of the subsequent stage were combined. There was responsibility in everything, accepted and respected by default by the majority as a stable bridge, on which individual integrity was built within each, This is how a strong connection was formed with the external community and the surrounding space.

The “archaism” of responsibility must be destroyed! A new appeal is possible, rethinking and applying the concept of responsibility is largely a forced measure as it was created long ago, unconsciously used, but certainly a useful and effective drug, a dose of homeopathy that still allows us to maintain the ability to create. This fact can be underestimated, but it is in us and the joint efforts of a new assessment and meaning, popularisation, perhaps imposing responsibility can make it the main regulator of the internal individual and external general system.

Why is it important? In the current transition period, the process of forming the meanings of the “new man” and the “new society” has been launched, changing the long period of the so-called fossil fuel economy.

At the same time, stakeholders sometimes put completely opposite concepts into the first two concepts, initially form contradictions. These contradictions exist both in the smallest social groups, and in multilateral global entities, an attempt to exit incorrectly from which can lead to a fatal outcome.

A simple example of the result of such contradictions is the stagnation of major breakthrough ideas, which, against the backdrop of sanctions restrictions, are becoming less and less common, forcing a return to the use of old technologies, devaluing previous achievements.

The world is moving towards a multipolar production system, based on a network of global production chains and the largest companies in each country, teaming up to manage research and development, production and trade. At the same time, small, medium and even large regional companies will be liquidated as a result of gradual mergers with global giants. As a result of the dominance of monopolies, complex and expensive technologies, expensive development and management, market orientation towards immediate results in the discovery of new technological principles, limited deep use and development of existing technologies. This negates the possibility of breakthrough research with the prospect of unpredictable results in the future.

The competitive process in the formation of a multipolar world is the tendency towards nationalisation, isolation, consolidation and fragmentation of positive change programs. Protectionism, national egoism dominates the discussion of such issues, like climate change, development and investment in high technology.

The economy of the modern world is primarily driven by consumption and monetary capital. The main purpose and reason for the existence of the monetary system is to maintain a balance between supply and demand. However, the current monetary system is based on unsustainable production and consumption, unsustainable public debt and unsustainable social programs is itself an unsustainable system and creates unsustainable public and household debt. Institutionalisation of artificial intelligence, the growing use of software in all areas of human activity, overspecialisation and fragmentation of the scientific community, growing robotisation and threats from such processes to the economy, strengthening the influence of the state in the process of scientific-technical progress, automation and over-complication of development processes, the introduction of technology and technology into the economy led to the failure of the technical revolution in many developing countries, form the potential for large-scale damage.

Undoubtedly, there are a number of other obstacles that hinder the successful dissemination of knowledge, which complicates technical progress, leads to an increase in the cost of the technologies themselves and a slowdown in development.

These factors, in turn, become a recipe for the destruction of relations between science and society, between the scientific elite and the rest of the population. The minds of people are becoming more and more like fortress walls, accepting only those who belong to the same tribe, largely rejecting outsiders and refusing to hear any criticism of their own views. It also prevents them from integrating with other cultures and viewpoints. The fact that they are isolated makes them more vulnerable to exploitation by the elite and the people become easy targets for influence, manipulation and recruitment. The introduction of such “viruses” into the body of society prevents it from developing a balanced “immune” system. One of the main factors in this situation is that the main beneficiaries of technological progress are the elites and this leads to the creation of social inequality, both within countries and between countries. As a result, the population of many countries can no longer tolerate this state of affairs, reaching a critical point. In conditions where the process of globalisation and the transition to settlements in national currencies, in Chinese yuan, has been launched, the world’s largest banks are going to move their headquarters to Asia. The US is losing its leadership in the technology sector and will lose it completely. Average wages in the US and Europe are falling, the rise of China and India in the next ten years is inevitable. The status of the periphery will no longer matter; the development and integration of peripheral structures into the global multipolar production system will occur in a short period of time. As a result of the crisis, the dollar is losing its role as the world reserve currency, and the banking system is gradually entering a state of collapse. Markets without the US national currency will no longer be able to trade as before, the dollar is losing its importance in the international market with the prospect of its devaluation. American companies and their shareholders, who have amassed huge profits over recent decades, are losing significant amounts of money. Some companies have already begun to transfer their funds to foreign banks, creating a deficit balance of payments. The US Federal Reserve is pumped to the brim with dollars, and there is not enough demand in the economy to support the value of the dollar.

All this undoubtedly limits technological progress at the present time. This is due to other factors, including:

– Continuation of the old worldview, in which technology and technology are still largely viewed as an accessory to material wealth, serving its production and consumption, and not as a substance of growth, accumulation of knowledge and development of new spheres of collective life.

– Market dominance in technology creates monopolistic tendencies in the field of knowledge, limits the circulation of information and limits the spread of advanced technological systems.

– The use of old ideas that restrained scientific and technological progress as well as the economy led to a decline in the political importance of science, which ultimately had a negative impact on the technologies themselves.

– The allocation of resources for basic research and development is not optimal, which prevents the acceleration of some necessary research and technological discoveries. Research funding is too dependent on private capital.

When the division of labor is transferred to the field of complex technology and management, this is further aggravated by the high cost of these technologies. Now, to develop a new technological system, it is necessary to create a team consisting of experts in different fields, flexible, adaptive and ready to work together; who is willing to work according to the needs and performance of the technology itself, and not just their own needs, who strives to improve and develop the technology to its maximum, in accordance with the highest principles of intellectual integrity, scientific rigor and regardless of time, cost or status of their employment. Such conditions have been achieved by a number of leading companies and laboratories in the world that have achieved historical scientific achievements and great development, but at the same time, the market itself is a factor preventing the formation of such teams. Previously, people only had primary and secondary education, but now many have higher education, but people are still unhappy and do not know the reason for this. At the same time, a high percentage of when a person receives a good education, believes that he is becoming a professional, enters a job that does not have deep meaning by modern standards, and moreover, the person himself is confident in this, confident in the absence of his benefit. Many are very unhappy about this, but they have no choice but to accept this situation. Even though there are many good jobs with relatively high wages, the middle class is disappearing and becoming poorer.

One of the main problems facing the world today is the problem of poverty. People are losing confidence in a system that allows the very rich who have more than they need to become richer, and the poor who have less than they need to become poorer. The gap between rich and poor is becoming wider and wider, with many people lacking the resources to meet their basic needs.

Currently, under the current public funding model, social services are an unsustainable model and are not sustainable for the future. Most people will not be able to live a decent life after retirement because the cost of living is so high that they will lose the comfort and security they had.

Future generations will be able to pay for the services of the older generation only if the excesses of the current generation are eliminated and they get rid of their excess wealth. If this becomes common knowledge, older generations will not have the confidence to save more than they can spend. It’s a vicious circle that never ends.

One of the main causes of social problems is the loss of social rights that were previously in the past, while new technologies are becoming better and more advanced than previously available.

The main reason for these realities is the collapse of ideologies that have become the standard for distinguishing left and right. The left are those who advocate for governmental and social justice and equality, and the right are those who advocate for the economy, the power of the free market, and free market policies. The collapse of ideologies led to the exploitation of a monopoly of ideological systems that were previously protected by the two strongest ideologies: capitalism and communism. The current situation is a time of dramatic change. The world is experiencing a revolutionary moment in which existing power structures are being challenged by both the left and the right, and the rise of the right is a response to the victory of the left. This, in turn, leads to a radical upheaval of established political, economic and ideological systems, the rise of Antifa, the rise of the “alt-right,” and the emergence of Chinese and Russian leaders as an alternative to the American political ones. At the height of the media and propaganda offensive against the Russian Federation, the international media were given a clear order to take on the Turkish Republic, telling Turkey: “Do you want to become a member of the EU? Well, here’s the door,” but Türkiye was never accepted. The splitting and collapsing EU is sabotaging negotiations with Turkey and developing the “fortress” of Europe. This is the first time in history that the EU has been split by the leaders of its member states. The split continues even now where there is American pressure on the EU, a split and a real arm-wrestling between the leaders and states that are members of the EU. EU leaders have dispelled the myth of their unity and cooperation; they are trying to avoid war, but do not avoid confrontation among themselves and tolerate US pressure.

The process began in the 1950s and reached its climax in the 90s of the last century, against the backdrop of the collapse of the USSR and its ideological system, the financial and ideological system of the West, and the general international system. Until now it has been an eternal process, destroying the old and forming the new, which has led to the fall of the world’s largest ideological system, as well as its financial and political system, and it will not end until a new world order is established. The situation is complicated by the fact that the global economic, financial and political crisis is not over yet. In the context of radical changes in the world, the crisis, especially acute in the periphery, is quickly spreading to established industrial countries and is becoming increasingly difficult to control. A sign of the crisis that has broken out in developed industrial countries is the fact that the senior officials responsible for the crisis were not punished or even fired; the criminal use of the state budget continues, leading to social inequality and concentration of capital. It is our responsibility to handle this process and try to complete it quickly, instead of others taking advantage of it for their unscrupulous interests. This is a historical process and it will drag on for some time, but this is not the end of the history of a truly globalised, interconnected world where a multipolar world is emerging. The general collapse of the liberal-capitalist system, the collapse of Western hegemony in the political, economic and ideological spheres and the collapse of the American empire as a result of a coup in conditions of extreme crisis will be beneficial for the human race. The contours of the new world will appear after the contradictions between left and right are resolved, and this will take years. However, many decades will pass before we can fully enjoy the benefits of the collapse of the old, because the collapse of the old before the birth of the new is followed by a time of turbulence that will be very painful and destructive, after which we will be able to enjoy the fruits of the birth of the new.

In this context, the lack of information exchange between various parties and the destruction of the positive impact of high-tech development on economic growth, especially the lack of cooperation in high-tech development, are becoming more and more noticeable. In addition, the dominance of the service sector and the high level of employment in it, which is not very sensitive to automation and new technologies, will increase. In parallel, the cost of labor will increase due to the cost of its technological development, which in turn also requires an organised, educated and well-managed workforce, and the replacement of labor with capital will increase. In addition, the cost of education, research and development will increase given the dominance of applied research in higher education. At the same time, the slow pace of technical progress in the field of information technology and the dominance of existing technologies will further reduce the speed of progress. Lack of financial resources and a tough economy that is not very sensitive to new technologies will continue to be a problem.

Our current socio-economic model is based on the exploitative system of industrial society and is based on the following three principles:

1. Every person has an equal right to happiness.

2. Every person has an equal right to the same use of the Earth’s natural resources.

3. Any consumption is justified if it leads to happiness.

For a long time, more than a hundred years, the modernisation of industrialism and its socio-economic model were based on these three principles, which are still in force today, and are the basic foundations of the current system.

This model brought with it a number of fundamental changes in lifestyle and had a significant impact on the way we live and think. For example, it changed the way we conceptualise land and began to treat it as a resource that belongs to us residents. As a result, we began to view ourselves as owners of the land, giving us a sense of ownership of the land.

This socio-economic model is based on unsustainable imbalances (economic and financial, social and political) that are collapsing. Unsustainable consumption and wasteful production, uncontrolled consumption and underconsumption, over-infrastructure and under-infrastructure, the gap between rich and poor, over-consumption, lack of opportunity and choice, lack of time, health and safety are all becoming more and more evident. Over the past few years, we have been continually losing opportunities because we are not taking advantage of them. Dissatisfaction with the government is growing, due in large part to unmet needs, worsening social and economic problems, and a lack of trust in political institutions and leadership, and as a result, citizen dissatisfaction with the government is steadily growing. Fundamental changes and shifts in the established political, economic and ideological systems of society also expose power structures to attack from all sides. Against the backdrop of change, a significant part of the population occupies extremely opposing sides.

It is positive that in all this, recently the world is experiencing a technological revolution associated with the advent of the information age, thanks to which others can learn from others and have access to technology through the Internet, where the whole world is a virtual laboratory and knowledge is available to everyone. Now even the most isolated countries have access to the outside world through the Internet and satellite portals. This simplifies the process of appealing to a wide range of international institutions and organisations with the popularisation and promotion of simple concepts internally accepted by the majority in order to escape the threat when it is easier to destroy than to create. Realise the need to fulfil one’s obligations inherent in everyone by default according to human nature, return to rethinking responsibility as a simple element on which global processes are built, intra- and inter-corporate ethics, interaction of large and small corporations, individual participation in this of everyone, motivation to bridge the gap between poverty and wealth, and other contradictions. The responsibility on which the future stability of all structures depends, the currently unstable economic, financial and political balance. This is a key concept about the benefits and application of which definitely requires the beginning of a wide discussion.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
27 декабря 2023
150 стр. 1 иллюстрация
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