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Dutch For Dummies
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Dutch is spoken by 23 million people, mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium, and is an official EU language. For English speakers, written Dutch can be fairly straightforward to pick up, although the pronunciation can be more of a challenge. This simple guidebook and audio CD covers Dutch grammar, pronunciation and everyday phrases, making this vibrant language more accessible to English speakers – whether you’re just visiting or planning to stay on a long-term basis. Dutch For Dummies is the essential guide for everyone from students and holidaymakers, to those wanting to speak Dutch for business purposes. From numbers and vocabulary to greetings, popular expressions and proper etiquette, this clear, easy-to-follow guide will have you speaking Dutch like a native in no time. Dutch For Dummies includes: Audio CD to assist learning Introductory grammar and vocabulary Meeting and getting to know people Dining out, shopping, leisure time and the workplace Dealing with emergencies Tips on how to pick up Dutch quickly Note: CD files are available to download when buying the eBook version