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2008 A
Martin Fowlie – NBC
Answers: see here

1  Which project is being supported by Birdfair this year?

2  Is Lincoln’s Sparrow named after President Abraham Lincoln?

3  Which island in the British Isles has only single records of Goosander, Marsh Tit, Eastern Phoebe and Ancient Murrelet?

4  What Critically Endangered species from Brazil was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

5  Which British bird is potentially under threat from Tree Mallow which has spread in the UK due to amelioration of the climate?

6  What sort of flightless ducks have been found to migrate from the Pacific to the Atlantic via the Bering Strait since 1992?

7  For what purpose are seriemas, screamers and trumpeters used by humans in South America?

8  Name one of the three archipelagos that have twelve or more Critically Endangered species.

9  What colour is the iris of the Woodpigeon?

10  Which of the following is not extinct: Hawaiian Rail, Tahiti Rail, British Rail, New Britain Rail?

11  What anti-inflammatory drug is in use in veterinary practice in Tanzania, although it has already decimated the vulture population in India?

12  With what product are the piquero, camanay, alcatraz and guanay associated?

13  Which Critically Endangered species has in focus championed, as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

14  What plumage difference distinguishes the male Ptarmigan from the female in winter?

15  Which Critically Endangered parrot has recently bred in the wild following translocation?

16  Roatelo, meaning two-three in Malagasy, is an alternative name for which Madagascan endemic birds after their habit of going around in small groups of two or three?

17  Beside the Mangrove Finch, what is the other Critically Endangered passerine in the Galapagos?

18  Which oystercatchers have a white neck collar?

19  What bird is named after Madame Dumont d’Urville?

20  In what year did Scottish Crossbill become a species on the British List, within three years?

2008 B
David Murdoch – OSME
Answers: see here

1  Which project was supported by Birdfair last year?

2  What colour is the lower mandible of the female Common Kingfisher?

3  What is a bleeding-heart?

4  What was the ornithological surname of the French winner of the gold medal in the 5,000 metres in the 1920 Olympic Games?

5  In which country was a flock of 3,200 Sociable Lapwings counted in 2007?

6  What ornithological event is believed to have caused the huge increase in the population of White-footed Mouse in the USA, resulting in an increase in Lyme disease, as the mouse is a vector of deer-ticks?

7  What Critically Endangered species from Mexico was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

8  Why was the Olive-tree Warbler in Shetland in August 2006 less exciting for the finders than it might have been for a British ‘first’?

9  Is the estimated tonnage of lead shot used by hunters round the Mediterranean each year 6,000, 60,000 or 600,000 tonnes?

10  Which of the following is not extinct: Norfolk Starling, Tanimbar Starling, Mysterious Starling, Reunion Starling?

11  Which Critically Endangered species has Swarowski championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

12  What is Scotch woodcock?

13  Name one of the three or four Critically Endangered species with a population thought to be greater than 30,000 individuals.

14  What colour is the iris of an Osprey?

15  Is the Stanley Bustard named after the 19th century British Prime Minister, Edward Stanley?

16  What name does the International Ornithological Congress recommend that we now use for Rock Dove / Rock Pigeon /Feral Pigeon/Columba livia?

17  Name one country, outside Africa, where Lesser Flamingo has bred in historical times?

18  Who illustrated both T. A. Coward’s Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs and Miss S. Vere Benson’s Observer’s Book of British Birds?

19  What was the commonest non-natural (human-related) cause of death among Spanish Imperial Eagles between 1989 and 2004?

20  What is the Red Sea Warbler more commonly called?

2008 C
Paul Stancliffe – BTO
Answers: see here

1  Which project will be supported by Birdfair next year?

2  Where else is an Azure-winged Magpie azure apart from the wings?

3  Which species of bird caused the greatest loss of human life in an air strike when 62 people were killed when birds brought down an Eastern Airlines Lockheed Electra in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1960?

4  Is Wilson’s Warbler named after Woodrow Wilson, the former US president?

5  In which country was the world’s largest Arctic Tern colony of over 50,000 pairs in 1950, which had been completely exterminated by 2000 due to egg-collecting?

6  Which Old World warbler breeds in the New World?

7  What species of bird has learned to peck around the tail of brooding Nazca Boobies in the Galapagos in order to drink the blood thereby produced?

8  What is urohidrosis?

9  What Critically Endangered species from Africa was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

10  Which of the following does not exist: Golden-crowned Emerald, Sapphire-spangled Emerald, Ruby-necklaced Emerald, Coppery-headed Emerald?

11  In 1930 what happened when the last remaining female Laysan Duck had her eggs destroyed by a Bristle-thighed Curlew?

12  Which Critically Endangered species has Birdwatch magazine championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

13  What was the ornithological-sounding surname of the New Zealand winner of the silver medal in the 5,000 metres in the 1976 Olympic Games?

14  What object attached to a White Stork shot in Mecklenburg in Germany in 1822 gave a clue that storks wintered in Central Africa?

15  What colour is the iris of the Stock Dove?

16  Which country is home to the most species of Critically Endangered hummingbird?

17  Who was Roger Tory Peterson’s companion on a 25,000 mile tour of North America in 1953, resulting in the book Wild America?

18  What happened to the first captive-bred Philippine Eagle to be released in the Philippines?

19  What name does the International Ornithological Congress (IOC) recommend that we now use for (Common) Crossbill Loxia curvirostra?

20  In what year did the Cattle Egret colonise South America? Give the decade.

2008 D
Pete Leonard – ABC
Answers: see here

1  How many Critically Endangered species are there?

2  The dark markings on the throat of the male Common Quail are usually compared with what nautical object?

3  What bird did American hunters call the ‘dough bird’, on account of the soft dough-like texture of its fat on its autumn migration, when millions were slaughtered?

4  Is the Bushtit named after the American president?

5  Which race of Peregrine breeds in the British Isles?

6  On 17th August 1768 (240 years ago tomorrow), Gilbert White described three species, previously considered to be one species, in a letter to Thomas Pennant. What were they?

7  In 1941 what American passerines did Vera Lynn predict would be over the White Cliffs of Dover?

8  What Critically Endangered species from Asia was depicted on last year’s Birdfair poster?

9  When Konrad von Gesner published a drawing and description of a now Critically Endangered bird in 1555, the general response was that it was a hoax. What was this outlandish bird?

10  In Navarra in north-east Spain, what species was most frequently killed by 271 wind-turbines between 2000 and 2002?

11  Which of the following does not exist: Thrush Nightingale, Nightingale Finch, Nightingale Wren, Nightingale Bunting?

12  What species has most recently been classified as Critically Endangered?

13  Name one of the four genera with the dubious honour of having four Critically Endangered species.

14  Which Critically Endangered species has Wildsounds championed as part of BirdLife International’s Guardians and Champions project?

15  In which European country does approximately half the world population of Red Kite breed?

16  By what name was Cyanistes caeruleus more familiarly known?

17  What colour is the iris of a Common Kestrel?

18  What is a ‘faeder’ when applied to Ruff?

19  In what year did the Cattle Egret colonise North America (Florida)? Give the decade.

20  What killed 17 of the 18 young Whooping Cranes in the migratory eastern population of Whooping Cranes in Florida in 2007?

2009 A
Jez Bird – OBC
Answers: see here

1  What is the principal diet of the Acorn Woodpecker in winter?

2  What is the principal diet of the Sandwich Tern?

3  Are there more Critically Endangered birds or Critically Endangered amphibians?

4  What are ‘duck stamps’ used for in the USA?

5  The activities of which species of bird led to the abandonment of a Parliamentary Bill in the House of Commons in 1607?

6  Which has the longer bill – Sword-billed Hummingbird or Greenshank?

7  Who, born 100 years ago in September, first described the Greenland White-fronted Goose?

8  Which former Warden of Dungeness Bird Observatory and subsequent Head of Reserves Management at the RSPB died on 26th March 2009?

9  What is a haggard hawk or falcon?

10  Which of the following birds does not exist: Sicklebill, Scythebill, Spadebill, Secateurbill?

11  From what protein are feathers made principally?

12  What birds may be Bronze-winged, Comb-crested and Pheasant-tailed?

13  To what was John Clare referring when he wrote: ‘Ah, could I see a spinney nigh/A paddock riding in the sky Above the oaks, in easy sail/On stilly wings and forked tail’?

14  What red-legged birds are depicted on the coat of arms of Canterbury?

15  How many species of bunting are included in the suite of 19 birds included in the Farmland Bird Index?

16  For a bonus, name two of the three.

17  Who is Chief Executive of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds?

18  When was the Ornithological Society of the Middle East founded?

19  Which wader first bred in Britain in 1938 and now numbers a few hundred breeding pairs?

20  What European country has the Great Bustard as its national bird?

2009 B
Martin Fowlie – NBC
Answers: see here

1  What is the principal diet of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (outside the breeding season)?

2  What is the principal diet of the Bananaquit?

3  Who is the Chief Executive Officer of BirdLife International?

4  What birds can be Bronze-winged, Double-banded and Cream-coloured?

5  Who, born 300 years ago, on 10th March, has a jay, an eider and a sea-cow named after him?

6  Which has the longer wing – Corncrake or Common Swift?

7  Do birds have a spleen?

8  Which of the following birds does not exist: Bald Parrot, Bald Bulbul, Bald Eagle, Bald Ibis?

9  What is snarge?

10  Name two Critically Endangered species which occur in continental USA (if not yet extinct)?

11  For a bonus, name two more.

12  How many different Rosses are Ross’s Goose, Ross’s Gull and Ross’s Turaco named after?

13  Which is named after who?

14  What migrated from Beech Grove to The Nunnery in 1991?

15  What is a falconer’s hawk doing if it is having a jenk?

16  Apart from the Rook, which other corvid is included in the Farmland Bird Index?

17  Who, born 200 years ago this September, wrote of the Eagle that: ‘He clasps the crag with crooked hands;/Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ring’d with the azure world, he stands’?

18  How many years ago was the Oriental Bird Club founded?

19  When did Cetti’s Warbler first breed in Britain in recent times, within three years?

20  In which country can you see both Groundscraper Thrush and Cloud-scraping Cisticola?

2009 C
Richard Prior – OSME
Answers: see here

1  What is the principal diet of the Snail Kite?

2  What is the principal diet of the Morepork?

3  Who, born 200 years ago on 12th February, has a tinamou, a rhea and some finches named after him?

4  By what ornithological name was the French singer Edith Piaf known?

5  How does the Hoatzin differ from other vegetarian birds in the way it breaks up the tough leaves that comprise its diet?

6  Which species bred for the first time in Britain in Somerset in 2008?

7  How many pairs nested?

8  For what group of birds are tori lines used as a conservation measure?

9  Which of the following birds does not exist: Scimitarbill, Spearbill, Shoebill, Sheathbill?

10  In 2008 an electronic tag from a Steelhead Salmon, marked at the Columbia River hatchery in Oregon in 2006, was found by the nest of which species of bird on Mokonui Island in New Zealand, 10,000 kms from Oregon?

11  Which has the longer leg (tarsus) – Black-winged Stilt or Mute Swan?

12  After 1993 what led to the marked increase in the capture of Endangered Javan Hawk Eagles as status symbols?

13  How many species of finch are included in the Farmland Bird Index?

14  For a bonus, name two of the three.

15  The specific name of the Critically Endangered Alagoas Antwren is named after which eminent ornithologist who died on 4th February 2009?

16  What birds may be Sharp-tailed, White-rumped, Buff-breasted and Spoon-billed?

17  Who is the President of the British Ornithologists’ Union?

18  When was the African Bird Club founded?

19  What now Critically Endangered species received protection as early as 1504 from the Archbishop of Salzburg?

20  Which Critically Endangered passerine is confined to a 7 sq km island in the Atlantic?

2009 D
Nigel Redman – ABC
Answers: see here

1  What is the principal diet of the European Bee-eater?

2  What is the principal diet of the Macaroni Penguin?

3  Which American sparrow is named after Charles Darwin’s mentor at Cambridge?

4  How many ossicles do birds have in their middle ear?

5  Which has the longer tail – Caspian Tern or Cuckoo?

6  Name two of the three species of Critically Endangered ducks that are not confined to islands?

7  For a bonus, name the third.

8  What mammal was responsible for the deaths of both Prince Ruspoli and Johan Wahlberg after whom a turaco and eagle are named?

9  Which well-known ornithologist, who died this year, wrote The Private Life of the Street Pigeon in 1979 and also recorded Witherby’s Sound Guide to British Birds with Myles North?

10  Which of the following birds does not exist: Kiwi, Pewee, Weewee, Iiwi?

11  What is a sod in Shetland?

12  What is the connection between the Silver Invicta, the Golden Olive Bumble and the (Eurasian) Jay?

13  What is the matter with a falconer’s hawk if it has craye?

14  What birds can be Broad-tailed, Pin-tailed, Shaft-tailed and Straw-tailed?

15  Which philosopher and ornithologist, born 2,393 years ago, is commemorated in the Latin name of a British seabird?

16  Who is the Director of the British Trust for Ornithology?

17  Which is the only warbler included in the Farmland Bird Index?

18  When was the Neotropical Bird Club founded?

19  Which is the only species of crane that has an increasing population trend?

20  Prior to the 2001 record of Magpie on St Martin’s, how many had previously been recorded on Scilly?

2010 A
Pete Morris – ABC
Answers: see here

1  Of which American state is the Rhode Island Red the state bird?

2  In which decade did Sir Peter Scott first notice the significance of bill patterns to enable individual Bewick’s Swans to be told apart?

3  When was the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands signed? Was it 1961, 1971 or 1981?

4  In which country is Ramsar after which the International Convention on Wetlands is named?

5  In which county have both Pacific auks on the British List been recorded?

6  Where would you go to see Troglodytes troglodytes hirtensis?

7  What material did the Japanese use to make mist-nets for catching birds for food during World War II, and which were subsequently adopted in 1956 for ringing?

8  Which of the following birds does not exist: Minute Piculet, Miniature Tit-babbler, Tiny Hawk, Small Minivet?

9  What species of swan was found dead at Cellardyke from avian flu in 2006?

10  What species was it at first thought to be?

11  What species has hybridised with chickens, guineafowl, two species of goose, 41 species of duck and has also indulged in homosexual necrophilia?

12  Kakapo only breed when the fruit of which trees are superabundant?

13  ‘On a tree by a river a little tom-tit – sang “willow, titwillow titwillow …”’ comes from The Mikado by Gilbert and Sullivan. What was the tom-tit?

14  What is the title of the African Bird Club journal?

15  In 1456 what finch species was the first to be involved in singing competitions in Europe?

16  What birds can be Velvet-mantled, White-bellied, Crow-billed, Fork-tailed or Hair-crested?

17  What is ptilochronology used to measure?

18  Who wrote the foreword for either the first or the second Atlas of Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland?

19  In which country is BANCA the BirdLife partner?

20  What is a ‘mock nightingale’ according to Gilbert White?

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