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The Eternal Pact
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So close to him, I could only feel warmth and safety. It was as if the connection between us served as a balm against the chaos of the world. But I had been pierced, straight to my core. No matter the lie my skin told, I knew the truth. I would never be the same again. In this enchanting sequel to
The Eternal Trade , Victoria finds herself trapped in the Kingdom, a realm ruled by vampires—as the betrothed of Prince Dominic, the heir to the throne. However, she is soon caught in a web of lies, forcing her to question her loyalties and true heritage.When the queen orders Victoria and Dominic's wedding, Victoria is driven by her sense of justice to protect the blood slaves…yet she also discovers a disturbing truth about her own blood. Victoria demands that Dominic promise never to exploit this power, but rumors about her abilities come to light, causing tensions within the vampire council to escalate.As the wedding approaches, Victoria reunites with loved ones she thought she had lost, but they hold a deep-seated hatred for all vampires, including her fiancé. At the same time, Dominic uncovers the queen's dark agenda…With the threat of war looming, Victoria faces a difficult decision: embrace her love for Dominic or fulfill her duty to fight the darkness.