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The Last Will And Testament Of Daphné Le Marche
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‘Inspired by the life of Coco Chanel, this is the story of the scandalous life of the fictional beauty maven, Daphne Le Marche. Set between 1950’s Paris and present day London, it’s a lovely–get-away-from-it-all read’ – RedParis, 1956. Eighteen year old Daphné may be from a tiny French village, but she knows she’s destined for more. Stepping off a bus into bustling Paris with a suitcase full of her home-made beauty products, she’s ready to do whatever it takes to claim her stake in the world.London, 2016. Scandalous love affairs and an iconic cosmetics brand have kept Daphné Le Marche in spotlight – but her darkest secrets have never come to light. Now, in her London penthouse, enveloped in her rich signature scent, the Grande Dame of glamour has died.But not even those closest to her could have been prepared for what came next.The Last Will and Testament of Daphné Le Marche is a sweeping story of heartbreak, scandal and the importance of keeping it in all the family…