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Paris: Palace de Concorde: Champs Elysees: The Bois de Boulogne: The extensive Boulevards: The River Seine, etc.: Leaving Paris: Arrive at Dijon: Our Hotel: Dijon, its Churches, etc.: Our journey to Chambery, etc.

The Place de la Concorde.  Here we were pointed out was a place where a terrible struggle took place between the Germans and the French in 1871.  The work of devastation and ruin was only too apparent.  We drove to the Champs Elysees.  This is a most lovely place, with a broad avenue a mile long, with trees on each side of all sorts, and grass lawns and flower beds in the greatest profusion.  Here wander carelessly the gay crowds, or sit in beautiful little cafes under the spreading branches of the trees.  In the groves around the children are swarming, shouting, and playing.  We noticed there was the ever-loved of children, “The Punch and Judy,” also with stalls with toys, gingerbread, etc., etc.

When the darkness gathers and the numerous and brilliant gas jets are lighted, stretching for the distance of more than a mile, and music and song float on the air, the scene is very fascinating.  It is said, that along this broad avenue, in 1871, Paris with suppressed rage—watched the last of the German army disappear.  Our jarvey then drove us to the Bois de Boulogne, which is not far from here.  This is a grand promenade for chariots and horses, a little like our Rotten Row, in London.  There are here to be seen lakes, islands, caverns, artificial mounds, avenues, and, indeed, everything to make a most charming retreat from the busy city life.  The Champ de Mars is another of the open spaces.  Napoleon, before the famous battle of Waterloo, held his last review of the grand army of France here.  Again, in 1852, 60,000 soldiers were brought together on the occasion of the distribution of eagles to the different regiments, also several Arabs, in native costume, as representative of the vanquished Algerian tribes.  And here again, sad to say, in 1871, the Germans levelled their dreadful “mitrailleuse” and shot down, in their helplessness, many of the French.  We can hardly leave Paris without saying further that the boulevards of Paris are a great boon and joy to the city.  Whatever may be thought or said of the career of Napoleon III., in fourteen years he spent £60,000,000 in building seventy miles of streets and two hundred boulevards, eight churches, eighty schools, twelve wonderful bridges, and planted fifty thousand trees.  All added ultimately to the wealth as well as the attractions of the city.  To describe the streets is a task I shall not attempt.  They are called Rue—as Rue Lafitte, Rue de la Chausse, Rue de la Victorie, Rue St. Dennis.  The numerous places and things in and around Paris that call for remarks are legion, but I must forbear, only to give one passing reference to the river Seine and its many bridges.  Pont Notre Dame or the bridge of Our Lady, dates from the fifteenth century; a bridge of later date, we were told, was made of wood, and fell into the river taking sixty houses with it.  This is a fine bridge built of solid masonry.  The Pont d’Arcole is a suspension bridge for foot passengers only.  The Pont Neuf was built by Henry IV.  There is a bronze horse on the bridge which was cast in Tuscany.  On its way to Paris, the vessel bringing it was wrecked off the Norman coast, and lay for a year at the bottom of the sea.  It was ultimately fished up and brought to its present position.  And now I must leave, for a time at least, any further reference to Paris, only to say we settled our account at the Hotel and drove off to Gare-de-Lyon to catch the train at 10.25 for Dijon.  Our driver was a very interesting sort of Frenchman, and tried to explain and show us places and things, but we were little the better for his attempts to enlighten us.  We reached the station early, and were soon steaming away through France, and as we did so, we came to the conclusion it was as fair a land as e’er we had set eyes on; miles of lovely lawns; hedges cut and trimmed as if by a barber; the poplar trees rising in rows, long and even, all in order and beauty; then the rivers here and there rolling along, between grassy banks, and the lovely fat looking cattle browsing or sleeping in soft sunshine; cosy cottages, almost buried in bowers of roses; quaint old world villages, with red-tiled cottages; and stately churches with ivy covered towers, made one think of the poet who sang:—

“Through thy cornfields green and sunny vines,
O, pleasant land of France.”

We had very comfortable seats in the train, and our travelling companions, I think, saw we were foreigners, therefore did not trouble us with any conversation.  The country scenery we passed was charming, as the autumn tints were visible upon the trees; also the rich corn harvest was gathered in, and stacks of wheat were plentiful.  Labourers we could see in the fields tilling the soil for next year’s produce.  The country we passed through in our journey from Paris to Dijon (our next stop) is comparatively flat, slightly undulating in places, and I should think the soil is of a rich nature.  About 6 o’clock we arrived at Dijon, and soon were out of the train and into the hotel ’bus.  We had arranged beforehand our hotel from a list supplied from “Cook & Sons.”  Here we had chosen the “Grand Hotel de la Cloche,” or we should call it the “Bell Hotel.”  After having secured our apartments—which were of a first-class order, most profusely decorated and richly furnished, and clean beyond description—we had a wash, and found table-de-hote was ready, and we were ready too.  A well prepared and well served dinner of eight courses; wines free and abundant to those who cared to have it; indeed, a bottle of the French red wine was placed to each individual at the table; fruit in abundance.  A very good company, and apparently very jolly.  All were foreigners, either French, German or Italian.  After dessert we went for a little while to the smoke room, and then to bed.  We slept well until very early in the morning, when a terrible storm of thunder and lightning broke over the town—it was very startling, being so severe.  We learned, when at breakfast, that a woman had been struck by lightning close by our hotel; she, however, was not killed.

Dijon lies in a valley, the river Onche runs through it, and a beautiful undulating piece of land, covered with vines, lies to the left of the town, which is nearly 200 miles from Paris.  It has now, I believe, a population of about 50,000.  We took the best means of seeing it in the short time at our disposal, by hiring a car.  One of the most jolly-looking Frenchmen I ever saw, with a face as round and red as an apple, his horse was just as fat as a horse could be, and he cared for it as if it was human, or even more than some human beings are cared for.  He drove us to some lovely gardens where there was a fine lake and a fountain which was then playing.  Having my Kodak with me I took a snap-shot, though I regret to say, I did not get a good picture.  We drove to the lovely Cathedral of St. Boniface, built, we were told, for the third time in the twelfth century.  The spire is very fine, rising to a height of 300 feet.  We also visited St. Michael’s, which is Grecian in its exterior, but it is Gothic in its interior.  We passed a very old Carmelite Church with rich carving about the entrance, and a fine old carved oak door.  On the steps sat two old men resting, typical of the labouring class of France.  I just managed to get a snap-shot.  There is a fine town hall, which shows itself to great advantage.  We learnt it was at one time the Palace of the Duke of Burgundy, and had then a very large collection of scientific and art subjects, and a library of 50,000 volumes.  Dijon is one of the loveliest towns of France.  It has in it some manufacturies as woollen cloth, blankets, glue, baskets, mustard oil, saltpetre, and there is also a brewery.  At the time of the Roman invasion, it is said, Cæsar fixed and fortified a camp near here.  The Germans attacked it in 1871, and it capitulated on October 23rd of that year, after a long and severe struggle, and was made, for the time being (to the great chagrin of the inhabitants) the head-quarters of the German General Werder.  Having made as full an acquaintance of the place as we could in the short time at our disposal, we paid our hotel account and found ourselves again at the railway station.  Here I had a long and angry altercation with the ticket examiner.  I understood him to say our tickets were for another route; I closely scanned them, and assured him in the best French at my command, our tickets were in order, and, after considerable difficulty, he consented to our passing the stile and getting, to the train.  Again we were on rail, comfortably fixed and destined for Chambery.  We had not left Dijon long before we noticed the vine-clad hills, which indicated our approach to the South of France, and Alpine hills.  The scenery grew more beautiful as we sped along towards our destination.  We were able not only to enjoy the views as we passed villages and hamlets—but were able to get a fairly good square meal on the train.  We arrived safely at Chambery about 5 o’clock, and as usual we had fixed upon an hotel.  This time it is Hotel de France, and we were soon in a rumbling old ’bus and driven to a very quiet part of this quiet sleepy little town.  We found it fairly comfortable, and a hostess who had a robust and bonny appearance, and whose welcome in the French fashion was all we could wish.  Our rooms were lofty and rather barely furnished.  There was a feeling of chilliness about the place, but we were only staying for one night, so would put up with it.  A good hot table-de-hote dinner, and we felt better.  To bed at an early hour, was our habit, and here we did not break it.  A good night’s rest, and I was stirring early to look round and get information.  It is a town of about 13,000 inhabitants.  An Archbishop resides here (of the Romish Church) of course.  It has some manufacturies in silk gauze, watches, leather, etc.  I saw some soldiers on horseback on parade and took a snap-shot.  Also two fine bullocks pulling a wagon of timber.  We had a very good breakfast, as our hostess was most gracious and obliging.  We settled up accounts, which we found on a moderate scale, indeed, cheaper than a similar hotel in England.  We started for the station on foot, the morning being fine, while a porter conveyed our luggage on a wheelbarrow.  Arriving in good time at the station we managed to get good comfortable corner seats, so we could “view the landscape o’er” at our leisure.  We soon found it was worth surveying, for we were nearing the Alps.  On our left, some fifty miles or more—Geneva and, between the city and Chambery, lay a rugged mountainous district scarcely matched in any part of the world.  For an hour or more we watched the changing scenery with an intense interest.


Our journey to and through Mont Cenis Tunnel: Passing the Customs: Our new friend Nurse Reynolds: Our scrimmage for provisions at Turin: Arrival at Genoa and Table-de-hote: Arrival at Rome and our Hotel, etc.

Mountains, rivers, waterfalls, landscapes, vineyards, castles, chalets, and in some cases, so near the villages, we saw children playing on the village green, our train steaming on at a good speed, we soon found ourselves at Modane.  This is the frontier between France and Italy, and here I expected we should have to change trains, go through the Customs, and re-embark on another train.  So we got out of the train.  I soon found, however, we were not to change, so we re-entered another part of the same train, and here we were civilly and carefully dealt with; the very acme of politeness was shown.  Our bags and valises were just opened, but scarcely examined.  We declared we had nothing within, to the best of our knowledge and belief, upon which duty was payable. When asked the question, I answered “Non, Monsieur.”  When we came to settle down before the train proceeded on its journey we noticed our fellow travellers were different.  We found two ladies, mother and daughter, going to join a near relative in India; an Italian woman, not over clean, with a babe about four weeks’ old; and a nurse in uniform who was going to Rome to fill a position, also she wanted to learn the Italian language.  My dear wife and this nurse soon became close acquaintances, as they both had learned the profession, and for some time they were too absorbed almost to notice the scenery we were passing, for we were now nearing the Alps through which we were to pass.  We reached Mont Cenis duly, and, as we heard so much of this terrible tunnel, we almost dreaded passing through it.  At this point there is an old pass over Mont Cenis, or roadway between Piedmont and Savoy, the highest point 11,570 feet above sea level.  The pass was an old unused road, and dangerous on account of brigands and bandittis.  Bonaparte, be it said to his credit, in 1803, spent £300,000 in repairing it, and it was here the great Napoleon III. sent his troops into Italy against Austria in 1859.  The tunnel is about eight miles in length.  To make it was a work of almost superhuman labour and skill.  It was commenced by two sets of men, one on the Italian side and one set on the French side, in the year 1857; and so exact had been the calculations made, that when the men met in the middle, they were not a single foot out of their calculations.  The cost was nearly £3,000,000, and quite a number of valuable lives.  Now, both for business and pleasure, a way has been opened to the sunny south.  We settled in our respective corners as we pierced this great mountain, and gave ourselves up to reflection.  The great train thundered on, and silence largely held us all in its thrall.  The half-hour in going through Mont Cenis seemed almost half-a-day.  At last we emerged into the day light, and into the glorious sunshine of sunny Italy, with its vine-clad hills, and its serene and sunny sky—“Land of all lands the pride,” leaving behind us the Alpine heights (to revisit them on our return).  We were running for Turin.  We found we had no buffet on the train, and as we had not laid in a stock of refreshments, we began to feel the cravings of nature, and we began to wonder how they were to be satisfied.  We ultimately pulled up at Turin; how long we were to stop I did not know, and I could not ask, for now it was beyond my bit of French.  I said to my dear wife, here goes, we must have bread or starve: if the train leaves before I return to you—well, good-bye!  But I will do my best to be back in a few minutes and before the train leaves.  Without hat I rushed down the platform looking for a buffet, right at the bottom of a long platform I saw the word buffet.  I darted in, threw down a lire, and picked up two rolls of bread worth about twopence each, also some fruit worth about as much.  I seized these and hurried back to the carriage, passengers and people looking on and the waiters seemed to think I must be an escaped lunatic.  Well! I reached our carriage just as the train was moving out.  What would have happened if I had been left behind I do not care to think.  “All’s well that ends well.”  So we got at least something that would keep soul and body together until we could get a proper meal.  We had decided to stop at Genoa, but my wife said “well, now Nurse is going right through to Rome, let us keep her company.”  So we decided not to remain at Genoa, but to go right through; that meant twenty-four hours in the train.  As we were approaching Genoa we could see lovely vine-clad slopes, also the hills, the rivers and lakes, the landscapes, lovely beyond my power to describe.

Genoa is a very fine city.  I felt I could say of it as is said of the City of Jerusalem.  Beautiful for situation is Genoa.  Here we found we should have time for dinner; twenty minutes being allowed.  We left our carriage—now I had two nurses to take care of—we had to go under some arches, and across several platforms, to get to the buffet; this took us five minutes out of the twenty.  We found, to our extreme satisfaction, a table-de-hote fully set out.  Soup was laid out and waiting; waiters plenty.  No sooner one course was over, another was before us—chicken, fish, saddle of mutton, pastry, ices, and more than we needed—so that in ten minutes we had well satisfied the inner man.  Cigars were lying on the counter, and each passenger having dinner just helped himself, also to as much fruit as we could conveniently take.  We were also helping ourselves to Post Cards but these, we were reminded, we must pay for as extra.  So we scampered back with all speed.  Never, I think, did a dinner of eight courses disappear so quickly.  We had no time to explore the town, and we could only get glimpses of it from the train going in.  It is called “le Superb.”  Has some of the finest churches in Italy; is also a city of Commerce, of Shipping.  It is a garrisoned city, and has fortifications considered impregnable.  It is a city of palaces.  Also has a picture gallery containing some fine paintings by the old masters, one by Guercino, in the very best colouring, “Virgin and Child.”  This has been a favourite subject of the Artists, as both in oils and in marble and stone, this subject is prominent.  “The Flight into Egypt” is another favourite.  These, however, we had not the pleasure of seeing, so we could only have the pleasure of knowing we had been near them.  We left Genoa about 9 p.m.; it was quite dark, and so sultry we could hardly bear the heat of the atmosphere.  We hutched up into our corners to try to sleep, but with the rattle of the train, the screams of the baby, and the impatience of the mother, we could not sleep, at least I could not.  I think my wife got a little sleep.  So did the nurse, our travelling companion.  Before midnight, there broke over us a thunder storm.  The lightning was so vivid I could clearly see the objects we passed, and it continued for several hours.  We passed the leaning tower of Pisa before daylight broke in upon us, we were also getting too tired to enjoy the look out when the day broke.

As we sped on we expected to see the City of Rome about 10 a.m.  At last the vision burst upon our view.  Rome at last.  Yes, certainly, there is the proud City.  Its towers, spires and domes, and minarets, all glistening in the morning sun.  The monuments and ruins of this city still standing testifies to the greatness of its past history.  The gigantic Colosseum to the humblest of ruins, everything in Rome is eloquent in the language of history.  We soon hunted up our luggage, and made our way out of the carriage to the platform.  After a few words with our companion, the Nurse, we separated.  She was expecting to be met, and we were anxious to get to our hotel.  This time we had chosen the “Grand Hotel Continental,” and finding their ’bus at the station we were soon conveyed to our destination.

The hotel was certainly of a high-class order, and very extensive.  The grand saloon for dining was most costly furnished.  Mirrors and paintings on the walls gave brilliancy and attractiveness to the scene.  The lecture room, the smoke room, the reading room, were all most luxuriantly fitted up.  The bed rooms also were sweet and clean.  Abundance of lavatories, bathrooms, lifts, etc., make the place a comfortable home from home.  After having fixed our number (I mean the number of our bed room, this was always our first business at a fresh hotel) we had breakfast, then a bath, for we had no opportunity of even a good wash since leaving Chambery twenty-four hours ago.  We were needing it badly.  An ample supply of hot water for the bath, towels ready to hand, soap we carried with us.  We thought it strange, but we found it true, the hotels don’t find soap.  This reminds me of Mark Twain’s position when in Italy, in his “Innocents Abroad.”  He says, “We have had a bath in Milan, in a public house.  They were going to put all three of us in one bath tub, but we objected.  We chose to have three tubs, and large ones—tubs suited to the dignity of aristocrats who had real estate, and brought it with them.  After we were stripped and had taken the first chilly dash, we discovered that haunting atrocity that has embittered our lives in so many cities and villages of Italy, there was no soap.  I called.  A woman answered and I barely had time to throw myself against the door, before she would have been in, in another second.  I said, ‘Beware, woman!  Go away from here—go away, now, or it will be worse for you.  I am an unprotected male, but I will preserve my honour at the peril of my life.’”  We had a good bath, then to bed for a few hours, as we had had hardly any sleep in the train.  We rose about 2.30 p.m. refreshed, and after lunch we prepared for a stroll or ride to see the sights of this wonderful city.  We soon found it is a wonderful city.  The ancient and the modern are seen at almost every point.  And yet you seem to feel there is no jar on your taste or feeling.

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