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Passing and catching are two basic techniques in handball, which have to be continuously practiced and improved in training. The 25 practical exercises given here offer many variations to train passing and catching, both challenging and varied. A special focus is to be put on improving the accuracy in passing and catching in motion with high dynamics. Therefore, the exercises are combined with new pathways and near-to-play movements.

The exercises are easy to understand and clearly explained using simple language and diagrams, and can be integrated directly into each training session. Passing and catching can be adapted to different levels of difficulty and complexity for all age groups.

Example diagramm:

Second edition

© 2011 by Jörg Madinger

Proofreading: Janika Laier, Elke Lackner

Layout Cover: Rexer design

Translation publication: 23.02.2013

Reprinting, photomechanical reproduction of all kinds, storage and processing in electronic systems requires the written consent of the author.







Strips: Approx. 60 cm long foam rubber strips

LW/RW: Left/right wings (attack/defence)

BL/BR: Backcourt left/right (attack)

BM: Backcourt mid-field (attack)

P: Pivot (attack)

Continuous passing/running in a pentagon

Needed: 10 players, 2 balls, 5 cones to mark the playing area


- One position is always left out: passes to , passes to , passes to and passes to etc.

- Always take up position where the ball is being passed, but from the outside ( passes to and runs around (A), in order to take up position at )

- passes to and runs around from the outside (B) to take up position again at


- 2nd ball ( and each have a ball and begin with the sequence at the same time)

- running and passing in a clockwise/anticlockwise direction

- passing the ball in an anticlockwise direction, running clockwise and vice versa (more dynamic movement!)

Figure of 8 with three players and a ball

Needed: 3 players, 1 ball


- crosses in front of and passes the ball to him (A), then immediately falls back quickly to the side and right (B) backwards

- crosses in front of and passes the ball (C), then immediately falls back quickly to the side and left (D) backwards.

- Repeat sequence

Perform exercise as quickly as possible.

Carry out these intermediate exercises quickly to the whistle:

- The two players without the ball do push-ups next to each other (approx. 2 metres apart), the player with the ball does fast forward and side-ward movements (running in a figure 8 pattern) between the 2 other players (approx. 20 seconds).

- Both players without the ball stand one in front of the other with their legs apart bending forward (distance approx. 2 metres apart). The player with the ball (who has put it to one side) leapfrogs over the first player and slips under the second player.

- The player with ball passes the ball to one of the two others. These two have to make 10 fast passes between themselves. If they succeed in doing this, the third player has to do press-ups - if he touches the ball, the other two have to do press-ups. The distance between the two should not exceed 5 metres.

When the exercise has been completed, the players begin straight away with the figure of 8 run.

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