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“Whoever smokes, takes drugs!”

Here is another remark that is not preached in the churches, like it should be:

“Whoever SMOKES, takes drugs - including ALCOHOL, abuses and corrupts his body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit [i.e. the temple of God], will be ruined by God himself.”

These people put themselves under the control of a different spirit coming from below, not from above.

I Corinthians 6:19 What? Know you not that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from YAHWEH? And you are not your own;

I Corinthians 6:20 For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify YAHWEH in your body, and in your Spirit, which are God/ Elohim (YAHWEH).

I Corinthians 3:17 If any man destroys the temple of YAHWEH, him shall YAHWEH destroy; for the temple of YAHWEH is holy, which temple you are.

Smoking tobacco.

Tobacco is a slow, treacherous, but a very vicious poison. In whatever form it is used, it has an effect on the entire body. The more it is dangerous because its effects are first slowly and barely perceivable. It excites and after that paralyzes the nerves. It weakens and befuddles the brain. Our nerves are usually attacked stronger than numbing beverages. Tobacco and its consequences are difficult to eradicate from the system. Its use awakens our thirst for strong drinks and in many cases it is the cause of drunkenness.

The use of tobacco is detrimental, costly, dirty, stains the one who uses it and harasses other people. One can come across its followers everywhere... It is unpleasant and unhealthy to stay in a railway car or a room where air is filled with alcohol and tobacco smells...

Tobacco use is doing unspeakable harm to children and young people. The unhealthy habits of past generations exert their effects on children and youth of today. Mental incapacity, physical weakness, disordered nerves, and unnatural desire are inherited from parents to their children. The same habits of the children multiply the evil and propagate it. Physical, mental and moral deterioration, which gives so much cause to concern, is in no small measure attributable to that.

Boys begin smoking tobacco at a very early age. If this becomes a habit at a time where body and mind are particularly susceptible to the consequences, the body power is undermined, the body becomes stunted, the mind is addled and the moral is poisoned...

No human needs tobacco, but countless numbers of people collapse due to the lack of means, which are rather than wasted if used.”

“Intoxicating beverages.”

~ Ephesians 5:18; Titus 2:3; Proverbs 9:4-6; 20:1; 23:20, 29-35 ~

No human hand has ever designed an accurate picture of slaveryand humiliation of the victims of intoxicating beverages. Subjugated, humiliated, they awake in a feeling of misery, they are powerless to get out of these tights; they will 'require the same again and again.'

No proof is necessary to show the severe impact of intoxication on the drinker. The befuddled, bewitched, human wrecks - souls for whom Christ died and angels cry about - are everywhere. They are the shame, the curse and the bane of the country.

Who can imagine the misery, the agony, the despair hidden in drunkards’ homes? Just think of women, often well-educated, sensitive, built-up and accustomed to a more refined way of life, who are allied with men who turned into drunkards or a demons due to drinking...

Intoxication is generated by wine, beer and cider to the same extent as by stronger drinks. The enjoyment of these beverages gives taste for stronger ones, thus resulting in drunkenness. Moderate drinking is the school where men are educated for the career of a drunkard. But the influence of these mild stimulants is so insidious that the path to drunkenness is entered before the victim even suspects any danger ...

In the Old Testament Christ gave the warning to the people of Israel: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1) ... Tea, coffee and similar beverages, tend in the same direction as alcohol, spirits and tobacco and in some cases, it is equally hard to break the habit, as it is for the drinkers to give up consuming intoxicating beverages. Those who try to give up these irritants will miss them for some time and suffer without them. But they will overcome the desire by their power of endurance no longer feeling a lack thereof. Nature may require some time to recover from the suffered injury, but you should give her a chance, and it will rise again and do its work well and willingly.

from “The Ministry of Healing” by EG White, 1907, p. 334-339, 342

Why does the German translation say “God”, in the Psalms “God [Elohim]” is added and the English translation is “Elohim” instead of “God”?

This is a problematic case. It’s about the name “Elohim.” In most Bibles the word “Elohim” is translated as “God” directly. Unfortunately this is not an accurate and correct translation. The difficulty lies in the translation from the Hebrew, Aramaic text into German, English and other languages where we deal with word-for-word translations, also as far as the word “Elohim” is concerned. However, this word has many meanings, whereby due to these options and consequential difficulties in the meaning and thus in the translation, the reader should be aware that one should leave the word “Elohim" as it is written.

For that, in German the word “God” has been preserved both in this work and in all other Bibles in order to ensure a better understanding by the seekers while reading the Scriptures.

In the English part the word “Elohim” has been put in its original position. In the present work the name for God is also “El”, “Eloah” and “Yah,” which are all short descriptions of his title or his name. An interpretation that Jesus/Yahshua is called by the name of YAHWEH is to reject as fundamentally wrong and to declare as misleading and God vilifying. This interpretation has the sole purpose to present the Master Jesus/Yahshua as God and herewith destroying the personal relationship of the Father and the Son. This is a contradiction which will come up again and again on reading the Scriptures. (Hebrews 10:7; Psalm 40:6-8)

As we can see from the scripts “Yahweh’s Assembly in Yahshua” (see attachment), the letter “J” was for the first time introduced in the Middle Age. To allow better reading and pronouncing of the names to the reader, the letter “J” has been kept in the German part: "JAHWEH" and "Jahschua". In the English part, the old spelling “Y” of the names "YAHWEH" and "Yahshua" was reinstated.


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have supported this work within the scope of their possibilities and best efforts. May the God Almighty bless them for it in particular!

Mark of Düsseldorf - Clotário of Hesse - Tamás of Hungary - Antonius of North Germany - Uwe of Schleswig-Holstein - Christina of Wupper Valley - Daniel of Spain - Tim of Brazil - Lidia of Schleswig-Holstein - Sueli of Brazil - Erica of Großräschen - Martin of Bonn - Catherine of Heilbronn - Vitor of Portugal - Alexander of Essen - Mark of Brazil - Anni of Belgium - Götz of Amrum - Lucia of North Germany - Catherine of Essen - Peter of Wachtberg - Petra of Eckental - Zhenyu of China - Ilaine of Brazil - Mark of Ahr Valley - John of Amrum - Rolf of the Ems - Valeria of Brazil - Anke of Ahr Valley - Robin of Denmark - Mark of Brazil - Christina of East Germany - Gabriel of Brazil ...


In remembrance of the






Vaudois du Piemont

and also the martyr blood of

Wicliffe, Huss, Hieronymus, Jerome, Cobham, Savonarola, Cranmer, Latimer, Ridley, Rogers, Servet, Sylvans, Hooper, Bradford, Tyndale,

the martyr blood of the massacre of Smithfield in the city of London, the martyr blood of the massacres of St. Bartholomew in France and in Holland by the Spanish army,

the martyr blood of the massacres of Edinburgh in Scotland and in Ireland,

the martyr blood of the massacres of the terrible Inquisition in Europe, in India and other countries, ...

and my friend Jörg of Rendsburgh ...

Also may God bless those who have condemned this work with rejection, indifference and hatred!


So I wish all of those who do not believe in the Son of God that one day they would realize the existence of the living God and not receive the plagues for their disobedience and their lawlessness, and thus may be granted eternal life, if this should correspond to the will of YAHWEH, the Elohim of hosts/ YAHWEH Sabaoth. For he knows our hearts, our deepest thoughts, “for God is pure light!” So, repent for, confess your sins and love the Master Yahshua. - Do not love the world [and do not find yourself in secret organizations]! For friendship with the world, means hostility with God! (1 John 1:5; 5:13; Galatians 3:10; Deuteronomy 27:26, 1 John 2:15; James 4:4)

“For You are blessed, O YAHWEH {1 Corinthians 1:31}, for all your goodness and mercy and for Your blessing upon this work in the last time of grace before the plagues of the seven bowls will descend upon the world- ‘the final expression of your anger’. (Revelation 18:3-4) We are at the end of the world’s history just before the second coming of your Son Yahshua the Messiah.

‘Who should pull us out of your hands? All who love you, O YAHWEH, are under your wings, under the arms of the Almighty! Who should separate us from Your love! Be it the celestial powers, the forces, the world leaders of this darkness, the underworld, the army of evil spirits in the heavenly places, you’ll shrink them all! Be it the powers of darkness, which get people depressed, people who do not know you - you will keep safe your people, spiritual people of Israel from this disease created by the hands of Satan. Hallelujah!

“In the name of Yahshua the Messiah, you are blessed forever and ever. Amen. “

{Daniel 12:1; Malachi 3:16, Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 20:12+15, 21:27, 22:18-19}

Wittdün on Amrum, July 2011 / October 2015

Johannes Biermanski

2 Kings 4:42 And there came a man from Baal-Shalisha (translated from Hebrew = Lord/Master of the Trinity, a Truine God!), And brought the man of Elohim bread of the first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of grain in his sack. And he said, Give it to the people that they may eat.

Explanation by an editor: “There came a man who worships the God Baal-Shalisha or written differently: Baal-Salisa, i.e. a pagan God, and brought the man of the living God bread of the first-fruits. The reader can hereby recognize that these are two different Gods. Translated from Hebrew the word ‘Baal’ means ‘the Lord’ or else written ‘the LORD’. The Hebrew word ‘Shalisha’ or in other Bible translations written as: ‘Salisa’ interestingly means ‘Lord or LORD of the Trinity, a Truine God’:

This means nothing other than that the doctrine of the Trinity - a Gods’ system also called ‘The Triads’. It’s all one and the same.


Should the written word ‘LORD’ or spelled differently as: ‘LOrd’ or ‘Lord’ (standing for the Father in the most Bibles) be removed from most existing Bibles and replaced by the Hebrew word ‘Baal’, the reader can see that in reality, the existing Bibles serve to worship God of the sun “Baal”, “Sun worship system of Baal”, who could not be anything else but ‘Lucifer’, say ‘Satan’.

To analyze all this, the result, the synthesis is:

“Not the living God YAHWEH, YAHWEH Elohim, our true Father in heaven, gets the true worship in the existing Bibles by the name LORD (standing for Father), but his opponent - called’ Satan ‘.

Every person should think about this result using his clear mind and take a decision whom he is going to worship in future.

The German word „Herr“ is predominantly translated in English as ‘Lord’. In its verbal explanations The Bethel Bible Edition comments as follows:

a) ‘lord’:

- A common term for ‘master, ruler.’ Its use is equated with that of the Hebrew word ‘baal’ – a pagan, unacceptable word to True Worship and abhorred by YAHWEH.

b) ‘LORD’:

- in the KJV (King James Version), supposed translation of the Tetragrammaton, the four-letter Hebrew proper noun which is the revealed personal Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, arrived at by transliteration of the Name from the Hebrew. Properly substitute Yahweh when reading.

On revision of the translation by Dr. Martin Luther, the words “wicked, wickedness” could be found in many verses. However, in retrospect it has to be noted that the term “lawless and lawlessness” would be more appropriate, see also Elberfeld Bible of 1871.

Reason: Everyone in this world has a god, whether a football god or other gods, a human puts himself, cars and other values at the top position hereby downgrading the priority of the living God, even being convinced: “There is no God.” Since the law, WRITTEN WITH THE FINGER OF ELOHIM (God), existed already on the day of creation and was revealed to Israel in writing first on Mount Sinai, and the King Solomon explained very clearly in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, verses 13 and 14 that the commandments of God/YAHWEH, His law, have to be kept by everyone, all those people who do not observe the commandments are to be called LAWLESS.

General information to the readers of the "Holy Scripture“ and relating to the „Falsification of the ressurection day“ as well as all the other texts:

Relating to this text were many translators in the present languages engaged. Repeatedly did we determine that in the present texts deliberately or unwittingly was translated wrong in the particular language. Crucial and prior remain the texts in the German and English language. Thank you very much.

1 Corinthians 8:6 LUTHER = Yet for us there is but one God/Elohim [his name is YAHWEH], the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for him; and one Master, Yahshua the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we exist through him.

PFÄFFLIN = But for us there is only one God/Elohim: the Father, from whom all things come and in whom we have our goal. And the one Master, Yahshua the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we by him.

KJV + EL = But to us there is but one Elohim (G-d), the Father, of whom are all things, and we to him; and one Master, Yahshua the Messiah, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Matthew 24 & Luke 24

Psalm 111 & Psalm 135

Isaiah 43:1b Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name, you are mine.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your Elohim: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

Isaiah 41:13 For I YAHWEH your Elohim will hold your right hand, saying to you, Fear not; I will help you!

Isaiah 41:14 Fear not, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will help you, says YAHWEH, and your redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.

The Prophecy on the Son of God: Yahshua

Isaiah 42:1 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; my elect, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth justice to the nations.

Isaiah 42:2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth justice in truth.

Isaiah 42:4 He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he has set justice in the earth: and the isles shall wait for his law.

Isaiah 42:5 This says God/El YAHWEH, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which comes out of it; he that gives breath to the people upon it, and Spirit to them that walk in it:

Isaiah 42:6 I YAHWEH have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand, and will keep you, and give you for a covenant of the people, for a light of the gentiles;

Isaiah 42:7 to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.

Isaiah 42:8 I am YAHWEH, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

Isaiah 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Matthew 14:44-52

Jeremiah 17:5

Psalm 146:5

Matthew 11:25-30

John 6:37-40 + 10:9


Isaiah 48:17-22

Matthew 28:18b-20

1 John 2:1

Hebrew 4:14-16 + 8:1-2+6

John 20:17

Revelation 3:12 + 4:2 + 19:5-6

Ein Liebesbrief für Dich!

Ein Wegweiser zum ewigen Leben: Das Wort Gottes. Geduld, Hoffnung, Zuversicht und Sicherheit für alle Leser, die den Weg dessen suchen und dem glauben, der vor uns hergegangen ist. Wer ist es? „DER SOHN GOTTES!“ Er kam aus seiner Herrlichkeit und nahm die Schmach für unsere Sünden, unser Schuldkonto, unsere Ungerechtigkeit, unsere Gesetzlosigkeit auf sich und bezahlte den hohen Preis mit seinem Blut, damit wir das ewige Leben haben dürfen {wenn wir wollen} und sein Opfer annehmen. Er selbst nennt uns Brüder und Schwestern, diejenigen, die ihn lieben und seine Gebote halten, die Gebote seines Vaters. (Johannes 17,24; Matthäus 12,48.49; Markus 3,33.34; Lukas 8,20.21)

Kurz vor dem Ende der Gnadenzeit und der Wiederkunft des Messias erscheint dieses Werk zur Ehre und Verherrlichung des allmächtigen, lebendigen und alleinigen Gottes, des Vaters. Sein Name stand über 7.000 mal im Tenach (dem Alten Testament), so ist er dennoch aus unseren Übersetzungen vollständig verschwunden, aber der Name „Satan“ ist unverändert in der Heiligen Schrift geblieben. Auch in der Öffentlichkeit kennt die überwiegende Mehrheit der Menschen den Gott der Bibel nicht, geschweige denn seinen Namen. Jedoch der Name „Satan“ ist allen Menschen bekannt. Satan ist es egal, wie sich die Reihenfolge der Buchstaben seines Namens zusammensetzt bzw. mit welchen weiteren Buchstaben oder Wörtern sein Name kombiniert wird. Die Hauptsache ist, er bekommt dadurch - bewusst oder unbewusst - von den Menschen seine Anbetung, seine Verehrung (z. B. Titan, Santa, Santa Claus etc. - je nach Landessprache unterschiedlich geschrieben; auch bei Städtenamen: z. B. Santa Cruz, wobei das Kreuz [Cruz] aus dem Heidentum kommt und christianisiert wurde).

Eines von vielen Zeugnissen über den Namen Gottes finden wir in diesem Werk im Anhang.

Der Name unseres alleinigen Gottes, des Vaters, wie ihn die Israeliten angerufen haben und wie er heute noch in der Bethel Edition Bible und im Hebräischen geschrieben steht, lautet „JAHWEH.“ - 5. Mose 6,4:

„... JAHWEH ist unser Elohim (G-tt), JAHWEH ist EINER.“

Denn JAHWEH heißt: „‘Ich bin’, der ich bin; ich existiere, ich werde immer existieren; alles was existiert, existiert durch mich!“ (siehe 2.Mose 3,14)

JAHWEH sprach in 2. Mose 3,6: „Ich bin der Elohim (G-tt) deines Vaters, der Elohim (G-tt) Abrahams, der Elohim (G-tt) Isaaks und der Elohim (G-tt) Jakobs.“

JAHWEH sprach weiter zu Mose in 2. Mose 3,15: „So sollst du zu den Israeliten sagen: ‘JAHWEH, der Elohim (G-tt) eurer Väter, der Elohim (G-tt) Abrahams, der Elohim (G-tt) Isaaks und der Elohim (G-tt) Jakobs, hat mich zu euch gesandt; das ist mein Name in Ewigkeit und meine Benennung von Geschlecht zu Geschlecht.’“ (siehe auch 1. Korinther 8,6; 11,3; Offenbarung 1,4.8)

Im Vorwort der Elberfelder Bibel von 2004 heißt es: „Im Grundtext stehen die Buchstaben JHWH, die Entscheidung wurde bei der Revision für „HERR“ anstatt für „Jahweh“ getroffen“ (siehe 2. Mose 3,15).

In der Schlachter 2000 finden wir in der Fußnote zu 2. Mose 3,14 auf der Seite 63, folgenden Hinweis:

„Der hebräische Name des Gottes Israels (in dieser Übersetzung mit HERR wiedergegeben; wahrscheinlich lautete er ‘Jahweh’)...“

Im Vorwort der Hermann Menge Übersetzung von 1928 heißt es: „Auf folgende Einzelheiten glaube ich noch besonders hinweisen zu sollen [und hier im Besonderen der Punkt 4: ‘Der hebräische Gottesname Jahwe (unrichtig: Jehova) wurde mit „HErr“ wiedergegeben, im Unterschied von „Herr“.

In dieser vorliegenden Übersetzung* wurde der wirkliche Name Gottes „JAHWEH“ anstatt „HERR“ (siehe Luther Bibel) oder „HErr“ an seine alte Position wieder eingesetzt. Ebenfalls wird hier die Bezeichnung für den Sohn Gottes der Titel mit „HErr“ wiedergegeben.

In den hebräischen Bibeln stehen die vier großen Buchstaben „JHWH“, vor dem 16. Jahrhundert „YHWH“, gelesen von rechts nach links. Diese Buchstaben sind mit kleinen Häkchen für die Vokale versehen und dienen als Zeichen zum Aussprechen des heiligen Namens, der da heißt: JAHWEH [YAHWEH].

* Luther-Bibel von 1545 und 1912 als Fundament dieses Werkes.

„Darum sollt ihr also beten: Unser Vater in dem Himmel, geheiligt werde dein Name!“ (Matthäus 6,9)

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