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Читать книгу: «Tempted By Her Tycoon Boss»

Jennie Adams

“Hi, Linc. Thanks for stopping by to collect me.”

She got the words out before she looked at him properly. It was just as well, because when she did, she couldn’t drag her gaze away again.

He had on a sleek evening suit in a dark pin-striped gray, a crisp white shirt and thin powder blue tie. Polished black dress shoes completed the outfit, and as he moved his arm slightly, she caught a glimpse of a gold cuff link.




Could any man look more handsome than Linc did tonight?

Tempted by Her

Tycoon Boss

Jennie Adams

After years of living in a small inland city in New South Wales, Australia, JENNIE ADAMS re-embraced the country lifestyle of her childhood. When she isn’t writing, Jennie dedicates her time to promoting the natural wonders of her new area and encouraging others to visit and enjoy what now constitutes her back garden—large tracts of native bushland, flora and fauna reserves and wetlands. Jennie’s family has grown to embrace in-laws (and outlaws, she always jokes), sisters, daughters and brothers of the heart. Find Jennie at

For my dad. You were my first storyteller and you’ll always remain the best to me. Love you.




Title Page

About the Author



















‘GOOD MORNING, CECILIA.’ Linc MacKay spoke the greeting as he stepped between shoulder-height hedge shapes bursting from within with raised flowering displays. ‘Your second-in-command told me I’d probably find you here.’

‘Here’ was the feature maze area of the Fleurmazing Plant Nursery on its acreage just outside the Sydney city limits. The Australian sun warmed the air, and the light breeze carried the scents of a summer garden.

Now it had also brought a handsome millionaire, stepping around a corner of the maze to an alcove where a statue of a sun goddess draped in gossamer folds reached her arms upwards as though to bless the world with her light.

Was it the soft look in Linc’s eyes as his gaze moved beyond the sun goddess and lingered on her that made Cecilia’s breath suddenly catch? A moment later the expression disappeared, if it had ever truly been there at all.

‘Linc. Is it that time already?’ She focused on projecting professionalism into her words and tried to push those discomforting questions to the back of her mind. ‘I’m glad Jemmie was able to point you in the right direction to find me.’

Cecilia placed one final hedge trimming into the basket over her arm and walked towards the plant nursery’s owner. If she didn’t feel entirely calm she could at least act as though she were.

‘This is my favourite part of the maze, to be honest.’

‘I can see why.’ His gaze took in the maze, its beautiful flowers every shade from creamy white to deepest violet and blue. But then he turned back and took in Cecilia, too, from the top of her honey-blond hair in its high ponytail, over her face, lingering on each feature, and quickly sweeping over the simple strappy sundress that showed off her curves to perfection.

She rarely dressed in her best girly attire for work but, knowing that today she’d be inside most of the day in the office, Cecilia had let her most feminine side have its way.

‘It’s stunning,’ Linc finally said. ‘The...ah...the maze.’

‘Thank you.’ She drew a slightly unsteady breath. ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t up front, ready to greet you.’

Cecilia glanced at the trimmings in the basket over her arm and hoped by doing so she would disguise her swirling thoughts from him.

‘This is a never-ending job.’

‘And a very important one at the moment, I can imagine.’

Why, oh, why did she have to feel suddenly oh-so-conscious of him? She had much better control than this. Usually...

Wasn’t it enough that she’d mistaken his interest once before, years ago?

‘The maze needs to look good. Fantastic, in fact.’

She forced the words out and told herself to concentrate on matters at hand. The Fleurmazing plant nursery was the third and most recent of Linc’s Sydney plant nurseries that she had managed over the six years she’d been in his employ, but this one was different.

It was her brainchild—a holistic nursery that required greater upkeep but offered an enhanced experience for its visitors. At least in this aspect of her life she had it together!

She should keep her focus on that. Now, of all times, Cecilia needed to ‘sell’ the nursery’s virtues to Linc at any opportunity she got. Noticing his character traits or wondering if his attention was caught on her wasn’t part of that plan.

‘We’re logging hundreds of people every day, who all come here specifically because they want to experience the maze. Sales out of that alone are fantastic. And the maze needs to be perfect in time for the part we’re playing in Sydney’s Silver Bells charity flower show, so I’m giving it a lot of attention at the moment.’

‘A masked ball in the middle of a plant maze is ambitious.’ One side of his mouth kicked up. ‘But I’m sure if anyone can carry it off it’ll be you.’

‘The Silver Bells organisers have put their faith in me, so I have no choice now.’ She said it laughingly, but the importance of it was never far from her thoughts.

She wouldn’t have had the opportunity if Linc hadn’t agreed to let her take the risk.

‘It’ll pay off, Linc. Your whole chain of plant nurseries will get good attention out of our participation in the Silver Bells event.’

Linc owned a dozen nurseries across the city, along with bucketloads of real estate and a commodities trading portfolio that, on its own, probably ran into millions. He truly was the quintessential millionaire bachelor, with the world at his feet. They were more than poles apart, which had made her faux pas of throwing herself at him six years ago even more embarrassing.

He hadn’t been interested. She’d mistaken his charming way for something it wasn’t, and then—moments after he’d let Cecilia down as gently as anyone possibly could have—a woman had arrived for her lunch date with him. A sophisticated older woman.

Old news, Cee. Linc played the gentleman that day, apologised that he’d given the wrong impression and went off on his date with Ms Socialite while you went back to digging around in potting mix. And you got over it.

Cecilia had worked hard to impress him professionally since then, and she’d dated. Then she’d found Hugh, and that relationship had lasted almost two years. Linc had no doubt dated lots more versions of Ms Socialite, too, though Cecilia had not heard of him ever being in a serious long-term relationship since she’d known him.

‘I appreciate you coming in for the business review. I know you’re busy. Actually, I thought you might have sent someone to do it for you.’

‘You’ve earned this opportunity, and I felt I owed it to you to undertake the review myself.’ Sincerity rang in his tone. ‘I want to grant you that twenty per cent share in the nursery if I can, and no one else will understand your work here and your vision the way that I do.’

That was true. Even though the bulk of their interactions were over the phone, she’d always reported regularly to Linc.

And she’d negotiated—refusing bonuses over the years in favour of building up to this: a chance to own a share in the nursery. One day she wanted to open her own business.

‘I hope the review proves my efforts worthy of your time.’

Linc might have rejected her overtures, but he had been her example since he’d first taken her on and let her manage one of his nurseries six years ago, with no experience and only her determination to get her through. He was proof that a person could achieve anything if they wanted it enough.

What would he be now? Thirty-four? Thirty-five? Still with the same deep timbre to his voice, the same way of wearing his work boots, jeans and chambray shirt with an authority overlaid with a deceptive dose of casual charm.

With a strong chin, short-cut dark hair, those gorgeous shoulders and a way of carrying himself that shouted, Look out, world! Linc MacKay was in all ways a force to be reckoned with.

Linc would be making the nursery his base while he undertook the review. They’d be spending quite a bit of time in each other’s company. It couldn’t be a worse time for that old awareness of him to resurface. Whatever had brought it back, she needed her interest in him gone. Now, if not sooner.

Cecilia began the return walk towards the equipment shed and the front office.

‘I know I’ll see good results here, Cecilia. With each new nursery you’ve managed, you’ve improved on the last.’ Linc fell into step beside her in the maze. ‘I have taken it all in, you know—including the way this one has exceeded all expectations. Bringing coach tours in on a daily basis, gaining that whole new layer of tourism clientele...that has shown real vision.’

His words made every moment of her hard work feel doubly worth it. Cecilia couldn’t help smiling as she quietly thanked him.

‘Our social media presence has made a difference, too. I’m blessed to have Jemmie here, with her skills in photography and videography. Her plants-growing-and-bursting-into-flower videos get a lot of attention online.’

‘You found a good asset in her.’

His compliment pleased her, but it was his simple gesture for her to precede him through a narrower section of the maze that brought back that earlier flutter to Cecilia’s pulse. It felt intimate to her. As though they’d met here for a morning tryst and were returning now to their ‘real’ lives.

How silly.

Planning for this masked ball must be messing with her brain. Cecilia couldn’t come up with a more feasible explanation for her sudden case of hyper-Linc-awareness.

Or perhaps you’ve simply been out of your relationship with Hugh long enough to open your eyes and look around you?

If so, she could cast her attention in some other direction, thank you very much. Because Linc was not for her and she’d accepted that fact and got over caring about it a very long time ago.

She had, right...?

‘Thank you, Linc, for the commitment you’ve made to do this review.’

If the words were a little stiff and formal, that couldn’t be helped. Surely that was better than falling all over him, even if only inside her own thoughts.

‘I know it’s time away from the other demands of your life.’

‘I suspect some of those demands will follow me here, but I’ll do my best not to disrupt you.’ A teasing smile came and went.

Cecilia ignored how that smile made her tummy flutter. It had to be the kind of smile that one friend might share with another, or a person who’d known another person for years, or a boss who felt comfortable with his employee. And Cecilia fell into the latter category. Yes, she’d known Linc for years, but they were work associates with a lot of professional ground walked over in that span of time.

Therefore his smile must be a perfectly normal one that meant nothing whatsoever outside those bounds. He couldn’t help it if he was cute.

Great avoiding of his appeal, Cee.

He went on. ‘I don’t want to make a painful time out of this for you.’

‘I’m sure it will be fine.’ No matter the outcome, she knew Linc would be fair in his assessment. Whether she could eliminate the painful knowledge of her reawakened awareness of him was another challenge altogether.

But it was one that she had to achieve, and she could not let the rest of her life mess with her head, either, while she got through the review. That would be easier said than done, when one part of it gnawed at her ceaselessly and she was still stinging over another part.

Well, no-longer-interested-and-nothing-could-keep-me-here-now Hugh could go and trip over and fall into a duck pond, for all she cared. And the other thing just...was.

Cecilia drew a breath.

Her personal life might not be as calm as she would like, but she could manage—and Linc didn’t need to know about any of it.

She detoured to leave her plant cuttings and basket in the potting shed, and then led the way to her office. ‘Come on in. How long do you think the review will take?’

‘Depending on how much I get interrupted, it shouldn’t take more than a few days.’

His gaze searched hers just a little bit too keenly for her comfort.

‘Great.’ She gestured to where a second computer and desk sat at a diagonal angle to her own, and pushed those other thoughts as far back in her mind as she could manage. ‘I don’t mean it’s great that you won’t be here more than that. You know what I mean...’

Did he? Was he hearing her words falling over themselves in a way that was quite out of character after her usual modulated approaches to him?

So get over it, Cecilia. You’ve been to see him at his city office, where the staff all complain that he’s hardly ever there but say it fondly, as though they’re glad that he gives them the autonomy to do their best for him while he’s out spreading his holdings even further. You’ve been to the warehouse home he shared in the past with his brothers. He’s seen you at each of the nurseries you’ve managed. Multiple times, in fact. This is no different.

‘The financials are all on there.’ She used her best I’ve-got-over-it tone, which would at least make sense to her. ‘Along with my strategic forecast for the business for the upcoming couple of years.’

The hand she’d been waving around now hid itself in a fold of her sundress’s knee-length skirt.

‘Thanks.’ Again his lips curved into that hint of a smile. ‘I’ll jump straight in.’

‘I’d best get on with my work, too.’ Cecilia dropped into her chair. ‘I have invoices to get into the system from the weekend’s trade.’

She did not mention that she’d spent so much time ensuring that the outdoor aspects of the nursery were impeccable in recent days that she’d allowed that invoicing to get somewhat behind.

She’d known Linc would be here and that he’d want her around—at least to start with. This way she could work while she answered any questions he might have.

That’s right. You weren’t hiding out doing your favourite tasks just because they help you not to think about other things.

Cecilia had a major event coming up for the nursery. She simply didn’t have time to think about anything else. Not family stresses, not her abandonment by Hugh and certainly not this morning’s odd noticing of Linc in a way she had stopped herself doing for years.

Cecilia jabbed the start button of her Slimline computer. ‘I’ll be here all day in the office to be sure I’m available for any questions you may have.’

‘I appreciate that you’re so well organised for the review, even with a big event looming on the horizon.’

Linc MacKay murmured the words as his plant-nursery manager shuffled her bottom into her office chair and peered down her nose at the computer screen in front of her.

She looked beautiful today...a summery woman with golden skin. Her shoulders were bare but for a couple of spaghetti straps on the deep red sundress splashed with a bold floral design, and her lips were highlighted in a subtle lipstick.

Linc had rejected her innocent overtures six years ago, even though he’d felt a spark of interest at the time. It had never truly gone away, and he had felt that fact keenly today. Seeing her in the beautiful sundress, showing such a feminine side of herself, Linc felt as though he were seeing her in a whole new light.

And because that awareness wasn’t acceptable to him, he forced his focus to her business acumen.

Cecilia was determined and motivated and very capable when it came to running a nursery. Her push to gain a share in this one had impressed him, and she’d earned that opportunity over the last six years.

She was an intriguing woman, Linc acknowledged silently, and his glance returned to her once again. Slender, with shoulder-length hair every shade from ash to dark blond and eyes the colour of bluebonnets...

Where had he been?

Right. Her inner strength and drive impressed him. Linc told himself not to think about how sweet she looked, how he felt as though layers had been pulled from his eyes and he could see her clearly for the very first time.

‘I’ll review the strategic projections first.’ He pushed the knowledge of her appeal to the back of his mind, where it had to remain. ‘Those will form a solid basis for the rest of my review. They’ll also help me to spot any areas where the business might not yet be living up to its full potential.’

‘I’ll be keen to discuss any weak areas with you.’ Cecilia sat very upright in her chair. ‘I pride myself on trying to keep everything strong. I’ve printed a copy of the projections document for you.’

She pointed to the pile of files beside his computer. The document sat right on top.

‘I appreciate it.’ He lifted the sheaf of pages and flipped through them before turning back to the first page and lowering his gaze so he could fully concentrate on it.

It took a while, but Linc did immerse himself in the work. Even if he could see acres of soft, delicately sun-kissed skin in the periphery of his view.

Cecilia focused studiously on her office work, but out of the corner of her eye she remained very aware of Linc as the hours passed.

She wanted to know how he felt about his findings so far, even though he would have only just scratched the surface at this stage.

Distractingly, she noticed the scent of his aftershave. It made her think about things that had no business being in her mind.


‘Yes. No. I mean—’ Had Linc asked her a question while she’d been daydreaming about woodsy scents and clear grey eyes? She had no idea—and no business noticing his eyes. Or his shoulders. Or the way his strong nose perfectly matched the firm, sensuous appeal of his lips.

Concentrate, Cee! On something other than how gorgeous he is.

‘I might get a bite to eat.’ He glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘It’s getting to be that time of day. Would you like to join me, or can I pick up something for you?’

For a moment blank incomprehension filled her. She fought her way out of it and realised she was hungry—but a lunch date with Linc MacKay...?

‘Thanks, but I have errands to run on my lunch break.’ Fortunately, his invitation had been offhand enough that she didn’t need to worry about causing offence by refusing it.


So why had her heart skipped a beat?

‘Plus, I brought something to eat from home.’ Something dull and ordinary that held no uncertain surprises and certainly wouldn’t make her think back to a past time when she had wanted to know Linc better on a personal rather than a business footing. ‘But I appreciate the offer.’

He gave a little nod and a half smile and went on his way—which quite put it into perspective, as she should have done from the start. Thank goodness she hadn’t sounded as though she were turning him down in a personal way or anything like that.

Cecilia ate her home-packed sandwich at her desk, and then headed for the nearby mall. Her thoughts turned to her sister more and more with each step. Hugh might have dropped Cecilia like the proverbial hot potato when her family life had suddenly gone from slightly troublesome to really concerning, and that still hurt, but it was the rift with Stacey that remained as a constant source of heartache any time Cecilia let the thoughts surface.

Rejection seemed to have formed a bit too much of a repeat cycle in Cecilia’s life lately. It was just as well that she had learned to bury her emotions in her work and that she was very good at that work.

‘Next, please.’ The voice of the man behind the counter at the postal outlet drew her from her thoughts.

‘Hello. I need to purchase a money order, please.’

‘Same name and amount?’

The clerk probably thought he was being helpful, asking that. Instead, it just reminded Cecilia of how many times she had done this. Every Monday for the past five months, and it wasn’t over yet.

Not this guy’s fault, and not your fault, either, so smile and be normal. Got it?

She was fulfilling a duty, and if that felt like a paltry thing to do, well, the situation wasn’t easy—and doing this was a lot more than just duty. She had to continue to hope that things would improve.

‘Yes. Thank you.’

Cecilia placed the money order into a pre-stamped envelope and mailed it.

As she returned to work she let her spirits find happiness again. She loved the nursery and loved what she’d achieved here. And if she felt a little lift, knowing she was about to see Linc again, too, that came from knowing that every moment in his presence brought the results of the review and his decision about her share proposition closer. It was that and only that.

If she didn’t entirely believe herself, Cecilia ignored the fact.

Her peace lasted until she approached the office and heard Linc speaking.

‘I can tell you really want to speak with her, but Cecilia is at lunch just now.’ There was a pause. ‘Are you in a position where you could call back a bit later?’

‘Is that for me? I’ll take it now.’ She could hardly speak for the buzzing in her ears, and she saw Linc was ending the call even as she spoke.

For a moment after he’d placed the phone back in its cradle, she simply stood there.

‘That was a supplier wanting to change an order.’

Linc seemed to be searching her face with a great deal of attention.

It was just a supplier, phoning on the office phone. Your sister only has your cell phone number. You haven’t missed a chance to speak with her, and Linc hasn’t found out anything about her.

Disappointment and relief fought for supremacy inside Cecilia.

They both won.

‘The guy sounded old...grumpy.’ Linc gave a what-do-you-do kind of a shrug. ‘He didn’t want to leave his name or number, only wanted to speak with you, and he ended the call quite abruptly.’

‘I think I know which supplier that would have been.’ She walked to her desk, sat down. Felt Linc’s gaze on her and an added layer of awareness of her that she would swear, despite her admonitions to herself earlier to the contrary, was real.

Did she want to set herself up for further rejection? No.

Exactly, Cecilia. So get your mind back on your work. Now!

But trying to do that just reminded her that her heart had almost stopped for a second or two, and now she was fighting a renewed sense of sadness and loss that she tried to keep distant during work hours.

‘I’ll call the supplier back a bit later and let him know that a message would be welcome the next time, whether I’m here or not.’

Next time she wouldn’t practically fall apart over a silly, perfectly routine, office-related phone call.

Cecilia ignored the reasons why she would panic, and why she now felt deflated and sad all over again. Because no cause for panic had actually ensued. She’d ignored the way Linc had made her feel today so far, too. If she ignored that for long enough, she would get it under control.

She turned her attention back to her work. In the end, that was where her focus needed to stay!

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