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Ivanka Ivanova Piеtrek

Artistic name-Ivanka Ivanova

“Pearls of Bulgarian


“New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region”

Part one

“55 Author Songs of Ivanka Ivanova after Samples from Authentic Folklore Songs with Music Notation and Lyrics”

ISBN 978-3-8442-8674-8

Description of the book


55 unpublished songs of the singer based on authentic folk songs from Pazardzhik, with music and lyrics classified by type and explanations of foreign words, unfamiliar words and dialect.

Lyrics are in Bulgarian original written in Latin letters, and translated into English.


55 nicht veröffentlichte Autorenlieder der Sängerin, geschaffen auf Grundlage authentischer Volkslieder aus der Region Pazardshik incl. Noten und Texte, klassifiziert nach ihrer Art und mit Erklärungen der Fremdwörter, unbekannte Wörter und Dialekte

Songtexte sind in bulgarischer Sprache Original in lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben, und in Englisch übersetzt.


55 непубликувани авторски песни на певицата, създадени по образци на автентични народни песни от Пазарджишко, с ноти и текст, класифицирани по вид и с обяснения на чуждиците, непознатите и диалектните думи.

Текстовете са на български оригинален написани с латински и преведени на английски.


The author, composer, arranger, and editor of the electronic book “Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore” “New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region” Part One is the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova Pietrek, whose artistic name is Ivanka Ivanova. Her songs haven’t been published, they’re created by her after samples from authentic folk songs from the Pazardzhik region, which she has collected for years. It is known that she collected over 1000 authentic songs.

All her books until this time have contained published and already popularized songs from the Pazardzhik region that she performs herself.

What makes the author publish this new series of books?

Her love for the Bulgarian people and her long-lived dream to preserve in a book the songs she collected. Songs that can stay for the future generation and for all the lovers of Bulgarian folklore around the world.

Our people have survived because we sang …

And our songs contain the daily life, the manners, the history, the customs …

The roots of being Bulgarian are exactly in the folklore arts as a whole, and this is her goal – for them to be preserved and passed on to the future generations.

The songs heretofore recorded are in the previous e-books by Ivanka Ivanova:

2012 – “Folklore Dedication” – Self-teacher in folk singing in four languages – Bulgarian, Russian, German, and English

“Folklore Dedication.”


2013 – The tetralogy “The Songs of Ivanka Ivanova” – Parts One, Two, Three, and Four – in three languages, Bulgarian, German, and English follows – each book with 44 Pazardzhik folk songs from her repertoire, with musical notation and lyrics.

All 176 songs have been recorded in various radio stations, TV channels, compact discs. The fourth book also introduces one authored carnival song in German – “Katrin”.

Stanchitse le bayovata tetralogy Ivanka Ivanova s songs BG,DE,E


2013 The e-book “The Fearsome Rebel Leader Strahil” was published in three languages – Bulgarian, German, and English.

It is a small book, but it can easily become the theme for the script of a movie for the famed hayduk leader Strahil. The song about Strahil has been attached to the booklet with notation and lyrics.

2014 In the current e-book “Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore” “New Songs from Pazardzhik Region” – Part One, the following have been presented:

Daily folk songs, daily-mystic – about serpents, daily-humorous folklore songs, daily ritual folklore songs – about weddings, historic folklore songs – including two songs about the great Bulgarian heroes, Vasil Levski and Hristo Botev, love folklore songs, labour folklore songs – havest, and hayduk/rebel folklore songs.

For your ease, there is also a short presentation on the specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region.

You can follow the realization of other projects of the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova. Expect the second and third part of this book. The final number of parts has not been settled on with a finality.

All items produced by Ivanka Ivanova, you can find at the profile with address:

http://www.epubli.de/shop/autor/Ivanka-Ivanova- Pietrek/4169

The specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region

It is a specific part of the Thracian folklore region and it is a mixed region from the folklore point of view. It is influenced on the Thracian, the Rhodope, the Pirin and the Sofia sing tradition. It is characterized by a large variety of beats. A two-voice part is detached from the town of Vakarel to the Topolnitsa river and there are two singers in a band in Sestrimo and Varvara villages.

The songs in two voices with dynamic second voice are separated around Velingrad town. The highest interval between the first and the second voice is fourth.

The Western part of the Thracian lowland begins from Pazardzhik town. The town is a juncture between Europe and Asia. The pause between the couplets is typical for the singing of the region. The common beats here are 2/4- Pravo horo, 11/16- Krivo horo, 7/8- ruchenitsa, 5/8- Paidushko horo, 9/8- Daichovo horo, 13/16…and mixed beats like 5/8 + 9/8, Yovino horo-7/8b+11/8. The slow songs have the typical throat trembling (modulating of the sound). The songs are thematically various: harvesting, heroic, mythical, haidouk, love, songs for table, for work and working-bee.

The traditional instruments are wooden flute, bagpipe (dzhura), rebec, tambourine and drum.

Daily live folk songs

1. Bekriya Doncho

Bekriya Doncho, bekriya,

bekriya i verendzhiya.

Vsichko si Doncho zalozhi

za vino i za rakiya.

Toku ostalo, ostalo

arshina i nozhitsite.

I tyah si Doncho zalozhi

za vino i za rakiya.

Toku ostalo, ostalo

iglata i naprastnika.

I tyah si Doncho zalozhi

za vino i za rakiya.

Samo ostalo, ostalo

parvoto libe Petkana.

I neya Doncho zalozhi

za vino i za rakiya.

1. Drunkard Doncho

The drunkard Doncho

the drunkard and the gambler,

gambled away everything

for wine and rakia.

Only the archin and

scissors remained,

Doncho gambled them away too ,

for wine an rakia.

Only the pin and the thimble


Doncho gambled them too

for wine and rakia.

Only his first love Petkana


he gambled her away too

for wine and rakia.

2. Valko more, Valko

Valko more, Valko /2

che nali ti rekoh,

che nali ti kazah:/2

„Naberi mi Valko/2

ot gora gorov tsvyat,

ot pole trendafil”/2

„Nabral byah ti, Done/2

ot gora gorov tsvyat,

ot pole trendafil/2

Sreshta me sreshtnaha/2

tri volovarcheta,

tri govedarcheta/2

Parvoto mi vika:/2

„Hvarlyay,Valko tsvete,

Dona bolna lezhi!”/2

Vtoroto mi vika:/2

„Hvarlyay,Valko tsvete,

Dona se sgodila!”2

Tretoto mi vika: /2


tsvete, Dona ya grabnaha!/2

Dona ya grabnaha/2

momtsi drugoseltsi,

momtsi drugoseltsi!” /2

2. Valko,hey, Valko

Valko,hey Valko/2

I’ve told you, haven’t

I’ve told you, haven’t :/2

“Valko pick for me/2

forest flowers of the forest,

and rose of the field/2

„I picked, Done,

forest flowers of the forest

and rose of the field/2

Three herdsmen/2

three cowherds

met me/2

The first told me:/2

“Throw, Valko the flowers!

Dona is ill !/2

The second one told me/2

„Throw Valko the flowers

Dona’s got engaged!/2

Third one told me/2

„Throw Valko the flowers,

Dona was carried away/2

Dona was carried away/2

by lads of another village

by lads of another village./2

3. Kani se Stoyan da ide

Kani se Stoyan da ide

na ladovnata mehana,

pa na Petkana dumashe:

„Libe Petkano hubava!

Libe Petkano,hubava!

Az shte na dyukyan da ida.

malko shte vino da piya

za edna zhalta zhaltitsa.

Ti sedi libe, chakay me

koga se doma zavarna

portite da mi otvorish,

koncheto da mi priemesh!”

Che stana Stoyan, otide.

Sedya Petkana, chaka go

dorde petlite dvazh peli,

dvazh peli i potretili.

Tovar borina izgori,

oka byal pamuk izprede

oka byal pamuk izprede,

nyama go Stoyan da doyde.

Dete y v lyulka zaplaka

tya legna da go prebavi.

Varla ya dryamka nalegna,

che e Petkana zaspala.

3. Stoyan is getting ready to go

Stoyan is getting ready to go

to the cool tavern,

He told Petkana:

„Petkano,my pretty love!

Petkano,my pretty love!

I’m going to the shop,

i,ll drink some wine,

for one gold coin.

You stay here,my love,

when I come back home,

to open the gates for me,

to welcome my horse!”

And Stoyan had gone.

Petkana had waited till

the second cock-crow,

till the second and the third.

She burned a load of wood,

she spine an oka white cotton,

an oka white cotton,

but Stoyan has not come back.

Her child started crying in the cradle.

She lay down to comfort it,

but she felt sleepy

and she fall asleep.

4. Katerinke

“Katerinke,milichka druzhke,

san li te ne pushta a na horo?

S momite da poigraesh

s momtsite da se polyubish!”

„Drugarki verni sgovorni,

na vazi pravichko shte kazha.

San me pushta, mama me ne pushta

sas vazi na horo da ida.

Tya mi vika:”Kate le, dashte le

malka si oshte za horo.

Nyamash si tanki darove

svatove da si daruvash.

Ya postoy, dashte,pri mayka

platnoto da si iztkaesh,

darove da si ushiesh,

svatove da si daruvash!”

„Katerinke, milichka druzhke,

ya nedey slushay mayka si!

Ya stani utre po-rano,

po-rano oshte prizori!

Umiy se i se opleti

na sitno drebno pletivo,

ukrasi plitki debeli

sas turundzhana kordela!

Oblechi nova premyana

alena roklya diplena,

prepashi futa zelena

obuy chorapi na pera!

Obuy chorapi na pera

i novi kundri na kraka!

Zabradi karpa vinena,

deto e s kitki obshita!

Na nashto horo golyamo

lichen orkestar shte sviri.

Golyam shte sabor da stava

v Tatar Pazar na megdana.

Na nashto horo golyamo

Shel Zik orkestar shte sviri

Ivanka nashata druzhka

za vsichki nazi shte pee!”

4. Katerinkеy

Katerinkey, my dear friend,

doesn’t a dream let you go to the horo ?

To dance with the lasses

to flirt with the lads.?”

„,My dear friends

.I’ll tell you the truth!

My dream lets me go, but my mom doesn’t

to come with you to the horo.

She tells me:”Kate,my daughter,

you are too young to go to the horo

you don’t have fine gifts

to give to the kin in-lows.

Stay beside me, my daughter,

to weave the cloth,

to sew the gifts,

to gift the kin in-low!”

„,Katerinkey, my dear friend

Don’t listen to your mother!

Weak up early tomorrow

early at early dawn!

Wash yourself

and plait your hair,

trim the heavy plaits

with orange ribbon!

Put on new clouts

the scarlet folded dress

tie the green apron,

put on the pretty socks!

Put on pretty socks

and new shoes!

Put on the wine-red kerchief,

that is edged with flowers!

An eminent band

is going to play.

A big fair is going to be

at Tatar Pazar at the square.

Shel Zik band is going to play

at our big horo.

Our friend Ivanka

is going to sing for us!”

unknown words

Schael Sick Brass Band -

Schael Sick Brass band is the band for international muzik from Cologne, Germany with them has singing Ivanka Ivanova Pitrek as solo singer.

You can download and heart there song here:


5. Kray Dunava tamna magla lezhi

Kray Dunava tamna magla lezhi/2

iz maglata sitna rosa rosi/2

Iz rosata sitna treva raste/2

iz trevata zhalta peperuda/2

Na kriltsa y zhalno milno pishe,/2

che shte Milka mlada da zagine/2

5. Dark fog lies along the Danube

Dark fog lies along the Danube/2

A fine dew falls out of the fog/2

A fine grass grow under the dew/2

Yellow butterfly flies around the grass/2

On her wings is written/2

That Milka will die young./2

6. Milo mi e, mila mamo i drago mi e

Milo mi e, mila mamo i drago mi e,

milo mi e, mila mamo i drago mi e,

da si gledam, mila mamo, voynitsite,

da si gledam, mila mamo, voynitsite.

Milo mi e,mila mamo i drago mi

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite.

Kak si nosyat,mila mamo shinelite

kak si nosyat,mila mamo shinelite

kato panagyurtsi, mamo fustanite

kato panagyurtsi,mamo fustanite

kak si nosyat, mila mamo shinelite

kato panagyurtsi,mamo fustanite.

Milo mi e,mila mamo i drago mi e

Milo mi e, mila mamo i drago mi e

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite

Milo mi e, mila mamo i drago mi

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite.

Kak si nosyat, mila mamo furazhkite

kak si nosyat mila mamo furazhkite,

kato sofiyanki,mamo kapelite,

kato sofiyanki,mamo kapelite.

Kak si nosyat,mila mamo, furazhkite

kato sofiyanki,mamo kapelite.

Milo mi e,mila mamo i drago mi e

milo mi e,mila mamo i drago mi e

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite.

Milo mi e,mila mamo i drago mi

da si gledam,mila mamo voynitsite.

Kak si nosyat,mila mamo ranitsite

kak si nosyat,mila mamo ranitsite

kato plovdivchanki, mamo kufarite.

kato plovdivchanki,mamo kufarite

Kak si nosyat,mila mamo ranitsite,

kato plovdivchanki,mamo kufarite

6. I’m pleased, I’m glad, my mom

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad

I’m pleased, my mom,I’m glad

to Watch,my mom,the soldier,

to watch,my mom, the soldiers.

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad,

to watch my mom the soldiers

How they wear the greatcoats, my mom,

how they wear the greatcoats, my mom,

As women from Panagyurishte their dresses, my momm

as women from Panagyurishte their dresses, my mom

How they wear the greatcoats, my mom,

as women from Panagyurishte their dresses, my mom.

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad,

to watch,my mom,the soldier,

to watch,my mom, the soldiers,

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad,

to watch my mom the soldiers.

How they wear their peak caps,

how they wear their peak caps,

as women from Sofia their hats,

as women from Sofia their hats.

How they wear their peak caps,

as women from Sofia their hats.

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad

I’m pleased, my mom,I’m glad,

to Watch,my mom,the soldier,

to watch,my mom, the soldiers,

I’m pleased, my mom, I’m glad

to watch my mom the soldiers.

How they care their backpacks,

how they care their backpacks,

as women from Plovdiv their suitcases,

as women from Plovdiv their suitcases.

How they care their backpacks,

as women from Plovdiv their suitcases.

7. Moyto libe bolno lezhi

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