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Ivanka Ivanova Piеtrek

Artistic name-Ivanka Ivanova

“Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore”

“New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region”

Part Еight

© Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore

New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region

© Ivanka Ivanova - Pietrek

© Artistic Name - Ivanka Ivanova

© Computer design:

“Belloprint” ООD, Pazardjik, 2015


ISBN: 978-3-7375-1914-4

Description of the book


55 unpublished Author songs of the singer based on authentic folk songs from Pazardzhik, with music and lyrics classified by type and explanations of foreign words, unfamiliar words and dialect

Lyrics are in Bulgarian original written in Latin letters, and translated into English


55 nicht veröffentlichte Autorenlieder der Sängerin, geschaffen auf Grundlage authentischer Volkslieder aus der Region Pazardshik incl. Noten und Texte, klassifiziert nach ihrer Art und mit Erklärungen der Fremdwörter, unbekannte Wörter und Dialekte

Songtexte sind in bulgarischer Sprache Original in lateinischen Buchstaben geschrieben, und in Englisch übersetzt.


55 непубликувани авторски песни на певицата, създадени по об-разци на автентични народни песни от Пазарджишко, с ноти и текст, класифицирани по вид и с обяснения на чуждиците, непознатите и диалектните думи.

Текстовете са на български оригинален написани с латински и преведени на английски


The author, composer, arranger, and editor of the electronic book”Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore””New Songs from the Pazardzhik Region” Part Еight is the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova Pietrek, whose artistic name is Ivanka Ivanova. Her songs haven’t been published, they’re created by her after samples from authentic folk songs from the Pazardzhik region, which she has collected for years. It is known that she collected over 1000 authentic songs.

All her books until this time have contained published and already popularized songs from the Pazardzhik region that she performs herself.

What makes the author publish this new series of books?

Her love for the Bulgarian people and her long-lived dream to preserve in a book the songs she collected. Songs that can stay for the future generation and for all the lovers of Bulgarian folklore around the world.

Our people have survived because we sang …

And our songs contain the daily life, the manners, the history, the customs …

The roots of being Bulgarian are exactly in the folklore arts as a whole, and this is her goal – for them to be preserved and passed on to the future generations.

The songs heretofore recorded are in the previous e-books by Ivanka Ivanova:

2012 – ”Folklore Dedication” – Self-teacher in folk singing in four languages – Bulgarian, Russian, German, and English


2013 – The tetralogy”The Songs of Ivanka Ivanova” – Parts One, Two, Three, and Four – in three languages, Bulgarian, German, and English follows – each book with 44 Pazardzhik folk songs from her repertoire, with musical notation and lyrics.

All 176 songs have been recorded in various radio stations, TV channels, compact discs. The fourth book also introduces one authored carnival song in German –”Katrin”.

Stanchitse le bayovata tetralogy Ivanka Ivanova s songs BG,DE,E


2013 The The e-book”THE FEARFUL REBEL leader STRAHIL” was published in three languages – Bulgarian, German, and English.

It is a small book, but it can easily become the theme for the script of a movie for the famed hayduk leader Strahil. The song about Strahil has been attached to the booklet with notation and lyrics.

2014 e-book”Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore””New Songs from Pazardzhik Region” – Part One,Part Twoo, Part Three,Part fourth, Part fifth, Part sixth, Part seventh.

2014 In the current e-book”Pearls of Bulgarian Folklore””New Songs from Pazardzhik Region” – Part Еight the following have been presented:

Daily live folk songs, historic folklore songs, daily-mystic – about serpents folk songs, ritual folk songs – Lazarus songs, children’s folk songs, Love folk songs, working-bee folk songs, labour folk songs –harvest, hayduk/rebel folk songs.

For your ease, there is also a short presentation on the specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region.

You can follow the realization of other projects of the folklore singer Ivanka Ivanova. Expect the third and four part of this book. The final number of parts has not been settled on with a finality.

All the products of the author this far, you can find at her profile at the following location:


The specifics of the Pazardzhik Folklore Region

It is a specific part of the Thracian folklore region and it is a mixed region from the folklore point of view. It is influenced on the Thracian, the Rhodope, the Pirin and the Sofia sing tradition. It is characterized by a large variety of beats. A two-voice part is detached from the town of Vakarel to the Topolnitsa river and there are two singers in a band in Sestrimo and Varvara villages.

The songs in two voices with dynamic second voice are separated around Velingrad town. The highest interval between the first and the second voice is fourth.

The Western part of the Thracian lowland begins from Pazardzhik town. The town is a juncture between Europe and Asia. The pause between the couplets is typical for the singing of the region. The common beats here are 2/4- Pravo horo, 11/16- Krivo horo, 7/8- ruchenitsa, 5/8- Paidushko horo, 9/8- Daichovo horo, 13/16…and mixed beats like 5/8 + 9/8- Yovino horo. The slow songs have the typical throat trembling (modulating of the sound). The songs are thematically various: harvesting, heroic, mythical, haidouk, love, songs for table, for work and working-bee.

The traditional instruments are wooden flute, bagpipe (dzhura), rebec, tambourine and drum.

Daily live folk songs

1.Blagovestka dvori mela /Blagovestka was sweeping the courtyard

Blagovestka dvori mela

ta izmela krivo pero,

ta izmela krivo pero,

krivo pero pozlateno.

Krivo pero pozlateno,

na tri mesta prekovano.

zanesla go na zlatarya

da y izlee zlaten gerdan.

Shto ostane ot gerdana

da y izlee zlatni grivni,

shto ostane ot grivnite,

da y izlee zlaten prasten.

1. Blagovestka was sweeping the courtyard

Blagovestka was sweeping the courtyard,

so she swept away a curved feather,

so she swept away a curved feather,

a curved feather, gold-plated.

A curved feather, gold-plated,

hammered at three points.

She took it to the goldsmith

to make her a golden necklace.

What is left after the necklace,

to use to make her golden bracelets,

what is left after the bracelets,

to use to make her a golden ring.

2. Da znaesh, Velo, da znaesh/If you knew, Velo, if you knew

Da znaesh, Velo, da znaesh

hubava Velo, Velo le,

kak ti se Georgi zakanval,

hubava Velo, Velo le

Za voda d idesh, Velo le,

hubava Velo, Velo le,

glavata shte ti otrezhe,

hubava Velo, Velo le.

Ochite shte ti izvarti

hubava Velo, Velo le

na klechka shte gi nabode,

hubava Velo, Velo le.

Prez selo shte gi prenese

hubava Velo, Velo le,

pa shte se vikne, provikne:

hubava Velo, Velo le.

„Tuk se chereshi prodavat,

hubava Velo, Velo le,

chereshi ot kuklenskite,

hubava Velo, Velo le.

2 If you knew, Velo, if you knew

If you knew, Velo, if you knew,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo,

how is George about to get you,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo.

When you go to get water, hay Velo,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo,

he will cut off your head,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo.

Your eyes he will twist out,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo,

will have them stabbed on a stick,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo.

In the village to bring them,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo,

and then will cry out, shouting,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo:

“Here I sell cherries,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo,

cherries from a doll,

beautiful Velo, hay Velo”.

3. Dve sa druzhki mori zhivuvali/Two girls were living as friends

Dve sa druzhki mori zhivuvali,

zhivuvali, drugovali,

na edno sa, mori platno tkali,

platno tkali, platno bili.

Pa sa dvete mori sgovaryale:

„Hayde Yano, hayde Yanke,

da ideme, mori gore, dole,

gore, dole, pod seloto.

Da zalyubim, mori dvata bratya

dvata bratya, dva bliznaka,

da se dvete, mori omazhime,

ta da stanem dve etarvi!”

3. Two girls were living as friends

Two girls were living as friends, my dear,

living and as friends,

they were weaving the same canvas, my dear,

weaving the canvas, bleaching the canvas.

And the two were making an agreement:

“Come Yano, come Yanke,

let us go, my dear, up and down,

up and down, in the lower village.

To fall in love with the two brothers, my dear,

the two brothers, the two twins,

and to get married we both, my dear,

and become two sisters-in-law!

Unknown words

mori is does not translate - thereis intermolecular

Lele is does not translate - thereis intermolecular – is like wow

Taking part. in folk songs. Wow Ivan, Ivanka! Wow ill be Mariika.

4. Zapravil Stoyan vodenitsa /Stoyan was building a water mill

Zapravil Stoyan vodenitsa

vodenitsa s dvanayse kamaka,

pravil e Stoyan, struval e.

Pravil e Stoyan, struval e,

eto, che mu pari ne stigat,

vodenitsa da si dopravi.

Pa na Elenka govori:

„Lyube Elenke, hubava

day da prodaden detsata!

Day da prodaden detsata,

vodenitsa da si dopravim

vodenitsa s dvanayse kamaka!””

4. Stoyan was building a water mill

Stoyan was building a water mill,

a water mill with twelve mill stones,

so Stoyan was building it and doing it.

So Stoyan was building it and doing it

and there, his money was not enough

to finish his water mill.

So he was saying to Elenka:

“Sweetheart, Elenka, my beautiful

let’s sell our children!

Let’s sell our children

to finish our water mill,

water mill with twelve mill stones!”

5. Izlyazoh da se proshetam /I went out to wander abou

Izlyazoh da se proshetam, lele,

izlyazoh da se proshetam,

na loze, za byalo grozde, lele,

na loze, za byalo grozde.

Tam si vidyah edno momiche, lele,

tam si vidyah edno momiche,

na mermer kamak sedeshe, lele,

na mermer kamak sedeshe.

Na mermer kamak sedeshe.lele,

na mermer kamak sedeshe,

rusi si kosi resheshe, lele,

rusi si kosi resheshe.

Mayka si lyuto kalneshe, lele,

mayka si lyuto kalneshe:

„Puknala, mayko, tresnala, lele,

che si me, mayko, rodila!

Rodila tolkoz hubava, lele,

rodila tolkoz hubava,

ta ne moga niyde da ida, lele,

ta ne moga niyde da ida!”

5. I went out to wander about

I went out to wander about, wow,

I went out to wander about,

to the vineyards for white grapes, wow,

to the vineyards for white grapes.

There I saw a girl, wow,

there I saw a girl.

On a marble stone she sat, wow,

on a marble stone she sat.

On a marble stone she sat, wow,

on a marble stone she sat,

her blond hair combed, wow,

her blond hair combed.

She was cursing heavliy her mother, wow,

she was cursing heavliy her mother:

“Damned you, mother, to hell with you, wow,

for having given birth to me, mother!

Having given birth to me so beautiful, wow,

given birth to me so beautiful,

so I cannot go anywhere, wow,

so I cannot go anywhere!

6. Karshila Gana lyulyaka/Gana was breaking off the lilac shrub

Karshila Gana lyulyaka,

Gane le, lyule le,

kat go karshila, padnala,

Gane le, lyule le.

Kato padnala, viknala:

Gane le, lyule le,

„Tolkova selo golyamo,

Gane le, lyule le!

Tolkoz li nyama zhiv chovek,

Gane le, lyule le.

ot Dunav da me izvadi!”

Gane le, lyule le.

Kat ya zachula mayka y,

Gane le, lyule le.

tya tichom ticha i vika

Gane le, lyule le:

„Pluvay mi, pluvay dashteryo,

Gane le, lyule le,

dano na kraya izpluvash,

Gane le, lyule le.

„Ne moga, mamo, ne moga,

Gane le, lyule le,

chehlite mi se nalyaha,

Gane le, lyule le.

Sini mi sukman natyaga,

Gane le, lyule le.

rusa se kosa oplela!”

Gane le, lyule le.

6 Gana was breaking off the lilac shrub

Gana was breaking off the lilac shrub,

Hay, Gana, hay, lila,

as she was breaking it off she fell,

hay, Gana, hay, lila.

As she fell, she cried out:

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

“Such a large village,

hay, Gana, hay, lila!

Isn’t there a living person,

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

to take me out of the Danube river!“,

hay, Gana, hay, lila.

When her mother heard this,

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

she ran and cried out,

hay, Gana, hay, lila:

“Swim to me, swim daughter,

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

I hope in the end you swim out of the water”,

hay, Gana, hay, lila.

“I can not, Mom, I can not,

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

my slippers are full of water,

hay, Gana, hay, lila.

My blue dress is stretched,

hay, Gana, hay, lila,

my blond hair is tangled!”,

hay, Gana, hay, lila.

7. Listets, listets, zelen listets/Leaf, leaf, green leaf

Listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo,

listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo

i bez pari na tozi svyat hich ne e dobre,

i bez pari na tozi svyat hich ne e dobre!

Listets, listets, zelen listets

bukovo darvo,

listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo

i bez drugar na tozi svyat hich ne e dobre,

i bez drugar na tozi svyat hich ne e dobre.

Listets, listets, zelen listets

bukovo darvo,

listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo,

pari imam, drugar imam

i sam si dobre,

pari imam, drugar imam

i sam si dobre!

Listets, listets, zelen listets

bukovo darvo,

listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo,

„Mili Bozhe blagoslovi

vsi da sa dobre!

Mili Bozhe blagoslovi

vsi da sa dobre!

Listets, listets, zelen listets

bukovo darvo,

listets, listets, zelen listets,

bukovo darvo,

da sa zhivi, da sa zdravi,

da sa uspeshni,

da sa zhivi, da sa zdravi,

da sa uspeshni!”

7 Leaf, leaf, green leaf

Leaf, leaf, green leaf,

beech tree

leaf, leaf, green leaf,

beech tree,

and with no money in this world it is not really good,

and with no money in this world it is not really good!

Leaf, leaf, green leaf

beech tree,

leaf, leaf, green leaf,

beech tree,

and without a companion in this world it is not really good,

and without a companion in this world it is not really good.

Leaf, leaf, green leaf

beech tree,

leaf, leaf, green leaf,

beech tree,

I have money, I have companion

and I am well,

I have money, I have companion

and I’m well!

8. Nikola konche sedlae/Nikolas was saddling his horse

Slantseto trepti da zayde

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