Основной контент книги False memories of sexual abuse: the underestimated danger
False memories of sexual abuse: the underestimated danger

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False memories of sexual abuse: the underestimated danger

Trauma therapy and family destruction
Hans Delfs
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О книге

Memories change over time because they are constantly being reconstructed. This can also result in memories of experiences that never existed. The way the brain works does not differentiate between real and imagined content. Pseudo-memories arise particularly easily in psychotherapy through suggestive speculation about traumas suffered, such as sexual abuse. Those undergoing therapy are firmly convinced of the reality of these false memories. They suffer just as much as those who were really abused. They blame innocent people. Families are destroyed, livelihoods are threatened and there are only losers. It gets particularly bad when conspiracy theories of ritual abuse and victim programming are involved.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
25 июля 2024
160 стр.

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