Цитата из книги «Копи царя Соломона»

“Thou fool,” shrieked the old fiend, “thou accursed fool, thinkest thou that life is sweet only to the young? It is not so, and naught thou knowest of the heart of man to think it. To the young, indeed, death is sometimes welcome, for the young can feel. They love and suffer, and it wrings them to see their beloved pass to the land of shadows. But the old feel not, they love not, and, ha, ha! they laugh to see another go out into the dark; ha, ha! they laugh to see the evil that is done under the sun. All they love is life, the warm, warm sun, and the sweet, sweet air. They are afraid of the cold; afraid of the cold and the dark, ha, ha, ha!”
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Дата выхода на Литрес:
11 мая 2013
Дата написания:
251 стр. 2 иллюстрации
Издательство «РИМИС»
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