Основной контент книги The Story of a Baby
The Story of a Baby

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The Story of a Baby

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О книге

The Story of a Baby is the tale of two very young, newly married people, Dot and Larrie, who are in their second year of marriage after having a baby. The story provides an interesting analysis of attitudes towards gender roles, expectations, the lack of communication and patience during the olden times. Turner has written such a deep storyline using impactful words that prompts every reader's emotion. The characters are so lifelike and relevant even in the present time that the reader can't help but relate to almost every event taking place in the book.

Ethel Turner was an English-born Australian novelist and children's literature writer. She is best known for her first novel, Seven Little Australians (1894), widely regarded as a classic of Australian children's literature and an instant hit both in Australia and overseas.

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Возрастное ограничение:
Дата выхода на Литрес:
11 октября 2024
90 стр.
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