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The Valley of Fear
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"The Valley of Fear" is the fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is loosely based on the real-life exploits of the Molly Maguires and Pinkerton agent James McParland.
Не самый удачный роман про Шерлока Холмса: детектив первой половины книги сменяется больше триллером и нагнетанием обстановки, именно вторая часть книги меня и разочаровала.
Let us consider the problem in the light of pure reason.
If you said ‘hope’ instead of ‘fear,’ it would be nearer the truth
“You are an early bird, Mr. Mac,” said he. “I wish you luck with your worm. I fear thismeans that there is some mischief afoot.”
He is sure — ‘confidence’ wasas near as he could get to ‘confident’ —that it is pressing.
“But no chain is stronger than its weakestlink”
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