

Читать книгу: «The Books of the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible»


Translator Andrey Tikhomirov

Editor Andrey Tikhomirov

© Andrey Tikhomirov, translation, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0059-1519-1

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The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel

Chapter 1

1 And it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, when I was among the emigrants by the river Khovar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. (The show is a performance staged by the priests of Judaism to influence Ezekiel (from Hebrew «the Lord will strengthen», one of the first settlers).

2 On the fifth day of the month (it was the fifth year after the captivity of King Joachim), (At the age of 25, Ezekiel was taken captive to Babylon and settled in Chaldea).

3 The word of the LORD came to Ezekiel, the son of Buzi, the priest, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Khovar; and the hand of the LORD was there upon him. (Ezekiel, like Jeremiah and Zechariah, belonged to the priestly family of the Sadokids and may have been on the staff of the Jerusalem temple, so the priests-hypnotists influenced them in order for them to influence their flock, and the flock to return to the bosom of Judaism).

4 And I saw, and behold, a stormy wind was coming from the north, a great cloud and a swirling fire, and a radiance around it, (the north wind, a cloud of smoke from the fire and the radiance produced by the fire).

5 and from the middle of it, as it were, the light of a flame from the middle of the fire; and from the middle of it, the likeness of four animals was visible, and this was their appearance: their appearance was like that of a man; (A complex construction on a chariot with the use of torches and all kinds of devices with images of animals and man, whose task is to frighten and influence on «the prophet).

6 and each has four faces, and each of them has four wings; (The design had images of faces with wings).

7 But their feet were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of a calf’s foot, and they shone like shining brass. (The design had images or carved figures of legs with hooves of «sacred» animals).

8 And the hands of men were under their wings, on their four sides; (The human hands held the figures of the wings).

9 and their faces and their wings were all four; their wings touched one another; during their march they did not turn around, but walked each in the direction of their face. (The structure was moving and the wings were moving).

10 The likeness of their faces is the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side of all four of them; and on the left side the face of a bull on all four and the face of an eagle on all four. (The design had «sacred» images of certain human faces, lions, calves, eagles).

11 And their faces and their wings were separated from above, but each had two wings touching one another, and two covered their bodies. (The structure was moving and the wings were moving).

12 And they went, each one in the direction that was before him; wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went there; during their procession they did not turn around. (The structure was moving and the wings were moving).

13 And the appearance of these animals was like the appearance of burning coals, like the appearance of lamps; [fire] went among the animals, and the radiance from the fire and lightning came out of the fire. (This is a kind of scarecrow for gullible fearful people).

14 And the animals moved quickly to and fro, like lightning flashing. (The structure was moving and the animals were moving in different directions, apparently intending to break out of the fetters).

15 And I looked at the animals, and, behold, on the ground beside these animals, one wheel in front of their four faces. (The design also had wheels that were positioned in front of images of animal faces).

16 The appearance of the wheels and their arrangement is like the appearance of topaz, and the likeness of all four is the same; and by their appearance and arrangement it seemed as if the wheel was in the wheel. (Topaz is a mineral of the subclass of insular silicates, it can be of various colors: yellow, blue, pink or colorless. Complex wheel designs).

17 As they walked, they walked on their four sides; during the procession they did not turn around. (Between 593 and 591 BC, this event was repeated twice more in the same form, and about 20 years later – about 572 BC – for the fourth time. Three times Ezekiel took part in the flights of the «firmament». For the third and fourth time, that is, in 591 and 572 BC, as he claims, he was taken on a «divine» chariot from Khabur to Jerusalem. In 587 BC, that is, in the period between these two «flights», Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple erected by Solomon).

18 But their rims were high and terrible; their rims were full of eyes around all four of them. (Already in the Uruk period (chariots-carts were invented in the Southern Urals more than 4 thousand years ago) the Sumerians had wheeled carts, and since the third millennium BC, wheels, in order to reduce wear, began to be upholstered on the rim with nails with convex caps – such, for example, copper nails about 5 centimeters long).

19 And when the animals went, the wheels also went by [them]; and when the animals rose from the ground, then the wheels also rose. (American psychologists who studied this text found in Ezekiel symptoms of catalepsy – a painful numbness observed in a number of mental illnesses. The philosopher Karl Jaspers, a psychiatrist by training, published in 1947 a work devoted to an attempt to investigate the visions of the prophets from the point of view of psychopathology; he believes that they should be considered as hallucinations of paranoids prone to schizophrenia, that is, mentally ill with obsessive ideas. According to psychiatrists, the image of wheel rims dotted with «eyes» is a typical symptom of the disease. Many paranoids suffering from persecution mania claim that they constantly feel the gaze of many eyes on themselves  just like Ezekiel).

20 Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they also went; wherever the spirit went, and the wheels rose up along with them, for the spirit of the animals was in the wheels. (The chariot of a complex design moved with great difficulty, since there were also living beings in it – people, animals, as well as their models – the «spirit of animals»).

21 When they walked, they walked; and when they stood, they stood; and when they rose from the ground, then the wheels also rose with them, for the spirit of the animals was in the wheels. (The chariot of a complex design moved with great difficulty, since there were also living beings in it – people, animals, as well as their models – the «spirit of animals»).

22 Above the heads of the animals was a kind of vault, like a kind of amazing crystal stretched out above their heads. (Ezekiel saw «the likeness of a vault» descending in a fiery cloud (Luther wrote at this point in his translation of the Bible: «Shaped like the firmament»), carried by four winged beings. The creatures had metal legs and one wheel each. On the upper side of the vault, which Ezekiel calls «the likeness of the throne,» the prophet saw «as if the likeness of a man,» and this «likeness» spoke to him).

23 And under the arch their wings stretched straight one to the other, and each had two wings that covered them, each had two wings that covered their bodies. (Apparently, Ezekiel imagined something like a battle chariot with sickles (a chariot from the wheels of which sickles or curved swords protruded), known even from Greek testimonies about the East. In addition, not only in India, but also in Mesopotamia, and since very ancient times, along with war chariots, cult ones with statues of gods were also used. Such carts were quite common for the equipment of that time).

24 And as they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a great noise, like a noise in a military camp; [and] when they stopped, they lowered their wings. (The people in this structure made a lot of noise, including using homemade wings, in order to influence their victim in this way, in this case Ezekiel).

25 And the voice came from the vault that was over their heads; when they stopped, then they lowered their wings. (The voice was reproduced by a man hiding in a chariot).

26 And over the vault that was above their heads, there was a likeness of a throne in appearance, as if made of a sapphire stone; and over the likeness of the throne there was a likeness of a man above on it. (This man stood on a certain throne in order to intimidate Ezekiel so that he would believe that God himself was «broadcasting» to him. Sapphire is a mineral, a blue or blue variety of corundum).

27 And I saw, as it were, a flaming metal, as it were, a kind of fire within it around; from the sight of its loins and above, and from the sight of its loins and below, I saw, as it were, a kind of fire, and a radiance [was] around it. (All kinds of tricks, including torches with fire, the glow from mirrors, etc., are used to impress the hypnotized).

28 In what form does a rainbow appear on clouds during rain, such was the appearance of this radiance around. (All kinds of tricks are used to impress the hypnotized).

Chapter 2

1 Such was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw this, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of the Speaker, and He said to me: Son of man! Stand on your feet, and I will speak to you. (Ezekiel understood the words «the voice of the Speaker,» which means he was speaking in a language known to Ezekiel).

2 And while he was speaking to me, the spirit entered into me and set me on my feet, and I heard him who was speaking to me. (The suggestion began to take effect).

3 And he said to me, Son of man! I am sending you to the children of Israel, to the rebellious people who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers are traitors before me to this very day. (Lord God, that is, persons interested in spreading Judaism, gave Ezekiel instructions on the transformation of Ezekiel’s native society; thanks to these instructions, the local Judaic religion turned into one of the world religions. God. Yahweh becomes the «judge of the world.» The political background of the «Ezekiel revolt» was the subjugation and subsequent destruction of the kingdom of Solomon by the Egyptian and Babylonian empires and the beginning of the dispersion of Jews outside of what was then Palestine. Ezekiel himself, at the age of about 30, was hijacked from Jerusalem to Babylon. He was among the first to be expelled from his homeland. The place of his imprisonment was located on the bank of a tributary of the Euphrates – Khabur, also called Khovar. There, five years later, his first vision of the «divine chariot» took place).

4 And these sons with a callous face and a hard heart; I am sending you to them, and you will say to them: «Thus saith the Lord God!» (The priests of Judaism, using a stage show, influenced their priest to become a «herald of God»).

5 Whether they will listen or not, for they are a rebellious house; but let them know that there was a prophet among them. (Ezekiel is «appointed» as a prophet).

6 But you, son of man, do not be afraid of them and do not be afraid of their speeches, if they are wolves and thorns for you, and you will live with scorpions; do not be afraid of their speeches and do not be afraid of their faces, for they are a rebellious house; (The suggestion of fearlessness, that is how hypnotists would act, that is theater and verbal suggestion. «Rebellious House» – those who have departed from Judaism).

7 And speak to them my words, whether they will listen or not, for they are stubborn. (The stubborn ones who stopped feeding the priests of Judaism).

8 But you, son of man, listen to what I will say to you; don’t be stubborn like this rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. (The suggestion was to convince Ezekiel to give up stubbornness, only listen and eat what the priests would give, most likely some «sacred» object).

9 And I saw, and, behold, a hand was stretched out to me, and, behold, a scroll of books was in it. (Using a book scroll to «confirm» the truth of events).

10 And he unfolded it before me, and behold, the scroll was written inside and out, and it was written on it, «Weeping, and groaning, and woe.» (Ezekiel could read.)

Chapter 3

1 And he said to me, Son of man! Eat what is in front of you, eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel. (An offer to eat a book scroll and then go to the «rebellious house» of Israel).

2 Then I opened my mouth, and he gave me to eat this scroll; (Ezekiel obediently fulfills the will of the hypnotist).

3 And he said to me, «Son of man! Fill your belly and fill your insides with this scroll that I am giving you; and I ate it, and it was sweet as honey in my mouth. (Eating a «sacred» object, in this case a book scroll, perhaps the scroll was soaked in some sweetness).

4 And he said to me, Son of man! Get up and go to the house of Israel, and speak to them in My words; (The Prophet refers to the Israelites so that they perceive the information beneficial to the priest-hypnotist).

5 For you are not sent to the people with an inarticulate speech and an incomprehensible language, but to the house of Israel («The House of Israel» – «the chosen ones»).

6 not to many nations with slurred speech and incomprehensible language, whose words you would not understand; yes, if I had sent you to them, they would have obeyed you; (You can also send to the «unelected»).

7 But the house of Israel will not listen to you; for they will not listen to me, because the whole house of Israel is with a strong forehead and a hard heart. (The Israelites have stopped bringing food to the priests of Judaism, and they send hypnotized prophets).

8 Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads. (This maxim can be understood as follows, Ezekiel is well bombed and coded (enchanted and hypnotized), so he will be able to convince the stubborn «chosen ones» to return to the bosom of Judaism).

9 I have made your forehead like a diamond, which is stronger than a stone; do not be afraid of them, and do not be afraid before them, for they are a rebellious house. (The diamond is the third precious stone in the second row of stones of the judgment breastplate of the high priest. According to some interpreters, there may be an inaccuracy of translation here: the Hebrew word «yahalom» does not mean diamond, but perhaps jasper).

10 And he said to me, «Son of man! all My words that I will speak to you, accept with your heart and listen with your ears; (Installation of a hypnotist).

11 Arise and go to the emigrants, to the sons of your people, and speak to them, and say to them, «Thus saith the LORD God!» whether they will listen or not. (Installation of a hypnotist).

12 And the spirit lifted me up; and I heard a great thunderous voice behind me: «Blessed is the glory of the Lord from his place!» («Lifted up the spirit» —that is, Ezekiel fell into a hypnotic trance, the thunderous voice of the hypnotist gave the last setting).

13 and also the noise of the wings of animals touching one another, and the sound of wheels beside them, and the sound of a great thunder. (The helpers helped to influence the prophet).

14 And the spirit lifted me up, and took me. And I went in sorrow, with an anxious spirit; and the hand of the Lord was firmly on me. («Raised the spirit» – that is, Ezekiel fell into a hypnotic trance, Ezekiel, however, did not fly, but «walked» in a hypnotic state, «the hand of the Lord was firmly on me» – hypnosis worked perfectly, the session worked, Ezekiel became a slave of a priest-hypnotist, who allegedly was god).

15 And I came to those who had been moved to Tel Aviv, who lived by the river Khovar, and I stayed where they lived, and spent seven days among them in amazement. (The Prophet of 7 days (the «sacred» seven) propagandized maxims beneficial to the Jewish priests, where the Jewish settlers lived).

16 After seven days, the word of the Lord came to me: (However, the spell (hypnosis) gradually disappeared, so a new verbal suggestion became necessary).

17 son of man! I have made you a guardian of the house of Israel, and you will listen to the word from my mouth, and you will instruct them from Me. (In its purest form, verbal hypnotic influence).

18 When I say to the wicked, «You will die by death,» and you will not admonish him or speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, so that he may live, that wicked man will die in his iniquity, and I will seek his blood at your hands. (The wrongdoer is the one who does not admire Yahweh and does not comply with the laws of Judaism, of course, if he does not come to his senses, then death awaits him, the prophet must contribute to the fact that the wrongdoer realized his «mistakes» and embarked on the path of correction, otherwise the prophet becomes an instrument of killing the wrongdoer).

19 But if you have admonished the wicked, and he has not turned from his iniquity and from his iniquitous way, then he will die in his iniquity, but you have saved your soul. (The prophet saves his soul in the event of the death of the wrongdoer, this is a very advantageous interpretation for the priests, who seem to have nothing to do with it, the priests remain behind the Scenes).

20 And if a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and acts wickedly, when I put a stumbling block before him and he dies, then if you did not admonish him, he will die for his sin, and his righteous deeds that he did will not be remembered to him; and I will seek his blood at your hands. (In any case, the prophet will be extreme, God, that is, the scheming priest, will «seek the blood of the wrongdoer» and will find out through the «sacred» substance – blood about what the prophet undertook in order to return the «rebellious house» to the bosom of Judaism. It is not profitable for the priests to kill the «chosen ones», it is profitable for them to constantly «milk» them, that is, so that the «chosen ones» bring more and more often food (without a flaw) for the priests-schemers).

21 But if you admonish the righteous, so that the righteous does not sin, and he does not sin, then he will also live, because he was admonished, and you saved your soul. (It is not profitable for the priests to kill the «chosen ones», it is profitable for them to constantly «milk» them, that is, so that the «chosen ones» bring more and more often food (without a flaw) for the priests-schemers).

22 And the hand of the LORD was upon me there, and he said to me, Arise and go out into the field, and I will speak with you there. («The Hand of the Lord» is a hypnotic obsession caused by the passes of the hands. The priest-hypnotist commands his hypnotized slave).

23 And I arose, and went out into the field; and, behold, the glory of the LORD stood there, like the glory that I had seen by the river Khovar; and I fell on my face. (In the field, the prophet fell into a hypnotic trance, which is shown by the phrase «I fell on my face»).

24 And the spirit entered into me, and set me on my feet, and he spoke to me, and said to me, Go and shut yourself up in your house. («And the spirit entered me» – the hypnotic trance continues, the person becomes a slave to the hypnotist and fulfills all his instructions. From that time on, Ezekiel’s behavior became the behavior of the prophet).

25 And you, son of man, behold, they will lay bonds on you, and bind you with them, and you will not walk among them. (Verbal suggestion, the general meaning of which is not to obey the rebels, even if they exert influence).

26 And I will stick your tongue to your throat, and you will be numb, and you will not be their reprover, for they are a rebellious house. (The priest-hypnotist shows his power over the hypnotized, that he can stick his tongue to the larynx, the person becomes mute. This is quite possible with the help of hypnosis).

27 And when I speak to you, then I will open your mouth, and you will say to them, «Thus saith the LORD God!» whoever wants to listen, listen; and whoever does not want to listen, do not listen: for they are a rebellious house. (Setting up how to act and talk to the rebels).

Chapter 4

1 And you, son of man, take a brick for yourself and put it before you, and draw the city of Jerusalem on it; (Jerusalem in the form of a brick. The ancient prophets had «visions», received «revelations» and gave «signs» thanks to the hypnotic influence of the priests-hypnotists. Ezekiel assures that after the first «vision» already described, he also had a number of similar ones, with the participation of all the same winged bull-shaped cherubim carrying the throne and Yahweh on it (in places the name of God is replaced by the respectful expression «glory to Yahweh». At the same time, God, that is, the hypnotist priests, each time turns to the prophet his «word», reveals to him his plans for the future of Israel and, as a rule, prescribes Ezekiel to carry out the corresponding sign, describing in detail how to perform it).

2 and lay a siege against it, and make a fortification against it, and build a rampart around it, and set up a camp against it, and set up battering machines around it; (Plan for the siege of the city).

3 and take for yourself an iron plank, and set it up as an iron wall between you and the city, and turn your face towards it, and it will be besieged, and you will besiege it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel. (The plan of the siege of the city as a portent, a method of imitative magic).

4 But you lie down on your left side and put the iniquity of the house of Israel on it: according to the number of days that you lie on it, you will bear their iniquity. (Iniquity is a rejection of faith in Yahweh; lying motionless on one side for many days was catalepsy, but some researchers today attribute all these manifestations to the ecstatic state of the prophet and do not consider them as symptoms of a nervous illness. Naturally, these are primarily religious researchers).

5 And I have appointed unto thee the years of their iniquity by the number of days: three hundred and ninety days shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. (390 days – the magic of numbers, for the iniquities of the Israelites).

6 And when you have done this, lie down on your right side a second time, and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah on you for forty days, a day for a year, a day for a year I have appointed for you. (40 days – the magic of numbers, for the iniquities of the Jews).

7 And turn your face and your naked right hand to the siege of Jerusalem, and prophesy against it. (The plan of the siege of the city as a portent, a method of imitative magic).

8 Behold, I have laid a bond upon you, and you will not turn from one side to the other until you have fulfilled the days of your siege. (Suggestion of the priest-hypnotist).

9 Take for yourself wheat and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and spelt, and pour them into one vessel, and make yourself loaves of them, according to the number of days in which you will lie on your side; three hundred and ninety days you will eat them. (Without nutrition, however, even the «almighty» God will not work).

10 And your food, which you will eat, you will eat by the weight of twenty shekels a day; from time to time you will eat it. (Regulation of food intake).

11 And you shall drink water by measure, you shall drink the sixth part of a gin; from time to time you shall drink like this. (Gin is an ancient Hebrew measure of the volume of liquids, the sixth part of a baht is presumably about 3.5 liters).

12 And eat like barley cakes, and bake them in their sight on human feces. (Use of human feces as fuel, animal excrement).

13 And the LORD said: So the children of Israel will eat their unclean bread among the nations to which I will drive them out. (God expels, in fact, as a result of endless wars, the «chosen people» were resettled).

14 Then I said, O Lord God! my soul has never been defiled, and I have not eaten dead meat or torn by a beast from my youth until now; and no unclean meat has entered my mouth. (The «unclean» products included: dead meat, meat torn to pieces by animals, since it was possible to get infected with any infectious disease, the priests reached this experimentally).

15 And he said to me, «Behold, I allow you, instead of human feces, cow dung, and on it you cook your bread. (Dung, cow dung, is allowed to be used).

16 And he said to me, «Son of man! Behold, I will break the bread support in Jerusalem, and they will eat bread by weight and in sorrow, and they will drink water by measure and in despondency, (God allegedly breaks the bread and water support, which leads to hunger and thirst among the population).

17 for they will lack bread and water, and they will look at each other with horror, and they will wither away in their iniquity. (The main misfortune for priests is to lose food from fooled people, for them this is the main lawlessness).

Chapter 5

1 But you, son of man, take for yourself a sharp knife, take for yourself a barber’s razor, and run it over your head and over your beard, and take for yourself a scale, and divide the hair into parts. (Manipulation of «sacred» hair).

2 Burn the third part with fire in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled; take the third part and cut it with a knife in its vicinity; and scatter the third part to the wind; and I will draw my sword after them. (Manipulation of «sacred» hair).

3 And take a small number from this, and tie them in your floors. (Manipulation of «sacred» hair).

4 But take some of this also, and throw it into the fire, and burn it in the fire. From there, fire will come out on the whole house of Israel. (Manipulation with hair was supposed to mean «the exit of fire to the whole house of Israel», this sorcery is very beneficial to the priests of Judaism, since this or that event will inevitably lead in an allegorical sense to the «exit» of a certain fire, that is, trouble for «disobedient» Jewish Israelis who have stopped feeding the manipulative priests).

5 Thus saith the LORD God: This is Jerusalem! I have placed him among the nations, and around him are the lands. (Again, a very streamlined phrase, which is very beneficial to the Jewish priests, God «placed» Jerusalem among the peoples and the lands surrounding it).

6 But he has done more wickedly against my ordinances than the Gentiles, and worse against my ordinances than the lands around him; for they have rejected my ordinances and do not act according to my ordinances. (The Jews do not obey).

7 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: because you have multiplied your iniquities more than the Gentiles who are around you, you do not act according to my statutes and do not fulfill my ordinances, and you do not even act according to the ordinances of the Gentiles who are around you, (the Jews do not obey).

8 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: Behold, I am also against thee, I myself, and I will bring judgment among thee before the eyes of the Gentiles. (God will punish you).

9 And I will do to you what I have never done, and what I will never do again, for all your abominations. (The promise of all sorts of misfortunes).

10 Therefore the fathers will eat the sons among you, and the sons will eat their fathers; and I will judge you, and I will scatter all your remnant to all the winds. (The promise of all kinds of misfortunes, including cannibalism).

11 Therefore, as I live, says the LORD God, because you have defiled my sanctuary with all your abominations and all your abominations, I will belittle you, and my eye will not regret, and I will not have mercy on you. (The promise of all sorts of misfortunes).

12 The third part of you will die of the plague and perish of hunger in your midst; the third part will fall by the sword in your neighborhood; and the third part I will scatter to all winds, and I will draw the sword after them. (The promise of all sorts of misfortunes).

13 And my wrath will be fulfilled, and I will quench my wrath against them, and I will be satisfied; and they will know that I, the LORD, have spoken in my zeal, when my wrath is fulfilled over them. (God expresses his emotions like an ordinary crook-charlatan who is ready to mercilessly take revenge for being left without food).

14 And I will make you a desolation and a reproach among the nations that are around you, before the eyes of everyone passing by. (The promise of all sorts of misfortunes).

15 And you will be a mockery and a reproach, an example and a terror among the nations that are around you, when I will judge you in anger and fury, and in furious executions; – I, the Lord, have spoken this; – (The promise of all kinds of misfortunes).

16 and when I send upon them the fierce arrows of famine, which will destroy, when I send them to your destruction, and I will increase the famine among you, and I will break the bread support among you, (the promise of all kinds of misfortunes).

17 And I will send famine and fierce beasts upon you, and they will defile you; and pestilence and blood will pass over you, and I will bring a sword upon you; I, the LORD, have spoken this. (The promise of all sorts of misfortunes).

Chapter 6

1 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Suggestion by words).

2 son of man! turn your face to the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them, (An indication to the prophecy, beneficial to the Jewish priests).

3 And say, The mountains of Israel! Listen to the word of the Lord God. Thus saith the LORD God to the mountains and hills, valleys and valleys: Behold, I will bring the sword upon you, and I will destroy your heights; (Appeal to the Jews who have betrayed Yahweh).

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