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Will a being continue its spiritual development within the Real Universe? Yes, of course it will. But the starting point will be the 3rd sub-level of the 2nd level. The first two sub-levels act as a metaphysical bridge for future incarnations of a being. Having reached these levels, a being is put into sleepy state, which is achieved by temperature lowering. There are special storage units, located on the Moon to perform this function. Dead human beings’ souls are stored inside special chamber compartments, located 20.5 miles underground. Spiritual development shall correspond to the 1st and 2nd sub-levels of the 2nd level of the Real Universe. Each zone of this underground storage unit is controlled by a particular collective being, and its fragments. Once there is a free newborn body, it is the time to activate the karma law, and further reincarnate a human being. As a rule, human beings reincarnate within the same social and economic environment, which had been surrounding that being before its physical death. This is the reason, why souls don’t stay in these lunar storage units for long time. The beings of the 3rd sub-level and higher may proceed with their spiritual development within the condition of the Real Universe. A being is permitted to learn about its previous carnations experience, and lay out the further ways of its spiritual development in the carnal plane of life. It gets itself acquainted with the main life line, and further lessons on the basis of the evolutional karma law. As a rule, no being will experience discomfortб or protest against its ongoing incarnation, because it understands the necessity of such lessons in its future spiritual evolution. While resting in peace within the reality, created by a collective being, a human being will learn how to create its stable mental images, and surround itself with the panorama, which shall correspond to its internal state. These are the seedlings of souls’ creativity, and they are assisted by their guardian angels. In the end it influences formation of human being’s life line in the course of its future incarnation in the physical plane of life. This is a short summary of human souls’ spiritual evolution.”

“It has to be noted here, that evolution of intelligent beings within other planetary systems of the three-dimensional Universe is following the same way. The common data field will be formed thereby. This is how parallel worlds use to appear, with all similarities and differences between spiritual evolutions of intelligent beings. Having reached the 5th level of spiritual evolution and higher, a planetary civilization may assist other planetary civilizations, and their spiritual development. In this case assisting civilizations will be treated as gods, since they determine the reference points of spiritual evolution of beings, and forward them towards kindness and harmony. Is any given religious concept useful, in the strategic terms of the human race’s evolution, initiated on Earth by more spiritually developed cosmic civilization?”

“No doubt, it is! The religion, that pushes a personality to its harmonic development, is not considered interference in the inner processes of the human race’s evolution, and it does not violate the laws of creation. Every developed cosmic civilization is aware of playing conditions, if I explain it using your earthborn language. At the moment the human race’s evolution is governed by Oregonians. We have created the main religions, presented on Earth. Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Allah are the luminous beings of the 6th level of the Real Universe. Their religious companions refer to the beings, which ‘took the lead’ in spiritual evolution of Oregonians. We treat them as masters, who were the first Oregonians to reveal the laws of creation, and the purpose of evolution within the Real Universe. Luminous beings spread kindness, sympathy, and desire for knowledge and creativity to each planet inhabitants they visit. Entire human race, as well as every soul, is subject to luminous beings’ attention. Each human soul is invisibly supported in the course of its spiritual evolution. The seedlings of kindness and sympathy support life power of a divine ‘self’, which is the character of a human soul. No soul is abandoned to its fate; guardian angels and collective beings will not let it get lost in the darkness of outer space. They will guide a soul towards a collective ‘self’.”

“But now, let’s revert to our journey to the 7th sub-level of the 2nd level of the Real Universe. As I already told you before, the framework of this area was formed based on mental images of a collective being. The surroundings exist right there and then beyond time and three-dimensional space. Is there any three-dimensional matter and distance between the objects, provided that nothing here can be measured in terms of time? Yes. But note that the distance between the objects is rather referential here. You are used to think about the distance if you see a road. However, any distance in this reality is just an illusion, based on your mental imagination. Now you can see three clouds over there, as they are slowly going along the road. These are dead people’s souls. It only takes our desire to come up with them.”

Indeed. Suddenly, we found ourselves standing next to them. They were a man and a woman, holding their hands. They were walking ahead. At the rear, I saw a young woman, who was looking around. She looked frightened.

“Alex, my friend!” said Anna. “When you were looking at them from afar, you thought they were just white clouds, but once I told you they were dead people souls, you wished to see them. Following your mental images, the data field has shown you how they looked like, before they’d passed away. However, this stable image becomes stronger by the efforts of dead souls themselves, when they become aware they were people after their physical death. Thus, you will see those images of human beings, as they would represent by themselves. Look, the two, who are walking ahead, are people from a Nordic country. They died in a road accident. And this young lady is a teacher from one of the Mediterranean countries; she died from a snake bite. She has not yet overcome her fear, despite her soul’s vibrations are brought in order by this world of rest and peace. Sometimes she is asking herself whether there are snakes hiding in the surrounding grass.”

Suddenly, the young lady screamed, then rushed to me, and cuddled up to me. I felt her body was quite material, and it was hardly different from the one within the physical reality. I hugged her shoulders, and tried to quiet her down. To be fair, I was frightened as well, as I saw the grass quivering near the road, as if it was hiding a lurking snake. Anna stooped and picked up a little fluffy rabbit. It had pink beady eyes. The rabbit was so little, that it fitted in Anna’s palm. Anna gave the rabbit to the young lady. She cuddled it, and we three gave a cheerful laugh.

“This is an example of how any fear within this reality can be overcome if one shifts his or her mental images to something nice and beautiful.” said Anna in the end.

2.3 Visiting the extramundane city, meeting Yaroslav the Wise, my reincarnations.

Then we climbed the hill, from which we could see fantastic panorama of a city, smothered in blossoming varicolorous gardens. I was mostly impressed by the radiance, emitted by that city. It was like a wonderful rainbow, gleaming with the colors of unearthly beauty. For some reason, I remembered the novel ‘The Wizard of Oz’. I could not overemphasize all the color shades of that rainbow. The music sounded from somewhere, and together with the rainbow it was combined into a harmony of sounds and colors, making the uncovered panorama a pleasant realm of sound-and-light show. Here and there in the emerald green and bright flowers, I could see marvelous architectural ensembles of palaces. One of them resembled a frustum of cut-glass pyramid. Hanging gardens could be seen inside it. A narrow blue river was winding nearby, surrounded by beautiful gardens. Tiny houses appeared among the green, highlighted by their red tile roofs. The river was crossed with several bridges, which resembled Roman aqueducts.

Our companions stopped as well, impressed by the uncovered panorama. A man and a woman were approaching us from the opposite direction. Their faces were kind as they smiled happily at the sight of us.

“These are their guardian angels!” said Anna and smiled. “You have a guardian angel too, you will meet him later. They have already met their luminous beings, I mean, their collective beings, on the seashore, and now they are aware of their doings.”

I kept watching over their meeting. I expected to see angels’ wings, but instead I was looking at their kind faces. I was astonished by their throughout simplicity: the way they dressed, the manner of their movements, and their behavior. The angel woman approached the elderly couple and kissed their foreheads one by one. With a gleaming smile and spreading her gladness, she took their hands and led them away to the city. The angel man came up to the young lady and hugged her. She cozied up to him, and then he passed his hand over her hair and said, pointing towards the river. “We will live in one of these houses together, and your family and friends will come to visit us.” I saw tears of joy on her face. Then the young lady waved me and Anna goodbye, and slowly moved towards the houses, located on the riverside. Her head leaned against the angel’s shoulder. I was sad she was leaving, and I decided that I would surely visit her one day.

“Well,” said Anna. “The happiness of meeting, as well as grief of parting, is also a part of this world. I know you want to ask me something. That young lady died, because her life on Earth was disordered, and this could have disrupted her spiritual evolution in future. But here she can continue her spiritual development, as this world is full of love and kindness. Before we go ahead, I want to ask you something. How are you feeling? What do you feel in the physical realm? Do you remember your past lives on Earth, and in what way do you remember them?”

“Dear Anna! I never felt so good before,” I replied her. “The world of love and peace is around me, my mind is abnormally clear. I can remember everything I’ve ever read, written, or learned down to every last detail. My past lives seem to be something united, like it is one long life. But my past events superimpose on one another, so I cannot clearly name any particular historical period. I can only feel instinctively, that I used to be a warrior, a plowman, a monk, and a student.”

“Alex, my friend,” said Anna with smile. “Your perception of the past carnations is typical for all human beings, which experienced physical death. It is true; you face some issues with naming of the particular eras of your past lives, since in those days there were no calendars and timescales, as can be found in encyclopedias. This is why there are special libraries to register summarized humans’ lives within this reality, and this will also characterize their personal ‘selves’. Our destination now is exactly one of these libraries. But first, I will show you the city and human beings’ lives in the here and now.”

While talking away the time, we entered the city, buried in verdure. Either side of rather narrow street was occupied by sidewalks, paved with slabs, as it seemed to me. Some umbrageous trees resembling our cypresses were ranged along the road, covered with asphalt and divided by a white middle strip. There was scrupulous neatness in every surrounding; not a fleck of dust could strike the eye. Behind the sidewalk I could see the lawns of green grass with neatly trimmed bushes and flowered beds. The shades of trees revealed the contours of villas with huge doors and windows. Butterflies of fantastic marking skittered around. The whole street panorama’s rest and coziness were filled up with the babble of birds. In the meantime, Anna and I approached a bus stop, marked with the stop sign. It was a pillar with the multicolored image of a bus. There was a woman and her child standing at the stop, and a man, who was reading a newspaper. It’s been a long time since I got rid of the feeling of being in the ‘afterworld’. After all that I’ve seen there, it seemed to me I was in some south resort town.

Disturbing thoughts were back in my mind. How did I get here? And how shall I get out of here? Am I in Greece, or in Spain? I am short of money, maybe I need to borrow some from Anna. I was gloomily thinking.

“Alex, my friend,” said Anna and touched my shoulder. “Don’t worry about trifles. This city and its area panorama are the result of the stable mental images of a collective being. It was exactly this collective being, which took care about the natural layout of city environment (as well as the country imaging). This is the place for those people, who are used for this type of environment within their physical plane of life of the particular historical period. Working and education are of fully creative nature, which pushes spiritual development of personal ‘self’. Here people line up with each other according to their professional skills, while their spiritual commonality improves their self-development. Children will remain children until they are aware of their grown-up personalities, based on their past lives experience. Visiting kindergartens and going to schools improve their progress. Educational process is arranged in order to make individual ‘self’ of a child gradually cognize his or her personal ‘self’. For example, if a parent and his or her child die under tragic circumstances, they both get in the reality, which will correspond to parent’s spiritual development. Parents’ love may increase vibrational frequency of their children. Only after children cognize their individual ‘selves’, their egoities (souls) will return to that reality, which corresponds to spiritual evolution of their past carnations. This is due to the fact that a human being can achieve a minimum result of its spiritual development once it is 21 earthyears old. But nevertheless, even in case parents and their children are on different levels of spiritual evolution, they may still meet in real life. Less spiritually developed being may wish to meet more developed being. In this case, they will meet within the habitat of the less developed being, and this will stimulate it spiritual development within its own environment. This is why there aren’t so many children in this reality. The process of their grown-up personalities’ establishment, or, rather, cognition, will be quicker in comparison with the one within the physical plane of life. The only stumbling stone to slow down this process is the unfailing love of parents. It will keep children with their parents in case they experience physical death together. The process of children’s cognition of their grown-up personalities within this reality is much like the development process in the physical plane of life. Same kindergartens, same schools. When creating this reality, a collective being is first of all based on the principle of continuation of spiritual evolution of each human being under most favorable conditions. If a person is used to read newspapers every morning, he or she will be reading them also in this reality; if a mother is used to go to work by bus and take her child to kindergarten, she will be doing the same in this reality, and so on. Thus, mental images of each personality fill up and enrich the common panorama of a reality with particular actions (information). I mean, this is the first stage of simulating real physical life, which is hardly distinguishable from the reality of the carnal plane of life. Since there is no time in this reality, human beings create their own time frames: going to work, going to educational institutions, and so on. They are based on their carnal living experience. However, their time frames will be gradually extended, as their egoities cognize the new reality they are put in. Then there comes a point, when a being is fully aware of its new reality, and its time frames will no longer exist in its post-mortal experience. Then that being will be taken by a collective being for a new reincarnation. Notably, that this process makes the whole creation freeze for a while, as everyone feels the great power of collective being’s love.”

I saw a bus drawing up at the stop. It was a modern bus, and its whole surface was reflecting light like a huge mirror. I could not clearly see the driver due to the tinted front windows. The bus door was opened, and following the woman, her child, and the man, Anna and I climbed its convenient steps and entered the passenger compartment. We chose a double seat and the bus inched forward. I was examining the interior, which made my mind admire the genius of science. Nice decorative finishing, convenient seats, and even easy listening were at our service. Two women were sitting behind us and discussing some medical subject. I looked around and feasted my eyes with the city view. Fancy villas were passing on either side. They all were buried in verdure and flowers. Little squares with fountains and fantastic engoldened sculptures came more thickly as we got closer to the city center. There weren’t too many passerby people, but their exalted faces were radiating joy and happiness. Here is a young couple holding their hands and sitting near to the fountain. Look, they are slushing over each other! What a crystal-clear water! There is a young man of an intelligent appearance. He is quickly writing something in his notebook and biting his pencil from time to time. Indeed, life is in full swing here! That was what I was thinking about.

Suddenly, the bus brought us to a vast square, where I could clearly see the frustum of pyramid, which was shining like a diamond. It was joined with a wide marble staircase. The either side of the staircase was decorated with silver figures of people, representing different historic periods. There was a warrior, a woman with her child, a plowman, a scientist, an astronaut, and many other sculptural symbols, reflecting realities of the human race’s evolution.

“Alex, my friend!” said Anna, while climbing the stairs. “Our final destination is this library of each human being’s incarnations. However, there are not only incarnation records stored here. You may also find any manuscript and any book of any previous eras of the human race’s evolution. You will be able to see the data on human beings’ evolution with your own eyes. You will just need to use the data field capabilities. Here appears a reasonable question. What is the point of going to the library to get the knowledge on the past, when your thoughts become ‘material’ within this reality? Wouldn’t it be enough to imagine it to get the answer? Indeed, you may choose this way, but the answer will be unclear and unspecific, because you cannot imagine the time frame of the historic period of the events you are interested in. The library is a different story. It will give you written reply to every of your questions. Then, using your stable mental images and desires, you will be able to get the information about real events, which will be reflected in the three-dimensional view by means of the data field. You can get yourself acquainted with such information in two ways. First, you may watch historical events from a distance. Second, you may choose to take part in historical events as one of your previous personalities, if that is applicable to your spiritual evolution. Listen how it is working: after a being gets the knowledge on its past incarnation, it is invited to a special hall. This hall is equipped with the screen. While staying in this hall, a being will focus and project its mental images, related to its past life, to the screen. It will try to present details of the period it is interested in. And the data it got in the library will guide it. Thus, when a personality is within the data field of the Real Universe, it will gradually align its vibrational frequency with that exactly period of its life, which it wishes to repeat. Once vibrational frequency of its present individual ‘self’ aligns with the one of its past individual ‘self’, they will merge together. By doing this, personal ‘self’ may again experience the events of its previous lives. In order to return to its original individual ‘self’, personal ‘self’ will readjust its vibrations in a proper way. It will again use its mental images and the data field. Dear Alex! You are free to choose any of your incarnations in the library and get through your past events again.”

In the meantime, we climbed the stairs leading to the library. An inscription in large golden letters above the entrance read: 'Universe’s Evolution Library’. The doors were open, and we saw a man of average height going out of the building. He was dressed in loose cotton-white clothes. A diamond resembling the ‘Eye of Providence’, framed by golden setting, was shining on his chest. His long silver hair was braced by a golden circlet; light-colored eyes were radiating warmth and kindness. All his character seemed to combine youth and wisdom. His wisdom was accentuated by silver hair, while his bright light-colored eyes together with his smile reflected his youth and strength of mind. I felt sympathy and great respect towards his person. I was glad to see him, and my soul seemed to be bursting.

“Welcome to the temple of knowledge, dear Anna and Alex!” said the man with his deep and pleasant voice. He motioned to us to enter the door, sparkling with gilding.

“I am very glad to see you, dear Yaroslav! You are still noble and handsome; the years had not aged you in any way, prince!” said Anna, smiling in a playful manner.

“Oh, Holy Russia! When are you going to call me?” said Yaroslav in the same spirit and smiled.

“Anna, my dear, I am glad to introduce Alex to his past incarnations. I think he will wish to check the capabilities of the data field and experience one of his past lives. Alex, believe me, your time travel will leave a lasting impression. After such a journey, any human will be assured that all the past incarnations and individual ‘selves’ keep existing through time. By doing so, you can pay a visit into different eras of the human race’s evolution, see historical events with your own eyes, and reconsider them!”

“Alex, my friend!” Anna was addressing me. “In one of his past incarnations, Yaroslav was exactly Yaroslav the Wise6, the grand prince of the Ancient Rus’. Now he refers to the being of the 3rd level, and he so much liked his life journey of the prince, or rather his individual ‘self’ of that incarnation, that even now he is keeping Yaroslav the Wise’s appearance within his personal ‘self’. In other words, any human being may here and now reconstruct the most favorite character of its past lives. Notably, that the character it wants to reconstruct will be completed with unusual properties, related to its next positive incarnations on Earth. I mean, physical appearance of a personality from the past may be a bit different from the original one due to idealization of personal ‘self’. The degree of such idealization directly depends on the degree of spiritual evolution of a being. Yaroslav refers to higher beings of the 7th sub-level. His spirituality, wisdom, and kindness help those souls, which have finished their life journey, to reconsider their experiences through the example of their past lives. By doing this, Yaroslav proceeds with his creativity here and now without the need to incarnate in the carnal plane of life. But if you think, that there is no library of this kind on the 3rd level, you are wrong! Of course, there are same libraries on every next level of the Real Universe, since the data field is unified. But, the higher spiritual evolution level is, the more different such libraries’ arrangement will be. Collective beings may get any information and integrate into the data field of the Real Universe, by using their capabilities. This library lets you not just get the framed knowledge of your past lives, but also take any manuscript, any book, ever written by humans, both in past and in future. However, as I have already told you before, future is revealed gradually; otherwise no evolution in the here and now would be ever possible. In reality, this library is a clue, which allows getting any information about the ongoing evolution of the human race and entire Universe. This information is provided in the form of visual images. As a matter of fact, it is travel through time. Yaroslav helps every human being, which has reached the 7th sub-level, to get the knowledge it is interested in. On this count, his experience and his wisdom are just priceless!”

“Oh, Anna. You overestimate my merits!” Yaroslav told her smilingly. “I wish to add of myself, the higher spiritual evolution level within the Real Universe is, the more opportunities you will be given in order to explore the data field. Thus, you will improve your knowledge of the Universe’s evolution in total. This is the difference of inter-level libraries. However, this difference is very personal, since if you stay on the 3rd level you may ask questions, which would be unavailable to you if you stayed on the 2nd one. Everything depends on the knowledge, possessed by a particular individual.”

We entered a huge hall and stepped on its marble floor, decorated with golden ornament. There was a garden around the hall; I could smell the fine aroma of the flowers, which covered tree branches. My spirit was calm and happy as I heard the babble of birds resembling our earthborn hummingbirds. Multicolored butterflies were playing among flowers. Behind the trees I could see panorama of the city and its surrounding area, because the walls were transparent. In the distance, surrounded by blue haze, there were silhouettes of the mountains. The river was winding its way on the plain.

We climbed that wide marble staircase and entered the reading room, which impressed me with its coziness and comfort. There were massive gold-encrusted tables, placed along the walls with large windows. Each table was surrounded by four armchairs, each of which was just a masterpiece. Combination of cherry seat covers and golden incrustation left an indelible impression. Such armchairs would be fine for greatest kings. As it seemed to me, each table was fitted with an electric table lamp with emerald-colored lamp shade. Each lamp represented a little golden sculpture of some figure. There were sculptures of a fairy, a wistful knight riding his horse, and different fairy-tale characters. The atmosphere in the hall was semi-dark, so the lamps were lighting here and there on tables, occupied by rare visitors, and this created a romantic climate.

Yaroslav motioned me and Anna to have a seat, but instead of sitting down himself, he left the room. Since I had nothing else to do, I entertained myself looking at the visitors of the library. There was a young blonde woman in stylish glasses at the next table. She was thumbing through an old-fashioned tome. To my judgment, she must have been from Netherlands.

“No, I am not from Netherlands. I am from Sweden, and my name is Ingrid. What is your name?” She reacted to my silent thought.

“My name is Alexander, and I am from Russia.” I still did not pronounce a single word.

Ingrid made a jaunty wave of her hand and kept reading. I switched my attention to the table lamp. Its golden foot represented the image of a fairy, hiding under her umbrella. Combination of gold and enamel were making the image of that fairy very magnificent. Stars were shining as a diamond placer on her dark blue enameled dress, and her face was glowing with a friendly smile. She was wearing a crown with diamonds on her head.

I asked Anna to explain me how to switch on the table lamp.

“Alex, my friend! This world is subject to the power of thoughts. Nothing can be ruined or changed here against this collective being’s will. However, a human being may add some details from everyday life in this world. You can also use your thinking power to switch on this lamp. Check it out!”

I centered around my mind and silently asked “Lamp, switch on!” In the same time nothing short of an electric lamp flashed under the fairy’s green umbrella. Diamond stars, shining on her dress, were even brighter than before. Green shimmer of magnificent light was illuminating the surface of the table, while Anna and I stayed in the semi-shadow. I was rushed by romantic vibes and exalted desire for knowledge. I wished to explore the world around together with the entire Universe.

“This is not just light,” said Anna. “It is similar to the drink I offered you on our first acquaintance. Light stimulates cognition processes in your spirit and generates correspondent vibrations of the surrounding data field. Your personal 'self' is merging with this field into one common thing, and thus it can travel inside it. However, the data field seems to be divided into zones. You cannot travel through time and observe your past lives without correspondent adjustment of your soul’s vibrational frequency. Light is what will help you with this. You lack experience, but with the passage of time you will learn how to align yourself with ‘educational’ vibration by means of your thinking power.”

Once Anna finished her speech, I saw Yaroslav approaching us and carrying two thin red paper cases in his hands.

“I have brought two paper cases, although I could use my thinking power and stay in the reading room. But Alex, you are the newcomer, so everything must look natural,” said Yaroslav. “One paper case contains the list of your past incarnations, and the other one keeps the future incarnations of some historical figure. You can narrate these events in your book.”

6.Yaroslav I, Grand Prince of Rus', known as Yaroslav the Wise or Iaroslav the Wise (978 – 20 February 1054) was thrice grand prince of Veliky Novgorod and Kiev, uniting the two principalities for a time under his rule.

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