

Mrs. Amworth

Длительность книги 32 мин.


Чтец: Trevor O'Hare

Mrs. Amworth

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О книге

Mrs. Amworth by E. F. Benson, The village of Maxley, where, last summer and autumn, these strange events took place, lies on a heathery and pine-clad upland of Sussex. In all England you could not find a sweeter and saner situation. Should the wind blow from the south, it comes laden with the spices of the sea; to the east high downs protect it from the inclemencies of March; and from the west and north the breezes which reach it travel over miles of aromatic forest and heather…

Among the most significant works Edward Frederic Benson: And the dead Spoke…, The Outcast, Machon, Negotium Perambulans…, At the Farmhouse, Inscrutable Decrees, The Gardener, Mr Tilly's Seance, Mrs Amworth, In the Tube, Roderick's Story, The Horror Horn, The Mapp and Lucia, The Inheritor, Secret Lives, Naboth's Vineyard, At the Farmhouse, The Wishing-Well, The Terror by Night, The Thing in the

Hall, The Cat, The Sanctuary.

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Дата выхода на Литрес:
03 апреля 2020
32 мин. 18 сек.
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m4b, mp3, zip

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