Цитата из книги «White Fang / Белый Клык. Книга для чтения на английском языке»
It crushed them with the weight of unending vastness and unalterable decree. It crushed them into the remotest recesses of their own minds, pressing out of them, like juices from the grape, all the false ardours and exaltations and undue self-values of the human soul, until they perceived themselves finite and small, specks and motes, moving with weak cunning and little wisdom amidst the play and inter-play of the great blind elements and forces.
Жанры и теги
Возрастное ограничение:
16+Дата выхода на Литрес:
31 августа 2018Дата написания:
280 стр. 1 иллюстрацияISBN:
КАРОВходит в серию "Classical Literature (Каро)"